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Old 03-09-2013, 11:12 AM
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Brent Niederman
Bre.nt Nieder.m@n
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 2,547
Default My Collection...

This is a very difficult topic to discuss in regards to what specifies a 'rookie card'. I know my definition, or collecting niche you can call it, is that I consider the first card of a player in a mainstream set. That mainstream set needs to be readily available pretty much nation wide, not just a specific region or state. Obviously, a lot of players do not have this, so if I have no 'rc' for that said player, I just try to get the ealiest signed card available for that player. An example of this is Honus Wagner. There are early 1900's cards of him, non are signed to my knowledge. The earliest 'true card' signed I've seen of him is a '40 Play Ball.

In my collecting of HOF signed 'rookies', I do not consider magazine photos, or clippings to count.

But I guess the number one, most important thing is to collect what you want. Everyone has there own opinions and views on what an 'rc' is, but in regards to your own collection, it's only your opinion that matters. I know I have a TON of pre-war cards that aren't 'rc's' like my Gehrig DeLong, Rousch, and tons of others. But they will do, because I consider them to fit my set, and I'm so happy I have them. I still get chills when I see my Gehrig signed DeLong, because I never thought I would EVER even own a Gehrig autograph, or an autographed card. But that's what makes me happy, and when it's broken down to whether it's a rookie or not, in the end, you just gotta be happy with it.

Last edited by HOF Auto Rookies; 03-09-2013 at 11:22 AM.
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