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Old 02-01-2013, 07:16 PM
abothebear abothebear is offline
George E.
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Birmingham, Alabama
Posts: 644

We are about two months away from the 2 year anniversary of the beginning of Buck's travels. He has been to many great sites the past two years, more than I could have imagined when we started.

I am not sure where he is currently resting but I figured I'd bump the thread back up to the top and repost the trade guidelines in hopes of re-energizing his travels.

The guidelines for the trade are this:
- Large Ass Herzog must be made available for trade again upon receipt.
- He may be traded for multiples, but must not be traded with any other card.
- He travels with a log book (I hope it still exists) that must be updated with dates and traded for info.
- The traded for item(s) must remain confidential (except for those with current log book access) even to past owners. If you want to know of LAH's trade history you have to trade for him.
- You must take a picture of yourself with LAH and post it on the site (this guideline quickly morphed into pics of Buck with local landmarks).
- You must re-post these rules when you make it available for trade (this one has not ben strictly followed, but the guidelines are posted and available so no big deal).

Here is a slideshow-type-thing I put together of his journey thus far.
The Travels of
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