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frankbmd 05-16-2013 10:22 AM

Hubbell Trouble
Numbered as in email, Paul

1 upper left, 300 dpi color
2 upper right, 300 dpi b & w
3 bottom, 600 dpi b & w

Paul S 05-16-2013 11:23 AM


Imported them into PShop. The levels are like a mountain range horizon. No secret it's the default setting on your scanner. It wants to handle the lowest common denominator for getting good results across a wide spectrum of items. PB 39 have a really soft image focus. In this case, it is interpreting all the black/gray/white/creamish/shadowy stuff differently than if you were scanning one of your beautiful T206s, which it handles so well. Ergo, you can futz with the customized settings until you get something to your satisfaction or send them to me for Pshop rinse cycle and consignment.;)
BTW, your scan in the BST look good enough for me, and I've owned enough of them.


Reason for posting: Didn't want to leave Frank alone in a test site; always wanted to use Ergo in a sentence.

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