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travrosty 07-22-2013 10:15 PM

okay, dont trust me on autographs, i dont care. The people that KNOW me can trust me on them or not.

Recently a very experienced guy with 50 years collecting boxing asked me my opinion on a boxing autograph, that's all i need to know if I know my trade, not dan bretta's approval. I never heard Bretta's name in boxing autograph circles. go figure. Evidently he's a big collector of boxing autographs.

If you don't like Nash, so what? That's their business. Long on wind only. If you got info, let's see it.

Meanwhile I still don't see anyone refuting the articles on HOS, so they make up red herrings to misdirect.

Again, if it were me or anyone else with the same stories, people would still be mad as wet hens because it exposes what people don't want it to expose, so then I or whoever else would just be the target of whatever anybody wanted to bring up about the "messenger". But the message on the website would be the same, which remains uncontested.

No one could be the author of the HOS articles without taking the beating some are intent on giving.

mighty bombjack 07-22-2013 10:27 PM


Does anybody have anything on White Betsy? Like, who wrote the blog, where did it go, and why?

travrosty 07-22-2013 10:36 PM

I can see it now.

50 year boxing autograph collector - "Travis, I have known you for a long time and I would like you to take your 20+ years experience and look at this old boxing autograph and let me know what you think."

Travis - "But Dan Bretta on net54 isn't sure about my skills"

50 years boxing collector - "Why didn't you say so, well then forget it"

sago 07-22-2013 10:40 PM

For someone that insists on TPA's owning up to every mistake, you sure are willing to give Nash a free pass on his own legally proven, backed by evidence, misdeeds. The OP still has not been addressed.

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

slidekellyslide 07-22-2013 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1161768)
I can see it now.

50 year boxing autograph collector - "Travis, I have known you for a long time and I would like you to take your 20+ years experience and look at this old boxing autograph and let me know what you think."

Travis - "But Dan Bretta on net54 isn't sure about my skills"

50 years boxing collector - "Why didn't you say so, well then forget it"

I do not collect boxing autographs, but your associations in this hobby and your refusal to even comment on the misdeeds of your associates lead me to believe that you aren't really concerned with fraud. I have no idea if your story about a 50 year collector is even true.

mighty bombjack 07-22-2013 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1161768)
I can see it now.

50 year boxing autograph collector - "Travis, I have known you for a long time and I would like you to take your 20+ years experience and look at this old boxing autograph and let me know what you think."

Travis - "But Dan Bretta on net54 isn't sure about my skills"

50 years boxing collector - "Why didn't you say so, well then forget it"

Think any 50-year auto collectors have ever submitted an auto to a TPA?

Fuddjcal 07-23-2013 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1161600)
chuck tapia quit the hobby. but i would like to ask him a question.

what on HOS is not true? so you dont like the messenger, we get it. But the message is true and thats why people dont like it.

I don't call anyone names like that and it is only indicative of the fact he is losing the argument, that's when they resort to that type of language.

no, I could care's just after following you for are a jack ass in Every situation, IMHO

Fuddjcal 07-23-2013 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by sago (Post 1161771)
For someone that insists on TPA's owning up to every mistake, you sure are willing to give Nash a free pass on his own legally proven, backed by evidence, misdeeds. The OP still has not been addressed.

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Jack ass at it's finest

Fuddjcal 07-23-2013 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1161600)
chuck tapia quit the hobby. but i would like to ask him a question.

what on HOS is not true? so you dont like the messenger, we get it. But the message is true and thats why people dont like it.

I don't call anyone names like that and it is only indicative of the fact he is losing the argument, that's when they resort to that type of language.

I quit the hobby because of jack asses like yourself....NO, especially YOU. You are an unfeeling jerk in every situation and while I have agreed over the years with 80-90% of your long winded diatribes, you are just an idio tplain and simple, who must have been punched in the head too many times. You are an idiot, who has blinders on where TPA is concerned and it's not fun nor funny. You are simply an ass. You're friendship with a known pond scum like Todd Mueller & Nash (IMHO) speaks volumes about you. and for the record, I do believe most of what Nash writes. He's just a criminal however, like 1/2 the people in this crroked hobby, so I take it with a grain of salt

Fuddjcal 07-23-2013 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by slidekellyslide (Post 1161780)
I do not collect boxing autographs, but your associations in this hobby and your refusal to even comment on the misdeeds of your associates lead me to believe that you aren't really concerned with fraud. I have no idea if your story about a 50 year collector is even true.

I don't even care about his skills.....He is a skillful jerk off

sago 07-23-2013 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by mighty bombjack (Post 1161762)

Does anybody have anything on White Betsy? Like, who wrote the blog, where did it go, and why?

I wish I did, but the blog can still be found here, for those who did not initially see it, or wish to read it again:

hugginsandscott 07-23-2013 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1161600)

what on HOS is not true?

I have largely tried to stay out of all of this, however this one I cannot let go. Nash spewed BS in a variety of stories relating to us (and me) and items that we have sold. He went so far as claiming "sources told him that an autographed piece we had originated from a deceased employee of ours, Barry Malkin." This was 100% bull shit. He had no source; he had no basis; it was 100% made up on his part and he tried to drag a decorated Washington, DC Police Captain's name through the mud by saying he purchased stolen material. As someone who writes a public blog, I would expect a better journalistic protocol from him - but alas, he has proven once again that he is, as many of you have called him, a scum bag to the n-th degree.
Sorry - that is all I will say on this matter.

thetruthisoutthere 07-23-2013 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by hugginsandscott (Post 1162094)
I have largely tried to stay out of all of this, however this one I cannot let go. Nash spewed BS in a variety of stories relating to us (and me) and items that we have sold. He went so far as claiming "sources told him that an autographed piece we had originated from a deceased employee of ours, Barry Malkin." This was 100% bull shit. He had no source; he had no basis; it was 100% made up on his part and he tried to drag a decorated Washington, DC Police Captain's name through the mud by saying he purchased stolen material. As someone who writes a public blog, I would expect a better journalistic protocol from him - but alas, he has proven once again that he is, as many of you have called him, a scum bag to the n-th degree.
Sorry - that is all I will say on this matter.

You mean that everything that Nash writes isn't the truth?

I'm shocked...........

slidekellyslide 07-23-2013 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by hugginsandscott (Post 1162094)
I have largely tried to stay out of all of this, however this one I cannot let go. Nash spewed BS in a variety of stories relating to us (and me) and items that we have sold. He went so far as claiming "sources told him that an autographed piece we had originated from a deceased employee of ours, Barry Malkin." This was 100% bull shit. He had no source; he had no basis; it was 100% made up on his part and he tried to drag a decorated Washington, DC Police Captain's name through the mud by saying he purchased stolen material. As someone who writes a public blog, I would expect a better journalistic protocol from him - but alas, he has proven once again that he is, as many of you have called him, a scum bag to the n-th degree.
Sorry - that is all I will say on this matter.

Another post that Travis will conveniently ignore. And that "Sources say" crap is yellow journalism 101. He also likes to claim the "FBI is closing in..."...they're really taking their sweet time "closing in".

mighty bombjack 07-23-2013 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by sago (Post 1161996)
I wish I did, but the blog can still be found here, for those who did not initially see it, or wish to read it again:

Thank you! Sure wish the pictures were there.

mighty bombjack 07-23-2013 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by slidekellyslide (Post 1162141)
Another post that Travis will conveniently ignore. And that "Sources say" crap is yellow journalism 101. He also likes to claim the "FBI is closing in..."...they're really taking their sweet time "closing in".

Agreed on all counts. Any claim that Nash makes along the lines of "sources say" and "experts we spoke to agreed" got ZERO credence, and there are a number of them in his posts.

markf31 07-24-2013 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by mighty bombjack (Post 1162143)
Agreed on all counts. Any claim that Nash makes along the lines of "sources say" and "experts we spoke to agreed" got ZERO credence, and there are a number of them in his posts.


And how is this for ironic, Travis you post on here ranting on and on, over and over again about how PSA and JSA never divulge or specify who looks at and authenticates a particular autograph, yet you apparently gladly give Nash a pass when in his stories he always uses ambiguous terms such as "sources say" and "experts we spoke to agreed". Why can't Nash specify who these sources are and who these experts he spoke to are?

But again as always, you won't answer ANY direct questions posed to you about Nash. You'll ignore them, picking and choosing to reply to only certain questions directed at you. Why? Are you afraid that your responses to these questions might impinge upon Nash's "good" name?

slidekellyslide 07-24-2013 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by markf31 (Post 1162234)

And how is this for ironic, Travis you post on here ranting on and on, over and over again about how PSA and JSA never divulge or specify who looks at and authenticates a particular autograph, yet you apparently gladly give Nash a pass when in his stories he always uses ambiguous terms such as "sources say" and "experts we spoke to agreed". Why can't Nash specify who these sources are and who these experts he spoke to are?

But again as always, you won't answer ANY direct questions posed to you about Nash. You'll ignore them, picking and choosing to reply to only certain questions directed at you. Why? Are you afraid that your responses to these questions might impinge upon Nash's "good" name?

He won't answer them because he doesn't really care about fraud in his "beloved" hobby. There's something else going on here.

thetruthisoutthere 07-25-2013 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by slidekellyslide (Post 1162269)
He won't answer them because he doesn't really care about fraud in his "beloved" hobby. There's something else going on here.

And you're shocked......

slidekellyslide 07-25-2013 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by thetruthisoutthere (Post 1162928)
And you're shocked......

No, not really.

thetruthisoutthere 07-25-2013 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by slidekellyslide (Post 1162940)
No, not really.

I know....

sago 07-25-2013 06:19 PM

Is there any chance that the auction houses that initially offered what turned out to be forgeries, such as the trophy balls, Jennings SS ball, and other high-end items, would reveal the names of the consignors?

If the item was resold I would not expect to find out who. But whoever consigned the items in the first place to Christie's, Mastro, etc., will know who the forgers likely are, if they are not themselves the forgers. HIPPA, lawyer-client, and confessional issues do not apply here.

It's probably rhetorical to ask, but it seems like the major auction houses know who the forgers are, but their buyers are not allowed to.

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