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Old 12-14-2012, 05:29 PM
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Dan Lundrigan
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 103

Originally Posted by Matthew H View Post
This event is very different from past mass murders, at least to me. I'd be very surprised if this in not the event that brings on some sort of change. I don't think an assault rifle ban would do anything, I also think that banning guns all together is never going happen. Mental illness will continue to be a non-issue and some families will continue to ignore their loved ones problems until it blows up in their face.

I don't know if, as a society, we'll ever see an end to this level of violence. I believe it's now part of the "norm". I would like to see people draw a line, though, where very young children are involved. I believe we should spare no expense at protecting them.

Of the top of my head, I'm thinking that a system, much like a fire alarm, that can trip an alarm and lock every classroom door from the inside, allowing exit but no entry until help arrives, be installed in every school.
Matthew I like your idea, it`s sort of along the same line as i am suggesting in an earlier post as well. Maybe this tragedy can make childrens safety (teachers too!) at school a top priority for this country, much like the war on terrorism is. I think this is an idea whoose time has come!
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