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Old 08-29-2012, 09:59 AM
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tbob tbob is offline
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Originally Posted by David W View Post
In Indiana I think the names for the jury pool come from the registered voter list.

Is that true in other states? If so, since a large percentage of people never register to vote, how representative of a jury do you get?

David- that is the way it goes in my state also. The jury panel is called based on the voter registration rolls. Thus anyone previously convicted of a felony (who never bothered to have his conviction later sealed) is automatically ineligible for jury duty. The move is on to shift from voter registration rolls to driver's license rolls but that opens up a can of worms because you can get a driver's license if convicted of a felony but you can not vote if you were convicted of any kind of felony, even if the sentence were suspended on good behavior.
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