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earlywynnfan 03-26-2013 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Fuddjcal (Post 1108421)
I wouldn't say your guilty of this, but you are a respected regular contributor here. I just figured (Despite all the different factions) that we are all in this together. I hold this board to a higher standard and you are apart of that. I guess your just not the man I thought you to be. It's not a witch hunt Travis it's a "CLUSTER F***"

Travis, I agree with most of this. I am not joining some kind of witch hunt or something in pointing my finger at you. You are an active member of this particular thread. Many of us feel there is a Net54 "family." Fight with Chris all you want. Fight with David. Fight with me. Fight with anyone. But you know what? That ANL post was absolute crap. That was out of bounds. That cheap shot was aimed at one of our FAMILY. And I don't care if it's your hot wife or your obnoxious-little-stepbrother-who-you-have-to-share-a-room-with-who-the-world-would-be-better-off-without. We should all stick together!


thetruthisoutthere 03-26-2013 06:25 PM

I agree, Ken.

The problem is that Travis is truly not allowed to say or write anything derogatory about ANL or Todd Mueller.

If anyone on this site, and or on Autograph Magazine Live, posted anything like that about Travis, I'd be the first one to condemn it.

But Travis is not allowed to. They (ANL and Todd Mueller) would ostracize him from that vile, slimy and cowardly community known as ANL.

clutch 03-26-2013 07:47 PM

You are all embarrassing yourselves.

thetruthisoutthere 03-26-2013 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by clutch (Post 1108762)
You are all embarrassing yourselves.

If you're going to make a statement like that, then I want to know who Clutch is?

It's easy to post a comment like that behind a pseudonym like Clutch.

jgmp123 03-27-2013 04:51 AM

I'll make the same statement...You are all embarrassing yourselves. Fighting like a bunch of school girls. Seriously, take it off the board.

James Graham

JT 03-27-2013 04:58 AM


thetruthisoutthere 03-27-2013 05:25 AM

If you don't like a particular thread, then don't read it.

Or, if you do read it, and don't like it, then don't post a comment.

It's that simple.

There are numerous threads that make me cringe. I may or may not read them, but I've never written anyone to stop it.

It really is that simple.

jgmp123 03-27-2013 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by thetruthisoutthere (Post 1108884)
If you don't like a particular thread, then don't read it.

Or, if you do read it, and don't like it, then don't post a comment.

It's that simple.

There are numerous threads that make me cringe. I may or may not read them, but I've never written anyone to stop it.

It really is that simple.

Let me just not respond. I don't want to be dragged into this...

thetruthisoutthere 03-27-2013 04:59 PM

Todd Mueller Elvis Presley Secretarial
A day after the below article appeared on AML about a Elvis Presley secretarial that sold at Mueller Auctions (read the Roger Epperson comment)........

The below article appeared on that vile and slime site called ANL:

Coincidence again? Seriously?

ANL is a site that is consistently praised by Travis.

mighty bombjack 03-27-2013 06:33 PM

PLEASE stop posting links to that horrible site. It is a train wreck that we should look away from.

johnmh71 03-27-2013 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by mighty bombjack (Post 1109249)
PLEASE stop posting links to that horrible site. It is a train wreck that we should look away from.


thetruthisoutthere 03-27-2013 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by mighty bombjack (Post 1109249)
PLEASE stop posting links to that horrible site. It is a train wreck that we should look away from.

I agree, but I wanted to make a point that every time someone exposes Mueller, the slime over at ANL starts a new smear campaign.

thetruthisoutthere 03-29-2013 05:32 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Ken asked Travis to comment on that ANL trash......

Attachment 93844

Travis wrote "I have boxing autographs to blog about."

But Travis always has time for this:

Attachment 93845

earlywynnfan 03-29-2013 07:29 AM

This is no defense of Travis, he can do his own talking (or, rarely, choose not to talk.)

However, Chris, since you're pointing fingers, Ken also said this:

"Have you ever talked directly to Todd about this or any other of his autos?"

In fact, this question was asked twice. Ken also (twice) asked you to clarify how you read that email as Todd saying the exact Mays auto that put your panties into a bunch was the one from the airport or whatever.

Your lack or responses say a lot, too.

Big Dave 03-29-2013 07:51 AM


Also, I am in agreement with Travis in regard to his lack of response to allegations leveled at him by a few. As he stated, there are hundreds of viewers / members on this site and I haven't seen one other asked to condemn that site. There are many that don't respond to questions or allegations, Chris being one...even though he demands from others and rags them when they don't respond. Without any proof of any relationship between Travis and that site, it is his right and privilege to respond or not to anything he wants, as each of us do.

Whether Todd Mueller has any affiliation with that site has not been shown either. Until someone has something to back up the allegations made against another, everything written is just rantings made without any substance to back these up.

This garbage gets really old from all sides. This is supposed to be a forum to discuss the validity of autographs, not personalities.....

Everyone has opinions about everything, and unless there is something factual to back up these opinions....these remain what they are....views in one's mind.

travrosty 03-29-2013 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Big Dave (Post 1109844)

Also, I am in agreement with Travis in regard to his lack of response to allegations leveled at him by a few. As he stated, there are hundreds of viewers / members on this site and I haven't seen one other asked to condemn that site. There are many that don't respond to questions or allegations, Chris being one...even though he demands from others and rags them when they don't respond. Without any proof of any relationship between Travis and that site, it is his right and privilege to respond or not to anything he wants, as each of us do.

Whether Todd Mueller has any affiliation with that site has not been shown either. Until someone has something to back up the allegations made against another, everything written is just rantings made without any substance to back these up.

This garbage gets really old from all sides. This is supposed to be a forum to discuss the validity of autographs, not personalities.....

Everyone has opinions about everything, and unless there is something factual to back up these opinions....these remain what they are....views in one's mind.

Thank you Big Dave,

I don't even know Dave but he is right on the mark. We as a country went through similar "we suspect you are guilty with no proof so prove your innocence and make a prepared statement that we will supply or else your name will be smeared and equal to mud, and if you are not willing to do so at our demand then you must have something to hide and our suspicions of guilt must have been right all along" in the 1950's and that is regarded as a very ugly period in our country's history.

It is truly disgusting and I would say more but I also agree with Dave that I believe we should comment on things related to the autograph hobby as that is what this site is for.

Leon 03-29-2013 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1109877)
Thank you Big Dave,

I don't even know Dave but he is right on the mark. We as a country went through similar "we suspect you are guilty with no proof so prove your innocence and make a prepared statement that we will supply or else your name will be smeared and equal to mud, and if you are not willing to do so at our demand then you must have something to hide and our suspicions of guilt must have been right all along" in the 1950's and that is regarded as a very ugly period in our country's history.

It is truly disgusting.

I agree witch hunts suck. But if I was asked a question pertaining to a smear site I would simply answer it and move on. I am not saying it would be mandatory for me to do it but I just wouldn't want people thinking I was either affiliated (if I wasn't) or dodging a question. Answering cures the issue. Not answering does raise more doubt. And that being said it's a two way street too. If I am asking the questions then I should be prepared to answer zingers back at me. Just my opinion and certainly there are other views on the subject. All I care about, where this board is concerned, is that folks have their names out here when debating, accusing etc.... And I must applaud you guys for that. There hasn't been any push back about that aspect.

Mr. Zipper 03-29-2013 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Leon (Post 1109881)
if I was asked a question pertaining to a smear site I would simply answer it and move on.

What has been lost in the haze is that Travis is solely responsible for opening this whole can of worms when he began singing the praises of "Da Man." When the questions got uncomfortable, suddenly he goes silent or plays the martyr card and doesn't want to "play that game" anymore.

travrosty 03-29-2013 10:41 AM

I blog about boxing autographs and autograph hobby related issues regarding authentication. some dont like what i say because they like the current paradigm of "look the other way if it has a certain favorite cert attached to it"

i help expose the AUTOGRAPH HOBBY RELATED stories others don't want to touch or hope goes away. The other stuff regarding people's personal issues is just noise and should be taken elsewhere.

mighty bombjack 03-29-2013 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1109900)
I blog about boxing autographs and autograph hobby related issues regarding authentication. some dont like what i say because they like the current paradigm of "look the other way if it has a certain favorite cert attached to it"

i help expose the AUTOGRAPH HOBBY RELATED stories others don't want to touch or hope goes away. The other stuff regarding people's personal issues is just noise and should be taken elsewhere.

Ok then, back to autographs and the hobby.

From what I have seen, Mueller (the same that you have praised) is a poor authenticator of baseball autographs. Now, he may be an upstanding dealer in giving refunds when a question arises, but I wouldn't buy anything from him based on what I've seen him selling.

How's that?

mighty bombjack 03-29-2013 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1109877)
Thank you Big Dave,

I don't even know Dave but he is right on the mark. We as a country went through similar "we suspect you are guilty with no proof so prove your innocence and make a prepared statement that we will supply or else your name will be smeared and equal to mud, and if you are not willing to do so at our demand then you must have something to hide and our suspicions of guilt must have been right all along" in the 1950's and that is regarded as a very ugly period in our country's history.

It is truly disgusting and I would say more but I also agree with Dave that I believe we should comment on things related to the autograph hobby as that is what this site is for.


What are doing in the Blarney Ruth thread? You have laid some pretty heavy claims about the actions of the alphabets, based solely on conjecture, and then said straight up that you will admit that you are wrong if they provide evidence to the contrary. So, they are guilty of your claims until they prove themselves otherwise? Well, we all know that no alphabet could ever be innocent of any act in your eyes.

You get what you give.

Deertick 03-29-2013 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1109877)
"(PSA)we (I) suspect you are guilty with no proof so prove your innocence and make a prepared statement that we (I) will supply or else your name will be smeared and equal to mud, and if you are not willing to do so at our (my) demand then you must have something to hide and our (my) suspicions of guilt must have been right all along" .

Oh... My.... GAWD!

This pot may not be black, but it is definitely cracked.

thetruthisoutthere 03-29-2013 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Zipper (Post 1109887)
What has been lost in the haze is that Travis is solely responsible for opening this whole can of worms when he began singing the praises of "Da Man." When the questions got uncomfortable, suddenly he goes silent or plays the martyr card and doesn't want to "play that game" anymore.

Thank you, Mr. Zipper.

Steve gets it.

This can of worms would have never been opened up if Travis didn't sing the praises of the "Da Man."

David Atkatz 03-29-2013 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Zipper (Post 1109887)
What has been lost in the haze is that Travis is solely responsible for opening this whole can of worms when he began singing the praises of "Da Man."

What? Are we only allowed to support members of some group of "pre-approved" dealers?

I have little respect for Mueller--I'm glad he refunded my money, but the fact that he cut up that FDC to avoid the "postmark problem" (whichcalls into doubt the autograph's authenticity even without seeing the RR listings), is despicable.

Still, Travis--or anyone else--has the right to support anyone he or she chooses, without the fear of "opening up a can of worms."

Mr. Zipper 03-29-2013 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by David Atkatz (Post 1110069)
What? Are we only allowed to support members of some group of "pre-approved" dealers?

....-has the right to support anyone he or she chooses, without the fear of "opening up a can of worms."

Of course he can support whomever he wants. Who said he couldn't?

But in doing so, he is inviting contrary opinions. Some of which may be less than flattering.

What's not to get? :confused:

Big Dave 03-29-2013 05:23 PM

After 125 posts, I believe we all get it...regardless of what we individually think.

How about we all just quit beating this dead horse, it is not coming back to life or changing anyone's mind?

shelly 03-29-2013 05:31 PM

I cant understand why anyone including Travis would not just say that the site is a hate site. No more no less. If anyone of you had your name placed on that site and I mean anyone. I would go after them just as much as I did for Chris. It is a hate site nothing more nothing less. It should be condemed by everyone that comes on this site pure and simple. That is why people are upset with Travis.:mad:

mighty bombjack 03-29-2013 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by shelly (Post 1110103)
I cant understand why anyone includeing Travis would not just say that the site is a hate site. No more no less.:confused

Right, but if we don't join in bashing certain companies, we are clearly afraid of retaliation and/or in love with the status quo!

I don't mind being told that my silence condemns me. It is the unabashed hypocrisy that I feel I have to point out.

Big Dave-I hear you, but dead horses are what message boards exist to beat. At least the season is starting soon!

Big Dave 03-29-2013 05:36 PM

Ok.....guess some would rather beat a dead horse then move on.

Nobody has to condemn or say anything... and to try and force or shame someone into doing what others may or say they bs.

We all think different....just let it be.

thetruthisoutthere 03-29-2013 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Big Dave (Post 1110112)
Ok.....guess some would rather beat a dead horse then move on.

Nobody has to condemn or say anything... and to try and force or shame someone into doing what others may or say they bs.

We all think different....just let it be.

If anyone wants to continue this thread, they have every right to.

You don't have to read it or comment under it, Dave.

Your "just let it be" BS.

shelly 03-29-2013 05:43 PM

Just out of curosity Big Dave what did you think of that site.? You dont have to say anything but just wondered.

Big Dave 03-29-2013 05:52 PM

Well Chris and Shelly ....carry on and enjoy the hypocrisy of your self-righteous posts.

shelly 03-29-2013 06:48 PM

Wow, because you where wrong on a Mantle. I asked a question not a sermon. Do you not find that site to be a hate site? Why will you not give an honest reply.:confused:

Forever Young 03-29-2013 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by mighty bombjack (Post 1110110)
Right, but if we don't join in bashing certain companies, we are clearly afraid of retaliation and/or in love with the status quo!

I don't mind being told that my silence condemns me. It is the unabashed hypocrisy that I feel I have to point out.

Big Dave-I hear you, but dead horses are what message boards exist to beat. At least the season is starting soon!

Well said.

shelly 03-29-2013 08:18 PM

Now, Travis. Do you belive that the site that went after Chris is garbage or not.
Yes or no.
If anyone finds that question to be offensive please explain.
I would also ask the same question to all of you.:D

Forever Young 03-29-2013 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by mighty bombjack (Post 1110110)
Right, but if we don't join in bashing certain companies, we are clearly afraid of retaliation and/or in love with the status quo!

I don't mind being told that my silence condemns me. It is the unabashed hypocrisy that I feel I have to point out.

Big Dave-I hear you, but dead horses are what message boards exist to beat. At least the season is starting soon!

Well said. There is nothing worse than a hypocrite.
I must say though, this site(link posted) is BS(HATE SITE).
I actually respect Chris' work a lot. His work isn't an attempt to enhance an authenticating career, sell merchandise, settle old scores or right old "mistakes". There are many obvious agendas on here but I believe Chris' to be a just one. I read what was written on that site and agree, it is pretty stupid.

slidekellyslide 03-30-2013 06:18 AM

Well...I just waded through this entire thread reading all the links associated with it and I'm sorry to say Travis, but your lack of condemnation for that article leaves me with only one impression and it isn't favorable to you. I've never noticed you being too busy boxing or writing boxing blogs to comment on JSA/PSA or any of your other favorite targets in the auto hobby...just say it, you condemn that POS garbage written about Chris. That kind of stuff has no place anywhere let alone a hobby that is supposed to be enjoyable.

I know...I know you don't care what I think because I haven't been in the trenches with you for 20 years. Just so you know everything you post from here on out will be viewed by me as just an agenda...again, I know you don't care. :rolleyes:

thetruthisoutthere 03-30-2013 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1108135)
you are being ridiculous, i have nothing to do with it, and asking me to condemn it by singling me out is what is sleazy, it implies i am somehow guilty. ask all hundreds of members of net54 then if everyone is equally innocent? by singling me out you are implying i have more to atone for than anyone else, when i have nothing to atone for.

arnold shwarzenegger is innocent and has nothing to atone for but to single him out and insist he specifically condemn nazism because his dad was an austrian police chief and a member of the nazi party is to brand arnold as somehow guilty of other peoples actions. It's sick, ridiculous and shameful and if arnold wanted to tell people where they could go with their sleazy guilt-by-association games that they play that would be alright with me and the same applies here.

you need my condemnation like you need a condemnation from all hundreds of members here on net54 but I don't see hundreds of demands or invitations for EVERYBODY to do so. Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the community party? McCarthy witch hunt! I got boxing to do, I don't need this straw man argument.

If I don't then I am guilty, if I do, then you claim the guilty has confessed. Have you heard of innocence? It's a railroad and a few are at the controls with their hands held tight to a dead mans switch so others get the impact no matter what. play amongst yourselves in your little witch hunt. We don't know who writes it. Insinuating that I know and have a special need to condemn it is very low indeed.

Travis, there were two reasons why we posted the link to that "badge of honor."

One, of course, was to show the slime and cowards over at ANL that I will never back off.

The second reason was to hopefully get a condemnation from you. You're a strong supporter of that site and was hoping that you would write "they went too far."

And remember, Travis, this has nothing to do with autograph opinions. This was a vile and cowardly personal attack. And it always happens when anyone criticizes Todd "Da Man" Mueller.

Yes, Travis, I singled you out to condemn that attack. I really thought you would be outraged by it. I singled you out because you are a strong supporter of ANL. It was my opinion (I made a bet with a fellow member here) that you were going to criticize that personal attack. I lost the bet.

You wrote the excuse "that you're busy blogging about boxing autographs." Then five minutes later "you find the time" to criticize the TPAs.

The truth is, Travis, you are not allowed to say or write anything critical about ANL. That's a fact.

chaddurbin 03-30-2013 07:31 AM

i don't know if travis writes blogs for that site, if yes at the very least why would anyone want to contribute to a site that would tolerate that kind of crap writing? i would try to disassociate my name from something like that asap.

some here have a problem with what chris or travis do, i don't. they have their agendas, they stick to it come hell or high-water. i respect that position, but for travis to cast a blind eye to the garbage written over there is disappointing...if he's indeed a member as i didn't want to wade through that site to find out.

Fuddjcal 03-30-2013 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by shelly (Post 1110108)
I cant understand why anyone including Travis would not just say that the site is a hate site. No more no less. If anyone of you had your name placed on that site and I mean anyone. I would go after them just as much as I did for Chris. It is a hate site nothing more nothing less. It should be condemed by everyone that comes on this site pure and simple. That is why people are upset with Travis.:mad: I said, I agree with 90% of what he has to say except when he starts with the 6 paragraph analogies. What he says is fine. It doesn't let go of the fact he has quite the personality disorder IMHO. and Mueller is still a boil on the ass of autograph collectors worldwide.

travrosty 03-30-2013 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by shelly (Post 1110184)
Now, Travis. Do you belive that the site that went after Chris is garbage or not.
Yes or no.
If anyone finds that question to be offensive please explain.
I would also ask the same question to all of you.:D

i do find it offensive because you are singling me out specifically to answer that claim, insinuating i had something to do with it. why are you not similarly outraged that barry sloate has not come on here to denounce it?

i had nothing to do with it at all, like barry, so to hound me for an answer to your invented question when you do not require that of others who are just as unconnected with the topic at hand as i am smacks of a witch hunt. i decry such actions as discriminatory and pathetic .

shelly 03-30-2013 11:16 AM

Travis, I value your opinion. Is there something wrong with that?

thetruthisoutthere 03-30-2013 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1110367)
i do find it offensive because you are singling me out specifically to answer that claim, insinuating i had something to do with it. why are you not similarly outraged that barry sloate has not come on here to denounce it?

i had nothing to do with it at all, like barry, so to hound me for an answer to your invented question when you do not require that of others who are just as unconnected with the topic at hand as i am smacks of a witch hunt. i decry such actions as discriminatory and pathetic .

Travis, I am the one singling you out, not Shelly.

You're the one who is a staunch supporter of both ANL and Todd Mueller.

barrysloate 03-30-2013 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1110367)
i do find it offensive because you are singling me out specifically to answer that claim, insinuating i had something to do with it. why are you not similarly outraged that barry sloate has not come on here to denounce it?

i had nothing to do with it at all, like barry, so to hound me for an answer to your invented question when you do not require that of others who are just as unconnected with the topic at hand as i am smacks of a witch hunt. i decry such actions as discriminatory and pathetic .

How did I get dragged into this garbage? I would never post in the thread like this (other than now) and just noticed it for the first time today.

travrosty 03-30-2013 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by barrysloate (Post 1110378)
How did I get dragged into this garbage? I would never post in the thread like this (other than now) and just noticed it for the first time today.

thats why i say, how did I get dragged into it too? Barry, they evidently are requiring us ALL to take some sort of loyalty oath! who knew?

Barry, sorry for mentioning your name, I proved my point, Barry doesn't appreciate it , nor I.

Sorry Barry, I won't mention you here again.

travrosty 03-30-2013 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by thetruthisoutthere (Post 1110375)
Travis, I am the one singling you out, not Shelly.

You're the one who is a staunch supporter of both ANL and Todd Mueller.

you both are, as is zipper, and its guilt by association now?

Todd Mueller is my friend, so what?

earlywynnfan 03-30-2013 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by barrysloate (Post 1110378)
How did I get dragged into this garbage? I would never post in the thread like this (other than now) and just noticed it for the first time today.

Attn: Travis:
1 post, and Barry's done.

You: dozens of posts, in this very thread, thousands of words of righteous indignation, and you couldn't do what Barry did in two sentences.

barrysloate 03-30-2013 03:22 PM


slidekellyslide 03-30-2013 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1110393)
thats why i say, how did I get dragged into it too? Barry, they evidently are requiring us ALL to take some sort of loyalty oath! who knew?

Barry, sorry for mentioning your name, I proved my point, Barry doesn't appreciate it , nor I.

Sorry Barry, I won't mention you here again.

Because apparently you openly support a site that would write the garbage that was linked to earlier in this thread....garbage that is written anonymously by a coward.

Deertick 03-30-2013 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by shelly (Post 1110184)
Now, Travis. Do you belive that the site that went after Chris is garbage or not.
Yes or no.
If anyone finds that question to be offensive please explain.
I would also ask the same question to all of you.:D

Shelly, ask me the question.

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