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Old 10-06-2012, 01:15 PM
Fuddjcal Fuddjcal is offline
Chuck Tapia
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Originally Posted by travrosty View Post
pass had got hammered by people who wont admit it anymore, but now that paas is recognized for its good work going after the fakers, those people dont have anything to say about it anymore and got amnesia all of the sudden. paas is one of the companies that will respond to an email sent to them, more than i can say about asp and asj.
As a former collector, I have stated "I'd Pass on PAAS.....However, the transparency for which he has repeatedly sticks his neck out LATELY simply tells me he is NOT a forgers best friend ala Chris Moraless, Tony "dont call me Jorge" Podsada & Drew "once in a blue moon" Maxx. So to group PAAS with those guys would be foolhardy.

His video was the only thing you could find years ago when you were trying to learn Mickey Mantle...My only beef with the guy was when the stupid nut jobs at ANL were blogging and he didn't really step up back then in certain situations.

I have seen his dedication lately to help squash all the forgeries that are just a festering boil on the hobby. If the guy makes a mistake, he makes a mistake, or at least will stand up to what he believes. Sometimes authenticators just have to agree to disagree. He also is now active in answering and contributing on autograph websites, trying everything he can to help. Certain items will always be questioned by many. It is my current belief that he is doing the best he can to provide the best customer service he can. He can't be any worse than whats out there now. Certainly his experience and length of service in the industry holds some weight in my opinion. As an entrepreneur fighting the corporate giants, I personally wish him well and applaud Javier Garcia for trying to go in a different direction as so many Auction Companies that lack any form of integrity.

Last edited by Fuddjcal; 10-06-2012 at 01:18 PM.
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