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Old 06-21-2012, 02:59 PM
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Richard Simon
Join Date: May 2009
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Ebay pulled it. I do have the screen shot and the cert verification page from the PSA site. I thought it would be wise to save those things.
First they are caught authenticating laser prints, then they are caught on ebay with an authentication of a rubber stamp. IMO the rubber stamp is a much worse incident. Who is minding the store? Who examined that one? Obviously a person who does not know anything about a Campy rubber stamp and that is inexcusable, if they are having people work for them who know so little.
How can they continue to hold themselves out as the top of the business authenticators when things like this happen.
Mistakes are inevitable, authenticators will make them, authenticators will actually disagree on things too. But this Campy is just too far out there for them to excuse it in any way.
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