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Old 06-14-2012, 11:52 AM
Touch'EmAll Touch'EmAll is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,044
Default Good for you, Leon


Good for you for getting back at it - running. Its a no brainer to a better, longer life. Just pay close attention to what your body tells you - keep at it but don't overdo it. Always stretch before working out, probably should stretch after workouts as well. Drink lots of water. Get good sleep. Eat balanced nutritious diet. Indulge a little. Its all good. There is no secret diet/program, but just use common sense and you will benefit.

I am a competitive masters swimmer, age 46, have a few swim meets on the horizon. Seems at this age, half the battle is getting up on the starting blocks just feeling good - no nagging aches and pains.
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