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Old 07-02-2012, 08:52 AM
markf31 markf31 is offline
Mark Fox
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Posts: 857

I usually don't like to get involved in the grading arguments but I did just have one observation. As easlier in the thread people were pointing out the Wagner card's flaws as to why it should not be graded a 10 and while they are valid arguments my only question would be why do some issues get a pass on certain blemishes or conditions and yet we just accept them as the norm.

The glaring example that comes to mind for me are T205s and their gold borders. If you saw some of the boarder loss on other issues that you see on T205s the grades would be significantly lower, yet it seems we just accept them with the T205s. Just my two cents.
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