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Old 12-21-2012, 11:59 AM
prewarsports prewarsports is offline
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Gotcha David, thats why I posted all the caveats on I was ONLY posting on what I saw and not making any definative statements since I have never owned an autograph of EITHER in my time.

Ball aside......

The letter and the signature posted are both clearly supposed to be the same guy, but are both clearly NOT written by the same person and I do not believe a stroke is the reasoning due to the dates being so close together and a stroke that would take a person from the letter to the card in handwriting would be a fairly extreme stroke. My Father had a stroke in 2003 and it took him about 6 months to a year to be able to regain the motor skills to be able to write again and get to the point where his signature was even "shaky". In this case we are only talking about a month or so.

I believe that the first autographs "shakiness" is almost certainly due to old age and is consistant with what you see in older mens autographs. Usually stroke victims where it affects their motor skills are also shaky but the signature line itself is uneven and that is not present here, it is consistant and clean, but shaky.

I also believe that if I had to pick one as real and one as "secretarial" you would have to come to the conclusion that the clean and legible one is the secretarial because people do not choose someone with trouble writing to sign on their behalf.

Again, nothing definative as I have never owned any of the Hughes we are talking about, but I still stand behind the "hypothesis" that the first signature is authentic and the letter was written by a wife or daughter or someone else on behalf of Hughes, probably because he was getting older and could still "sign" like the note, but probably a long letter like that would have been very labor intensive and time consuming.

Just my thoughts on what I see in front of me and by no means am I privy to information that anyone else is lacking so take it for whatever that is worth.

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