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todeen 01-23-2022 09:41 AM

Local John Stockton Mask Controversy
Local controversy about John Stockton finally reached a boiling point. The entire season, while students have been required to wear masks, and just recently GU stopped selling food and drink, John Stockton has refused to wear a mask at games. And every game - even nationally televised - the TV station has panned on him to show that he is in attendance. Locals have been writing in anger about it in the the opinion column. It's become a black eye for GU. There is no bigger public celebrity in Spokane besides John Stockton. Even though he is retired, he is very involved in the community. His kids did AAU, he brought them out when the YMCA hosted punt pass and kick, he shows up at Hoopfest. Really, it's just quite amazing he would decide to tarnish his public reputation like he has. Obviously it's about money. And I suppose there were finally enough donors that complained to the point the school had to take action.

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Carter08 01-23-2022 12:20 PM

Stockton is my favorite player of all time, followed by Malone. Pretty disappointed to see this from him. I imagine some people might like him more for it though.

BobbyStrawberry 01-23-2022 12:24 PM

Perhaps he and Kyrie Irving should start a basketball/epidemiology podcast.

Carter08 01-23-2022 01:35 PM

Aaron Rodgers has some time on his hands now too.

Go Buffalo.

Cliff Bowman 01-23-2022 01:43 PM

Mr. Stockton needs to pull up stakes and flee to Florida or Texas.

todeen 01-23-2022 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Cliff Bowman (Post 2188738)
Mr. Stockton needs to pull up stakes and flee to Florida or Texas.

Idaho is right next door. That's where GU coach Few got his DUI.

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todeen 01-23-2022 10:12 PM

Wanted to include part of Stockton's interview. It's long, so go find it online if you're interested.

Spokesman: "Do you mention in one of those podcasts that six years into your NBA career... you decided to stop using traditional medicine..."

Stockton: "Yeah, it wasn't cold turkey, I've had cortisone shots, I've taken anti-biotics. Antibiotics saved my life probably twice... So it's not strictly anti-medicine. I tend toward a holistic style. Again, it's very difficult in this world to do it. Insurance doesn't pay for it, it's treating the body - understanding what the body needs instead of treating a symptom with medications and chemicals. It's what I've chosen from that point forward."

Spokesman: "Was there an experience that forced you to start filming that way?"

Stockton: "Yeah, multiple experiences. One is, I took anti-inflammatants for about a year and a half and some of that is what they call pulsing. So they take a course for 15 days then you take 10 days off. It's funny that comes up because one of those anti-inflammatants I took is now banned. You went through all the ten years of testing to be tested okay and approved by the FDA. Then it was later banned because it ruined people's hearts. That was one of the ones I took for a long time..."

Spokesman: "Is there anything else you'd want to say about any of this?"

Stockton: "...[Gonzaga] currently requires vaccines... Those children and kids their age, they have literally zero statistical risk of being harmed by the disease, and they have significant statistical risk of being harmed by the side effects of the so-called vaccines.

And I think it's highly recorded now, there's 150 I believe now - is over 100 professional athletes dead, professional athletes, the prime of their life, dropping dead that are vaccinated, right on the pitch, right on the field, right on the court. There's 20k deaths from the vaccine that the CDC acknowledges from their VAERS system, which they acknowledge amounts for 1% of actual. So the actual numbers more than likely are much larger than that, but that's what they're actually willing to concede. They shut down previous vaccine systems for 25 deaths and we're still over 20k again that they concede. Over a million injuries..."

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jayshum 01-24-2022 11:17 AM

The VAERS system that Stockton refers to is a web site where anyone can report an adverse event following a vaccination. There is no initial verification that what is reported actually happened or that it was caused by a vaccine, but there can be an attempt for further investigation to determine if there is a true cause from a vaccine. From what has been looked into, there is nowhere near 20K deaths caused by the COVID vaccines acknowledged by the CDC, but that seems to be a popular talking point for the anti-vaccine side.

From the FAQ page:

Limitations of VAERS:

It is generally not possible to find out from VAERS data if a vaccine caused the adverse event
Reports submitted to VAERS often lack details and sometimes contains errors
Serious adverse events are more likely to be reported than non-serious events
Numbers of reports may increase in response to media attention and increased public awareness
VAERS data cannot be used to determine rates of adverse events

Peter_Spaeth 01-24-2022 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by jayshum (Post 2189041)
The VAERS system that Stockton refers to is a web site where anyone can report an adverse event following a vaccination. There is no initial verification that what is reported actually happened or that it was caused by a vaccine, but there can be an attempt for further investigation to determine if there is a true cause from a vaccine. From what has been looked into, there is nowhere near 20K deaths caused by the COVID vaccines acknowledged by the CDC, but that seems to be a popular talking point for the anti-vaccine side.

From the FAQ page:

Limitations of VAERS:

It is generally not possible to find out from VAERS data if a vaccine caused the adverse event
Reports submitted to VAERS often lack details and sometimes contains errors
Serious adverse events are more likely to be reported than non-serious events
Numbers of reports may increase in response to media attention and increased public awareness
VAERS data cannot be used to determine rates of adverse events

Tell a lie often enough and it becomes true, right?

clydepepper 01-24-2022 02:45 PM

I'm still in a lot of pain because my hip-replacement surgery was cancelled at the last minute due to the virus.

So, I don't give a DAMN about the rights of those who decide not to get vaccinated!!


irv 01-25-2022 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by clydepepper (Post 2189128)
I'm still in a lot of pain because my hip-replacement surgery was cancelled at the last minute due to the virus.

So, I don't give a DAMN about the rights of those who decide not to get vaccinated!!


Yeah, those stupid, ignorant anti-vaxxers!!!!
"""1073 cases in the fully vaccinated hospitalized compared to 417 in the unvaccinated""

You've been lied to since the beginning. It's about time you warmed up to that fact.

Carter08 01-25-2022 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2189340)
Yeah, those stupid, ignorant anti-vaxxers!!!!
"""1073 cases in the fully vaccinated hospitalized compared to 417 in the unvaccinated""

You've been lied to since the beginning. It's about time you warmed up to that fact.

Twitter is funny.

Jim65 01-25-2022 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by clydepepper (Post 2189128)
I'm still in a lot of pain because my hip-replacement surgery was cancelled at the last minute due to the virus.

So, I don't give a DAMN about the rights of those who decide not to get vaccinated!!


So, your rights are more important than anyone elses?

nolemmings 01-25-2022 08:50 AM

QUOTE=irv;2189340]Yeah, those stupid, ignorant anti-vaxxers!!!!
"""1073 cases in the fully vaccinated hospitalized compared to 417 in the unvaccinated""

You've been lied to since the beginning. It's about time you warmed up to that fact.[/QUOTE]

I've seen this foolishness from you before, and marvel at your lack of understanding of basic math and probability. More than six times as many people are vaccinated as are not. Yet the difference in hospitalizations, assuming your numbers to be correct, is about two to one. Hmm, wonder why.

Carter08 01-25-2022 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by nolemmings (Post 2189403)
QUOTE=irv;2189340]Yeah, those stupid, ignorant anti-vaxxers!!!!
"""1073 cases in the fully vaccinated hospitalized compared to 417 in the unvaccinated""

You've been lied to since the beginning. It's about time you warmed up to that fact.

I've seen this foolishness from you before, and marvel at your lack of understanding of basic math and probability. More than six times as many people are vaccinated as are not. Yet the difference in hospitalizations, assuming your numbers to be correct, is about two to one. Hmm, wonder why.[/QUOTE]

I was told there would be no math.

earlywynnfan 01-25-2022 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by todeen (Post 2188908)

Stockton: ". Antibiotics saved my life probably twice... So it's not strictly anti-medicine. I tend toward a holistic style. Again, it's very difficult in this world to do it. Insurance doesn't pay for it, it's treating the body - understanding what the body needs instead of treating a symptom with medications and chemicals. It's what I've chosen from that point forward."

For various reasons based on experiences within my own family, I completely understand and even agree with this philosophy.

However, I also believe in following the rules. My workplace wants me to wear a mask. So I wear a mask.
The local library or coffee shop wants me to wear a mask, I wear a mask. Or, I don't go there. It's pretty simple.

Peter_Spaeth 01-25-2022 10:24 AM

From 4 days ago, for whatever it's worth.

In one analysis of 259 hospitals and 383 emergency departments from late August through early January, a third dose of either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine was found to reduce the odds of a hospital or emergency room visit by 94 percent during the delta wave, and by 82 percent once omicron started spreading.

Peter_Spaeth 01-25-2022 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2189436)
For various reasons based on experiences within my own family, I completely understand and even agree with this philosophy.

However, I also believe in following the rules. My workplace wants me to wear a mask. So I wear a mask.
The local library or coffee shop wants me to wear a mask, I wear a mask. Or, I don't go there. It's pretty simple.

I think Stockton's basic preference for a holistic approach to health is fine, and my personal view is that many medications are overprescribed and less draconian treatments and prevention are underutilized. That said, I'm not sure that vaccines in a deadly pandemic, or wearing a mask, are really inconsistent with the philosophy. I belong to a practice that I would characterize as holistic but the doctors there certainly advocate vaccination and masks. I don't know about Stockton personally, but I find it interesting that many of the rabid anti-vaxxers have no problem taking heavy duty pharmaceuticals instead.

earlywynnfan 01-25-2022 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 2189441)
I think Stockton's basic preference for a holistic approach to health is fine, and my personal view is that many medications are overprescribed and less draconian treatments and prevention are underutilized. That said, I'm not sure that vaccines in a deadly pandemic, or wearing a mask, are really inconsistent with the philosophy. I belong to a practice that I would characterize as holistic but the doctors there certainly advocate vaccination and masks. I don't know about Stockton personally, but I find it interesting that many of the rabid anti-vaxxers have no problem taking heavy duty pharmaceuticals instead.

Well, my personal opinion is the people who say that "the vaccine is wrong, give me horse de-wormers or urine therapy" are listening to too many wackadoodles on the internet. Or, put a kinder way, they are putting their hatred for "(Dems, Fauci, Trump, Biden, Soros, Big Bird, Tucker, my mother, whomever)" over any reasoned science.

People who are consistent, I can support even if I don't believe the same thing.

Jim65 01-25-2022 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2189436)
For various reasons based on experiences within my own family, I completely understand and even agree with this philosophy.

However, I also believe in following the rules. My workplace wants me to wear a mask. So I wear a mask.
The local library or coffee shop wants me to wear a mask, I wear a mask. Or, I don't go there. It's pretty simple.

I agree 100% on masks.

I'm not anti-vax but forcing people to inject anything into their bodies crosses a line.

Peter_Spaeth 01-25-2022 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Jim65 (Post 2189476)
I agree 100% on masks.

I'm not anti-vax but forcing people to inject anything into their bodies crosses a line.

Vaccinations have been mandatory in schools forever, just the issue didn't get that much attention for obvious reasons.

irv 01-25-2022 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by nolemmings (Post 2189403)
QUOTE=irv;2189340]Yeah, those stupid, ignorant anti-vaxxers!!!!
"""1073 cases in the fully vaccinated hospitalized compared to 417 in the unvaccinated""

You've been lied to since the beginning. It's about time you warmed up to that fact.

I've seen this foolishness from you before, and marvel at your lack of understanding of basic math and probability. More than six times as many people are vaccinated as are not. Yet the difference in hospitalizations, assuming your numbers to be correct, is about two to one. Hmm, wonder why.[/QUOTE]

What I find foolish is people still thinking these vaccines actually work just because their T.V. screens and their corrupt and crooked gov’t and their funded media tell them they do.
What I also find foolish is that people can’t see the flip flopping, the lies, the back and forth, the moving of the goalposts, and if they do, they still don’t question anything.

Our numbers up here were, not long ago, over 11,000 to 1. Meaning, 11,000 fully vaccinated cases to 1,000 in the unvaccinated, but because many, thankfully, were starting to question that, they changed the way they reported things.
Manitoba's numbers were becoming even worse in the fully vaccinated, so now, because people were also questioning that, they now report on a 6 week average instead of providing daily reports. Things that make you go Hmm, or at least should.

Right now, up here, despite an 80% vaccination rate our cases/numbers are higher than what they were pre-vaccines?!?! But some, foolishly, still think the vaccines work, or they have been brainwashed enough to now accept that breakthrough cases, hospitalizations, including being put into the ICU, and dying are now the norm and what we are now seeing is what all vaccines prior to these unapproved ones were like too.

Prior to this last lockdown we are currently in, everyone was told to get vaccinated to enjoy concerts, restaurants, seeing gramma and attending other functions that the unvaccinated wouldn’t be able to do, but, despite the mass vaccination rate of over 80%, we are locked down yet again.

Foolishly still think the vaccines work when the unvaccinated were basically house bound/locked down and not allowed to go out and mingle with the fully vaccinated? We, in case you’re wondering, despite being fully vaccinated, still have to wear masks unless seated in a restaurant. Wear them going in but once seated, because for some strange reason covid only gets you while standing/walking, you can take them off once seated. :confused:

Like I said before, the idiocy, the stupidity, the hypocrisy and all the lies are all around us, but just like a brainwashed cult, those that are in it and still blame the unvaccinated, are too deluded to even notice.

Watch this. Think you were ever being told the truth about hospitalizations?

Watch this one too. You won't see it on the news. It's Pfizer's CEO admitting on video the first 2 doses provided very little, if any, protection at all and the booster provides "reasonable" protection. Define reasonable, please.

Peter_Spaeth 01-25-2022 01:04 PM

Between most of the world's governments, "the media," big pharma, hospitals, scientists and researchers, and don't forget the overwhelming majority of physicians, it's one hell of a conspiracy, damn. I wonder how often they hold meetings? "They" must have to meet often, to make sure everyone's on board with disseminating the same lies and misinformation, no?

Republicaninmass 01-25-2022 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 2189485)
Vaccinations have been mandatory in schools forever, just the issue didn't get that much attention for obvious reasons.

Yes, the ones that prevent terrible diseases, not ones that simply mitigate one, like a yearly flu shot.

chalupacollects 01-25-2022 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 2189485)
Vaccinations have been mandatory in schools forever, just the issue didn't get that much attention for obvious reasons.

Those vaccines - MMR, Polio, Chicken Pox, Measels etc. actually prevent you from getting those diseases. These covid vaxxes do not do that and thus should probably be called therepeutics.

But that would not help the various narratives....

irv 01-25-2022 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 2189502)
Between most of the world's governments, "the media," big pharma, hospitals, scientists and researchers, and don't forget the overwhelming majority of physicians, it's one hell of a conspiracy, damn. I wonder how often they hold meetings? "They" must have to meet often, to make sure everyone's on board with disseminating the same lies and misinformation, no?

Without trying to get political, which countries and/or states, blue or red, seem to be pushing this agenda, passports and mandates, more than the other?
Liberal gov't up here and south of me. Australia and France, to name a couple others. I am unsure so don't shoot me, but if I am not mistaken, these countries/states have the most draconian rules in place, no?
I said it in the other thread. I honestly don't believe this is about covid nor the vaccines. They are, imo, just a means to an end for the global reset, the agenda 2030 movement.
How can an honest, for the people gov't, push/coerce a vaccine on its citizens and require mandates and passports when once vaccinated you can still contract and spread the disease you're vaccinated against?? It makes zero sense.


Originally Posted by Republicaninmass (Post 2189515)
Yes, the ones that prevent terrible diseases, not ones that simply mitigate one, like a yearly flu shot.

And those were all tested and verified to be safe, which likely took years, before they were released to the general public. They are not unapproved EUA only vaccines like these covid ones are. It's amazing how many still don't understand that.

Peter_Spaeth 01-25-2022 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by chalupacollects (Post 2189531)
Those vaccines - MMR, Polio, Chicken Pox, Measels etc. actually prevent you from getting those diseases. These covid vaxxes do not do that and thus should probably be called therepeutics.

But that would not help the various narratives....

Agreed, scientifically speaking, but the CDC has now changed the definition of a vaccine. I thought this was odd on day one -- it actually might have helped public acceptance more calling it a therapeutic rather than a vaccine since that term has a built in negative connotation for some?

Peter_Spaeth 01-25-2022 03:06 PM

Dale, Pfizer got final approval in the US anyhow back in the summer.

BobC 01-25-2022 03:12 PM

As much as old cliches and adages are often viewed as stupid, biased, discriminatory, and just plain wrong in our current world, the sad truth is they were likely borne from real life events, circumstances, and observed actions and tendencies, and more often than not have a lot of actual truth and reality to support them, or at least did at some time in the past. But they are/were still never truly 100% accurate, which gives all the naysayers and opponents the ability to argue, fight, and complain about them with at least some degree of accuracy and righteousness. One of my all-time favorites is usually expressed as a short riddle.

How can you tell whenever a politician is lying..................their lips are moving!

Peter_Spaeth 01-25-2022 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by BobC (Post 2189547)
As much as old cliches and adages are often viewed as stupid, biased, discriminatory, and just plain wrong in our current world, the sad truth is they were likely borne from real life events, circumstances, and observed actions and tendencies, and more often than not have a lot of actual truth and reality to support them, or at least did at some time in the past. But they are/were still never truly 100% accurate, which gives all the naysayers and opponents the ability to argue, fight, and complain about them with at least some degree of accuracy and righteousness. One of my all-time favorites is usually expressed as a short riddle.

How can you tell whenever a politician is lying..................their lips are moving!

Yeah same joke told as to lawyers.

irv 01-25-2022 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 2189544)
Dale, Pfizer got final approval in the US anyhow back in the summer.

No they didn't, Peter. They got approval for a vaccine called cormirnaty, which, if you do some digging, isn't available anywhere.
It's another lie, another one of hundreds so far that has been used to fool and trick the public into thinking the Pfizer vaccine has been approved.

If there is an "approved" vaccine then all others in use under EUA must be removed. That is the law.

Republicaninmass 01-25-2022 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 2189558)
Yeah same joke told as to lawyers.

Like all jokes, they are loosely based on truths

BobC 01-25-2022 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 2189558)
Yeah same joke told as to lawyers.

Hmmm, I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that around 60% of those in Congress are attorneys/have law degrees, and something like 59% of all US Presidents were lawyers?

Actually, I always thought the preferred lawyer joke was:

What do you call 100,000 lawyers at the bottom of the lake/ocean.................a good start! :D

Feel free to come back with any well known CPA joke/cliche/adage............if you can find one! LOL

And I always liked and felt you could trust Harry Truman, he sold hats and suits, and is the only President since the 20th century began to not have gone to college!

irv 01-25-2022 04:17 PM

Any vaccinated individuals still believe they are not just Guinea pigs for Fauci and big Pharma?
And some still don't think these covid vaccines, despite the fully vaccinated hospitalization numbers, the ICU admissions and deaths deplete, not enhance ones immune system.

BobbyStrawberry 01-25-2022 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2189534)
I honestly don't believe this is about covid nor the vaccines. They are, imo, just a means to an end for the global reset, the agenda 2030 movement.

The what now?

butchie_t 01-25-2022 04:25 PM


Feel free to come back with any well known CPA joke/cliche/adage............if you can find one!
I would like to…..but the numbers just don’t add up. :p

Peter_Spaeth 01-25-2022 04:29 PM

How many accountants does it take to change a light bulb?

100. 1 to change it, 9 to do the audit, and 90 to bore everyone telling them about it.

alternate answer

How many did it take last year?

nolemmings 01-25-2022 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 2189502)
Between most of the world's governments, "the media," big pharma, hospitals, scientists and researchers, and don't forget the overwhelming majority of physicians, it's one hell of a conspiracy, damn. I wonder how often they hold meetings? "They" must have to meet often, to make sure everyone's on board with disseminating the same lies and misinformation, no?

Peter, you have no idea how vast the conspiracy extends. You will soon though, as Mike Lindell will get on the case, to expose the REAL Big Lie. No more pillow talk. I hear maybe even JFK, Jr. will get involved, in case his old man is indisposed (or decomposed).

Peter_Spaeth 01-25-2022 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by nolemmings (Post 2189602)
Peter, you have no idea how vast the conspiracy extends. You will soon though, as Mike Lindell will get on the case, to expose the REAL Big Lie. No more pillow talk. I hear maybe even JFK, Jr. will get involved, in case his old man is indisposed (or decomposed).

Speaking of which even RFK Jr. is apologizing for his disgraceful comments over the past couple of days invoking the Holocaust.

irv 01-25-2022 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by BobbyStrawberry (Post 2189592)
The what now?

What has been going on while we've all been distracted by other things.

Peter_Spaeth 01-25-2022 04:40 PM

Today Prince Charles, tomorrow the world. Fertile ground for conspiracy theorists for sure.

nolemmings 01-25-2022 04:45 PM

This Headline from the Wall Street Journal a couple of hours ago:

Covid-19 Deaths in the U.S. Top 2,100 a Day, Highest in Nearly a Year
--Omicron variant, though milder for some patients, is spreading with record-breaking speed.

Damn that flu. Of course, don't believe it. The WSJ is secretly run by George Soros. And Big Pharma. And the physicians. And the MSM. And the Libs. And Hollywood. And Academia. We need Mike Lindell to get the 300 million or so Americans (in name only) responsible for these lies put behind bars. NOW

Peter_Spaeth 01-25-2022 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by nolemmings (Post 2189611)
This Headline from the Wall Street Journal a couple of hours ago:

Covid-19 Deaths in the U.S. Top 2,100 a Day, Highest in Nearly a Year
--Omicron variant, though milder for some patients, is spreading with record-breaking speed.

Damn that flu. Of course, don't believe it. The WSJ is secretly run by George Soros. And Big Pharma. And the physicians. And the MSM. And the Libs. And Hollywood. And Academia. We need Mike Lindell to get the 300 million or so Americans (in name only) responsible for these lies put behind bars. NOW

I blame Greta Thunberg. It's all a ruse to distract attention from climate change.

BobbyStrawberry 01-25-2022 04:58 PM

I wouldn't watch a Trump or Trudeau speech if you paid me, but I skimmed through the rest of it. What is your theory, exactly?

earlywynnfan 01-25-2022 05:03 PM

Maybe urine therapy is the way to go??

clydepepper 01-25-2022 06:53 PM

Please excuse my rant...those of you who have experienced the kind of pain I'm in may understand.


BobC 01-25-2022 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 2189598)
How many accountants does it take to change a light bulb?

100. 1 to change it, 9 to do the audit, and 90 to bore everyone telling them about it.

alternate answer

How many did it take last year?

LOL. Very good, will have to remember that onel. :)

irv 01-25-2022 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by nolemmings (Post 2189602)
Peter, you have no idea how vast the conspiracy extends. You will soon though, as Mike Lindell will get on the case, to expose the REAL Big Lie. No more pillow talk. I hear maybe even JFK, Jr. will get involved, in case his old man is indisposed (or decomposed).


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 2189609)
Today Prince Charles, tomorrow the world. Fertile ground for conspiracy theorists for sure.

Who/what convinced you two to get vaccinated?
Was it Bill Gates, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Racheal Maddow, Dr. Monica Ghandi, Joe Biden or Dr. Fauci himself?
Funny, isn't it, but not likely to you two, that they're all back peddling now? :)

Is it possible, even slightly, that you 2 are also suffering with mass formation psychosis? Nah, never, just another conspiracy theory, right. :D

Kzoo 01-25-2022 07:40 PM

A lot of people have woken up over the past couple years to the actions of the criminal syndicate, but to those still sleeping... what do you think came first, the virus or the vaccine?

BobbyStrawberry 01-25-2022 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Kzoo (Post 2189723)
A lot of people have woken up over the past couple years to the actions of the criminal syndicate, but to those still sleeping... what do you think came first, the virus or the vaccine?

Which criminal syndicate is that? There are so many these days.

Michael B 01-25-2022 09:02 PM

Unfortunately the great unwashed and Qmorons who are not critical thinkers complain about 'draconian rules' (their words) in other countries yet they know little of what they speak. Post all of the links you wish but the truth wills out.

'Texas Ted' and a Canadian member here railed about Australia and their rules. The facts:

Australia - population 25.69 million.
Location Cases Deaths
Australian Capital Territory 31,941 25
New South Wales 994K 1,139
Northern Territory 9,702 2
Queensland 345K 129
South Australia 103K 74
Tasmania 25,884 16
Victoria 776K 1,836
Western Australia 1,415 9

Hmmm. I guess it is not working there. Western Australia with a population of 2.7 million. Its largest city Perth with 2 million people. My God, the horrors!!!!

New Zealand has always been a bio-control zone. Try to bring a piece of fruit, raw nuts or seeds into the country and you will pay a hefty fine. If you have ever tried to enter the country you know what I mean. I have. You go through biological control before you can even go through passport control. The first time I was there in 2002 for the America's Cup prelim races the headline on the news for two days was about some school buses that were purchased from Australia. They found a non-native spider on one of them. They were tented and fumigated in a large parking lot for several days.

New Zealand
Total cases

The current population of New Zealand is 4,883,423 as of Tuesday, January 25, 2022.
I guess their PM Jacinda Arden is just some Gen Xer who is too young to know and panicked when she put her country on lockdown and closed the borders.

That is pretty amazing. 52 deaths in a country of 4.9 million people over a two year period. Ontario had that many on Monday, January 17, 2022.

Ontario - population 14.57 million
Total cases

So a country with 33.5% of the population of your PROVINCE has 0.48% of the number of deaths. The Maoris should uprise and overthrow the government. Kill all the Kiwis!!!

todeen 01-25-2022 09:07 PM

If I still lived near my hippy anti government friend I'd have him explain your theories to me. Then he'd tell me about smoking ayahuasca, and taking acid after smoking dope.

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Carter08 01-25-2022 09:09 PM

I don’t take any post seriously unless a YouTube or Twitter link is included.

todeen 01-25-2022 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Carter08 (Post 2189768)
I don’t take any post seriously unless a YouTube or Twitter link is included.

Did you hear that the Flintstones are becoming popular in the Middle East? Dubai doesn't watch it, but Abu Dhabi Doo!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

Peter_Spaeth 01-25-2022 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2189695)
Who/what convinced you two to get vaccinated?
Was it Bill Gates, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Racheal Maddow, Dr. Monica Ghandi, Joe Biden or Dr. Fauci himself?
Funny, isn't it, but not likely to you two, that they're all back peddling now? :)

Is it possible, even slightly, that you 2 are also suffering with mass formation psychosis? Nah, never, just another conspiracy theory, right. :D

Maybe you should go debate it with one of the countless doctors (I know some myself) who have seen first hand in their hospitals and practices the much higher percentage of serious illness and death among the unvaccinated than among the vaccinated (and even more so the boosted). I am sure you know more than they do, after all they are just part of the lying machine, so it should be easy for you to prevail.

BTW I'm not advocating for mandates or lockdowns and I respect individuals' decisions not to get the shot. I'm just against the spread of garbage misinformation.

vintagetoppsguy 01-25-2022 10:33 PM

I am unvaxed and will stay that way. I had Covid in December. I had a very low grade fever and a sore throat. That's it. Once the symptoms went away, I kept testing positive, but finally got 2 consecutive negatives and was able to go back to work. I'll gladly take a couple of mild symptoms over a vaccine with well documented major side effects.

About a month earlier, in early November, I was on the treadmill at my gym doing my usual 30 minutes of cardio. About 7 minutes into my run, I got out of breath and had to slow down to a walk. After a couple of minutes, I resumed my run, but the same thing happened again quickly. I finished the rest of the 30 minutes walking. The first time it happened, my hands were on the heart rate meter and my HB went from 127 to 64 instantly. After that, every time I would exert myself I would get out of breath. For a long time, I thought it was a respiratory/pulmonary problem. The problem continued and I recently found out it was a heart problem. My heart rate kept getting lower and lower by the day.

As I sit here typing, I'm at Methodist Hospital West Houston with with a pacemaker that was installed earlier today. They first implanted a temporary pacemaker because they felt it was an emergency (my HB was 16) until they could put a permanent pacemaker in this afternoon. The procedure went great and the good news was that my heart is healthy and I might not need the pacemaker for the rest of my life. I ho home tomorrow morning.

In between the temporary pacemaker and the permanent pacemaker, they did an echocardiogram. I was talking to the tech and the subject of vaccines came up. She was vaccinated, but said she'd seen so many people with organ failure as a result of the vaccine. I'm not going to listen to statistics from either side to sway me either way. I'll get it straight from the mouth of healthcare workers and I've talked to many with similar stories. They don't have an agenda.

If I take the vaccine and boosters, I have a 98% chance of living if I get covid again. If I don't take the vaccine, I have 100% chance of not developing major side effects. It's an easy choice for me, but everyone can make their own health choices.

Carter08 01-26-2022 04:29 AM

Where are these reports of organ failure?

irv 01-26-2022 06:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Carter08 (Post 2189768)
I don’t take any post seriously unless a YouTube or Twitter link is included.

Did you even open those Twitter links to see what they were?
One is vid taken directly from CNN news where Tapper is also talking about the false/fake hospital numbers and the other is a health expert up here talking about how they are going to switch the numbers up to be "more accurate"

So, do you think what your T.V. screen tells you is the only factual, truthful and unbiased news around?
You do realize, just like up here, MSM is all funded by the gov't and what MSM tells you is what they are told to tell you?

irv 01-26-2022 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 2189772)
Maybe you should go debate it with one of the countless doctors (I know some myself) who have seen first hand in their hospitals and practices the much higher percentage of serious illness and death among the unvaccinated than among the vaccinated (and even more so the boosted). I am sure you know more than they do, after all they are just part of the lying machine, so it should be easy for you to prevail.

BTW I'm not advocating for mandates or lockdowns and I respect individuals' decisions not to get the shot. I'm just against the spread of garbage misinformation.

So, you're going to try and use that one again despite the articles I posted about all the doctor's, nurses and other medical professionals who refuse the vaccines because they know they are shit and don't work?

I assume, like I've witnessed from you before, what you post and state is the real truth because that is what you want to believe but whenever anyone else posts something of the opposite, because it goes against your believes, it is all fake news.

Tell me, Peter, why are so many hospitals currently understaffed and why are some hospitals now calling back those same nurses, doctors and other medical professionals they once fired?
Were they fired due to their lack of work ethic or something other?

Curious, how many of these doctors and nurses that you know decided willfully to take the vaccines rather than being forced/coerced to?
Think any of them decided it was worth the risk rather than lose their jobs, their pensions and everything else associate with that like possibly losing their homes and providing for their families?

Carter08 01-26-2022 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2189824)
Did you even open those Twitter links to see what they were?
One is vid taken directly from CNN news where Tapper is also talking about the false/fake hospital numbers and the other is a health expert up here talking about how they are going to switch the numbers up to be "more accurate"

So, do you think what your T.V. screen tells you is the only factual, truthful and unbiased news around?
You do realize, just like up here, MSM is all funded by the gov't and what MSM tells you is what they are told to tell you?

Mostly listen to my doctor. He’s brilliant but better than that he’s a good and trustworthy person in my opinion - he even coached my nephew’s baseball team. Without me going to medical school that’s kind of who I rely on. Bad idea?

earlywynnfan 01-26-2022 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2189534)
Without trying to get political, which countries and/or states, blue or red, seem to be pushing this agenda, passports and mandates, more than the other?
Liberal gov't up here and south of me. Australia and France, to name a couple others. I am unsure so don't shoot me, but if I am not mistaken, these countries/states have the most draconian rules in place, no?
I said it in the other thread. I honestly don't believe this is about covid nor the vaccines. They are, imo, just a means to an end for the global reset, the agenda 2030 movement.
How can an honest, for the people gov't, push/coerce a vaccine on its citizens and require mandates and passports when once vaccinated you can still contract and spread the disease you're vaccinated against?? It makes zero sense.

And those were all tested and verified to be safe, which likely took years, before they were released to the general public. They are not unapproved EUA only vaccines like these covid ones are. It's amazing how many still don't understand that.

I think one of the most draconian countries when it comes to covid is that great liberal state of China.

earlywynnfan 01-26-2022 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2189828)
So, you're going to try and use that one again despite the articles I posted about all the doctor's, nurses and other medical professionals who refuse the vaccines because they know they are shit and don't work?

I assume, like I've witnessed from you before, what you post and state is the real truth because that is what you want to believe but whenever anyone else posts something of the opposite, because it goes against your believes, it is all fake news.

Tell me, Peter, why are so many hospitals currently understaffed and why are some hospitals now calling back those same nurses, doctors and other medical professionals they once fired?
Were they fired due to their lack of work ethic or something other?

Curious, how many of these doctors and nurses that you know decided willfully to take the vaccines rather than being forced/coerced to?
Think any of them decided it was worth the risk rather than lose their jobs, their pensions and everything else associate with that like possibly losing their homes and providing for their families?

Since you seem to have access to "real" news, can you please post actual numbers or percentages of doctors/nurses who have taken the vaccine vs. those who choose not to?

Peter_Spaeth 01-26-2022 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2189860)
Since you seem to have access to "real" news, can you please post actual numbers or percentages of doctors/nurses who have taken the vaccine vs. those who choose not to?

To a closed loop thinker, it's irrelevant because by definition the ones who have taken them have been brainwashed or coerced. That's because it's a proven FACT they don't work, and the overwhelming data to the contrary is FAKE and the result of a conspiracy whose ultimate objective is to create a new world order. The closed loop/circular thinking works perfectly!!

irv 01-26-2022 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2189860)
Since you seem to have access to "real" news, can you please post actual numbers or percentages of doctors/nurses who have taken the vaccine vs. those who choose not to?

Don't be silly, of course I can't, just like I can't find the numbers of those that died "WITH" covid and those that died "OF" covid.
For some odd reason, they have combined those 2 stats from the very beginning? :rolleyes:

Like I said earlier, and maybe in the other thread, the truth is slowly trickling out but some still refuse to acknowledge that fact.

irv 01-26-2022 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Kzoo (Post 2189723)
A lot of people have woken up over the past couple years to the actions of the criminal syndicate, but to those still sleeping... what do you think came first, the virus or the vaccine?

No, take off your tin hat, its all a conspiracy. Vaccines, covid, mandates, passports, climate change, global warming and the rest of it are all real threats and not about the money and control because they, the gov't and their funded media, loves and cares about us so much! :rolleyes:

earlywynnfan 01-26-2022 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2189869)
Don't be silly, of course I can't, just like I can't find the numbers of those that died "WITH" covid and those that died "OF" covid.
For some odd reason, they have combined those 2 stats from the very beginning? :rolleyes:

Like I said earlier, and maybe in the other thread, the truth is slowly trickling out but some still refuse to acknowledge that fact.

Ok, but you are using certain articles as a hammer for your argument showing these doctors/nurses who refuse to get the vaccine. What percentage of the entire doctor/nurse population do you think that represents?

I agree that the "truth" is slowly trickling out. Unlike you, I assume, I feel that that truth is because we have been dealing with the unknown and are trying to use past experience to guide us in the best possible manner (ex: masks), and we are adjusting as we go. You appear to be saying that the truth is this is some vast conspiracy meant to make us sheep, or however you want to put it.

How do you know the "truth" isn't that vaccines aren't the best possible roadblock we have against this runaway virus, even if it's obviously imperfect?
OR, do you feel we'd have more or less deaths actually tied to covid (following whatever data put out by whatever media/gov't agency you choose to follow) if there were no vaccine at all?

earlywynnfan 01-26-2022 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2189897)
No, take off your tin hat, its all a conspiracy. Vaccines, covid, mandates, passports, climate change, global warming and the rest of it are all real threats and not about the money and control because they, the gov't and their funded media, loves and cares about us so much! :rolleyes:

I'm not sure how to interpret your emoji. Are you saying climate change and covid aren't real?

irv 01-26-2022 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2189900)
Ok, but you are using certain articles as a hammer for your argument showing these doctors/nurses who refuse to get the vaccine. What percentage of the entire doctor/nurse population do you think that represents?

I agree that the "truth" is slowly trickling out. Unlike you, I assume, I feel that that truth is because we have been dealing with the unknown and are trying to use past experience to guide us in the best possible manner (ex: masks), and we are adjusting as we go. You appear to be saying that the truth is this is some vast conspiracy meant to make us sheep, or however you want to put it.

How do you know the "truth" isn't that vaccines aren't the best possible roadblock we have against this runaway virus, even if it's obviously imperfect?
OR, do you feel we'd have more or less deaths actually tied to covid (following whatever data put out by whatever media/gov't agency you choose to follow) if there were no vaccine at all?


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2189903)
I'm not sure how to interpret your emoji. Are you saying climate change and covid aren't real?

We live in a corrupt and crooked world and the WEF, as I have shown, and Liberal leaders around the world are all on board with this globalization plan. Watch the 2 vids I posted of Trudeau and Trump no matter how hard that is for you and others to watch and you will see this "agenda" is nothing new. It is, in my opinion why the Dems and their funded media went after Trump so hard. Even up here he was being attacked daily by our Liberal funded news, and he still is, just not as often now. He was a threat and was getting in the way of their plans. What I am believing is covid, the vaccines and climate change are simply tools for them to obtain funds for their new world order plans. I know, it's a tough one to swallow, a tough one to believe and I am also not 100% entirely sure myself, TBH, because we know so little so far, but things are beginning to add up. Notice the "bold" below. Where have you seen, heard this before that therapeutics, ivermectin, Hydorxy, Z packs and all other forms of medication, with ivermectin being referred to as horse medicine, simply don't work? Vaccines, vaccines and more vaccines! Was there/has there been any talk during this pandemic about proper diet, exercise, taking vitamin D, vitamin C or anything else health related during this pandemic? If there was, I certainly haven't seen any of it up here as we've been told to stay home, isolate and wear a mask at all times if you need to go out for emergencies.
Fauci himself said Trump would experience a pandemic during his tenure. Coincidence, maybe, but I have a hard time wrapping my head around it.
Watch this then tell me they weren't planning this pandemic for a while.

(Copy and Paste)

Panel discussion including Dr. Fauci on how to get the world to trust the new (mRNA) vaccine technology. As I stated before this becomes extremely difficult in a normal process. Fauci admits it would take at least a decade and someone on the panel mentions "if something were to get out." This is in 2019. Not sure if its before or after Event 201 where they play out the exact scenario. They discuss much more than just the flu virus.

6:30 ish mark.

8:15 ish mark. "Why don't we blow the system up. (typical vaccine production)

18:30 ish mark. "Does something really bad have to happen?"

22:15 mark. Fauci explaining how long it takes to prove a mRNA vaccine is safe. "That alone if it works perfectly is going to take a decade." I remind you this was in 2019.

42:37 mark. If the 2009 pandemic had been much more deadly would that have been a better thing for humanity? In other words so we could have pushed this new type of easy to mfg vaccine on the world.


Now in Event 201 in 2019 world and medical establishment leaders play out this scenario and include how to downplay therapeutics to get universal use of the vaccine.

The point of posting this isn't to say it was released intentionally but reasoning behind why the mRNA vaccine was pushed so hard.

earlywynnfan 01-26-2022 11:55 AM

Irv: let's keep it simple:

Do you feel we would have a higher or lower covid death toll if there were no vaccines?

BobbyStrawberry 01-26-2022 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2189824)
You do realize, just like up here, MSM is all funded by the gov't and what MSM tells you is what they are told to tell you?

Do you realize that this statement is completely false? Or, let me guess, you'd prefer to call it an "alternative fact"?

Peter_Spaeth 01-26-2022 12:20 PM

Notice how Prince Charles, President Biden, and Dr. Fauci are roughly the same age or at least clearly in the same generation. It is a little known fact, and I will post YouTube links as soon as I find them, that in their 40s they were in the same secret elite society and actually formulated plans to take over the world and to subjugate the masses through .. wait for it … a vaccine. They got funding from certain Jewish banking families, George Soros, and Pfizer, and commenced work. Fauci worked decades at NIH just biding his time and making contacts with Chinese scientists and secretly promoting mRNA technology because it works really well to subjugate people and make money. It took them longer than they expected for it all to play out, a couple of elections didn't go as they had hoped even though they tried their best to steal them, etc., but it's now happening before our very eyes.

And beware Prince Charles and the Great Reset. I bet most of you don't realize what a key player in the new world order he is. And you thought he was just some benevolent royal whose mom lived forever denying him his day on the throne. The perfect cover for all the work he secretly has been doing for the green, woke elites who are taking everything over.

Peter_Spaeth 01-26-2022 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by BobbyStrawberry (Post 2189960)
Do you realize that this statement is completely false? Or, let me guess, you'd prefer to call it an "alternative fact"?

Two posts ago he said the Dems controlled the media, I am confused.

BobbyStrawberry 01-26-2022 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 2189961)
Notice how Prince Charles, President Biden, and Dr. Fauci are roughly the same age or at least clearly in the same generation. It is a little known fact, and I will post YouTube links as soon as I find them, that in their 40s they were in the same secret elite society and actually formulated plans to take over the world and to subjugate the masses through .. wait for it … a vaccine. They got funding from certain Jewish banking families, George Soros, and Pfizer, and commenced work. Fauci worked decades at NIH just biding his time and making contacts with Chinese scientists and secretly promoting mRNA technology because it works really well to subjugate people and make money. It took them longer than they expected for it all to play out, a couple of elections didn't go as they had hoped, etc., but it's now happening before our very eyes.

Is this sarcasm?

Peter_Spaeth 01-26-2022 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by BobbyStrawberry (Post 2189965)
Is this sarcasm?

Do you really have to ask?

BobbyStrawberry 01-26-2022 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 2189970)
Do you really have to ask?

I am hoping it is, Peter. The thing is that some of Irv's posts read like sarcasm too...

irv 01-26-2022 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2189951)
Irv: let's keep it simple:

Do you feel we would have a higher or lower covid death toll if there were no vaccines?

Since the case numbers and deaths are all higher now than they were pre-vaccines, I'd hazard a guess and say we'd have a lower death count.


Originally Posted by BobbyStrawberry (Post 2189960)
Do you realize that this statement is completely false? Or, let me guess, you'd prefer to call it an "alternative fact"?

How so? Our Liberal gov't up here funds the CBC, The Toronto Star and likely many others, and that is a well known fact.
If yours stateside are not funded directly from your gov't, then those that do the funding definitely have links to a certain political party.
Do you believe the likes of CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and many others are not left leaning propaganda sites? Do you believe they are unbiased, non-bipartisan and always tell the truth and the whole story?

Peter_Spaeth 01-26-2022 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by BobbyStrawberry (Post 2189972)
I am hoping it is, Peter. The thing is that some of Irv's posts read like sarcasm too...

No, they just read like drivel lol.

earlywynnfan 01-26-2022 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2189973)
Since the case numbers and deaths are all higher now than they were pre-vaccines, I'd hazard a guess and say we'd have a lower death count.

How so? Our Liberal gov't up here funds the CDC, The Toronto Star and likely many others, and that is a well known fact.
If yours stateside are not funded directly from your gov't, then those that do the funding definitely have links to a certain political party.
Do you believe the likes of CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and many others are not left leaning propaganda sites? Do you believe they are unbiased, non-bipartisan and always tell the truth and the whole story?

Our gov't has been liberal for about a year now, before that it was conservative. Was the CDC in on the plot when the CDC was conservative?

Do right-leaning media sites like Fox, OAN, etc always tell the truth and the whole story without being biased and non-partisan?

What media sites do you go to for unbiased, non-partisan information?

earlywynnfan 01-26-2022 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by irv (Post 2189973)
Since the case numbers and deaths are all higher now than they were pre-vaccines, I'd hazard a guess and say we'd have a lower death count.

It is possible that case numbers and deaths would be even HIGHER if we didn't have vaccines?

Peter_Spaeth 01-26-2022 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2189977)
Our gov't has been liberal for about a year now, before that it was conservative. Was the CDC in on the plot when the CDC was conservative?

Do right-leaning media sites like Fox, OAN, etc always tell the truth and the whole story without being biased and non-partisan?

What media sites do you go to for unbiased, non-partisan information?

Since Trump was the leading force behind Operation Warp Speed, he must have been in on it too, no? Damn RINO.

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