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MattyC 03-11-2015 10:10 AM

Some Cool News - Mick Chosen For Topps Museum Exhibit - PICS & TV NEWS LINK ADDED!
Through some great people in our hobby, I was put in contact with the Louisville Slugger Museum in Kentucky. They are having a special Topps Display in their Museum this month, entitled, "Topps Pop Culture: Homeruns To Hollywood."

Among many classic cards, there will also be:

+ Luke Skywalker's light saber
+ Indiana Jones' whip
+ Elvis' scarf
+ Adam West's Batman costume
+ Ringo Starr's drumsticks
+ Christopher Reeves' Superman costume
+ Jobu from Major League

And among all the cards they could have chosen when it came to the 1952 Mick, including 8s with the usual tilt and centering issues, they selected this guy below for the exhibit!

It's an honor and thrill to help a company that has been so integral a part of our national pastime, and also to help any young people who visit the museum gain some exposure to vintage cards and legendary players.

If any fellow board members are in that neck of the woods, please feel free to check it out and show that vintage cards are a draw! The display runs from this Saturday through October. The card will be there thru June.

mickeymantle24 03-11-2015 10:38 AM

Wow! Very cool Matt! I have to ask though, what is keeping that Mantle from being in a higher grade? Just looking at the card it has better eye appeal than some 7s and 8s I have seen.

brian1961 03-11-2015 10:53 AM

Mike---you must realize that Matt is the king of the gents that go for the jugular when it comes to centering. He searched long and wide for such a Mantle. You're right, of course, Darth Grader surely took his own light saber and whittled the grade down. Which, in turn, whittled the value down disproportionately so that Matt could bag this kingly gem. Technically, it must have somehow earned the 4.5. I have a Mantle like that, from another set. A small but definite flaw killed the grade to an SGC 50. Nuf said on that account.

Matt---congrats bro! Anyone who has the privilege of seeing that sumptuous feast of pop culture will get his fill. Boy oh boy, what a line-up of powerful items. Your gorgeous 52 Topps Mantle will glow like a beacon. How many dads will say, "Wow! Wow! Wow! There it is. A real 1952 Topps Mickey Mantle! I've seen pictures of this card. Here's the real thing. Amazing. It is SO beautiful!" The fathers' responses will leave indelible impressions on their impressionable sons, and perhaps a daughter or two.:D

I can imagine it will be difficult and trying to be apart from your gem for such a lengthy time. This is a sacrifice, bro. I salute you.

----Brian Powell

MattyC 03-11-2015 11:08 AM

Thanks a million. I used to say that myself about the 52 Mick the few times I saw one. I was well into my 30s when I actually even held one for the first time.

Regarding this card's grade, there is a micro-wrinkle in the top left corner that is simply not visible to the naked eye. It takes strong light and just the right angle, and better yet magnification, to really see it.

I am incredibly thankful for that wrinkle (and the asinine, arbitrary grading rules) since it made the card just barely affordable ;) If I can't see the flaw in hand or in a wall display, then I welcome it. I am all about anomalous freak cards that have some flaw that does not at all detract from their eye appeal, but does keep their cost down. They are out there. They don't come up often, but when they do I am all over them. The two times I've encountered such cards were this Mick and my Ruth Rookie. It's a big thrill when you can spend X on a card that looks flat out better than some that cost 2X or even way more!

Shoebox 03-11-2015 11:32 AM

Congrats on your card's inclusion in the display. I wish I lived close enough to travel to see. I am among those that has never seen this card in person. Thank goodness I can admire so many great collections via scan through this board.

GregC 03-11-2015 11:57 AM

I still say they should have used my "well loved" SGC 1.5 for the exhibit. Your 4.5 is simply too clean, looks like a 7 or 8 easy in hand. Some kid is going to think its a reprint with those even snow white borders. A nice roughed up copy is where it's at (says the younger brother that can't afford the minty looking version). ;)

jason.1969 03-11-2015 06:59 PM

Where will this be? I am in Louisville, KY, next Monday and Tuesday on business and would love to swing by.

dclarkraiders 03-11-2015 07:18 PM


Congrats on such a fine card and having it included in the display. I wish that I could go see it but I am too far away. On another note, I am in awe of many of your cards that you generously share with us. Thanks for showing them.


CW 03-11-2015 09:13 PM

Very cool!

MattyC 03-11-2015 10:33 PM

Mucho thanks, homies. As a collector, one of the most elusive terms is "museum piece," and this is a collector's dream in that regard.

Duane, I really appreciate that you like seeing all those low grade babies. Looking at everyone's cards here is great fun and always a welcome reprieve from the daily grind. And CW-- yours has been one of my favorite collections to look through!

Jason, the museum is part of the Louisville Slugger Factory and the address is 800 West Main Street.

sforaker 03-11-2015 10:52 PM

Congrats, Matt. Your Mantle card is great and I am glad that this terrific opportunity arose for such a passionate, knowledgable and intelligent collector.



Bestdj777 03-12-2015 05:01 AM

Awesome. You must be ecstatic. Wish I was in the area and could check it out. It's a beauty.

gnpaden 03-12-2015 12:30 PM

well, I live in Louisville, so I will definitely go check this out! Thanks.

Rickyy 03-12-2015 06:40 PM


Congrats....that is a beautiful card...I'd be happy to own that! :D

Ricky Y

jason.1969 03-13-2015 07:43 AM

I will plan to be at the museum between about 12:30 and 3 on Tuesday. Would enjoy meeting any other N54 folks there if you're in the area.

MattyC 03-13-2015 08:16 AM

SO fresh that some fellow board members will actually be able to roll there.

Scott-- thanks, sir. Means a lot. Chatting in person and getting to see some of your mind-blowing historical pieces was such a pleasure. Utmost respect.

CW 03-13-2015 09:25 AM

If anyone manages to snap a few photos of the display, please post them here when you get a chance, thanks. And, congrats, Matt!

jason.1969 03-13-2015 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by CW (Post 1390035)
If anyone manages to snap a few photos of the display, please post them here when you get a chance, thanks. And, congrats, Matt!

Will definitely do this!

almostdone 03-13-2015 12:08 PM

Very cool Matt. I always enjoy your pickups and I know this would be a huge honor for anyone. You deserve the accolades. I'm all about display of my collection and wish I could see this one. I'm planning a trip to stop in there but not until next summer. Please post some photos here if anyone ends up going.
All the best,

brian1961 03-13-2015 12:15 PM


Hey pal, just a few thoughts. Will there by chance be a ledger at the museum display area for comments by the privileged who will get to view the various historical objects?

Also, I don't know if you would feel so inclined but, on another side, have you been asked to host your own display, so as to answer questions from the interested as to the history of the 1952 Topps Mickey Mantle, and in essence, why was this card selected for the exhibit rather than a Ruth or Cobb?

Being in the comfort and security of a museum, I would think it would be an absolute delight to have the opportunity to succinctly discuss the merits of our beloved 52 Topps Mick, answer questions, and as a personal treat for yourself, enjoy watching the reactions of the young and aged when they gaze upon your gem.

Just some ideas, and perhaps they're illogical and improbable, but that's how I think sometimes.;) ---Brian Powell

MattyC 03-13-2015 02:56 PM

Good question about the visitor's ledger; would be cool. Will ask them.

I can speak to your other question, in that this is an official Topps Exhibit, so cards like a Cobb/Cobb or Ruth Rookie are not in the offing.

Do wish I lived close to see the other Topps cards and even the movie history pieces, but will be here in LA.

Also, here is a direct link to the Louisville Slugger homepage and the Topps Retrospective...

Louisville Slugger Museum Topps Exhibit

MattyC 03-14-2015 09:08 AM

They just sent over some preliminary photos. Looks cool.

KingFisk 03-14-2015 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by MattyC (Post 1390285)

Not much I can add here other than to say that is supremely cool. Congrats!

CW 03-14-2015 12:24 PM

Man, that's a cool set up!

It's also cool to think so many random people will be appreciating your card, Matt. Who knows, maybe it will turn a few people back on to collecting cards in some way.

jason.1969 03-14-2015 12:32 PM

Am really excited to go to this now. Really nice setup.

begsu1013 03-14-2015 12:45 PM

very cool matty and all! I've seen your well centered 4.5 before but a few basic questions:

1. what are the hours of operation of the museum?
2. what type of security system is in place?
3. what is the night security managers name and place of residence?
4. you see where I am going with this, all in fun!

every time I see that card it causes me to scratch my head on the 4.5 and makes me very envious. I own 3, all higher (barely) but none as centered as well as that one. I'd trade anyone of them for that example!

brian1961 03-14-2015 12:45 PM

Matt, long after I wrote my suggestions, I began to wince at some of my thinking. Most anyone taking the time and trouble to visit the museum knowing a 52 Topps Mantle will be there already knows of its significance. I didn't realize the display was a Topps promotion, though they were correct in placing a brief accompanying "museum display description". Tastefully done. Looks unforgettable, bro.

As for talking with people, after half an hour you'd be hankerin' to vamoose and just let the display speak for itself.:o

Regardless, thanks for posting photos. This is sure exciting. --Brian Powell

MattyC 03-14-2015 02:21 PM

CW-- that was really the primary kicker for me. Crazy as it sounds I was initially leaning against doing it, not wanting to expose the card to shipping and just preferring to leave it in the bank. But in talking with family and friends, I realized that were I in the vicinity, I would totally take my kids to this kind of thing-- it would be a chance for them to get into cards, baseball, its legends, and of course associate the '52 Mantle image the same way I did as a boy. I've given a few friends and cousins the card bug after decades off, and that was fun. So I thought, "That would be cool. That's something I'd really like to help perpetuate." Glad I did.

There's always talk among us hobbyists about those key moments when we were kids, and how those moments helped us look at certain cards certain ways-- all the way into adulthood, and there is always wondering whether kids today will have those same moments and make those same associations. I think an exhibit like this is precisely how that happens. Fathers take sons and daughters as another wrote above, and the kids see and hear about the card, and the cycle continues. That's the continuum of the hobby, the way at shows we see a kid, a teenager, a dude in his thirties, and dudes in their seventies and eighties all into cards. In the case of the 1952 Mantle, there are people now in their seventies who revere it and also guys in their twenties, which is so awesome.

Begsu-- thanks, brother, that is very humbling and deeply appreciated.

pawpawdiv9 03-14-2015 03:58 PM

Why stop there?, Lets put it into a movie, just like that Pafko card was. Or a t.v. show like Empire. It be pretty cool to see someone's collection in a show.

MattyC- this is way cool bro!

freakhappy 03-14-2015 04:06 PM

Matt...that's one sweet '52!

Awesome thing that you are doing...lending it out for the community to enjoy it like you do. Thanks for sharing!

MattyC 03-14-2015 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by pawpawdiv9 (Post 1390412)
Why stop there?, Lets put it into a movie, just like that Pafko card was. Or a t.v. show like Empire. It be pretty cool to see someone's collection in a show.

I am working on that currently! Doing a book and it figures prominently; same for the screen adaptation.

Bestdj777 03-14-2015 04:37 PM

Matt, any idea on what the other cards that are pictured are?

gnpaden 03-15-2015 09:34 AM

living in Louisville, the Louisville Slugger Museum gets a TON of traffic. All the hotels (which is my profession) advertise for it, have discounted passes and its on the trolley route. As an advocate for the hobby, this is a great avenue to attempt to reunite the game with hobby.

Matty--thank you so much for allowing this piece of history to be on display in our great city! Now...I just hope the river doesn't flood the museum as it's 20 feet above flood stage!!

Yossarian 03-15-2015 10:40 AM

Matty C - extremely cool. Great card and I appreciate your willingness to share with the world. You truly are an ambassador for our (sometimes maddening) hobby.

MattyC 03-15-2015 11:43 AM

Good vibes all around. Here's a nice professional-looking one taken by someone at the Museum...

jason.1969 03-17-2015 12:01 PM

Am here now. Really fun!

CW 03-17-2015 12:38 PM

Great photos and a nice assortment of cards they have laid out. Thanks, Jason!

Now I just need to get that huge '52 Jackie Robinson card for my man cave... :)

jb67 03-17-2015 02:37 PM

Great post Jason. Thanks for sharing.

MattyC 03-17-2015 02:52 PM

Dude that is so awesome. Thanks for checking it out!

jason.1969 03-17-2015 03:36 PM

And here are a couple more...the wall display showed blowups of key cards from 1952-present day.

And the rest of the museum had its own share of highlights...not to mention a batting cage where you could use your favorite player's bat and a gift shop where you could get your very own signature model.

gnpaden 03-17-2015 08:17 PM

The Louisville Slugger Museum is amazing! The smell of fresh cut wood is my favorite part, kind of weird, I know. Hopefully going to check out the exhibit on Thursday.

Great pictures!

MattyC 03-18-2015 10:22 AM

Cannot believe my card was on the TV news! Flabbergasted. Was just sent this link below:

Mick On TV!

stlcardsfan 03-18-2015 11:45 AM

Awesome stuff. Anyone know what year that wax box is?

jason.1969 03-18-2015 11:48 AM

Here is a close up of the box if it helps...

jb67 03-18-2015 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by MattyC (Post 1391667)
Cannot believe my card was on the TV news! Flabbergasted. Was just sent this link below:

Mick On TV!

Just watched the video. Awesome PR for your card Matt. Pretty cool bike they built out of bats and gloves. Would really love to go and see everything not sure if I will be in the area any time soon.

stlcardsfan 03-18-2015 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by jason.1969 (Post 1391701)
Here is a close up of the box if it helps...

Looks unopened?!!

jason.1969 03-18-2015 12:30 PM

The box is 1980. Topps was prophetic as the Astros had a pretty good year. I was at Dodger Stadium when they won a one-game playoff vs the Dodgers to win the NL West for their first division title. Impressive since they lost their only superstar at the all-star break.

almostdone 03-18-2015 01:40 PM

Wow. That was cool. Can we add this card now to the "What cards have been on TV or in a movie?" Again Matt, congratulations on this amazing honor. My wife and I are thinking about dong a weekend getaway this spring for our anniversary. Maybe Kentucky can be added to out list of possibles.:rolleyes:
Really neat to see all that stuff.

jason.1969 03-18-2015 03:26 PM

Was an all-around good time here in Louisville. Waiting for my flight back to Chicago, who walks by me but...Joe Freaking Montana!! Wow!!

almostdone 03-18-2015 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by jason.1969 (Post 1391785)
Was an all-around good time here in Louisville. Waiting for my flight back to Chicago, who walks by me but...Joe Freaking Montana!! Wow!!

Maybe he heard about Matt's Mantle and wanted to see it for himself.

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