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Archive 06-08-2006 10:59 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>James Feagin</b><p>Might seem like an obvious question, but collecting and being a fan of the game aren't automatically inclusive. How many of y'all actually follow present-day baseball? If you don't do you have an interest, and where does that interest end?<br /><br />James

Archive 06-08-2006 11:09 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Douglas</b><p>I'm a big baseball fan. Growing up in Anaheim, I'm a HUGE Angels fan, though I follow the Dodgers well enough (Mostly so I can annoy Trevor).<br /><br />It's a good question, though. I've oftened wondered about it myself! <br /><br />Go Angels!<br /><br />Doug

Archive 06-08-2006 11:10 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Bill Stone</b><p>Casual follower but the truth is on October 13,1960 when Pittsburgh beat the Yankees on Bill Mazeroski's 9th inning home run I never thought baseball could ever get any better than that and in my humble opinion there has never been a greater day in the game of baseball since.

Archive 06-08-2006 11:15 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Bill Todd</b><p><br />I'm bummed that I was just a bit too late to pick up Corey Patterson in my fantasy league.<br /><br />Still collect baseball cards--steeerike ONE<br />In a fantasy sports league--steeerike TWO<br /><br />Just paint a big red "G" on my forehead.<br /><br />So yes, I do follow baseball. Thrilled that baseball is back in DC, and having a National League team means I get to see both AL and NL. I love going back to RFK, not because it's any great shakes as a stadium, but because it's where I first went to games with my Dad.<br /><br />Now if we can get a cable deal here...<br /><br />Bill

Archive 06-08-2006 11:20 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Gilbert Maines</b><p>I am only interested in an overview of the major events relating to modern baseball. Im still learning much of what is baseball history.

Archive 06-08-2006 11:23 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Josh Adams</b><p>I follow my beloved Chicago White Sox, and havebeen doing so for about 20 years. <br />After last October, I thought it couldn't get any better than that.<br><br>Go Go White Sox<br />2005 World Series Champions!

Archive 06-08-2006 11:33 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>James Feagin</b><p>I ask the question because there is so much discussion of cards on here, it's interesting to see if there are actually baseball fans behind the cards. For the record, I am a baseball fan first, collector second. My collecting results from my love of the game. However, I am an Orioles fan who has gone underground because of the current ownership. Nothing is more wonderful than watching minor league baseball on a nice summer/spring night.

Archive 06-08-2006 11:36 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Kevin Cummings</b><p>Bill:<br /><br />I actually liked you until your last post! <img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14><br /><br />I remember running home from school to catch the end of that final 1960 World Series game. They actually played them in the afternoon back then. Needless to say, the loss was pretty disappointing to a nine-year-old who had learned to be a die-hard Yankee fan from his father and grandfather.<br /><br />Now it's my wife who is disappointed when I park my butt watching the current Yankees on TV or force her to listen to them on the radio when we're in the car.<br /><br />Kevin

Archive 06-08-2006 11:45 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>James Feagin</b><p>Rooting for the Yankees is like rooting for Wal-Mart against the The Sisters of the Poor <img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14>

Archive 06-08-2006 11:48 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Trevor Hocking</b><p>My family has been a baseball family for five generations now, so my Grandfather told me. My Grandfather grew up in Brooklyn and lived and died with the Dodgers. He then moved to California one year after they did. My Father was a part time fan of baseball and the Dodgers. Then there came me. I grew up watching the Dodgers in the early 80's with my Grandfather and I was hooked. They where the team for me. Now I have a six year old son Hunter and he loves baseball. <img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14> I think he likes the Dodgers only because I make him. <img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14> He is on the Blue Jays now so he wants to collect and watch them right now. But yes baseball is a part of my family and life and I will always be a fan. A DODGER fan!!!! GO BLUE!!!!<br /><br />And yes being a Dodger fan means to hate the Angels. (Sorry Doug) <img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14><br /><br /><br />

Archive 06-08-2006 11:52 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Ben</b><p>Dejected Expos fan here. I used to get to as many games as possible when I lived in Montreal. So many great memories! Vlade's 31 game hit streak. Heckling Pat Burrell so bad that he turned around and gave us a serious stink eye and wave off. Sneaking in 12-packs and hiding out in the nosebleeds during blowouts. Getting into fistfights with the mascot Youpee. Hitting on the VIP stewardesses with very little success. Playing wiffle-ball with Bill "Spaceman" Lee. Naked french guy streaking across the outfield. I could keep going but I know where to stop.<br /><br />I always enjoy following the game and watching on TV even though my team went kaput. I'm sorta half way on the Blue Jays bandwagon now but it just aint the same I tells ya!<br /><br />I'm also in a fantasy league. Somebody slap me for taking Teixeira with my first round pick!!! Argh.<br /><br /> <br /><br />

Archive 06-08-2006 11:53 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Dustan Hedlin</b><p>I love to watch baseball, and I'm actually going out west for a week and a half at the end of July to see all 5 parks in California and the one in AZ. After my trip, I'll have been to 21 different parks. 20 different teams, and new Busch Stadium.

Archive 06-08-2006 11:56 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Paul Stratton</b><p>I'm a long suffering Tigers fan. I was there in 84 when Gibby took Gossage yard and it is still the most electric moment I've ever experienced in person. There hasn't been much to cheer about since the late 80's so it's pretty exciting to watch them play so well this year.

Archive 06-08-2006 11:59 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Jim Novotny</b><p>I am a big fan of baseball. I follow the Athletics and the Cubs. Most of the time tough I am following my kids to their games. I love the sport at whatever level it is played.<br />Jim

Archive 06-08-2006 12:03 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Al C.risafulli</b><p>I love baseball. Modern baseball, baseball history, wiffle ball, whatever - I can't get enough of it.<br /><br />I look at each baseball season as an installment in a serial novel. You can read any one of the novellas and enjoy it by itself, but it's a whole lot more enjoyable if you read them all and understand how they relate to one another.<br /><br /><br />-Al

Archive 06-08-2006 12:24 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Cobby33</b><p>Giants season ticket holder and in last place in my fantasy league!<br /><br />P.S. I picked up Patterson a couple of weeks ago and benched Edmonds- he sucks!

Archive 06-08-2006 12:29 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Cat</b><p>Love the game. I don't see a lot of MLB games live, but do like to go the the local Single A games. I also have the MLB TV package and see parts of 700 or 800 games on TV per year. I love the art of the game and watching players who understand the importance of the little things...moving runners up, throwing to the right base, catchers blocking balls, etc.

Archive 06-08-2006 12:33 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>jP</b><p>baseball has always been a big part of my life and my family too. started playing and learning the sport when i was 5 and played all the way up to varsity baseball team in high school ( california 1993 pacific league champs, Hoover High)im 30 now and will be putting my son on a t-ball team very soon. Dodgers are my team for as long as i can remember. although i dont keep up with current events in baseball i still catch the highlights and go to a Dodger game here and there (went last saturday and got a free dodger shirt) been collecting cards since jr. high school and started collecting heavily recenlty. LONG LIVE BASEBALL Americas favorite past time!

Archive 06-08-2006 12:36 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>ockday</b><p>I actually remember Mazeroski's HR though I was a little kid...bummer all the same.<br />I'm a big Yankee fan..season ticket holder and am enjoying watching the "baby Bombers" this year.<br />So when I started collecting in the mid 80's my main focus was Yankee cards from t206 through Mantle as well as game used bats with a heavy Yankee emphasis.<br />I also have been in a baseball rotisserie league (NL only) for the last 10 years so I watch alot of NL baseball .<br />So yeah..I follow baseball <img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14><br /><br />Alan<br /><br /><br />

Archive 06-08-2006 12:42 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>dd</b><p>Chalk me up as a baseball fan.

Archive 06-08-2006 12:52 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Lee Behrens</b><p>I am a partial season ticket holder for the Twins, new ball park in 2010!!!!!!! I am in a fantasy baseball league, attend local college wood bat league games, will be going on my 4th baseball trip this summer (Great Fun!!!!!) and keep up daily with the stats. Winters get boring, good thing we have this forum to take care of some of the baseball fix.<br /><br />Football fans are for the lazy Americans that can't keep there attention span for more than 5 minutes. <br /><br />Lee

Archive 06-08-2006 01:00 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>leon</b><p>I am addicted to the cards and couldn't give a rat's ass about major league baseball today. If I see a game on tv I might watch an inning. I think they are big, overpaid, babies. If there was NO major league baseball it would make no difference to me. However, with that said I really enjoy going to the local minor league games in Frisco, Tx. They are really enjoyable, don't cost a ton of money, and the guys look like they are still having fun. I think it's the major league players that I despise so much. The last strike really turned me off too. I do still love the game and hope to get into some mens softball soon....but have also just volunteered most of what free time I have to my little girls softball league. Did I mention I can't stand major league baseball? (that being said I was appreciative of a free ticket that Texas Ted gave me and Rich K, last year)....THE company I kept made that game regards...your addicted collector moderator dude...

Archive 06-08-2006 01:02 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Steve M.</b><p>for the History of the game. Present day baseball holds little interest for me though I will go to one Cubs game this year on my birthday/father's day and then only because my son bought the ticket.<br /><br /><br />Edited to say amen to Leon's post as I hadn't read it when I posted.

Archive 06-08-2006 01:06 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Peter Thomas</b><p>I have managed to get to at least 1 red sox game every year since 1946. When I lived in Boston walking distace to Fenway from 1960 to 1980 I got to about 50 games a year. Harder now, but with Tampa and Miami not too bad. I also rember Mazeroski's HR and as a sox fan was happy to hear it. Best memory of 60 though was seeing Williams last HR at Fenway, landed about 50 feet from me.

Archive 06-08-2006 01:28 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Bob</b><p>Our 5th grade teacher let us watch the Yanks-Pirates WS game 7 on tv in good old black and white so I got to see Maz' pop fly homer live. <br />I am a very long suffering Twins fan (since the beginning in '61). I will watch most American League games if I am in the mood but hate the National League except the Cubs.

Archive 06-08-2006 01:36 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>peter ullman</b><p>i'm a huge baseball fan...always have been...always will be...big yankees fan to be specific. i grew up in nj going to yankees games with my dad, moved to baltimore for dental school and saw cal break LG's streak and am now in mn where i root for the twinkies...when the yanks are not in town!<br /><br />pete in mn

Archive 06-08-2006 02:11 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Sean</b><p>I gotta love the Twins, don't have a clue about any other team or players. I watch them once a week, and try to get to a few games each year (hot bogs and 3.2 beers, nothing better). I'm really excited for our new stadium! <br />I used to be real goofy about the Twins was I was young (Age 6-12), I would watch every game and mark all the pitches if they were balls/strikes and the hits/errors and anything else...would like to see those today. <br /><br />Lee my e-mail is -<br /><br />Does anyone know how to tag my e-mail to my name? I'm guessing I would have to upgrade to premier service?<br /><br />SeanBH<br /><br /><br />

Archive 06-08-2006 02:12 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Andrew Parks</b><p>They're still playing baseball in the big leagues? Who knew?

Archive 06-08-2006 02:17 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>ScottIngold</b><p>So i'm not the only one. Andrew and Leon sound like me.

Archive 06-08-2006 02:25 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Joe Jones</b><p>I follow baseball everyday (Go Tigers!). Sure the players have changed over the years but I still admire the game. I would rather watch baseball than any other sport.

Archive 06-08-2006 02:33 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Jimi</b><p>I love the game and I stay up late to watch my Indians play! Still waiting for another title!<br /><br /><br><br>Jimi

Archive 06-08-2006 02:34 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>leon</b><p>When you post, where it says "Your Email (optional)"....put your email addy in there...and you are all set. And I agree...what major league baseball ? Although, I am not knocking anyone that loves it. It's still a great game that I enjoy playing....

Archive 06-08-2006 02:35 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Sean Coe</b><p>I follow the Orioles although not with the enthusiasm I had when I was a kid.

Archive 06-08-2006 02:43 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Chris Counts</b><p>While I am convinced baseball will never be as great as it was in the 1930s and early 1940s (sorry, t-card collectors, but this was baseball true golden age!), it's still the next best thing. I loved the recent international baseball "classic," and I still read the box scores every day (since early 1970, by the way!).<br /><br />I used to root for my favorite teams, but I can't even remember who they are because I am now hopelessly addicted to fantasy baseball, which manages to subvert all natural team allegiances. I even root for the dreaded Yankees now, because I have Jeter and Giambi on my fantasy team. By the way, Bill, don't lose too much sleep over Corey Patterson. I had a chance to pick him up and then I looked at his on-base average ...

Archive 06-08-2006 02:46 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Matthew</b><p>I have had this discussion before & it still is surprising to me to see how many don't follow the game. I got into collecting because of a love of baseball, but I suppose everyone is different. <br />I follow the game pretty closely but really like the minor league games. I have a couple of minor league parks within close distance & the games are a blast. I will have to admit keeping up with the current players is much better than trying to keep up with the new card releases. Also love fantasy baseball (even though I am sucking in the net54 league!) & was lucky enough to pick up Corey Patterson last night in 1 of my leagues. Could not believe he was still there as I was scanning the players!

Archive 06-08-2006 02:48 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Bruce Babcock</b><p>I was a huge Milwaukee Braves fan because my mom grew up in Wisconsin and my grandparents lived there. My cousins lived in Milwaukee. Eddie Mathews was my favorite player because he grew up in Santa Barbara, where I grew up as well. Aaron and Spahn were big favorites also. I got Mathews' autograph at Dodger Stadium in 1964. When the Braves left Milwaukee . . .<br /><br />I still read the sports pages first every day and follow the Dodgers and Angels because I live in LA. I don't really root for either team, though. I am probably more a fan of Vin Scully than the Dodgers. I've been listening to Scully for 45 years.

Archive 06-08-2006 02:48 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Bill K</b><p>Beyond following the Twins boxscore every week or so I couldn't care less about today's baseball. I love the vintange/deadball era. When I was a kid I used to listen to Herb Carneil(sp.) every night in the summer call a game while lying in bed. What a voice he had! I even had my foot run over by Tom Brunanski's car during the 87' World Series parade. I lost interest in 94' and it's never come back.<br /><br />I get to Miller Park a few times a year mainly for the tailgating. I'll take my 3 y/o son this year just to experience a game.<br /><br />Bill<br><br>My personal collection - <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow"></a>

Archive 06-08-2006 02:51 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Richard</b><p>Admitting this may get me banned from the board, but I'm a Blue Jays fan through-and-through <img src="/images/wink.gif" height=14 width=14><br /><br />Have been ever since I discovered baseball as a kid, and now I watch as many games on TV as I can. It's a bit of a hike into the city, so I don't catch as many games as I'd like, but I did get to Opening Day this year (for the first time).<br /><br />And while it may not rank up there for those who lived through Mazeroski's shot, I'll never forget watching Carter round the bases after his dinger in '93. <br /><br />Regards,<br /><br />Richard.

Archive 06-08-2006 03:04 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>dstudeba</b><p>I am like Bill K. Follow the Red Sox through the paper, but if I don't read anything about baseball for a week or so I don't feel a loss. I go to the games to get together with friends and drink beer on a summer evening. <br /><br />I collect cards because I did it as a kid with my dad.

Archive 06-08-2006 03:29 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>john/z28jd</b><p> I watch as many games as possible and between minors and majors im going to about 20 games this year inclduing the all-star game. I would say i watch at least parts of 500 games per year and i have xmradio and listen to a game whenever its on and whoever is playing altho if the Yankees are the only team on and its their home announcers i wont listen,ill just follow the score. Im obsessed with baseball in general and will read or talk about anything from the beginning till now altho 19th century major leagues is my favorite subject

Archive 06-08-2006 03:33 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Max Weder</b><p>I think I stopped following modern baseball in 1994, when the Expos were leading the division at a .641 clip and the strike killed the season. I still follow the Mariners, the Red Sox and know the stars, but unlike when I was 21, I can no longer recite the entire 40 man rosters of all the teams, and I am now continually surprised when a player retires at 35, and I've never heard of him<br /><br />(I can hardly wait until Zach turns 47, and he suffers a similar fate)<br /><br />Max

Archive 06-08-2006 03:44 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Mike</b><p>I check the standings each morning. I am not as much a diehard as i used to be. When my two children played, one in Babe Ruth, and the other a college all conference shortstop, it made the pros' seem not as interesting anymore. I still love the game. But I enjoyed my children much more. is great to know that Minnesota will finally get a professional stadium. I will be increasing my annual visits to watch them, going from none, to probably 15 or so. I can't wait. WOW....sunshine, grass, and clouds and birds....too bad Kirby won't be here to see it. <br /><br />

Archive 06-08-2006 03:46 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Kevin Cummings</b><p>John:<br /><br />And here I thought you hated the Yankees because you thought Omar Vizquel was a better all-around player than Derek Jeter, not because you didn't like their announcers.<br /><br />So, how would you rank from most-hated to least-hated:<br /><br />Jim Kaat<br />Michael Kay<br />Al Leiter<br />Bobby Murcer<br />Ken Singleton<br />John Sterling<br />Suzyn Waldman<br /><br />Kevin

Archive 06-08-2006 03:59 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Sean</b><p>Easy enough.<br /><br />Thanks Leon o' Moderator Dude

Archive 06-08-2006 04:21 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>John S</b><p>I love the game but am more into the history than following current players. I would rather and do attend more minor league games than major league contests. I lived in Charleston, SC for a few years and really enjoyed attending the single A Riverdogs games. $4 to get in a watch young kids play good hard baseball. Who knows how many of them were on HGH or other performance enhancers; that's fodder for another debate.

Archive 06-08-2006 04:43 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Joe_G.</b><p>Die-hard Detroit fan for 22 years and counting (84 Tigers - last Championship). Not an easy proposition given the lean years (decades) <img src="/images/wink.gif" height=14 width=14><br /><br />The White Sox are going down tonight (after a tough loss last night).<br /><br />Best Regards,<br />Joe Gonsowski

Archive 06-08-2006 05:07 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Steve Dawson</b><p>I still follow the game every day, but not nearly to the extent I did in my younger days. I'm a life-long (I was 6 when they joined the NL) San Diego Padres fan (to the two Tiger fans who posted earlier, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!.....I still hate Kirk Gibson!!!!!!!). The game just isn't the same these days, with the overpaid prima-donna players who refuse to sign autographs for anyone including kids, and the steroid controversy. Having said all that, I still absolutely love going to games. I'm currently living in San Antonio TX and try to get to Houston a few times each season to see the Astros, especially when the Padres play there.<br /><br />For all their mediocrity, the Padres have actually had some great players (Dave Winfield, Willie McCovey, Rollie Fingers, Gaylord Perry, Ozzie Smith, Goose Gossage, Steve Garvey, Graig Nettles, Tony Gwynn, and my personal favorite, Randy Jones, who won the 1976 NL Cy Young Award).<br /><br /><br /><br />Steve

Archive 06-08-2006 05:56 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Judge Dred (Fred)</b><p>Steve,<br /><br />Only 4 of the players listed were farmed Padres: Jones, Winfield, Smith and Gwynn. Those aren't bad players. Don't forget about Mark Davis (Cy Young Award winner) and Ken Caminiti (first MVP). Just for good measure there was also the Padres first 50 HR player in Greg Vaughn. What about Nate Colbert? <br /><br />No, I don't follow baseball... <br /><br />Actually, I feel like there's something missing from the sports pages from November to March...

Archive 06-08-2006 07:08 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>jay behrens</b><p>I don't follow the game as closely as used to. Even though I grew up a Twins fan, and still am, I prefer the NL game over the AL game. When I lived in CA I had season tix to the A's a few years and regularly attended Giants games at Candlestick because they let military personel in free. I spent one year working the sound board for the local minor league team and had blast doing. My job prevents me from still do it <img src="/images/sad.gif" height=14 width=14><br /><br />Jay<br><br>Growing old is not optional, growing up is.

Archive 06-08-2006 07:25 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>john/z28jd</b><p>Dear Kevin, I hate John Sterling and Susan Waldman only,i watch on tv.Waldmans only job is to follow the Yankees and she makes so many mistakes and Sterling kisses butt constantly and his homer(not home runs) calls are too annoying. The tv announcers aside from Michael Kay are knowledgeable and call what they see not what they see thru pinstriped glasses,but Kay isnt that bad that id turn him off.Only Tim McCarver gets shut off on tv

Archive 06-08-2006 07:35 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Kevin Cummings</b><p>Hard to believe the Yankees could have found a worse broadcaster than Phil Rizzuto, huh? <img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14>

Archive 06-08-2006 07:46 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Tim James</b><p>I've been a Reds fan all my life.I try to keep up with them,but it seems that they find a way to fall by the wayside.'90 was sweet,no offense Jay,but I'm wondering if they could ever recapture the glorydays of The Big Red Machine.

Archive 06-08-2006 07:52 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Joann</b><p>Die-hard Tigers fan. I live almost three hours from Detroit, and still had 20 game mini packages for years until I started school. Even drove all that way and sat in the stands to watch them lose 119 games. Doesn't matter.<br /><br />1968: World Series games were still played during the day. Our 4th grade classroom had it on the radio every day it was on. Awesome memory (and Denny McClain was wilder than hell in the All-Star game that year).<br /><br />1984: Living in Maryland in grad school. I could get Ernie Harwell on WJR all the way in Md if I sat on my balcony. I sat out there in a lawn chair with a beer and listened to Ernie the night they clinched the pennant. Finished up my thesis and got home in late Sept just in time to watch the playoffs. <br /><br />Definitely follow baseball<br /><br />Joann

Archive 06-08-2006 08:03 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>jay behrens</b><p>I'm a hard guy to offend, I just randomly attack attack people for no reason <img src="/images/wink.gif" height=14 width=14> At least that's my rep. Some people got street cred, I got board cred.<br /><br />Jay<br><br>Growing old is not optional, growing up is.

Archive 06-08-2006 08:14 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Bob Donaldson</b><p>Been a fan since I can remember. Red Sox season ticket holder (weekends only). Been to about 20 MLB parks and another 10 or so minor league. Watch at least a few innings of almost every Sox game (or highlights). In the winter I watch DVDs of old games from my youth (60s/70s) to get me to spring training!

Archive 06-08-2006 09:19 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Patrick McMenemy</b><p>I'm another loyal member of Red Sox Nation....<br /><br />Patrick

Archive 06-08-2006 09:29 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Tim James</b><p>I was just worried that since you are an A's fan that I would offend you because the underdog Reds swept the "no way they could loose" A's! As Dibble coined the phrase,"We kicked their ass" !

Archive 06-08-2006 10:04 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>jay behrens</b><p>Not even close to an A's fan. I had season tix so I go to the AS game and then kept getting them because they were a good bet to go to the WS and I didn't have to pay for Giants tix. If I had to pay Giants tix I would not spent money on A's tix after 1987.<br /><br />Jay<br><br>Growing old is not optional, growing up is.

Archive 06-08-2006 11:59 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Brett</b><p>After all of this steroid ****, with big mac, sosa, bonds and probably half of the league, it really doesn't get me as interested as i once was . The pitching is rediculous. These guys should be in the minor leagues for god sakes. hitters on steroids plus minor league pitching in the majors = too many 500 HR hitters and 100+ RBI seasons. i mean come on here, look at the HRs already, and we're not evenhalf way through the year, and some guys are almost averaging 1 HR every 2 games. i don't like all of this HR stuff, because thats all people notice is how many HRs a guy hits in a year. i think it takes more skill to hit .330 every year, rather than 30 HRs a year. whats really funny is most of the big HR hitters have a ****ty AVG. 40 HRs, 100 + RBI and a .260 avg. well thats enough ranting for one night. <br /><br />

Archive 06-09-2006 12:13 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>barry arnold</b><p>I love baseball---just not major league nowadays.<br /><br />now if they'd put a vintage/deadball game on tv, you couldn't pull<br />me away.<br />guess that can't happen. <img src="/images/sad.gif" height=14 width=14><br /><br /><br />barry<br />

Archive 06-09-2006 12:34 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Ricky Y</b><p>Giants fan I'm afraid... interesting tie in to the pre war forum..Jason Schmidt tied Big Six Mathewson for the most strikeout in a game by a Giant pitcher yesterday. <br /><br />Although I miss the early 70's era (since that was when I was a kid and first became enamored of the game) I still enjoy the game today..nothing like spending a summer afternoon out at the park.<br /><br />Ricky

Archive 06-09-2006 12:36 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Bob Pomilla</b><p>Still bleed Dodger Blue, though the flow of blood is less severe than when I was a kid (the Brooklyn and later Koufax/Drysdale days).

Archive 06-09-2006 05:49 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>David Vargha</b><p>I love the game, but don't follow it as closely as when I was a kid. Sadly, I am a lifelong Seattle Mariners fan (since 1977 when I went to their opening game in the Kingdome). I love reading about the "oldtimers" of the game.<br><br>

Archive 06-09-2006 08:40 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Rob NYC</b><p>Yankees fan from 1975-1995.<br />Cardinals fan from 1995 to present.<br />I don't hate the Yankees, I just like the Cardinals' team colors better <img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14><br /><br />Monkey see shiny, monkey want shiny.

Archive 06-09-2006 11:09 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Bob</b><p>It's a lot harder to be a Twins fan than a fan of almost any other MLB team because of the chintzy owner who won't spend to build a contender and then won't sell off the good players when they still have value to restock, reload and come back with a really good team in 4-5 years which can contend. <br />Glad there are so many Twins fans around. It used to be easy to love them because they were the real America's team, a bunch of young kids who played hard, battled to the end and were just good people. Now under Ron Gardensnake they have gotten worse every year, they are a joke other than Mauer, Santana, Nathan and Liriano, and they don't execute fundamentally, don't play the great d they were once famous for and don't hustle and bust butt. They are a joke and if not for the hapless A's would the worst team in the American League. I love the Twin Cities and the State but there are times I wish they would relocate so I could move on to another team to root for.

Archive 06-09-2006 11:26 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Gary Bills</b><p>I'm a little surprised that no one mentioned the college world series as that is some real baseball.<br><br>Gary Bills

Archive 06-09-2006 03:00 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Jeremy</b><p>been a mets fan since '83. strawberry & gooden had me hooked. who would have imagined how their careers would turn out. still follow them religiously thanks to the mlb tv package & must admit that i'm feeling fairly well about their potential this year.

Archive 06-09-2006 03:37 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Scott T</b><p>As a long suffering Padre fan I have to ask, has that ball re-entered the atmosphere yet?<br /><br /><br /><br />Paul wrote:<br /><br />I'm a long suffering Tigers fan. I was there in 84 when Gibby took Gossage yard and it is still the most electric moment I've ever experienced in person.<br><br>Scott <br />

Archive 06-09-2006 04:12 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Martin Neal</b><p>I have been a Dodger fan for over 40 years. I vividly remember taking a transister to grade school and listening to Koufax during the World Series. It's great to see so many Dodger fans on the board.

Archive 06-10-2006 06:54 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Richard Simon</b><p>Die hard Mets fan,,, up till 1 am the last four nites to watch them win 3/4 on the Coast.<br />Saturday ticket plan holder for many years. My son (yes the ESPN employee <img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14><img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14> ) and I have had the Saturday or Sunday plan for many years now.<br />Who has the best record in the National League?<br />THE METS. <img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14><br><br>I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

Archive 06-10-2006 06:16 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Ted Zanidakis</b><p>In the Spring of 1949 I became a Yankees fan.....thanks to Mrs McGregor; our<br />5th grade teacher. She was such an avid baseball fan that she would show us<br />the movies of the previous years' World Series. I will never forget the 1947 WS<br />(Yankees vs Dodgers). It has to be the most exciting 7-game WS ever played.<br />And, it made me a Yankees fan forever.<br /><br />I read some of the anti-Yankee posts here lauding Mazeroski's HR in 1960. I recall<br />that game very well. I can recall that ball carrying into the Left Field stands like it<br /> was just yesterday.<br /><br />OK.....Trivia Quiz time.....who was the Yankee left-fielder watching that HR go over<br /> his head into the stands ?<br /><br />And, then I'll tell you who he blamed for the Yankees losing that game....and it was<br />not Mazeroski.<br /><br />T-Rex Ted <br />

Archive 06-10-2006 07:38 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>DJ</b><p>Wasn't it Yogi?<br /><br />I still watch it everyday, but I can't seem to find an allegiance of any sorts. I enjoy the game being played correctly, small ball with teams that actually build up their minor league system. You could say I'm a fan of the game more than the players and/or teams. <br /><br />I do root for players that I have come to know in the past, friends. This whole steroid thing sucks and I was one of those excited about the 1998 race that just seems "duped" in some ways and when I see someone praising Barry Bonds (like Livian Hernandez and Albert Pujols), I find myself disappointed yet more. I'm also not particularily fond of Bud Selig. <br /><br />DJ

Archive 06-10-2006 09:33 PM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Josh K.</b><p>Huge baseball fan. Though right now Im all about the Hurricane's bringing the cup to Raleigh.

Archive 06-11-2006 02:03 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Dan Koteles</b><p>maybe nobody follows baseball more then me, then I play in 2 leagues....roughly 40 games per year. I like my personal<br />trades with my few comrades, this to much the most extent is what I like about cards, then there are others , like <br />one in mind that BLEW my W-600 deal by emailing the person <br />behind my back...that part is what I dont like about cards.<br /><br />I learned along time ago that the polish,jewish , germans,<br />chechs, swedes, etc....all stay together AND IT'S EVERY<br />HUNGARIAN FOR THEMSELVES, SO IT IS ALL GOOD !!!!

Archive 06-11-2006 06:05 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>dennis</b><p>white sox/baseball fan since 1959! love to watch any mlb game, & read about old baseball! dislike...aluminum bats and artifical grass.

Archive 06-11-2006 06:17 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Ted Zanidakis</b><p>DJ<br /><br />You are correct.....Yogi Berra was playing LF in the 7th WS game in 1960.<br /><br />Yogi faults relief pitcher Jim Coates for failing to cover 1st base in a crucial<br />play in the 8th inning which would have stopped the Pirates 5-run rally (which<br />put them ahead with a score of 9 - 7).<br /><br />The Yankees came back to tie it up with a 2-run HR by Yogi in the 9th.<br /><br />Then in the bottom of the 9th Mazeroski came to bat.......and that is where<br />my memory fades (or I have a severe "mental block").<br /><br />This Yogi story was personally told to me by Clete Boyer, who was the Yankees<br /> 3rd baseman in 1960

Archive 06-11-2006 06:29 AM

How Many on the Board Actually Follow Baseball?
Posted By: <b>Greg</b><p>Yet another loyal member of Red Sox Nation, both up in Boston and down in Pawtucket (one of these days we'll get up to Portland). My wife and I live and die with the team night after night. Today happens to be a good day. The chest pains will be returning in a few hours I'm sure. Have always loved the history of the game and, as history continues to be made, we enjoy watching it unfold. How can you not if you love the game? Of course, it doesn't get any better than Fenway Park if you appreciate history and what has gone down in that hallowed part of Boston over the years. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

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