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DHogan 02-02-2018 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by joshuanip (Post 1744263)
Hi Dave,

My father is close to 70 and is legally blind in one eye. He had symptoms of macular degeneration which could spread into both eyes. Freaked me out because my dad is my best friend and my mom depends on him so. Went in and found out that he had a leak in his eyeball. While not reversible also not degenerable with surgery and won’t spread to his other eye. Doesn’t sound like it but great news.

Joshua, good to hear that. My mother depends on my father. Makes it hard on both of them as my father has no patients.

DHogan 02-02-2018 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by packs (Post 1744340)
I will have my second short story appear in print sometime in the spring. Received the good news today.

Great stuff. Congratulations.

DHogan 09-20-2019 11:23 PM

Packs, Did you get your story published ?

DHogan 03-26-2020 07:12 PM

It's been a long time since anyone has posted in this topic. I bet there's been some good things going on. :)

bnorth 03-26-2020 08:50 PM

Card related good news. I got my first T206 Red Cobb recently. I also helped bring a new awesome card storage kit to the hobby. Not available yet but I have been working with Rick Hyatt on his DIY card storage kits. He has/had an amazing product but was too big for my taste. Soon he will have DIY kits available that are close to the same size as SGC slabs. Sometimes complaining to the owner of a company about their product has a great outcome.:D

DHogan 03-26-2020 09:19 PM

Congrats on the Cobb and good luck with the hobby kit. :)

bnorth 03-27-2020 05:24 PM

Health wise I got my diabetic check up and my teeth cleaned about 3 weeks ago. So my 6 month recalls on both are not till late August. Both turned out good as my teeth are good and my A1C has been coming down with each visit.

I also had a complete heart check up. My cholesterol was great, EKG was great, and the scan that they run you into the big donut thing showed I have zero plaque built up in my arteries. Couldn't have been happier with my results.:D

DHogan 03-27-2020 06:38 PM

That's good to hear. :)

DHogan 08-09-2020 03:49 PM

I know with the pandemic still hitting bad around the country and around the world. Someone hopefully has some good news to share ? Anything would help. :)

commishbob 08-09-2020 04:12 PM

We feel fortunate that our three kids and their spouses have been able to keep their jobs (and their health) thru this. My daughter is a social worker in Chicago who works primary in assisted living environments and has done good things there.

One on my sons' father-in-law won his bout with COVID19 and went back to work recently.

The two ICU nurses in my family are well if worn to a frazzle.

Finally, I picked up the last high number I needed and finished my 1960 Leaf binder project.

I finished my 1960 Topps football set and nailed down all but one of my 61 Fleer football set.

bnorth 08-09-2020 05:13 PM

I am lucky enough to be able to go camping all next week. Hoping for some clear skies at night to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower.:)

DHogan 08-09-2020 06:52 PM

Bob, I'm glad to hear that the people in your family that work in health care are well, and hope they always stay that way. My sister works in a skilled care facility as an activities director. She's frazzled trying to keep the residents minds occupied when they can't leave their rooms because of no contact. Even with family members.

At least we all have sports cards to keep us occupied.

Camping sounds good right now. I don't think I can see the meter showers in Boston with all the bright night lights.

bnorth 08-14-2020 11:51 AM

Had a great time camping this week. It was cloudy and rained a couple nights so did not see many meteors. Still a bad week camping is better and a good week of most anything else.:)

Wife texted me on Monday and told me my Wade Boggs bat arrived. It had been stuck n Florida for over a week so I was happy it arrived.

When I got home this morning I opened it. My wife was standing beside me and when I pulled it out of he box she said "why did you buy a used bat?". So without missing a beat I looked at her and said "because they cost a lot more" and smiled. She did not get it.:D

todeen 08-14-2020 05:23 PM

I've raised over $1600 for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation with the help of 30+ donors. Caring and charitable people in the world still exist.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

DHogan 08-14-2020 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by todeen (Post 2008506)
I've raised over $1600 for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation with the help of 30+ donors. Caring and charitable people in the world still exist.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

Great work. :)

clydepepper 08-15-2020 11:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I finally found and adopted the just the right second dog for me and my Buddy.

I have been searching shelters and rescues for three years.

Buddy will turn ten in January and Holly is a year-old.

Here is Buddy on the left and Holly on the right.

Attachment 413933

Adopt a Rescue...They will love you forever!

bnorth 08-15-2020 02:53 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by clydepepper (Post 2008686)
I finally found and adopted the just the right second dog for me and my Buddy.

I have been searching shelters and rescues for three years.

Buddy will turn ten in January and Holly is a year-old.

Here is Buddy on the left and Holly on the right.

Attachment 413933

Adopt a Rescue...They will love you forever!

Great dogs!:)

I agree on adopting rescue dogs. My current dog is a rescue and the 2 before him came from the same rescue.

When I arrived home yesterday not only did I have a bat waiting. I had a bubble mailer with the fallowing 5 cards in it. It was a great unexpected gift from a fellow member.:D

DHogan 08-15-2020 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by clydepepper (Post 2008686)
I finally found and adopted the just the right second dog for me and my Buddy.

I have been searching shelters and rescues for three years.

Buddy will turn ten in January and Holly is a year-old.

Here is Buddy on the left and Holly on the right.

Attachment 413933

Adopt a Rescue...They will love you forever!

Buddy doesn't look to thrilled. :rolleyes: Nice looking dogs tho.

DHogan 08-15-2020 04:32 PM

I hope the GBSCC show comes back next year. I haven't gone to that show in a long time.

DHogan 08-21-2020 03:42 PM

Anyone have any new good news they want to share ? :)

jcarroll84 08-23-2020 06:55 AM

Two of my adult sons have recently become interested in collecting baseball cards.
It’s been great going through my cards and seeing them wanting to learn more about the history of the game I love.

MooseDog 08-23-2020 09:06 AM

Don't know if you're on Twitter or if you have anything against MSNBC (I know, but people are so sensitive these days). I'm a big fan of #GoodNewsRUHLES. She seems to find a lot of uplifting stories out there in the morass.

Also Rex Chapman's feed is a hoot and a half @RexChapman - can't get enough of "Block or Charge" or "Dogs, bruh"

DHogan 08-23-2020 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by jcarroll84 (Post 2010958)
Two of my adult sons have recently become interested in collecting baseball cards.
It’s been great going through my cards and seeing them wanting to learn more about the history of the game I love.

That's great to hear. :)

DHogan 08-23-2020 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by MooseDog (Post 2011007)
Don't know if you're on Twitter or if you have anything against MSNBC (I know, but people are so sensitive these days). I'm a big fan of #GoodNewsRUHLES. She seems to find a lot of uplifting stories out there in the morass.

Also Rex Chapman's feed is a hoot and a half @RexChapman - can't get enough of "Block or Charge" or "Dogs, bruh"

I'm not on Twitter or Face Book or any of those. I'll check out MSNBC. Thanks :)

MooseDog 08-23-2020 06:23 PM

Stephanie Ruhles posts a lot of the "Good News" stuff on You Tube.

You can Google Rex Chapman twitter and I think you can read the tweets. Or search "Dogs, bruh" if you need a quick pick me up.

Seven 08-23-2020 07:25 PM

After both of us had to deal with some major health issues earlier in the year, my father and I were able to get up to Cooperstown this past week. While it was very quiet because of everything going on, we were able to take in the Hall of Fame and all of it's glory.

Spent a couple of hours combing through the various exhibits as it has been a while for the both of us, and we weren't able to get a good look at the "shoebox treasures" last year. I swear we spent a hour alone going through some of the cards, my father reminiscing about the ones he put in the spokes of his bike as a kid growing up in the late 60's, early 70's. Some incredible memories were made seeing all of those old cards, and it was something me and my father were able to bond over once again. Got around to making some nice purchases too which I'm going to happily upload to the forum in the coming days.

The walks each day to main street were ones I will look back on with fond memories, because no matter how many times I go there, each trip is special. I look forward to the day when I settle down and have children and am able to bring them to the Hall of Fame. And Hopefully when they get older, they'll want to spend as much time with me, as I like to spend with my father :)

My Father is still a relatively young man, only 61, so as long as he wants to continue going upstate NY to visit Cooperstown and the Hall, I'll gladly go. No matter how many times it happens, I'll continue to treasure every moment when we get lost along the way there, even with GPS, and we start laughing because we're stuck on some back road due to a missed turn. Every trip there is an experience, a journey and memories to last a lifetime.

DHogan 08-23-2020 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by MooseDog (Post 2011231)
Stephanie Ruhles posts a lot of the "Good News" stuff on You Tube.

You can Google Rex Chapman twitter and I think you can read the tweets. Or search "Dogs, bruh" if you need a quick pick me up.

Thanks. I'll check that out too.

DHogan 08-23-2020 07:29 PM

Sounds like a great time there James. :)

todeen 08-24-2020 11:55 PM

I bought MAGIC THE GATHERING cards 5 years ago to connect with a disruptive student in my classroom (I'm not into games like that). Found out my nephew is starting to get into MAGIC. Went to visit today and played two games with him and let him have any cards he wanted from my dusty assortment. Always wonderful to connect with youth and family, even if it's unconventional. I bet I'll be playing at Christmas too!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

DHogan 08-25-2020 07:52 AM

Very cool. :)

riggs336 09-02-2020 10:09 PM

I watched every minute of the Austin Peay/Arkansas State football game, two teams I had absolutely no prior interest in, and enjoyed it like it was Bama/LSU or Texas/Oklahoma. I am so ready for some college football.

DHogan 09-03-2020 07:39 AM

I used to go to the games at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester Mass. when I was a teenager. I still don't follow any football.

Michael B 09-04-2020 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by DHogan (Post 2014345)
I used to go to the games at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester Mass. when I was a teenager. I still don't follow any football.

I lived in Worcester for 5 years before moving to Virginia. Prior to that Walpole, 2 miles from Pats stadium and grew up in Waltham.

Michael B 09-05-2020 12:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I usually do not have great news to share. I do wake up every morning walking and talking and all of the 5 major senses working. Everything after that is a bonus and/or a blessing depending on your religious leanings.

About 2 months ago I read the story about the little boy in Wyoming who saved his sister's live from a vicious dog. During the encounter he was attacked and received something like 75 stitches, mostly to his face. All of the major superhero actors contacted him. The Captain America person was going to send him a real shield and the Spider Man actor invited him to the filming of the next movie.

Before it hit the network news it got coverage on the web - MSN and AOL. His aunt wrote that he loved rocks, wanted to be a geologist one day and would love it if people would send him some rocks. She provided an address in the article. I do enjoy looking at mineral displays at museums though I don't collect them myself. However, one of my interests is collecting fossils along the Potomac River in Maryland about 30 miles south of Washington, D.C. There is a great state park where you can find Paleocene Era (56-59 million years ago) sharks teeth, crocodile teeth and other fossils.

I put together a package of items putting them in small labeled baggies. I included extinct sand tiger teeth, extinct goblin shark teeth, crocodile tooth, turtle scute (outer armor), sting ray plates (for grinding food), a few odd bones (maybe turtle or croc), turitella molds (shells that look like a spiral) and a Piscataway Indian point (arrowhead). I also wrote him some information about all of the items and where I found them. I knew he would be overwhelmed with all of the attention, but was happy I could share one of my passions with him.

Monday or Tuesday I received this:

Attachment 417010

The postcard got a little scraped up going through the mail sorters. Not the first time this has happened to me but it is okay.

Remember, it is easier to be kind or say a kind word. You have to think to be or act cruel.

DHogan 09-05-2020 02:02 PM

That's a very cool thing for you to do for him. I sure it made his day. Thanks for posting in this topic everyone.

LibSuperstar 09-05-2020 03:03 PM

Very nice of you!

DHogan 09-05-2020 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Michael B (Post 2014882)
I lived in Worcester for 5 years before moving to Virginia. Prior to that Walpole, 2 miles from Pats stadium and grew up in Waltham.

I went to the agricultural high school in Walpole. Even though I was from Worcester. It didn't do me much good after. :o

carlsonjok 09-06-2020 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Michael B (Post 2014886)
Before it hit the network news it got coverage on the web - MSN and AOL. His aunt wrote that he loved rocks, wanted to be a geologist one day and would love it if people would send him some rocks. She provided an address in the article. I do enjoy looking at mineral displays at museums though I don't collect them myself.

Can you PM me the address? I am not a rock hound, but I have been blessed (or cursed depending on how you look at it) by living on top of a huge seam of barite rose rocks. They are actually quite rare, mainly only occurring in a thin band running north to south in Oklahoma, with minor occurrences in Australia and Morocco. I'd like to send him some.

EDIT: I ganked that picture out of the local newspapers article archive. Rose rocks sitting in prairie hay seemed familiar to me, so I found the article it was from. In a funny coincidence, the newspaper photographer took that picture of our display the one year my wife and I sold them at the Rose Rock Festival.

todeen 09-06-2020 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Michael B (Post 2014886)
I usually do not have great news to share. I do wake up every morning walking and talking and all of the 5 major senses working. Everything after that is a bonus and/or a blessing depending on your religious leanings.

About 2 months ago I read the story about the little boy in Wyoming who saved his sister's live from a vicious dog. During the encounter he was attacked and received something like 75 stitches, mostly to his face. All of the major superhero actors contacted him. The Captain America person was going to send him a real shield and the Spider Man actor invited him to the filming of the next movie.

Before it hit the network news it got coverage on the web - MSN and AOL. His aunt wrote that he loved rocks, wanted to be a geologist one day and would love it if people would send him some rocks. She provided an address in the article. I do enjoy looking at mineral displays at museums though I don't collect them myself. However, one of my interests is collecting fossils along the Potomac River in Maryland about 30 miles south of Washington, D.C. There is a great state park where you can find Paleocene Era (56-59 million years ago) sharks teeth, crocodile teeth and other fossils.

I put together a package of items putting them in small labeled baggies. I included extinct sand tiger teeth, extinct goblin shark teeth, crocodile tooth, turtle scute (outer armor), sting ray plates (for grinding food), a few odd bones (maybe turtle or croc), turitella molds (shells that look like a spiral) and a Piscataway Indian point (arrowhead). I also wrote him some information about all of the items and where I found them. I knew he would be overwhelmed with all of the attention, but was happy I could share one of my passions with him.

Monday or Tuesday I received this:

Attachment 417010

The postcard got a little scraped up going through the mail sorters. Not the first time this has happened to me but it is okay.

Remember, it is easier to be kind or say a kind word. You have to think to be or act cruel.

I loved fossils growing up in Montana. You were very kind. Thanks for sharing.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

Michael B 09-06-2020 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by carlsonjok (Post 2015239)
Can you PM me the address? I am not a rock hound, but I have been blessed (or cursed depending on how you look at it) by living on top of a huge seam of barite rose rocks. They are actually quite rare, mainly only occurring in a thin band running north to south in Oklahoma, with minor occurrences in Australia and Morocco. I'd like to send him some.

EDIT: I ganked that picture out of the local newspapers article archive. Rose rocks sitting in prairie hay seemed familiar to me, so I found the article it was from. In a funny coincidence, the newspaper photographer took that picture of our display the one year my wife and I sold them at the Rose Rock Festival.


Michael B 09-06-2020 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by todeen (Post 2015271)
I loved fossils growing up in Montana. You were very kind. Thanks for sharing.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

Thank you Tim. I do not like to blow my own horn but I appreciated the effort the family took to send out such a great thank you note. I felt the note and its message were important to share.

999Tony 09-07-2020 08:11 AM

Obc members recently in last couple weeks sent me incredible cards (return fire from cards I sent out but nothing is required —these are not trades). it is often worn commons, but one guy sent me a bunch of cards and included a 54 Berra! Another sent a goudey wide pen Hubbell! Just my second wide pen! I had no idea I was getting these until I opened the envelopes!

DHogan 09-07-2020 10:26 AM

Those cards in any condition are great to have.

todeen 09-08-2020 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Michael B (Post 2015466)
Thank you Tim. I do not like to blow my own horn but I appreciated the effort the family took to send out such a great thank you note. I felt the note and its message were important to share.

On a good news forum, tooting your own horn to make someone else feel good is okay.... sometimes. ;)

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

Corporal Lance Boil 09-14-2020 04:25 PM

The theatre I am on the board of, in the middle-of-nowhere New Hampshire, was granted permission to produce professionals shows, with Equity Guild actors, and an actual (but socially distanced) audience. There were 3 other theaters approved, 2 had 1-person shows, and one had no audience.

Our opener was "Little Shop of Horrors", with an 8 person cast, full band, and 25% seating. Last Wednesday. We also opened "Miracle on South Division Street", which I had never seen, but loved so much.

The pressure was amazing. There was an article in the NYT, and phone interviews with CBS and NBC. A film crew from the German version of NPR came for interviews.

This is literally the re-opening of professional theatre in the US, and I am so proud to part of it.

And they killed it, by the way.


DHogan 09-14-2020 05:10 PM

Very cool. :)

todeen 09-16-2020 01:59 PM

I live in WA State. We are currently inundated with wildfire smoke, today is Day 6. However, my niece was married, outside, and it was a lovely ceremony. We (the healthy ones) spent 2+ hours outside. Some things are just too sweet to be ruined uncontrollable circumstances.

DHogan 09-16-2020 02:10 PM

Congratulations to you niece.

bbcard1 09-17-2020 02:23 PM

I have been far more blessed that I have any business being, but I had an awesome experience that I think you guys would appreciate more than most.

My son has a softball team in a city league. I am on the roster only in case of emergency. Their pitcher was out this week and they had another sub to pitch for them. He got into an altercation with the ump last game and was suspended for three games. Hence I got the call. At age 59, I brought my corn hole throwing softball approach back to the the diamond.

My son's team is quite good and it's filled with kids I have coached and known since they were some cases babies. They caught everything the was hit in their general direction.

I pitched a shutout (to the fielder's credit, not mine), got a couple of hits and scored a run in a blowout.

Every now and then between pitches I just had to stop and say a little prayer of thanks for the fine young men, the fact that I can still contribute on some level and the crisp, clear night. It was just glorious.

DHogan 09-18-2020 08:27 AM

That's great !

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