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Old 03-22-2013, 11:39 PM
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jcmtiger jcmtiger is offline
Joe M.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 2,252

I quit smoking in 1965 at 24 years old. My Grandfather was born in 1886 and smoked all his life, but he rolled his own cigarettes, He had his own cigarrette rolling machine. no chemicals. He also drank beer everyday, early years from a a bucket, warm beer, that's how they did it in those years. Died at 88 years old. My Dad smoked and did not drink but was involved with asbestas from cleaning out some some school ceilings. He died of lung cancer at 73 years old. Unfortunately, it is a combination of things that cause lung cancer. My cousin, who was my best man at my wedding died of lung cancer at 33 years old in 1976, he smoked, but worked at a diamond cutting factory and missed his annual chest exray. Still miss him.

Sad but true
"Ty Cobb, Spikes Flying"

Collecting Detroit 19th Century N172, N173, N175.
N172 Detroit. Getzein, McGlone, Rooks, Wheelock, Gillligan, Kid Baldwin Error, Lady Baldwin, Conway, Deacon White

Positive transactions with Joe G, Jay Miller, CTANK80, BIGFISH, MGHPRO, k. DIXON, LEON, INSIDETHEWRAPPER, GOCUBSGO32, Steve Suckow, RAINIER2004, Ben Yourg, GNAZ01, yanksrnice09, cmiz5290, Kris Sweckard (Kris19),Angyal, Chuck Tapia,Belfast1933,bcbgcbrcb,fusorcruiser, tsp06, cobbcobb13
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