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FUBAR 11-21-2010 01:03 AM

maybe he has multiple personalities or he is giving the voices credit!

insidethewrapper 11-29-2010 10:36 AM

Autisic (asperger's syndrome) individuals often have problems with personnel pronouns and use "we" for "I" etc. This is a syndrome which features difficulties with "social interactions" and understanding appropriate social behavior, empathy etc. They have a difficult time relating to others and understanding and or caring about what others say. They tend to have obsessive-compulsive traits ( only have a single focus in life).
If the shoe fits.....

HRBAKER 11-30-2010 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by insidethewrapper (Post 851329)
Autisic (asperger's syndrome) individuals often have problems with personnel pronouns and use "we" for "I" etc. This is a syndrome which features difficulties with "social interactions" and understanding appropriate social behavior, empathy etc. They have a difficult time relating to others and understanding and or caring about what others say. They tend to have obsessive-compulsive traits ( only have a single focus in life).
If the shoe fits.....

Interesting. I have a ten year old autistic son, I've yet to hear him refer to himself as we. Now he can have a singular focus from time to time. :)

autograf 11-30-2010 01:47 PM

Think Bruce has assholer's syndrome, not asperger's syndrome........

insidethewrapper 12-01-2010 02:25 PM

That's a good one Tom. It should be in the Psychiatric Manual.

Also all autistic individuals don't have the same symptoms.

HRBAKER 12-01-2010 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by insidethewrapper (Post 851951)
That's a good one Tom. It should be in the Psychiatric Manual.

Also all autistic individuals don't have the same symptoms.

That is certainly true and there are levels of severity.

Fred 12-03-2010 10:43 AM

I still get the biggest kick out of anything Bruce posts. This is the water cooler talk so to me it's kind of like anything goes. Keith's suspension was minimal and it probably gave him time to relaz and look through a few boxes of his cards.

Something that's always amusing is that many people don't like Bruce's posts/opinions yet they respond (mostly with negative comments) and make the threads fairly lengthy. This gives him a voice and he probably laughs his butt off when he sees just how much attention people give him.

Am I a Bruce fan? No, not really, but everytime he posts I get a kick out of the response/attention this board gives to him.

Leon 12-03-2010 12:33 PM

I doubt he will be around again....

Originally Posted by Fred (Post 852438)
I still get the biggest kick out of anything Bruce posts. This is the water cooler talk so to me it's kind of like anything goes. Keith's suspension was minimal and it probably gave him time to relaz and look through a few boxes of his cards.

Something that's always amusing is that many people don't like Bruce's posts/opinions yet they respond (mostly with negative comments) and make the threads fairly lengthy. This gives him a voice and he probably laughs his butt off when he sees just how much attention people give him.

Am I a Bruce fan? No, not really, but everytime he posts I get a kick out of the response/attention this board gives to him.

With Bruce's crazy emails, copying his lawyer and threatening to sue me, and his ones that are badmouthing me and others since his suspension, I doubt he will be coming back to this board again and certainly it won't be anytime soon.

barrysloate 12-04-2010 07:35 AM

Wouldn't you think that Bruce's lawyer is advising him that there really isn't any case whatsoever? I mean, he wants to sue you for not letting him post on a chatboard that you own? What law was broken?

Jim VB 12-04-2010 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by barrysloate (Post 852656)
Wouldn't you think that Bruce's lawyer is advising him that there really isn't any case whatsoever? I mean, he wants to sue you for not letting him post on a chatboard that you own? What law was broken?

Unlawful restraint of trade!

Think of all those big deals he used to make!

Leon 12-04-2010 08:27 AM

trying a scare tactic....

Originally Posted by barrysloate (Post 852656)
Wouldn't you think that Bruce's lawyer is advising him that there really isn't any case whatsoever? I mean, he wants to sue you for not letting him post on a chatboard that you own? What law was broken?

I think he was just trying a scare tactic, Barry. When I responded, copying his lawyer and a few of our infamous board lawyers, he said he wasn't threatening to sue me. Total joke. As a matter of fact this is what he said-

"What is the difference between scandals at Mastro, commentary
about Mastro or Collectors Corner and our comments about
Keith? Please explain in a language that my lawyer would

In a court of law, there is little doubt that I would win. Accordingly,
I have copied my attorney on this leter"

barrysloate 12-04-2010 08:46 AM

Well, he said that in a court of law there is little doubt that he would win. So let him take it to court, and let's see if he's right.

Fred 12-05-2010 07:53 AM

"All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Honestly, does anyone really want to see Bruce banned? I would venture to guess that he's written some of the most "responded to" posts on this board (and the previous board). He's like natural caffeine for some people. He can raise the blood pressure of some when they just think of him. He's like adrenaline. When board members read his posts, they get a rush of energy and that forces them to pound the key board and "virtually" respond with such vigor and swagger.

“Can't we all... just... get along?” - Rodney King

Ah, he's more Rodney than Martin, anyway... Why not, ban "Brucey the Hun"... Now there'll be less train wrecks to witness...

celoknob 12-06-2010 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Fred (Post 852856)
Honestly, does anyone really want to see Bruce banned?


FUBAR 12-06-2010 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by barrysloate (Post 852676)
Well, he said that in a court of law there is little doubt that he would win. So let him take it to court, and let's see if he's right.

and if that doesn't work, maybe he can tell his mommy that we won't let him play!

familytoad 12-07-2010 12:05 AM

Can we have Chao back?
For those of us who look to the board for card knowledge and kinship, let us not forget that every good story needs a protagonist or villian.

If we can't get our occasional Brucii train-wreck , can we at least find the whereabouts of the equally harmless but exponentially clueless Peter Chao?

Who will provide the fodder for the 100+ posted threads?

Ok, that was mostly tongue in cheek, as neither guy ever seemed to "get it" when asked to refrain from either absurdity or threats of harm.

Still, I laughed at those hombres...just sayin':p

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