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Old 07-03-2012, 07:04 AM
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Leon Leon is offline
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Originally Posted by wonkaticket View Post
Nash is a con man who due to his actions have duped and defrauded a lot of folks out of cash, enjoyment and so on.

He is running from the law in so many ways his head must be spinning from all the lawyers, judges & warrants. Like many folks in this situation his next course of action is to point fingers at others to draw attention away from his own actions. Sure some of the things he brings up are legitimate and bad stuff, but the person blowing the whistle is just as guilty. Like one criminal rolling over on another one is not a victim and one sure isn’t a hero.
John- well said but Travis will never, ever get it. He doesn't have the mental aptitude to see your, or almost everyone else's, point. Who cares what someone is doing, or has recently done, as long as that someone is pointing out those big crook auction houses. Who cares if the one doing the finger pointing is the biggest crook of all? It's ok because that darned autograph is bad. Boy, isn't that person pointing that out doing a great job! Forget all about the court cases, warrants and wrangling by the one exposing the other fraud, it's ok. Those darned big auctions.....oh wait, where did the fake memorabilia get consigned from?? Gee, how did that happen?

Yeah, I murdered 12 people but I gave a band aid to the guy with a paper cut. Am I ok now? ANSWER from Travis- "You ARE the best!!"
Leon Luckey

Last edited by Leon; 07-03-2012 at 07:18 AM.
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