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Old 12-14-2012, 05:14 PM
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Dan Lundrigan
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 103

Originally Posted by Runscott View Post
That's true, but you have to remember that the order is: sympathy for the victims, fix the symptoms, vengeance. Some people are already at 'fix the symptoms' stage, which is understandable.
If there was a "fix" it would have been done by now problem is there is no easy "fix". Next to home, school should be the one place where parents can send their children and be safe from harm!

I don`t know how the security is at this school but I wish it was mandatory in this country that all public schools had doors that lock automatically and have at least a security camera at main entrance to view visitors before allowing them in. Sort of like having mandatory fire sprinklers to save lives.
Not saying that would have made a difference here since we really don`t know how things happened.

This tragedy brings back unpleasant memories for me. At my daughters school about 20 years ago a man entered school and killed the school nurse with a shotgun blast. She was at the front desk filling in for my friends mother who called in sick that day. He took a classroom hostage, fortunatly the principle actually wrestled the gun away from this madman and there were no children hurt. After this happened locking doors and security cameras were installed at all schools in town to hopefully prevent this from happening here again.
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