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Old 11-29-2012, 07:14 AM
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Brent Niederman
Bre.nt Nieder.m@n
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 2,548

Originally Posted by 71buc View Post
Calmarse! I totally disagree. Ruth played with the best who were allowed to play during his time. Even considering that a “huge portion of elite athletic talent was and is siphoned off by football and basketball”, todays athletes would physically dominate Ruth and his power hitting peers. Below are the names and physical attributes of some of the greatest power hitter’s pre 1940. Next to them I listed a contemporary middle infielder of similar size who is Latin American and of color.

Lou Gehrig 6ft 200 lbs - Elvis Andrus 6’ 200
Babe ruth 6’2” 215 - Hanely Ramierez 6’2” 230
Jimmie Foxx 6’ 195 - Roberto Alomar 6’ 184
Mel Ott 5’9” 170 - Omar Vizquel 5’9” 180

I love these discussions as they separate baseball from other sports.
While I agree, I disagree with your examples. Those guys couldn't even touch the HOF'ers, but I see where you're going with your point and I agree.
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