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4815162342 12-17-2015 05:28 PM

Star Wars
Anyone seeing Star Wars tonight? I'm in line for concessions; I'll probably get our popcorn right as the credits roll.

EvilKing00 12-17-2015 08:00 PM

Awesome, ill wait till after the new year, hopefully less crowds. Let us know how it was

itjclarke 12-18-2015 12:56 AM

4 Attachment(s)
Am taking a "long lunch" tomorrow, catching a matinee at a small neighborhood theater near my house. As it gets closer, I'm pretty pumped up!!

Here are a few thingos I'm glad I picked up before the total craziness hit (talk about hot market)... as if collecting baseball cards wasn't dorky enough!!

JRO$!( 12-18-2015 03:56 PM

nice star wars figures!
itjclarke, are those graded? Or did you crack em out? Thanks.......jt

tjenkins 12-18-2015 05:51 PM

Just got done watching it in 3D. WOW!!! I was 15 when the first one came out and I liked the new one more and for me it is tough to beat the first one. Main reason I liked it more is because of the great job Abrams does with the incorporation of the old stories and characters . It brought back a lot of memories of when I was a kid. Great feeling!

itjclarke 12-19-2015 12:02 AM

JT- haven't cracked any or gotten any graded, the raw ones came that way... and the Fett came graded. I've picked up a handful in the past 10 years (including these), but most of the ones I still have were picked up at flea markets in the early 90's as a 12-13 year old trying to "reconnect with my youth". I can't believe I was already thinking like that at 12, but I guess it goes hand in hand with my card collecting.

I also really liked the movie. Won't go as far as saying I liked better than Star Wars or Empire, but it was really good. Agree that having the old actors made so much difference, and totally TOTALLY re-connected me to childhood (almost eerily) as I watched.

bnorth 12-19-2015 07:58 AM

I have been debating on watching in 2-D or 3-D. I think 3-D would be awesome till I seen how long the movie is. Long 3-D movie have always made my eyes hurt.

One thing I dislike about living out in the middle of nowhere is there are no IMAX theaters close. WOW would Star Wars be awesome in a dome IMAX in 3-D.:eek:

4815162342 12-19-2015 02:17 PM

Ben, I strongly recommend the 3D version, if only for one still shot (I won't spoil it by saying what that shot is, but you'll know it when you see it). I've had issues in the past with 3D as well - Avatar and Transformers 4 both gave me huge headaches for example - but I had no issues with Star Wars.

ullmandds 12-19-2015 05:59 PM

i saw it yesterday reclining lounge chairs...well worth it!!!!

I too really enjoyed it...I'm not a huge SW fan/groupie...but I love the way the latest has the same look and feel as the ridiculous special effects...more about the characters.

I see lots of criticisms of it...I presume from the hard core fans...but I really enjoyed it and would see it again.

pawpawdiv9 12-20-2015 08:09 AM

Never saw any of these. Just didnt have the feel for that Star Wars/Star Trek stuff.
But i heard on ABC news, that Daniel Craig (007) made a cameo appearance.
Still, i wont be seeing this one either. Not my thing.
And that Hobbit wizard stuff too.....
Now i did like that Transformers movies.

JRO$!( 12-22-2015 09:54 AM

The Empire Strikes Back (original 1980 version)
If you ever see ANY star wars movie, and i have not seen the new one yet; i would say it would be imperative to see TESB at least once! It is without any doubts a movie that stands alone, and above many in the sci-fi genre. It is worth trying to sit through at least once...........sincerely--jt

Beatles Guy 12-22-2015 10:05 AM

It was very good in 3D. I enjoyed the fact that there was way less computer animation than in 1-3.

itjclarke 12-22-2015 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by JRO$!( (Post 1483884)
If you ever see ANY star wars movie, and i have not seen the new one yet; i would say it would be imperative to see TESB at least once! It is without any doubts a movie that stands alone, and above many in the sci-fi genre. It is worth trying to sit through at least once...........sincerely--jt

ESB is by far my favorite as well... and definitely prefer the originals. ESB didn't get as brutalized in its rerelease, but the whole Greedo shoots first in Star Wars was terrible.

Apparently the originals are becoming impossible to find. I think the last time they were released (on VHS) was in the '90's and apparently Lucas has made efforts to prevent the original's film preservation.

glchen 12-22-2015 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by itjclarke (Post 1482813)
Am taking a "long lunch" tomorrow, catching a matinee at a small neighborhood theater near my house. As it gets closer, I'm pretty pumped up!!

I'm surprised you didn't see it at the Metreon. I'm thinking of also taking a long lunch break next week, and taking the BART across the bay to see it there.

itjclarke 12-23-2015 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by glchen (Post 1484073)
I'm surprised you didn't see it at the Metreon. I'm thinking of also taking a long lunch break next week, and taking the BART across the bay to see it there.

I actually intentionally saw it at the tiny West Portal theater because I figured it would be relatively mellow, and since I had tons of work to get done in the AM, just posted up across the street at Starbucks so I could monitor the lines while working. It did get sorta dicey when work stuff hit the fan exactly when the line started moving, but by then I had a friend there to save the seats, so it worked out.

And the Metreon and other IMAX theaters were sold out all shows.:D

I'll probably do a repeat viewing next week and see it on 3D IMAX. I feel like I'm 7 all over again.

yanksfan09 12-23-2015 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by itjclarke (Post 1484057)
ESB is by far my favorite as well... and definitely prefer the originals. ESB didn't get as brutalized in its rerelease, but the whole Greedo shoots first in Star Wars was terrible.

Apparently the originals are becoming impossible to find. I think the last time they were released (on VHS) was in the '90's and apparently Lucas has made efforts to prevent the original's film preservation.

The DVD trilogy in the blue box (released in 2008) is going for big bucks now. I believe it's the only set that ever released the original theatrical cuts on DVD's. I bought this set becaue of that probably a year or so after it was first released and paid up for it because of this. I think I may have paid 60-80 bucks? can't remember, it originally was released at 39.99 I believe, in the stores. Sealed DVD sets of these have been going for $200-300+ lately on ebay I think. Opened sets anywhere from 100-200 depending on shape of box. I wish I had known, I would have kept my set better (discs mint though). I opened it and watched them and the outer box got a bit banged up since I bought it. Glad I bought mine when I did.

The theatrical cuts are on the bonus disc in each movie box. 6 total DVDs (2 each movie). the main first disc in each his one of the changed "special edition" re-releases but they have superior sound and picture quality to the original cuts on the bonus disc. But anyone who wants the un-tampered with "Han shoots first' versions needs to own this set, to have it on a watchable format.

I feel like a kid again too and couldn't help myself from buying some of the new toys. I also bought the 1st 4 comics from the 70's and am thinking of picking up a few more vintage toys... Indeed the force has awoken in me.

itjclarke 12-24-2015 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by yanksfan09 (Post 1484164)
The DVD trilogy in the blue box (released in 2008) is going for big bucks now. I believe it's the only set that ever released the original theatrical cuts on DVD's. I bought this set becaue of that probably a year or so after it was first released and paid up for it because of this. I think I may have paid 60-80 bucks? can't remember, it originally was released at 39.99 I believe, in the stores. Sealed DVD sets of these have been going for $200-300+ lately on ebay I think. Opened sets anywhere from 100-200 depending on shape of box. I wish I had known, I would have kept my set better (discs mint though). I opened it and watched them and the outer box got a bit banged up since I bought it. Glad I bought mine when I did.

The theatrical cuts are on the bonus disc in each movie box. 6 total DVDs (2 each movie). the main first disc in each his one of the changed "special edition" re-releases but they have superior sound and picture quality to the original cuts on the bonus disc. But anyone who wants the un-tampered with "Han shoots first' versions needs to own this set, to have it on a watchable format.

I feel like a kid again too and couldn't help myself from buying some of the new toys. I also bought the 1st 4 comics from the 70's and am thinking of picking up a few more vintage toys... Indeed the force has awoken in me.

Woah, I wish I'd known about those DVDs. No idea why Lucas was so tight fisted with the old versions. We all know Han killed Greedo in cold blood, stop with the revisionist history! Wouldn't seem Disney would want to get behind that version either, but with that said, cannot imagine how much they'd make if they released a new, remastered version of the originals. They could even force people to buy the prequels by packaging them into the box set.

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who's aging in reverse. I now find myself watching old unopened figures and posters on eBay.

JRO$!( 12-25-2015 02:37 PM

Christmas in the stars...
Star Wars christmas album exists, and has warped my brain since childhood!

At first listen, it is horrific, but slowly begins to brainwash you until

i can honestly say it is one of my favorites! I own multiple copies. Listen on

youtube (alcohol can help) May the force be with you.......merry x-mas to all.

egri 12-27-2015 08:57 PM

I haven't seen the new one yet; I just wanted to share this story from when Revenge of the Sith came out:

At the time, I was in fifth grade, and one of my neighbors was the head of the Star Wars division for Hasbro. (Side note: He has one of the largest collectons of Star Wars and GI Joe action figures in the country; if anyone went to the USS Intrepid Museum about ten years ago when they had a GI Joe exhibit, that was part of his collection). Anyways, he was able to get tickets for me and my dad to see Revenge of the Sith about a week before it was released to the public. For a whole week, I was the Dos Equis man at school, because I knew what happened. They printed out special tickets for it, and I'm pretty sure mine is still around somewhere if I can exhume it from my room.

PolarBear 12-27-2015 11:38 PM

Crash landing on desert planet - check
Droid carrying secret plans - check
Plans must be delivered to the rebels - check
Stormtroopers torching a homestead - check
Escaping on the Falcon - check
Cantina scene - check
Bad guy in a black mask - check
Jedi hermit in hiding - check
Rescuing the girl from the bad guys - check
Old guy dies - check
Death Star with vulnerable flaw - check
Flying through Death Star trench - check
Death Star minutes away from destroying rebel base - check
Death Star exploding - check

I think JJ Abrams just watched the original 1977 Star Wars movie and said "Lets remake that and call it a day."

bnorth 12-28-2015 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by PolarBear (Post 1485318)
Crash landing on desert planet - check
Droid carrying secret plans - check
Plans must be delivered to the rebels - check
Stormtroopers torching a homestead - check
Escaping on the Falcon - check
Cantina scene - check
Bad guy in a black mask - check
Jedi hermit in hiding - check
Rescuing the girl from the bad guys - check
Old guy dies - check
Death Star with vulnerable flaw - check
Flying through Death Star trench - check
Death Star minutes away from destroying rebel base - check
Death Star exploding - check

I think JJ Abrams just watched the original 1977 Star Wars movie and said "Lets remake that and call it a day."

Wife and I watched the 3-D version a few day ago and I thought the same thing. When it was over I was like I have seen this before only very slightly different.

PolarBear 12-28-2015 11:01 AM

Knowing JJ Abram's propensity to just rehash and repackage other movies, we can probably predict the plot of the next installment.

Inexperienced Jedi seeks out Jedi master for training.
Inexperienced Jedi rushes off to save friends before training is complete.
Confronts bad guy in black mask before they are fully ready.
Gets hand chopped off.
Surprise ending when Jedi finds out she's related to bad guy in black mask.

I think if we want an original Star Wars move, the anthology movie series coming out next year might be good. I have high hopes anyway. We'll see.

Stonepony 12-28-2015 05:59 PM

My 13 yo son and I saw it Saturday evening. Does not disappoint!!

bnorth 12-30-2015 08:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Seen this and had to post.:D

quinnsryche 12-30-2015 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by PolarBear (Post 1485318)
Crash landing on desert planet - check
Droid carrying secret plans - check
Plans must be delivered to the rebels - check
Stormtroopers torching a homestead - check
Escaping on the Falcon - check
Cantina scene - check
Bad guy in a black mask - check
Jedi hermit in hiding - check
Rescuing the girl from the bad guys - check
Old guy dies - check
Death Star with vulnerable flaw - check
Flying through Death Star trench - check
Death Star minutes away from destroying rebel base - check
Death Star exploding - check

I think JJ Abrams just watched the original 1977 Star Wars movie and said "Lets remake that and call it a day."

EXACTLY what I thought when I took my kids to see it yesterday. An entertaining movie but basically a re-make of the original in my opinion.

1952boyntoncollector 12-30-2015 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by quinnsryche (Post 1486060)
EXACTLY what I thought when I took my kids to see it yesterday. An entertaining movie but basically a re-make of the original in my opinion.

right a safe movie with guaranteed people not hating it....not taking any risks...the acting was pretty good and I like the fact less CGI than the last 3 movies..but I thought the storylines were better last 3 movies...

I hate that everything is so convenient in the movie how things related to each other..i was waiting on Fin being related to Lando....

isn't it easier to blow up something before they finish making figure they had to know halfway through that something was up....just like the partial death star..

also hate how a former stormtrooper can fight a jedi pretty equal for awhile....took skywalker a lot longer to be that good...

WillBBC 12-31-2015 01:57 PM

Saw it opening night as well and absolutely loved it. It recaptured the feeling of the originals so darn well. did come off like a re-mix of the original but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The foundation they set for the next couple of movies is so strong.

(I have a 77 Topps Darth Vader proudly displayed on my desk at all times, the Force is strong on my desk!)

4815162342 01-03-2016 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by WillBBC (Post 1486460)
... The foundation they set for the next couple of movies is so strong. ...


This movie was intended to set a foundation for the next several upcoming movies. Was it a rehash? Yes. Was it also an apology by proxy from JJ to fans for the special editions and the prequels? Yes.

PolarBear 01-08-2016 06:50 PM

At 770 million, it passed Avatar as the all time box office leader. It will probably gross 900+ million before it's over.

EvilKing00 01-10-2016 10:27 AM

finally saw the movie yesterday - it was pretty good! took my 6 year old son cause he was dying to see it. I think it was fine for the kiddies that age in case anyone was interested. There were 3 "scary parts, he covered his eyes for. Was a bit more violent than the other 6 films. All in all a damn good movie that leaves u waiting for the next one - which I believe comes out in 2017

also if you have kids that lego star wars game is awesome:D

Jayworld 01-13-2016 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by 1952boyntoncollector (Post 1486062)
right a safe movie with guaranteed people not hating it....not taking any risks...the acting was pretty good and I like the fact less CGI than the last 3 movies..but I thought the storylines were better last 3 movies...

I hate that everything is so convenient in the movie how things related to each other..i was waiting on Fin being related to Lando....

isn't it easier to blow up something before they finish making figure they had to know halfway through that something was up....just like the partial death star..

also hate how a former stormtrooper can fight a jedi pretty equal for awhile....took skywalker a lot longer to be that good...

Actually, Kylo Ren is not a Jedi. He is a dark side "wannabe." Thus the quote by Snoke to "complete his training" near the end of the movie. Rend has less experience as a character in the force than Luke did by the end of the Empire Strikes Back (2nd movie to me ;)

We've seen the movie twice so far (amazing what you pick up the 2nd time around; i.e. dialogue), and seeing it twice helped with the lightsaber flashback/forward sequence with Rey. I thought the film very good. Much better than the prequels, and much better written, directed, and acted. I find it amusing that Lucas is now flaming the movie; with quotes such as "I would not have done it that way" and Disney is a "white slaver." When he was paid billions for the franchise, he walked away from it, and Disney had NO obligation to go with any of his future treatments, ideas, etc. Actually, Episode VII is a much better movie in part BECAUSE Lucas is not part of the equation....

the 'stache 01-27-2016 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by itjclarke (Post 1484057)
Apparently the originals are becoming impossible to find. I think the last time they were released (on VHS) was in the '90's and apparently Lucas has made efforts to prevent the original's film preservation.

Ian, each movie of the original trilogy was released on DVD as part of the Limited Edition issues in 2006, the second disc containing the original, unaltered theatrical release. The three DVDs now command more than $150 on EBay, or more if in new condition. I have Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back, but, apparently, I never bought Return of the Jedi. These are, of course, in 480P. There is a guy who goes by Harmy who has, from a variety of different sources (including an original nitrate film copy of A New Hope), painstakingly redone the films, and released them in their color corrected, theatrical presentation. These are in 780P. You can find things on Youtube showcasing what he did. They're called Harmy's "despecialized" editions. I have Star Wars, and it's beautifully done. Exactly as I remember it seeing it on opening day in 1977. No Han shooting first, no completely whacked out, over-saturated color.

There are very strong rumblings now that Disney is going to release the original trilogy in their theatrical releases on Blu-ray. Should that happen, expect every sales record for home theatrical releases to absolutely be shattered. I would be willing to spend an obscene amount to add those to my collection.

itjclarke 01-28-2016 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by the 'stache (Post 1496620)
Ian, each movie of the original trilogy was released on DVD as part of the Limited Edition issues in 2006, the second disc containing the original, unaltered theatrical release. The three DVDs now command more than $150 on EBay, or more if in new condition. I have Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back, but, apparently, I never bought Return of the Jedi. These are, of course, in 480P. There is a guy who goes by Harmy who has, from a variety of different sources (including an original nitrate film copy of A New Hope), painstakingly redone the films, and released them in their color corrected, theatrical presentation. These are in 780P. You can find things on Youtube showcasing what he did. They're called Harmy's "despecialized" editions. I have Star Wars, and it's beautifully done. Exactly as I remember it seeing it on opening day in 1977. No Han shooting first, no completely whacked out, over-saturated color.

There are very strong rumblings now that Disney is going to release the original trilogy in their theatrical releases on Blu-ray. Should that happen, expect every sales record for home theatrical releases to absolutely be shattered. I would be willing to spend an obscene amount to add those to my collection.

Funny, I stumbled on some of the "despecialized" clips on line after posting. That is so ridiculously genius, and so very "Star Wars fan" to be pulling those off. I'd love to land one of those 2006 editions.

The original Star Wars was the most influenced by changes, and so many of the CGI upgrades they made in 1997 look dated now. Funny, I remember loving the changes at the time, mainly because of the inclusion of that Jabba scene, which many of us were aware had been shot, but had not seen. Now all I want is to see the old one I grew up with!

Re- potential sales if they re-release the original movies, it's off the charts. Can you imagine if they were to also do a theatrical re-release prior to DVD???? Billions and billions more. That said, I saw a rumor that Lucas is hoarding the cleanest original copies of the first 3, in part to prevent this. If true, that's pretty weak.

JRO$!( 04-01-2016 09:09 PM

Anyone pick-up THE FORCE AWAKENS?
My mis-understanding, Digital release on April 1st and Dvd and Blu-ray April 5th...

Dewey 04-01-2016 10:20 PM :eek:


Originally Posted by JRO$!( (Post 1484696)
Star Wars christmas album exists, and has warped my brain since childhood!

At first listen, it is horrific, but slowly begins to brainwash you until

i can honestly say it is one of my favorites! I own multiple copies. Listen on

youtube (alcohol can help) May the force be with you.......merry x-mas to all.

RollieFingers 04-03-2016 10:17 PM

I saw it finally. I was entertained but the guy who played Solos son was a big mistake lol.
Bunch of wussy pc crap

Eric72 04-07-2016 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by PolarBear (Post 1485318)
Crash landing on desert planet - check
Droid carrying secret plans - check
Plans must be delivered to the rebels - check
Stormtroopers torching a homestead - check
Escaping on the Falcon - check
Cantina scene - check
Bad guy in a black mask - check
Jedi hermit in hiding - check
Rescuing the girl from the bad guys - check
Old guy dies - check
Death Star with vulnerable flaw - check
Flying through Death Star trench - check
Death Star minutes away from destroying rebel base - check
Death Star exploding - check

I think JJ Abrams just watched the original 1977 Star Wars movie and said "Lets remake that and call it a day."


packs 04-08-2016 09:38 AM

I liked the new one, but to me the most interesting thing happened within the first 10 minutes. The only part of the movie that really left an impression on me was when Fin saw his friend die and decided he couldn't be a storm trooper anymore. To me, there's your movie. What was Fin's life as an anonymous numbered soldier and how did he come to break away from it? What made his experience different that he rebelled?

But of course that movie might have less explosions and no need for a droid.

clydepepper 04-13-2016 04:12 PM

I always loved that show...Dr. Kirk was very witty. :rolleyes:

JRO$!( 12-10-2016 12:15 AM

A Star Wars Story---in theaters soon...
Rogue One opening December 16th, from the previews it looks
like it could be interesting.......

JRO$!( 12-19-2016 10:43 PM

Anyone have a review?
Interested to hear if it is worth all the Hype...

Beatles Guy 12-19-2016 11:34 PM

Saw it today. It may be the best of the franchise. Definitely in "Empire" territory. The story is a bit slow to start, but the last half of the movie is brilliant. Lots of cameos and the CGI is amazing.

rats60 12-20-2016 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by Beatles Guy (Post 1612284)
Saw it today. It may be the best of the franchise. Definitely in "Empire" territory. The story is a bit slow to start, but the last half of the movie is brilliant. Lots of cameos and the CGI is amazing.

I agree. It was the best Star Wars movie since Empire. I enjoyed in much more than Episode 7, let's remake Episode 4.

JRO$!( 12-20-2016 10:50 PM

Ep. V - TESB (original 1980 version)...
Any movie that even comes close to: Episode V--TESB, is a SERIOUS flick! Thanks for the reviews and the good news!
Tis the season to remind folks about--Christmas in the stars: Star Wars Christmas album! Youtube it and Enjoy...

WillBBC 12-21-2016 09:55 AM

The last half of the movie just blew me away. I had to keep my 3D glasses on to hide fact that somebody was cutting onions nearby. It was truly amazing.

Stonepony 12-22-2016 08:31 AM

Really good movie, but I'm embarrassed to say having seen episodes 1-7 many many dozens of times, that I had A LOT of trouble figuring out who the characters were.
My favorite part was the Guardians of the Galaxy 2 trailer

WillBBC 12-22-2016 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Stonepony (Post 1613010)
Really good movie, but I'm embarrassed to say having seen episodes 1-7 many many dozens of times, that I had A LOT of trouble figuring out who the characters were.
My favorite part was the Guardians of the Galaxy 2 trailer

Outside of Tarkin, Organa, Mahn Mathma, and Vader--they were all basically new. I'm so close to going down a wormhole!

Beatles Guy 12-22-2016 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by WillBBC (Post 1613054)
Outside of Tarkin, Organa, Mahn Mathma, and Vader--they were all basically new. I'm so close to going down a wormhole!

Two X-Wing pilots that bit it in Episode IV were CGI.

mart8081 12-23-2016 04:54 AM

I came out of Rogue One feeling like I had hoped to feel after The Force Awakens. Rogue One has a more 'authentic feel' to it and it dovetails nicely into the start of Episode 4.

PolarBear 12-29-2016 08:41 PM

Yep, Rogue One did not disappoint. Best Star Wars movie since ESB.

It was a bit slow in the beginning and there were a few too many AHN characters, i.e the "you just watch yourself" guy. It would have also been better if the C3PO and R2D2 cameos were just hallway shots on Tantive IV without the whiny C3PO dialog.

That Vader corridor scene - WOW. Brilliant addition.

And you know it's good science fiction when the most moving death scene is a droid.

So many great moments showing the gritty side of the rebellion.

I will probably hate Episode VIII next year as much as I did Episode VII but here's looking forward to the next Anthology film in 2018.

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