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cyseymour 10-21-2013 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 1197719)
Are you really this hard headed? Okay, if that's what he meant, then what did he mean by "Just to confirm, our scans are never enhanced artificially."

He meant, "I don't want to get in trouble for this."

vintagetoppsguy 10-21-2013 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by cyseymour (Post 1197721)
He meant, "I don't want to get in trouble for this."

Ahhh, thanks for the clarification.

So, that makes him a liar too, right? Because first, according to your interpretation, he said that he did adjust the settings, but then he contradicted himself and said that he didn't adjust the settings.

This Brent guy sounds like a bad dude. I'll steer clear. Thanks for the warning.

Peter_Spaeth 10-21-2013 06:29 PM

Not sure I follow this exchange, but he certainly lied about never having heard of any issues with his scans prior to this thread.

vintagetoppsguy 10-21-2013 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 1197726)
Not sure I follow this exchange, but he certainly lied about never having heard of any issues with his scans prior to this thread.

Peter, he may have. I don't know. Just glancing through the thread (again, I'm late to the party - didn't read it all), there also seems to be some accusations of allowing shill bidding too.

Right or wrong though, you do have to give him some credit. At least he came on here to address the accusations. That's a lot more than we can say about Tricky Ricky Probstein.

Take care!

jhs5120 10-21-2013 06:35 PM

Can someone PLEASE show me an example of an unrealistic scan from the most recent auction. Peter posted an old scan, I would like to see a recent one. From what I have noticed (and from Brent has said) the issue you has been fixed.

Peter_Spaeth 10-21-2013 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 1197728)
Peter, he may have. I don't know. Just glancing through the thread (again, I'm late to the party - didn't read it all), there also seems to be some accusations of allowing shill bidding too.

Right or wrong though, you do have to give him some credit. At least he came on here to address the accusations. That's a lot more than we can say about Tricky Ricky Probstein.

Take care!

76, then 78. And I give no credit for coming on and lying, no. And at one point Rick came on too, if memory serves.

vintagetoppsguy 10-21-2013 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 1197732)
76, then 78.

Oh! :(

cyseymour 10-21-2013 06:59 PM

It helps if you read the thread first before starting your arguments.

calvindog 10-21-2013 07:23 PM

Brent came onto the thread, lied, and left.

Runscott 10-21-2013 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by cyseymour (Post 1197639)
Anyone with a strong knowledge of technology will realize that there is no need to adjust the scanner settings at all.

Look at Just Collect, for instance. They have very nice scans of their OJ's on ebay right now, and you can tell that the hue is not adjusted, because if you look at the sgc flips, they show as a rich, dark green that they are in real life. That's one barometer for telling that the scanner settings have not been adjusted to enhance the image of the card. In some other auction houses, those very same flips would show up a light, bright green.

So it doesn't really have to do with any attempt realism - it has to do with enhancing an image to make a bidder believe that the card is brighter, cleaner, and more attractive than it is in real life in order to proffer a better price on the card.

You are wrong.

Peter_Spaeth 10-21-2013 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by calvindog (Post 1197757)
Brent came onto the thread, lied, and left.

Veni, mentiri, abdici, or something like that.

cyseymour 10-21-2013 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Runscott (Post 1197759)
You are wrong.

You are from outer space. Just ask the Saco River guy.

vintagetoppsguy 10-21-2013 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by cyseymour (Post 1197746)
It helps if you read the thread first before starting your arguments.

You're right, I didn't read the entire thread. I picked up from post 142 where you inferred that a scan should never be adjusted. You're were wrong and two other people have also since told you that you are wrong. There are sometimes when scans should be adjusted to represent the actual card. My point was, and I'll repeat it again because you obviously keep missing it, is that you can take the same card, scan it with two different scanners using the factory settings, and they'll still appear differently. I have forgotten more about scanners than you'll ever know.

calvindog 10-21-2013 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by peter_spaeth (Post 1197768)
veni, mentiri, abdici, or something like that.


RGold 10-21-2013 07:43 PM

Abusus non tollit usum. :D:D:D

danmckee 10-21-2013 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by calvindog (Post 1196718)
Are you some kind of idiot? Seriously? Do you know how many people who sell cards or memorabilia for a living have been subpoenaed to grand juries? Who have been indicted? Who have plead guilty to felonies? Who have been successfully sued for fraud? Do you know how much of this has occurred due to this board?

Yes Jeff, he is an idiot!

Dan Mckee

cyseymour 10-21-2013 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 1197774)
You're right, I didn't read the entire thread. I picked up from post 142 where you inferred that a scan should never be adjusted. You're were wrong and two other people have also since told you that you are wrong. There are sometimes when scans should be adjusted to represent the actual card. My point was, and I'll repeat it again because you obviously keep missing it, is that you can take the same card, scan it with two different scanners using the factory settings, and they'll still appear differently. I have forgotten more about scanners than you'll ever know.

I know that scans can look different from different scanners, but that is not the issue here. And I still don't think that scans ought to be adjusted, especially with the new scanners like the Canonscan 9000 there is absolutely no reason to adjust. It is not that hard for an auction house to post an accurate scan - Sterling, Mile High, B&L, Just Collect among others do just that. It is really very simple. A nice scanner costs under $200 these days and there is no excuse. Brent H himself said that he had been changing the settings, so please stop already. Because you aren't making any sense.

thehoodedcoder 10-21-2013 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by danmckee (Post 1197781)
Yes Jeff, he is an idiot!

Dan Mckee

eat a di** dan.

Actually eat a couple of them. Your overweight so I know your hungry all of time.
kevin quinn

CMIZ5290 10-22-2013 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 1197774)
You're right, I didn't read the entire thread. I picked up from post 142 where you inferred that a scan should never be adjusted. You're were wrong and two other people have also since told you that you are wrong. There are sometimes when scans should be adjusted to represent the actual card. My point was, and I'll repeat it again because you obviously keep missing it, is that you can take the same card, scan it with two different scanners using the factory settings, and they'll still appear differently. I have forgotten more about scanners than you'll ever know.

Hey Dave- Glad you mentioned scanners...What is the best on the market price wise? It's all I can do to screw in a light bulb......

thehoodedcoder 10-22-2013 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by calvindog (Post 1196718)
Are you some kind of idiot? Seriously? Do you know how many people who sell cards or memorabilia for a living have been subpoenaed to grand juries? Who have been indicted? Who have plead guilty to felonies? Who have been successfully sued for fraud? Do you know how much of this has occurred due to this board?

i did not have time to properly respond to you this morning. dan's response was much easier at 5 am.

this is simply a response. it is not really meant for argument, and i probably will not even read it to be honest with you, if one does come.

do you really think that i don't know that people on here like to prosecute people for their wrong doings? half of the conversations are about slander, lawsuits, the fbi or what have you? almost makes you wonder if you could find yourself at the wrong end of something just for talking on here but that is a whole nother discussion. isn't cyber bullying against the law now?

nice. break it down to name calling like an adult would. that is how things remain civil and friendly.

there are 4 types of board members here.
  1. the 1st one talks about the problems in this thread somethings when they have something to say.
  2. the 2nd type talks about it ALL OF THE TIME and they are on EVERY SINGLE THREAD.
  3. the 3rd kind could care less or refuses to participate in the timeless rehash under a different guise.

now any one of the first 3 types could also be someone of type 4 which is something who does something about the problem. you collectively lump the type 2 people into a classification of people that do something about it as they are "part of the board" by claiming the board has done this and the board has done that.

talking about something until you are blue in the face is not doing something.

you have also almost clumped yourself into that group as someone who DOES do something about it by saying "the board". have you in fact done something about it? if so, then my comments were not to you. were they? they were to all of the type 2ers out there that pound these threads every 30 minutes.

you may have. great. what that was i don't really care, but feel free to share it with everyone. they may be interested in it. we need more people like you then. that was my entire point. the type 2ers that are so convicted that is all they want to talk about should also be the people that get actively involved instead of JUST talking about it. no one wants to hear people say what they should be doing about something from someone that doesn't want to get involved.

if you have not, then do not clump yourself into the group of people who do by saying you are talking about the problem so you are helping. see previous post about doing something about it, as it now does apply to you.

kevin quinn

Peter_Spaeth 10-22-2013 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by thehoodedcoder (Post 1197813)
eat a di** dan.

Actually eat a couple of them. Your overweight so I know your hungry all of time.
kevin quinn

And in your next post you are faulting Lichtman for name calling? :confused::confused:

CMIZ5290 10-22-2013 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 1198120)
And in your next post you are faulting Lichtman for name calling? :confused::confused:

Be very careful on name calling with Jeff....;)

thehoodedcoder 10-22-2013 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 1198120)
And in your next post you are faulting Lichtman for name calling? :confused::confused:

quite honestly im tired of his shit. he is a f**king a**hole. im sorry if some of you guys like him but im not going to pretend to.

when unprovoked im a nice guy. but im not going to let him piss in my cerial like the di**head he is.

do you really expect me to just sit here and take that? its not the first time.

sorry. im not going to do it.

kevin quinn

npa589 10-22-2013 06:58 PM

Who is the a-hole? The one asking you if you're an idiot for asking a borderline idiotic question, or the one going off the rails calling the other a blanking this, and blanking that in some internet rant?

I also think you may need to reassess your definition of "doing something". Most would constitute a thread, or multiple threads as you point out, on the most popular "blog" in the hobby a pretty big step in "doing something" to better the hobby, and the core of what is being discussed in the first place.

From what I understand, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies have used Net54 as a place to gather information and a sequencing of events when in the process of prosecuting or investigating a matter --- typically one of fraud. I can remember a few occasions, and I am sure other members can substantiate those examples, as well as offer some more from years past, when Leon has mentioned that an FBI agent contacted him over matters that were discussed on the board, because it was where they were first brought to light.

Surely if every thread was sunshine and rainbows, it is palpable that nothing would be """"done"""". If we all attended the same stupid country club that kicked someone out of their schnazzy restaurant for wearing jeans, then maybe we could more easily collaborate in a more "tangible" way, but, until that happens, the internet is a decent means of communication.

ALR-bishop 10-22-2013 07:04 PM

Post 180....
.....reminds me of some Jack Handey Deep Thought

thehoodedcoder 10-22-2013 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by npa589 (Post 1198157)
Who is the a-hole? The one asking you if you're an idiot for asking a borderline idiotic question, or the one going off the rails calling the other a blanking this, and blanking that in some internet rant?

there is history which im not going to rehash.

i have bit my tounge long enough. my train station runs a tight schedule.

this derailment was warrented.

kevin quinn

ullmandds 10-22-2013 07:35 PM


Cardboard Junkie 10-22-2013 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by ullmandds (Post 1198178)

Yes indeed. Barry! (It must feel nice to be needed.).:D

Rollingstone206 10-22-2013 07:46 PM


Cardboard Junkie 10-22-2013 07:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)
and this one....

Peter_Spaeth 10-22-2013 08:01 PM

npa589 10-22-2013 09:56 PM

The preceding three posts are absolutely classic...

I laughed hysterically, except for the Rocky clip --- I wanted to laugh, but it was one of the few occasions where Stallone was in one of his half-decent acting modes.

True story: I once walked into a country club restaurant where they didn't allow jeans, but did allow shorts of any color, so - I asked them, theoretically, if I were to walk in wearing boxers that looked like shorts - if that would be ok. They agreed. So, I took my belt off and literally began to pull my pants down before, ahem, my grandma told me not to - saying we'd go somewhere else.

Best part? There were only 2 other patrons in the restaurant at the time.

barrysloate 10-23-2013 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by ullmandds (Post 1198178)

I'm staying out of this. I'll sit quietly and read.:)

Runscott 10-23-2013 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by cyseymour (Post 1197772)
You are from outer space. Just ask the Saco River guy.

You have repeated your scan thoughts probably 6-7 times in this thread. You are still wrong. If taking your argument outside of the earth's gravity clears your head a little, then go for it.

Runscott 10-23-2013 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by cyseymour (Post 1197785)
I know that scans can look different from different scanners, but that is not the issue here. And I still don't think that scans ought to be adjusted, especially with the new scanners like the Canonscan 9000 there is absolutely no reason to adjust. It is not that hard for an auction house to post an accurate scan - Sterling, Mile High, B&L, Just Collect among others do just that. It is really very simple. A nice scanner costs under $200 these days and there is no excuse. Brent H himself said that he had been changing the settings, so please stop already. Because you aren't making any sense.

If an auction house created an accurate scan, and it had been adjusted to make it so, you would have no idea. And you have no reason to care other than you seem to like being a pain in the butt, "so please stop already. Because you aren't making any sense."

cyseymour 10-23-2013 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Runscott (Post 1198307)
If an auction house created an accurate scan, and it had been adjusted to make it so, you would have no idea. And you have no reason to care other than you seem to like being a pain in the butt, "so please stop already. Because you aren't making any sense."

It's easy to say, man, and it obviously took you this long to figure out a response. Just go back to post #159 and tell me straight that you don't think the scanner settings have been adjusted on that PWCC card. I don't think you can.

cyseymour 10-23-2013 10:34 AM

Let me just say that as a matter of general record, folks, go back and look at the card in post #159. You can see from the example that, yes, while scanner results may vary, there is no scanner that makes the results look like that. And on top of it, the person who took the scan came onto this very thread and said that he had been changing the settings. What more evidence do you people need?

Anyways, I am done responding to this Runscott character for the time being. Scott, I've met you in real life, and you are a nice guy. But your posts don't resemble much the person who you are in real life. And that's all I've got to say to you at this point. You may have whatever opinion, and all I've got to say is, good luck to you. Peace. -J

Runscott 10-23-2013 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by cyseymour (Post 1198309)
It's easy to say, man, and it obviously took you this long to figure out a response. Just go back to post #159 and tell me straight that you don't think the scanner settings have been adjusted on that PWCC card. I don't think you can.

No, it took me about 5 seconds. I just haven't been spending every waking moment of my day reading your posts. This one will take me a bit longer.

Your comment above, regarding the PWCC card is completely irrelevant, as I am in complete agreement with you that some sellers modify scans to enhance cards and hide defects. That is fraudulent.

I am in disagreement with you over your repeated claim is that NO ONE should adjust scanner settings.

Also, I realize that the thrust of this thread is to discredit PWCC, and I took it off topic by arguing with you about whether or not it's okay to change scanner settings. I've said all I have to say about the subject, and I respect your right to disagree with me.

cyseymour 10-23-2013 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Runscott (Post 1198319)
Your comment above, regarding the PWCC card is completely irrelevant, as I am in complete agreement with you that some sellers modify scans to enhance cards and hide defects. That is fraudulent.

I agree with everything you wrote except that the PWCC card is completely irrelevant. Go look at the title of the thread and the original post. In fact, your arguments are irrelevant to this thread. You wrote yourself that you took it off topic. It appears that other than what is or isn't relevant, we don't really disagree on anything at all. Which is actually kind of a relief. Good luck, Scott.

Peter_Spaeth 10-23-2013 10:43 AM

It seems Scott's only point is that, with some scanners and some items, the factory settings will not provide an accurate representation and therefore some adjustments may be necessary. That seems pretty straightforward to me and it makes sense because my own scanner (part of an all in one) can be very inaccurate on certain colors.

vintagetoppsguy 10-23-2013 10:48 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Runscott (Post 1198319)
I am in disagreement with you over your repeated claim is that NO ONE should adjust scanner settings.

You're wasting your time, he just doesn't get it. That was my whole point as well - not that the PWCC scan was enhanced or not, but his blanket statement that scanner settings should never be adjusted when scanning a card.

Here is a good example when it is necessary to adjust the settings. Check out the Mays from this auction...

The first scan below is the seller's scan. The second one is mine, with some adjustments.

Jamie, do you really think the colors are supposed to look that faded on the seller's scan? No, it's not a good representation of the card. That may be the best the seller can do with their factory settings. That's why it's necessary to sometimes make adjustments. I think my adjumstments are a better representation of the actual card. And really I don't know why I'm even typing all this. You still won't get it, it's like talking to a wall.

Leon 10-23-2013 10:48 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I will add my half cent to the scanner setting debate. I have probably done 2000 scans in the last 3-4 yrs. On about 2-3 cards I HAD to adjust settings so the card would look correct in hand, as seen from the scan. All of my scanner settings are always set on default. I have a $200 flatbed Microtek, regular ole scanner. It works great. Very rarely does a scan NEED to be adjusted, but it does happen. My goal is to be as accurate as possible with the scan so when the eventual buyer gets it he doesn't have one of those "Oh Sh**" moments that we all hate. Knock on wood but I don't think I have ever had anyone email about the card not looking like the scan. This card looks the same in hand as it does on screen. Bingo.

D. Bergin 10-23-2013 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by cyseymour (Post 1198317)
Let me just say that as a matter of general record, folks, go back and look at the card in post #159. You can see from the example that, yes, while scanner results may vary, there is no scanner that makes the results look like that. And on top of it, the person who took the scan came onto this very thread and said that he had been changing the settings. What more evidence do you people need?

I went back to post #159 and what I see is two different cards with scans taken by two different scanners? :confused:

cyseymour 10-23-2013 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 1198323)
It seems Scott's only point is that, with some scanners and some items, the factory settings will not provide an accurate representation and therefore some adjustments may be necessary. That seems pretty straightforward to me and it makes sense because my own scanner (part of an all in one) can be very inaccurate on certain colors.

I understand that this is the case. But I believe that with the scanners that are on the market today, the top scanners will take an accurate representation of the card. A scanner like the Canoscan 9000F or the Epson V600 will take a nice scan without need to change/enhance the settings. They cost $200 or less and take a nice looking scan.

It is blatantly obvious that not all scans come out the same on default setting. If they did, there would never be any reason for the companies to create newer, higher tech scanners. The first scanner ever invented would be the same scanner which we would all still be using today because all the scans would look the same.

But what I am talking about is in reference to PWCC auctions and Brent's scans. Anything else is a moot point. Even on the other thread created by Todd, I agreed with Scott and David's arguments. This thread is solely about the scans from PWCC - that's why it was started, and that's what is.

I feel like we really need to give this whole thing a rest. As far as PWCC, goes, I would like to see them use accurate scans, but I have nothing against them. I don't want to see Brent prosecuted or anything like that. But I do worry about corruption and fraud in the hobby on the whole, which includes auction houses juicing scans, which is why I post here.

jtschantz 10-23-2013 11:33 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I have no "dog in the fight" here, but some are asking for examples of scans from PWCC vs a "normal" setting on a Canoscan. I won this T207 in last months PWCC auction and scanned it myself with my normal settings. I know this isn't a great example due to the lack of colors on your typical T207, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway. My scan is on the right (or bottom) depending on how you are viewing.

dstudeba 10-23-2013 11:36 AM

Leon please sell the E222 to me so I can have it in hand and confirm your statement. There is no other way to gain the board's trust.

cyseymour 10-23-2013 11:38 AM

Let me just make one more point - the reason that I am so against auction houses changing the scanner settings (even to make it more realistic) is that it opens a can of worms and allows any auction house that actually is juicing the scans to use the argument that they are making it more realistic as an excuse for their fraud (when indeed their intent was not to make it more realistic). That is my major concern and why I feel that default settings ought not to be changing (or if they are for a certain card, that ought to be disclosed in the auction description).

And to David J., who is incessantly posting here about topics that have nothing to do with PWCC's scans, about the card you posted from ebay from "houseofcardsmd" - go start your own thread on houseofcardsmd if you don't like their scans or their scanner. It has nothing to do with this thread. Yes, houseofcardsmd seems to be using a lousy scanner. That is their problem, not mine. It has nothing to do with anything about this thread.

And this will hopefully be the last post I make on this thread about this. Because no one seems to actually disagree with my arguments about PWCC. They are just jumping all over some small off-hand statement I made. Yeah, I have my views about how things ought to be done - so what? It has nothing to do with the thread and topic at hand. So please stop jumping all over me, people!


vintagetoppsguy 10-23-2013 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by cyseymour (Post 1198342)
And to David J., who is incessantly posting here about topics that have nothing to do with PWCC's scans, about the card you posted from ebay from "houseofcardsmd" - go start your own thread on houseofcardsmd if you don't like their scans or their scanner. It has nothing to do with this thread. Yes, houseofcardsmd seems to be using a lousy scanner. That is their problem, not mine. It has nothing to do with anything about this thread.

It may not have anything to do with this thread, but it has everything to do with your blanket comment (in this thread) that scanner settings should never be adjused. I gave you a clear example of why it is necessary to sometimes adjust the settings of a scan. I think most people got it. Obviously it went beyond your level of comprehension. Have a good day.

cyseymour 10-23-2013 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 1198349)
It may not have anything to do with this thread, but it has everything to do with your blanket comment (in this thread) that scanner settings should never be adjused. I gave you a clear example of why it is necessary to sometimes adjust the settings of a scan. I think most people got it. Obviously it went beyond your level of comprehension. Have a good day.

Yeah, and I responded by explaining that with the advanced technology on the new scanners, it isn't necessary to adjust the settings. But that was a statement you have ignored repeatedly, and continued to make the same dogmatic argument over and over again, using examples from places like houseofcardsmd who clearly aren't using a new scanner.

So the whole thing about the new scanners not needing to be adjusted is obviously beyond your level of comprehension.

vintagetoppsguy 10-23-2013 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by cyseymour (Post 1198351)
So the whole thing about the new scanners not needing to be adjusted is obviously beyond your level of comprehension.

Correct, new scanners (assuming you mean those with CCD technology) shouldn't need adjusting.

But, from looking at certain seller's scans, it's obvious they're not all using that type of scanner. They're using scanners with CIS technology. So again, your blanket comment about scanner settings never needing adjustment is STILL WRONG. Thanks for playing. Have a nice day.

cyseymour 10-23-2013 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 1198356)
Correct, new scanners (assuming you mean those with CCD technology) shouldn't need adjusting.

Finally, you admit it!


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 1198356)
But, from looking at certain seller's scans, it's obvious they're not all using that type of scanner. So again, your blanket comment about scanner settings never needing adjustment is STILL WRONG. Thanks for playing. Have a nice day.

The auction houses should never have to adjust the settings because they should all be using the modern scanners. Duh.

You are an idiot, man.

And stop arguing already. You are clearly one of those people who keeps arguing long after you've been proven to not make any sense.

You must drive your family nuts sometimes. Have a nice life. And thanks for playing. Moron.

vintagetoppsguy 10-23-2013 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by cyseymour (Post 1198362)
Finally, you admit it!

Admit, what? I never said otherwise. My whole point is that not all sellers are using scanners with CCD techonolgy in which case they may have to adjust the settings to get a better representation of the card.


Originally Posted by cyseymour (Post 1198362)
The auction houses should never have to adjust the settings because they should all be using the modern scanners. Duh.

Agreed! Yes, they should all be using scanners with CCD technology. But guess what, Jamie? They not! It's obvious from their scans they're not. So, in some cases they have to adjust the scans to get a better reresentation of the actual card. Is this rocket science to you?

cyseymour 10-23-2013 12:25 PM

My statement wasn't wrong, Jack! The auction houses shouldn't have to change their settings because they all should be using the modern scanners! I've said it a million times!

So if you're wondering why you're bothering to talk to me, I am wondering the same thing - because what you say doesn't make any sense! So shut up already!

vintagetoppsguy 10-23-2013 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by cyseymour (Post 1198369)
My statement wasn't wrong, Jack! The auction houses shouldn't have to change their settings because they all should be using the modern scanners! I've said it a million times!

So if you're wondering why you're bothering to talk to me, I am wondering the same thing - because what you say doesn't make any sense! So shut up already!

Action houses should all be using modern scanner technology (CCD). We both agree on that.

But, not all AHs are using scanners with modern technology (that's obvious from their scans). Can we both agree on that?

If we can agree on the two statements above, then doesn't that make your statment wrong about how scanner settings should never be adjusted? Yes, it does. Several other people have also told you that you are wrong. Funny thing is that nobody (other than you) have told me that I was wrong.

ullmandds 10-23-2013 12:49 PM

Im having jon lovitz flashbacks...jack!!

cyseymour 10-23-2013 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by cyseymour (Post 1197639)
Personally, I really don't like the idea of changing the scanner settings. A photograph is a work of art - the photographer is the artist and entitled to fix it however they wish. But a scan is really something that is a matter of record in the sense that it is representing something else, which itself is a work of art (or memorabilia). It's a subtle difference, but it's a major difference. Auctioneers aren't artists whom ought to be figuring their own interpretation of a card.

Sometimes cards do look better in real life than in a scan, but if an auction house is having that issue, they really ought to replace their scanner. Scanners these days do extraordinary work at capturing an image, especially with the new technology available. Anyone with a strong knowledge of technology will realize that there is no need to adjust the scanner settings at all.

Look at Just Collect, for instance. They have very nice scans of their OJ's on ebay right now, and you can tell that the hue is not adjusted, because if you look at the sgc flips, they show as a rich, dark green that they are in real life. That's one barometer for telling that the scanner settings have not been adjusted to enhance the image of the card. In some other auction houses, those very same flips would show up a light, bright green.

So it doesn't really have to do with any attempt realism - it has to do with enhancing an image to make a bidder believe that the card is brighter, cleaner, and more attractive than it is in real life in order to proffer a better price on the card.

Here is the initial post I wrote. As you can see, I wrote in that same post -(the very same post) - "Sometimes cards do look better in real life than in a scan, but if an auction house is having that issue, they really ought to replace their scanner."

How hard is it to understand? It's all put right there for you!

vintagetoppsguy 10-23-2013 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by cyseymour (Post 1198383)
How hard is it to understand? It's all put right there for you!

Not hard at all to understand. You are inferring that the settings on a scanner should never be adjusted when scanning a card. Pretty simple to understand.

How hard are these comments to understand...


Originally Posted by D. Bergin (Post 1197649)
Are you saying it's best to just use the standard factory setting on every scan you make?

If so, I disagree pretty strongly.


Originally Posted by Runscott (Post 1197759)
You are wrong.


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 1198323)
It seems Scott's only point is that, with some scanners and some items, the factory settings will not provide an accurate representation and therefore some adjustments may be necessary. That seems pretty straightforward to me and it makes sense because my own scanner (part of an all in one) can be very inaccurate on certain colors.

I don't mean to speak for Peter, but I belive he's agreeing that it's sometimes necessary to adjust the settings to get an accurate representation of a card.


Originally Posted by Leon (Post 1198326)
I will add my half cent to the scanner setting debate. I have probably done 2000 scans in the last 3-4 yrs. On about 2-3 cards I HAD to adjust settings so the card would look correct in hand, as seen from the scan.

I think Leon is saying the same thing as well (but I don't mean to speak for him either).

Peter_Spaeth 10-23-2013 01:13 PM

The odd thing about this argument is that there is complete consensus on the fundamental points.

frankbmd 10-23-2013 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 1198396)
The odd thing about this argument is that there is complete consensus on the fundamental points.

If you can agree to disagree,
I suppose you can disagree to agree.

cyseymour 10-23-2013 01:23 PM

You said yourself in post #210 that the new scanners shouldn't need adjusting. Leon said that he needed to adjust his scans 0.1% of the time for a scanner that he's used 2000 times over the last 3-4 years, meaning it isn't even the newest of scanners. My initial post, which you keep arguing, is only referring to what the auction houses ought to do, and I have given my reasons countless times. Your arguments have been proven baseless.

cyseymour 10-23-2013 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 1198396)
The odd thing about this argument is that there is complete consensus on the fundamental points.

Yes! The argument is about nothing! Could be a Seinfeld episode!

Leon 10-23-2013 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by frankbmd (Post 1198397)
If you can agree to disagree,
I suppose you can disagree to agree.

Can we argue to agree to agree? That is the question!!

drcy 10-23-2013 01:45 PM

An auction description is a combination of picture(s) and word description. It's not just the scan. Only the seller has both the picture and the physical card, and should put any big discrepancies in the description.

When I first started selling online, my digital camera often made the card or whatever look different than the card I had in my hand-- often for the worse! Numerous times I noted that the card looks better than the picture.

Perhaps of interesting side note, a problem in at east older computer printing is that the picture on the printed page often was different in tone/color than the picture on the computer screen. There was software to help make them the same.

Runscott 10-23-2013 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by cyseymour (Post 1198398)
...and I have given my reasons countless times.

Why do you feel the need to do that? If someone disagrees with you, it doesn't mean they didn't 'hear' you the first five or six times. It means they disagree with you.

Cardboard Junkie 10-23-2013 01:49 PM

I would just like to go on record as agreeing, or disagreeing, whichever you prefer. :) Dave.

ValKehl 10-23-2013 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by dstudeba (Post 1198341)
Leon please sell the E222 to me so I can have it in hand and confirm your statement. There is no other way to gain the board's trust.

Leon, if you will sell this E222 to me, I'll even throw in a 1931 Leader Theatre advertising card!! :D

Runscott 10-23-2013 04:12 PM

I can only remember having to tweak scans for slabbed cards i.e.-raw cards and photos were fine with default settings.

HRBAKER 10-23-2013 04:24 PM

Just don't start twerking your scans.

vintagetoppsguy 10-23-2013 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Runscott (Post 1198469)
I can only remember having to tweak scans for slabbed cards i.e.-raw cards and photos were fine with default settings.


Same here. I was discussing this with another board member last night via PM. Here's why that is. There are basically two types of scanner technology:

CIS (Contact Image Sensor) - these are good if you're only scanning flat items such as raw cards, photos, magazine articles, etc - items that lay flat, directly on the scanner bed.

CCD (Charge Coupled Device) - these are good for slabbed cards or anything that doesn't lay directly on the scanner bed. Yes, the plastic slab itself does, but the card is elevated from the bed because of the slab.

That's why if you're scanning a BGS/BVG card with CIS technology, it is blurry because the those slabs are so thick. Get a CCD scanner and the problem goes away.

So, anyone using a scanner with CIS technology may have to tweak the settings to get a good representation of the actual card.

cyseymour 10-23-2013 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by jtschantz (Post 1198340)
I have no "dog in the fight" here, but some are asking for examples of scans from PWCC vs a "normal" setting on a Canoscan. I won this T207 in last months PWCC auction and scanned it myself with my normal settings. I know this isn't a great example due to the lack of colors on your typical T207, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway. My scan is on the right (or bottom) depending on how you are viewing.

I didn't have a chance to respond to this earlier, but based on your example of this T207, it is clear that, whatever may have happened in the past with PWCC auctions, via accusations from CU and members of this board, that it is clearly no longer a problem. That doesn't stop it from being a hobby-wide concern, but as far as I am concerned, it seems that Brent has rectified the problems concerning his scans, at least in last month's auction. For that, I am thankful and congratulate him for his responsiveness.

Peter_Spaeth 10-23-2013 07:01 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I agree his scans look more reasonable than before, but I think they may still be a bit too bright, if this is an example.

sam majors 10-23-2013 07:02 PM

Tired of reading this!
Hell, it's plain to see that the correct answer is maybe yes or probably not! Sam Majors ;) ;) ;)

dstudeba 10-23-2013 07:14 PM

Val and I agree to agree that Leon should part with his E222.

Hi Val. :)

Leon 10-23-2013 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by dstudeba (Post 1198541)
Val and I agree to agree that Leon should part with his E222.

Hi Val. :)

Well, I can agree to disagree with ya'lls double agreement. :eek:

cyseymour 10-23-2013 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 1198536)
I agree his scans look more reasonable than before, but I think they may still be a bit too bright, if this is an example.

Peter, I'm not sure it is a valid example for a couple of reasons: a) you are comparing two different cards (one is more beaten than the other), and b) those scans were likely taken by different scanners. The first scan could be a CIS scan.

I think the T207 was more solid comparison because it compared the same exact card with a known scanner (Canoscan) to the PWCC scan. In fact the Canoscan came up brighter.

It's still possible that PWCC is increasing the brightness, and in fact in your example that card looks somewhat bright, but not to the extent where it is blatant. So I don't think your example proves much one way or the other.

Eric72 10-23-2013 08:05 PM

I loathe to tread within this thread; however, do have an opinion to offer. Anyone who takes consignments has a duty to accurately represent the items being offered. This applies to both images and text.

As for shilling, there should be a zero tolerance policy for this sort of illegal behavior. Anyone who makes a living through selling other people's property should be taken to task if not doing things properly; on this board, in the court of public opinion, and a court of law...if a fraudulent sale occurs.

Just my two cents. My full name appears in my signature.

Best Regards,


npa589 10-23-2013 08:12 PM

A solution for all scanners that simply don't behave.

Peter_Spaeth 10-23-2013 08:12 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by cyseymour (Post 1198562)
Peter, I'm not sure it is a valid example for a couple of reasons: a) you are comparing two different cards (one is more beaten than the other), and b) those scans were likely taken by different scanners. The first scan could be a CIS scan.

I think the T207 was more solid comparison because it compared the same exact card with a known scanner (Canoscan) to the PWCC scan. In fact the Canoscan came up brighter.

It's still possible that PWCC is increasing the brightness, and in fact in your example that card looks somewhat bright, but not to the extent where it is blatant. So I don't think your example proves much one way or the other.

Another one at random. October 10.

Runscott 10-23-2013 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 1198477)

Same here. I was discussing this with another board member last night via PM. Here's why that is. There are basically two types of scanner technology:

CIS (Contact Image Sensor) - these are good if you're only scanning flat items such as raw cards, photos, magazine articles, etc - items that lay flat, directly on the scanner bed.

CCD (Charge Coupled Device) - these are good for slabbed cards or anything that doesn't lay directly on the scanner bed. Yes, the plastic slab itself does, but the card is elevated from the bed because of the slab.

That's why if you're scanning a BGS/BVG card with CIS technology, it is blurry because the those slabs are so thick. Get a CCD scanner and the problem goes away.

So, anyone using a scanner with CIS technology may have to tweak the settings to get a good representation of the actual card.

Yes, I know. I have both scanner types. My slabbed cards still require adjustments - yes, scans are crisp and clear using CCD for slabs, but contrast and color are sometimes off. If anyone who has bought a slabbed card from me thinks my scans look freaky, just say so and I'll rethink things.

calvindog 10-23-2013 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by cyseymour (Post 1198492)
but as far as I am concerned, it seems that Brent has rectified the problems concerning his scans, at least in last month's auction. For that, I am thankful and congratulate him for his responsiveness.

Agreed. Congratulations Brent for committing fraud, getting caught, lying about fraud, getting caught lying about fraud, and finally toning down the fraud a bit.

Oh -- and we haven't gotten to the possible shill bidding and massive bid retractions yet.

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