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vintagetoppsguy 07-27-2020 01:36 PM

Will you get vaccinated against COVID once it's available?
I was reading the thread on the main page about the 14 Marlins players testing positive for COVID and Jake made an interesting statement. He basically said that the virus will be around for years to come because 20-30% of people are not going to get a vaccine.

I'll be in that 20-30% (if not larger). I'm going to pass and take my chances with the virus.

Will you get vaccinated against COVID once it's available?

1952boyntoncollector 07-27-2020 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 2003332)
I was reading the thread on the main page about the 14 Marlins players testing positive for COVID and Jake made an interesting statement. He basically said that the virus will be around for years to come because 20-30% of people are not going to get a vaccine.

I'll be in that 20-30% (if not larger). I'm going to pass and take my chances with the virus.

Will you get vaccinated against COVID once it's available?

right...another interesting comment by me.

There will be a big debate on the news places about whether we have to cater to the non vaccinated will restaurants have to keep distancing customers etc or be liable etc...or maybe a covid and and non covid vaccine seating section.

we are going to be living with covid for years go come..

i bet you it will be in the thousands in terms of people that die or get really sick as a result of taking a vacinne which can occur when you talking about a BILLION + doses.

Seven 07-27-2020 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 2003332)
I was reading the thread on the main page about the 14 Marlins players testing positive for COVID and Jake made an interesting statement. He basically said that the virus will be around for years to come because 20-30% of people are not going to get a vaccine.

I'll be in that 20-30% (if not larger). I'm going to pass and take my chances with the virus.

Will you get vaccinated against COVID once it's available?

I am. My job involves me being around a lot of people on a day to day basis, and I help take care of my parents. Since it looks like I'm going to go back to work soon, I'm going to get vaccinated the moment it comes out and I can get it. It won't be infallible but It's better than nothing in my opinion.

todeen 07-27-2020 02:13 PM

I don't think I will have much of a choice. I am at at-risk individual, and my two jobs in education (high school and college) mean I work around hundreds of different people. My father is at-risk with lung problems. It'll be what it is (I'm kind of a fatalistic person). And if I die, my wife has a hefty life insurance policy on me to help ease the pain.

I'd get a DNR bracelet, but my wife would probably kill me if I did.

vintagetoppsguy 07-27-2020 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by 1952boyntoncollector (Post 2003336)
There will be a big debate on the news places about whether we have to cater to the non vaccinated will restaurants have to keep distancing customers etc or be liable etc...or maybe a covid and and non covid vaccine seating section.

I really wanted to keep this more like a survey instead of a discussion, but you bring up another interesting point. Once restaurants and other businesses fully reopen, how would they know who has been vaccinated and who hasn't? In other words, if they wanted refuse service to those that haven't been vaccinated, how would they do that? As far as I know, you can't legally ask that question. Anybody could lie and say they had when they hadn't.

1952boyntoncollector 07-27-2020 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 2003344)
I really wanted to keep this more like a survey instead of a discussion, but you bring up another interesting point. Once restaurants and other businesses fully reopen, how would they know who has been vaccinated and who hasn't? In other words, if they wanted refuse service to those that haven't been vaccinated, how would they do that? As far as I know, you can't legally ask that question. Anybody could lie and say they had when they hadn't.

They wont, but im sure they will put out a sign saying 'dine at your own risk'

There may be laws against suing restaurants in which you can prove you were infected that could apply but thats going to be by political lines

What about schools, i guess you will want to home school kids if they arent vaccinated...that debate will rage on in many areas and will go on for years.

If its a religious belief not to have vaccinations does the whole school now have to cater to that even though costs would be through the roof and there will be even more numbers saying risk to youth very low....

will go on and on........ its going to be the new normal....players out with covid the new normal as well..

Jim65 07-27-2020 02:41 PM

I've never had a flu shot in my life, I'm not starting now. No.

1952boyntoncollector 07-27-2020 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Jim65 (Post 2003359)
I've never had a flu shot in my life, I'm not starting now. No.

right so you will be at risk anytime you go out for the next 3 years at least.....not taking any position, there will be millions just like what it is.. the new normal...

todeen 07-27-2020 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by 1952boyntoncollector (Post 2003354)
They wont, but im sure they will put out a sign saying 'dine at your own risk'

There may be laws against suing restaurants in which you can prove you were infected that could apply but thats going to be by political lines

What about schools, i guess you will want to home school kids if they arent vaccinated...that debate will rage on in many areas and will go on for years.

If the GOP can get it through by trading something with the Democrats, there will be a zero liability clause for businesses...I heard up to 5 years. Businesses would probably still put out dine at own risk placards, but they would feel much safer about it.

58pinson 07-27-2020 03:31 PM

Not trying to dodge the question, but for me I want to see particulars about any vaccine before I make a decision. The expected efficacy level and challenge stage safety results will have to be made available.

I have no built in bias against one. Get the flu shot each year even though it's a crap shoot on an individual basis, and received all the standard immunizations that any post WWII child was given.

I'll take it if persuaded it's effective (even if only at a public health level), and most of all safe.

G1911 07-27-2020 04:12 PM

Not immediately, I will wait a reasonable time, look at the available data, and weigh if it is effective or not and the risks of a probably rushed vaccine, but I would plan on probably getting it.

The death rate is incredibly low, the data suggests that it really does have a death rate under 1% and probably similar to the seasonal flu after all, though it is more contagious, and this thing has been blown way, way out of proportion (I wonder why? hmmm) as the media pretends the Black Plague 2.0 is here.

However, it is still preferable and beneficial to your health to protect against highly-infectious diseases, even if the survival rate is 99.6-99.8% percent. I have pre-existing conditions that make it more likely to be lethal in my case, and so have greater incentive to do so myself.

More importantly, freedom = the right to make your own decisions. That includes poor decisions.

1952boyntoncollector 07-27-2020 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by G1911 (Post 2003383)
Not immediately, I will wait a reasonable time, look at the available data, and weigh if it is effective or not and the risks of a probably rushed vaccine, but I would plan on probably getting it.

The death rate is incredibly low, the data suggests that it really does have a death rate under 1% and probably similar to the seasonal flu after all, though it is more contagious, and this thing has been blown way, way out of proportion (I wonder why? hmmm) as the media pretends the Black Plague 2.0 is here.

However, it is still preferable and beneficial to your health to protect against highly-infectious diseases, even if the survival rate is 99.6-99.8% percent. I have pre-existing conditions that make it more likely to be lethal in my case, and so have greater incentive to do so myself.

More importantly, freedom = the right to make your own decisions. That includes poor decisions.

should ban smoking too......or how about soda...

people keep forgetting about the health damage that is occurring when we stay at home and economy gone as well....

G1911 07-27-2020 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by 1952boyntoncollector (Post 2003385)
should ban smoking too......or how about soda...

people keep forgetting about the health damage that is occurring when we stay at home and economy gone as well....

I don't smoke or drink soda, precisely it is terrible for my health to do so. I am not in favor of banning anything or regulating anything here, so I'm not sure what you are objecting too.

tschock 07-27-2020 07:25 PM

I see a lot of people saying (not in this thread) that they are waiting for a vaccine, yet I wonder how many of those people actually understand how ineffectual flu vaccines are in general. Do they expect THIS vaccine to be any more effective? I would wager dollars to donuts that in many people's minds they equate a vaccine to a cure.

That said, I get a flu vaccine every year and would likely get this one myself. For my wife's sake, not mine. If it were JUST me, I probably wouldn't get either.

steve B 07-27-2020 08:03 PM

That's my thinking as well. With nothing existing, it's just way too early to tell.


Originally Posted by 58pinson (Post 2003376)
Not trying to dodge the question, but for me I want to see particulars about any vaccine before I make a decision. The expected efficacy level and challenge stage safety results will have to be made available.

I have no built in bias against one. Get the flu shot each year even though it's a crap shoot on an individual basis, and received all the standard immunizations that any post WWII child was given.

I'll take it if persuaded it's effective (even if only at a public health level), and most of all safe.

seanofjapan 07-27-2020 08:34 PM

Hell yes. Vaccinations can only produce herd immunity if enough people get them. If you don't without a really good reason, you're just sabotaging an urgently needed public health measure and guaranteeing that this stupid pandemic and economic chaos will drag on and on.

bnorth 07-27-2020 08:42 PM

I am getting older, overweight, and have diabetes. BLEEP yes I am getting it when it is ready.

If I was younger and healthy I would not get vaccinated and roll the dice.

I honestly have not followed this much. Can you get it more than once or do they not really know yet? If it is a one and done I would first get the test to see if I have had it already.

MooseDog 07-27-2020 10:31 PM

Yes, no question. My late mother was a nurse, my brother is a retired MD so if he's OK with the vaccine data I'm in.

nat 07-28-2020 06:16 AM

Definitely. I'm young (ish) and healthy, but there are lots of people who aren't. Regardless of what it does for me, I'll take it to help protect others.

1952boyntoncollector 07-28-2020 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by G1911 (Post 2003414)
I don't smoke or drink soda, precisely it is terrible for my health to do so. I am not in favor of banning anything or regulating anything here, so I'm not sure what you are objecting too.

not objecting to anything, just saying its a free country..

megalimey 07-28-2020 08:01 AM

side affects
Initial most likley side affects of most Vaccines
Pain, redness, tenderness or swelling at injection site
Itching at injection site
Dizziness or fainting (most common in adolescents)
Mild rash to severe rash on arms upper torso
these symptoms can last up to 30 days
A recent clinical trial reported that more than one-third of vaccine recipients missed 2-3 days of work or school because of these vaccine-related symptoms
LONG TERM side affects
just look up Ebola Vaccine scary with only a 70% success rate
and handing over billions of dollars to big pharma, yes the Opioide big pharma

sounds like fun sign me up

1952boyntoncollector 07-28-2020 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by megalimey (Post 2003548)
Initial most likley side affects of most Vaccines
Pain, redness, tenderness or swelling at injection site
Itching at injection site
Dizziness or fainting (most common in adolescents)
Mild rash to severe rash on arms upper torso
these symptoms can last up to 30 days
A recent clinical trial reported that more than one-third of vaccine recipients missed 2-3 days of work or school because of these vaccine-related symptoms
LONG TERM side affects
just look up Ebola Vaccine scary with only a 70% success rate
and handing over billions of dollars to big pharma, yes the Opioide big pharma

sounds like fun sign me up

right but remember it will save the .001 percent of people who contract the virus (will be harder to contract as less will be infected by the time the vaccine is rolled out) AND die of it which will be hard because of many medicines that will also be available to prevent death and bad long term get ready to sign up..

todeen 07-28-2020 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by bnorth (Post 2003470)
I Can you get it more than once or do they not really know yet? If it is a one and done I would first get the test to see if I have had it already.

Yes, most doctors think you can get it more than once. Some evidence shows antibodies disappearing after 1 month in some individuals.

On a side note, I received a full round of hepatitis b vaccine before I moved to Thailand. About 5 years ago my doctor did blood work and said I had no evidence in antibodies that I ever received it, so I had to get it again.... Some doctors are worried the covid vaccine will be the same problem. It will wear off and be needed in annual doses.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

packs 07-28-2020 10:50 AM

I don't know anything about the polio vaccine or how it works or what the risks are with getting one, but I still got it and I don't have polio. I don't know anyone with polio either.

I will get the vaccine no questions asked when it is available.

Edited to add: if it was a seasonal shot I had to get regularly I would get that too.

ronniehatesjazz 07-28-2020 12:46 PM

I have no idea why it's became so political; not on this board but just in general. That being said I will probably not get it. Then again I'm 34 and in reasonably good health.

clydepepper 07-28-2020 01:17 PM

I'm really not sure how I'll respond to any availability:

If it's fast-tracked, I will wait for those braver than me...and watch for side-effects.

If the scientists give consensus approval to a vaccine produced over the normal timeline of previous 'safe' vaccines, I will get it...I'm over-weight and turning 65 in January, so I'm more willing to 'inconvenience' myself.

Hang in there folks!


vintagewhitesox 07-28-2020 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by nat (Post 2003524)
Definitely. I'm young (ish) and healthy, but there are lots of people who aren't. Regardless of what it does for me, I'll take it to help protect others.

Absolutely. me too.

drcy 07-28-2020 03:50 PM

I will get a vaccine for many reasons including that I have an 80 year old mother. Same reason I wear a mask in public.

If people want to make sure the economy remains in the tank make sure to convince lots of people not to get the vaccine.

steve B 07-28-2020 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by megalimey (Post 2003548)
Initial most likley side affects of most Vaccines
Pain, redness, tenderness or swelling at injection site
Itching at injection site
Dizziness or fainting (most common in adolescents)
Mild rash to severe rash on arms upper torso
these symptoms can last up to 30 days
A recent clinical trial reported that more than one-third of vaccine recipients missed 2-3 days of work or school because of these vaccine-related symptoms
LONG TERM side affects
just look up Ebola Vaccine scary with only a 70% success rate
and handing over billions of dollars to big pharma, yes the Opioide big pharma

sounds like fun sign me up

Ebola outbreaks run between 25 and 90% fatalities, averaging 50%... If I'm going somewhere there's a chance of getting it I'll take a 70% chance of effectiveness. (And 70% is the low end of the estimate)

steve B 07-28-2020 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by 1952boyntoncollector (Post 2003559)
right but remember it will save the .001 percent of people who contract the virus (will be harder to contract as less will be infected by the time the vaccine is rolled out) AND die of it which will be hard because of many medicines that will also be available to prevent death and bad long term get ready to sign up..

And you know all this despite nobody having enough actual data on anything yet?....

Can I borrow the crystal ball when it's time to pick an investment? It must work really well....

quinnsryche 07-29-2020 06:28 AM

Absolutely. First in line.

gawaintheknight 07-29-2020 11:37 AM

I can listen to every legitmate doctor in the world, or I can listen to someone who takes advice from a "doctor" who believes in "demon sperm" and "alien DNA." That doesn't seem like a difficult choice to me, and I wonder why it does to so many other people.

Kenny Cole 07-29-2020 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by gawaintheknight (Post 2003926)
I can listen to every legitmate doctor in the world, or I can listen to someone who takes advice from a "doctor" who believes in "demon sperm" and "alien DNA." That doesn't seem like a difficult choice to me, and I wonder why it does to so many other people.

The more I read some of the posts in this and the Marlins/Covid threads, the more I am starting to believe in "demon sperm" and "alien DNA." I can literally come up with no other or better explanation for some of the stuff I've read.

bnorth 07-30-2020 08:30 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Kenny Cole (Post 2004086)
The more I read some of the posts in this and the Marlins/Covid threads, the more I am starting to believe in "demon sperm" and "alien DNA." I can literally come up with no other or better explanation for some of the I've read.

Bigfoot(Darrels brother) is trying to kill us off so they can control the planet.

On a more serious note:

TUM301 07-30-2020 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by gawaintheknight (Post 2003926)
I can listen to every legitmate doctor in the world, or I can listen to someone who takes advice from a "doctor" who believes in "demon sperm" and "alien DNA." That doesn't seem like a difficult choice to me, and I wonder why it does to so many other people.

As a matter of fact, you don`t get to listen to every legitimate doctor in the world. Many doctors here and around the world think we should be doing things much differently but, articles like that are hard to read on facebook/twitter/youtube. I know I sleep better knowing outlets like these 3 are keeping "harmful and inaccurate " material away from me.

HRBAKER 07-30-2020 10:50 AM

I'll most likely get vaccinated but even if I don't, the restaurant problem is an easy fix. If there is anything this whole thing has taught me it is that I can easily live without restaurants/dining out and attending live sporting events. Life goes on.

1952boyntoncollector 08-02-2020 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by HRBAKER (Post 2004286)
I'll most likely get vaccinated but even if I don't, the restaurant problem is an easy fix. If there is anything this whole thing has taught me it is that I can easily live without restaurants/dining out and attending live sporting events. Life goes on.

how can life go on when you cant spent 10 dollars for a chicken dinner when you can buy a few pounds of chicken for the same price at the store

seems a lot of suffering going on giving the lack of jobs when you cant spend 10 dollars + going out per meal

rgpete 08-02-2020 12:45 PM

Yes I get the Flu shot every year which is a crap shoot, I have gotten the Lyme's Disease vaccination when it came out I got the Hepatitis C Vaccine when I was a Vol Fireman also got the pneumovax and the whooping cough. I'm just a pin cushion

orioles93 08-02-2020 09:37 PM

Yeah I'll get it just like I did for countless other diseases as a child.The chances of something negative happening from a vaccine are so slim, and the positives of not getting a disease are to great. Most people have gotten vaccines for polio, hepatitis, the flu and many other diseases and are just fine. I usually get the flu shot every year, but I didn't 2 years in a row, and I got the flu. It sucked, I won't be forgetting to do that again. Once the vaccine is out, if someone decided not to get it, then they are taking their own chance. Nothing special should be done for anyone who willingly doesn't get it. If you get sick, it's your own fault at that point.

LibSuperstar 11-14-2020 06:22 PM

When the second wave of folks take it.

riggs336 11-14-2020 06:41 PM

To answer the original question: Yes, absolutely.

maniac_73 11-14-2020 07:44 PM

I get every vaccine and flu. I Wont get the covid shot just because these other vaccines have so much long term data behind them where the covid shot doesn't.

rjp087 11-15-2020 03:28 AM

Yes. I'm young and healthy, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't respect other people's right to remain healthy should I contract the virus and remain asymptomatic.

Greater good, folks.


Originally Posted by maniac_73 (Post 2035285)
I get every vaccine and flu. I Wont get the covid shot just because these other vaccines have so much long term data behind them where the covid shot doesn't.

I wasn't alive, but I don't think anyone hesitated to get the polio vaccine...

maniac_73 11-15-2020 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by rjp087 (Post 2035328)
Yes. I'm young and healthy, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't respect other people's right to remain healthy should I contract the virus and remain asymptomatic.

Greater good, folks.

I wasn't alive, but I don't think anyone hesitated to get the polio vaccine...

The first polio vaccine was a disaster which actually caused polio and killed ppl

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

AustinMike 11-15-2020 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by maniac_73 (Post 2035371)
The first polio vaccine was a disaster which actually caused polio and killed ppl

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Unless I'm not remembering correctly what I saw on a PBS show about the polio vaccine a while ago, the problem wasn't with the vaccine but with the manufacturing of the vaccine at a specific facility. Instead of containing dead polio virus, it was made with live polio virus at one location. Shots of the vaccine made at any other facility did not create any problems. It was a manufacturing failure, not a vaccine failure.

ALR-bishop 11-15-2020 04:05 PM

+ 1

bnorth 04-05-2021 02:35 PM

I get my first shot tomorrow.:D

Was hoping to get it a long time ago but I wasn't fat enough to qualify for having 2 health problems. I am only in the lowest of 3 categories for being obese.LOL

D. Bergin 04-05-2021 02:42 PM

Get my second shot next Monday. :)

egri 04-06-2021 08:23 AM

I got my shots in January. After the first one, I had a little soreness in my arm, after the second, I felt like I got hit by a freight train for about a day. Then I slept like a log that night and was fine the next morning.

packs 04-06-2021 10:40 AM

Been fully vaxxed since February. No ill effects. Had a sore arm for a few days after both shots. No other side effects for me. 100 % would do again.

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