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Archive 02-04-2008 07:03 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>Micah - any word on the receipts you obtained from Shelly when you bought from him or from the FBI when you turned over your items to them?<br />You seem to be avoiding that issue in every post you have made.<br />Do these documents exist or not??<br />You would have a lot more credibility if you could produce those documents.<br />Right now it's he said - he said. Let us see some evidence of your claims of purchasing from Shelly and turning over your items to the FBI.<br />--<br /><br />I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

Archive 02-04-2008 07:13 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>micah</b><p>There is no he said, she said here. I turned these items over to the FBI. My employeer and I was contacted by them in the form of a letter originally because we bought items from a company called Overtime Prowear. Our name was on their list of buyers they obtained from Overtime Prowears records. This led to me turning over the other items from the other named sellers, Shelly and Stans Sports. I may have the originall letter from 2000 but not sure. I can bring a lot of other collectors to this forum that turned over items that never received a return or a single letter or response. How do you say "he said she said" when I am referencing a published book that was approved by the FBI?

Archive 02-04-2008 07:16 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>Micah - you still have not provided receipts to substantiate your claims.<br />A receipt for your purchase and a receipt from the FBI to establish that you did give them the questionable items.<br />Simple questions - Did you get receipts when buying these items? Did you get receipts from the FBI when you turned them over? If so, lets see them.<br />--<br><br>I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

Archive 02-04-2008 07:19 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>micah</b><p>Yes, any paperwork we had 8 years ago was turned over to the FBI with the items. Any coa or receipt we had went there. Can I make it any clearer?.

Archive 02-04-2008 07:27 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>How about the receipt from the FBI when you turned over everything to them? From what I understand, and correct me if I am wrong, that is standard FBI procedure.<br />And I still don't understand how you claim the FBI approves publication of a book. This is still the United States of America with a Constitution. FBI approval, possibly with the exception of quotes from the agents, is not necessary in this country. We are still a democracy, not a Fascist state.<br />If the books author did get FBI approval of the book, I would love to see his e mail to you about that.<br /><br />I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

Archive 02-04-2008 07:33 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>micah</b><p>We never receieved anything fromm them except for the original letter which already had the inventory in the letter. It amazed me that they had the record of every item we bought. My employeer may need to chime in here. He was the one who had the inital contact. I will give him a call and see if he received anything besides the original letter. I know I personally did not. I think the whole organized refund program came after Stan pled down. That did not start until 2004. Early on, the FBI was very upfront about the procedure. They explained that by turning the items over we were not guaranteed that we would get them back or receieve a refund. We understood this from the beginning. A lot of buyes never received restitutution. Do you think you can get Shelly to come on here and provide the buyers he refunded? Also, can you get him to confirm or deny that he did audition Greg Marino as the FBI approved published book states? Any help would be appreciated.

Archive 02-04-2008 07:37 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>I think that Shelly has admitted that he did audition Greg Marino. As far as I know, he has not denied that.<br />And please, I would love to see the e mail from the author stating that the FBI approved the book. I read the book, I still have the book and I don't see anything on the cover that says approved by the FBI and I don't remember reading any such thing when I did read the book.<br />--<br /><br />I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

Archive 02-04-2008 07:38 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>micah</b><p>Call the author of the book, it is his claim. I think, not certain, but am quite sure that it is even stated in the book. I gave my copy away after reading it but just ordered another through Amazon yesterday. When I get it in hand this week, I will be posting some information from the book. Believe me, the FBI can certainly stop publication of a book if they think they are being sourced and it is inaccurate. It happened with the original version of the outed CIA opertaive, Valery Plamme (sp.?) book

Archive 02-04-2008 07:44 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>I believe the Valerie Plame book was redacted by the CIA. I don't know if the FBI had anything to do with that book. And she was a CIA agent, an entirely different situation. They can pre approve anything an agent writes, but Mr Nelson is certainly not an FBI agent, FBI pre approval was not necessary.<br />Here is a quote from one of your prior posts:<br />"I reconfirmed yesterday that the book was approved by the FBI. The books author will confirm this." <br />Did you contact the books author for this confirmation?<br />Phone? E mail?<br />--<br /><br />I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss<br />--<br />edited for typo

Archive 02-04-2008 07:46 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>micah</b><p>Shelly neve admitted it to me and the word "audition" has never been quoted by Shelly except in the book. The version I received from him at the National, the version I believed for a while, was completely different than what is portrayed in the book. Until the book came out, Shelly explained in SCD he was simply caught up in the process and couldn't compete at the shows any longer with sellers selling bad items. I guess I can compare it like this: Someone gets caught snorting coke. They explain that they were in a room at a party and it was offered to them and before they knew it, they were caught up in a bad decison they regrettted. Then you find out the culprit actually called a drug dealer, drove acorss town and sought the drug out himself. You have a little less sympathy on the last version. Understood? Maybe thats a bad analogy. Do you have an knowledge of Shelly returning money to duped buyers?

Archive 02-04-2008 07:49 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>micah</b><p>I initially confirmed by phone and reconfirmed through my employeer who also spoke with the author over a year ago. I am fairly certain this claim is in the book itself. Lets sit tight and I will report when the book comes in this week. Are you the Simon that did the cool sports art prints in the 80's?

Archive 02-04-2008 07:53 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>No I am not the Simon that did sports prints in the 1980s.<br />I can barely draw a straight line, so my art would not bring very much $$.<br />I am in the autograph business and have been for a long time.<br />---<br><br>I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

Archive 02-04-2008 07:54 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>micah</b><p>Richard-Do you personally believe Shelly's claim that he only would sell real items at the shows?

Archive 02-04-2008 07:58 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>According to my understanding Shelly was an honest seller at shows, until he could not do much business due to the crooks. He got frustrated by all the crooks undercutting his business, so that is why he started to sell bogus items. I have worked with Shelly in the past, as stated in a prior post and I think he is now an honest guy and has worked hard to try and clean up much of the crap that goes on in this business.<br />--<br><br>I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

Archive 02-04-2008 07:59 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>micah</b><p>Heading out for my weekly penance and then to friends for the big game pre party. I will respond to anything after the gane late tonigt or early tomorow.

Archive 02-04-2008 07:59 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>shelly jaffe</b><p>I will say this one more time. What ever anyone thinks of me, liar, cheat, scumbag. It has nothing to do with what the thread was all about. I am answering Morales challenge as to his what he said about the HBO show. <br />Micha can write and say what ever he wants. I really don't care. If I said black he would say white.

Archive 02-04-2008 08:24 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Dan Bretta</b><p>I can completely understand that Micah is frustrated. He was sold a bunch of crap and never got compensated for it. However the person involved in the crime did the time that was given him and has come here to try and get STAT to answer for the crap they are pumping in to the autograph hobby. Micah has completely derailed this post when he should have either started his own post or taken it to email. Not that I think STAT has the courage to answer to these questions, but the more pressure put on them the better.

Archive 02-04-2008 05:18 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>micahg</b><p>Richard:<br />From a December 27, 2006 article in The Anderson Valley Post:<br /><br />Back in 2001, Da Babe traveled to Hawaii for Krause’s annual trade conference where “Operation Bullpen” was a main topic.<br /><br />Tim Fitzsimmons, the FBI agent in charge of the operation, and Phil Halpern, the assistant U.S. attorney who prosecuted the cases, were featured speakers. They also sat down with me for interviews.<br /><br />Reading Nelson’s book reminded me of just how widespread the forgeries were and possibly still are. We’re talking thousands and thousands of consumers defrauded to the tune of millions and millions of dollars.<br /><br />In the end, 63 people were arrested and prosecuted. Those 63 folks operated 15 rings—with a forger at the center of each of those enterprises.<br /><br />Investigators parlayed an undercover operative’s work, a wire tap and a key player agreeing to cooperate with them to bring down the forgery rings.<br /><br />After breezing through Nelson’s book, I touched base with Fitzsimmons and Halpern to see if the book was accurate and how they felt about the whole process.<br /><br />FITSIMMONS SAID HE WORKED WITH NELSON AS THE BOOK WAS DEVELOPED AND IS SATISFIED WITH ITS ACCURACY. Halpern said he has yet to read the book.<br /><br />As for “Operation Bullpen” and its results, both said they were glad that the cases focused attention on the major problem of forgery.<br /><br />“I am extremely pleased we were able to highlight to the public the dangers of buying memorabilia,” Halpern said.<br /><br />

Archive 02-04-2008 07:55 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>Micah - an FBI agent who cooperated with an author on a book is a lot different than stating that the FBI approved the book. If the FBI has to approve books we may as well tear up the Constitution, and let the redcoats come back.<br />Tim Fitzsimmons was the major player for the government in Operation Bullpen, how could he not have cooperated with the author of the book.<br />I think we should agree to disagree and end this part of the thread. You have your opinion, I have mine, neither of us is going to change.<br />--<br /><br />I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

Archive 02-04-2008 08:12 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>micah</b><p>Richard-yep, . we are splitting hairs here. The main question for me: Is the book accurate? It appears, sadly, to be true in all aspects. When I asked Shelly four seperate times if it were true regarding the authors version of him auditioning forgers, twice on here and twice in emails, I got the run around and mentions of inaccuracies with the book. I spoke with the author by phone today again. He stands by everyhing in the book and would love to hear from anyone regarding innacuracies. He did state to me that their was no "Official Approval" from the FBI before it could go to printing but that the agent Fitzsimmons worked with him with every aspect of the book and personally approved it all. He also agreed that any interview with the FBI for the book would have approval before printing. Kevin is a serious author and the last thing he would want to do is print a bunch of rumors. Anyone can order his book online. He will even sign the book. And yes, the signature will be authentic! <br /><br />

Archive 02-05-2008 07:34 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Steve</b><p>My mother told me at a very young age "Your reputation is everything"<br /><br />While I have made my share of mistakes one thing I have always tried to do in this business, be it cards, autographs, or anything i sold as a collectable was to be honest in the description and never shady in any aspect of this business.<br /><br />Everyone is entitled to a second chance, lets just hope that when given that second chance the person does indeed take advantage of it and not do whatever got them into trouble again.<br /><br /><br />Yes, it sucks not being able to get your money back. The courts for some reason did not think that was important.<br /><br />JMHO<br /><br />Steve

Archive 02-05-2008 10:53 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>shelly jaffe</b><p>Steve, the FBI set up a special program for people that wanted their money back. If Micha sent golf balls he bought from Stan's he was sent his money. If he sent the baseballs that he said I sold him I would get a letter from the probation officer and I would have refunded his money.<br />The one thing I don't understand in all of this is the fact that he had my phone number and address because it was on my certs. In an e mail he sent to me he stated that he called me on the phone. Why has it taken him eight years to tell me I sold him two items. He has asked for me to prove that I paid everyone back. I just got off the phone with Tim Fitzsimmons who said he would be happy to take Micha's call. He will attest to the fact that to the best of his knowledge I paid everyone back. He will also tell Micha that if sent any items from me tothe FBI I would be told to send him his refund. Tim can be reached at 1-520-623-4306.I also emailed Micha my number and asked to call. No reply.<br />I really think it is time for us to go back to what this thread was about. Morales and Stat Authenitics. If you think that I hurt the hobby please look at the joke that is the latest CC auction. <br /> <br /><br /><br />

Archive 02-05-2008 11:05 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>leon</b><p>I am not taking sides on this but as far as I can tell you have made every attempt to appease each and every person that was defrauded, even getting the FBI agent involved again. I hope the other parties are as willing to answer the questions you have posed. best regards

Archive 02-05-2008 02:08 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Josh Siegel</b><p>Maybe Micah should just send these autographs to Coaches Corner. They may be out of business someday and there will be no where to sell fake autos?

Archive 02-05-2008 03:26 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>I'm the former employer refereed to in Micah's post. I was present when Micah spoke to Jaffe in 2003 in Atlantic City. It was an unmemorable event. I see why Micah thinks he wasn't shot straight that day. It was Bill Flemming from Tracer code who mostly spoke. It was Bill Flemming who gave the rosy picture of Shelly, not Shelly himself. Shelly was busy with multiple conversations at the booth. Jafee never corrected Bill on any of the rosy scenarios of Shelly's past and may not have heard them.<br /><br />I personally handled the return of merchandise discussed here in either March or April of 2000 to the San Diego office of the FBI. Micah's memory and account of these events are correct.<br /><br />I've known Shelly for several years. I've had many phone conversations with Shelly.<br /><br />Micah is one of the most honest people I know.<br />I believe Shelly to be doing his best to spread good will in the autograph world.<br /><br />Since I was referenced in this post and know both parties, I called Shelly today. After speaking with Shelly, he recalls our conversation in Atlantic City. After recalling the talk, Shelly offered to pay Micah for the two items in question. You can't ask for anything better than that. End of story.

Archive 02-05-2008 03:28 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>shelly jaffe</b><p>I agree with John that what he said is fact.

Archive 02-05-2008 04:19 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>micah</b><p>I want to thank John for getting involved and coming on the forum to back up my claims...he didnt have to. I also want to thank Shelly for the offer to refund my money. The FBI was given the items 8 years ago so I will decline but appreicate it immensely. My items were given back 4 years before the refund program began. Had I known then what I know now, I would have waited the 4 years before sending my items to them. Other dealers could say the same thing. Just the fact that Shelly has acknowledged the conversation in AC and has offered the refund satisfies me. Thank you Shelly and thank you John. Shelly and I will agree to disagree on other issues and let bygones be bygones.

Archive 02-05-2008 04:31 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Steve</b><p>Sounds like a plan.<br /><br /><br />Steve

Archive 02-05-2008 04:31 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>Glad to see that this matter is being settled, thank you Shelly, thank you Micah, thank you John.<br />Let's get this thread back to where it belongs.<br />--<br><br>I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

Archive 02-06-2008 09:29 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>DJ</b><p>Now that everything is worked out between the parties dominating this thread, it looks like STAT isn't interested in partaking in this thread to explain anything and we will have to await for Malaysia to get back from Morales.<br /><br />I was poking around the site ( to check out the scans) and found a few interesting thinngs.<br /><br />Lot #1 Jack Chesbro single-signed "Stat Authentic" baseball. <br /><br />CCSA: This near impossible to find, HOF worthy ball comes already pre-certified and approved as authentic by the team at Stat Authentic and book value approaches $40,000. It is a dark brown ball, vintage look and comes black ink, side panel signed by the long deceased HOF'er. Ball itself is a dark 2 while the signature stands out against the dark background, can be seen and read with ease and grades an honest 4 I'd say. You'll never find another one this nice and as always, we keep the minimum low enough so everyone can have a chance to bid. <br /><br />Comment: The item they say is valued at $40,000 and that is probably a tad low as this would be the only know example of Chesbro on ball form outside of a handful Pirates reunion balls. What does "pre-certify" mean exactly?<br /><br />CCSA Prices Realized: This ball sold in $2,095. <br /><br />Lot #3 Cap Anson Autographed Stat Authentic Certified Baseball. <br /><br />CCSA: WOW! This unmarked, slightly reduced-size baseball has red laces and shows lots of wear and handling. It comes signed on the left-side of the sweet spot by this much sought-after baseball HOF legend. The signature is in black ink and "A.C. Anson" style. The signature shows off nicely and grades a 6-6.5 overall! Fully certified by the expert authentication team at STAT AUTHENTIC and book value is over $50,000. <br /><br />Comment: Wow! December 2006, Mastro Auctions sold what Mastro considered to be the "only" single signed Anson baseball. It commanded $73,424. The signature was not as nice as this CCSA offering. <br /><br />CCSA Prices Realized: This ball sold for $3,356.<br /><br />Lot #7 Dan Brouthers single-signed "Stat Authentic" baseball. <br /><br />CCSA: This impossible to find ball is heavily used and soiled and book valued at $30,000. To my best recollection, we have never seen one of these balls for sale before and what a super Cooperstown investment chance. It is a deep brown soiled and game used ball, comes black ink, side panel signed by the long deceased HOF pioneer and is pre-certified for your convenience by Stat Authentic. Ball itself is a 2 while the sought after signature is a legible 4 and can be read from 7 feet away with ease. <br /><br />Comment: $30,000 is WAY low. This again would be the only known example of his signature on a baseball. Another auction could easily get twice that or even more.<br /><br />CCSA Prices Realized: This ball sold for $ 2,084<br /> <br />Lot #7: Charles Comiskey single-signed "Stat Authentic" baseball. <br /><br />CCSA: This must have "Black Sox" offering comes from the tight wad, HOF owner and books near $20,000. It is a deep brown ball, comes black ink, side panel signed by "Commie" and can be seen from 7 feet away with ease. Ball itself is a heavily used and soiled 2, while the sought after, scarce signature grades a 3.5 or better. Nice display ball, already certified as real by Jeff and Ted over at Stat Authentic and with our always low asking price apparent. <br /><br />CCSA Prices Realized: This ball sold for $1,542. <br /><br />In Closing:<br /><br />So let's use Coach's Corners estimates. <br /><br />$140,000 worth of vintage, "impossible to find", "one of a kind rarities" for $9,000!<br /><br />All authenticated by the fine folks at STAT.<br /><br />DJ<br />

Archive 02-06-2008 09:47 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Sean C</b><p>but I think that is the third Chesboro ball they've offered recently. I'd never bid there or buy an item certified by STAT.

Archive 02-07-2008 03:21 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>alan</b><p>What Coaches Corner is doing in the minds of just about everyone is criminal.However,equaliy reprehensable,is the conduct of SCD who gives them an avenue to sell this swill.SCD should stand next to Coaches Corner in a court of law WHEN the FBI gets around(way too long now)to rounding up these theives.SCD can no longer turn a blind eye to their biggest ad generator.Ignorance is no excuse.This has conspiracy written all over it.SCD has been reduced to a rag now but the editor should either close the paper down,go to a monthly,or cut this crap out before it is too late.<br /><br /> The single signed balls listed in the post above that were "sold" just dont exist.

Archive 02-07-2008 04:57 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Corey R. Shanus</b><p>I haven't read all the posts in this thread so it's possible the following point has already been made.<br /><br />In the examples DJ cites, what surprises me is not that those items didn't sell for anywhere near $140k but that they sold for as much as $9k (assuming they in fact sold). If the signatures are genuine then $140k (or some correspondingly high number) is fair market value. If the signatures are not genuine, then the items are worth the value of the baseballs, perhaps discounted somewhat because they have been further degraded by bogus signatures. This value is probably a few dollars per ball, or less than $100 collectively. So why then would people bid even as much as $9k? Do they really think there is ANY chance the signatures are genuine and maybe it's worth rolling the dice and spending a few thousand dollars? Talk about a leap of faith?!

Archive 02-07-2008 06:38 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>I'm curious to get feedback from the autograph authorities of the board because I'm not one. If the Mastro Anson ball was in Coaches Corner and it did not have PSA or JSA but was the same ball Mastro sold, would anyone have bid? If the Coaches Corner ball was in Mastro and had PSA and JSA but was the same ball Coaches Corner sold, would it have pulled the same number? I'm curious to what degree you guys feel the buyers in the big auction houses are buying the ball or the LOA? I hope this isn't a stupid question.

Archive 02-07-2008 07:28 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Steve</b><p>Actually it is a very good question, I too would like to hear this answer.<br /><br /><br />Steve

Archive 02-07-2008 08:02 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Corey R. Shanus</b><p>Interesting questions. I don't profess to be an autograph expert so my thoughts will be based on a collector's perspective. <br /><br />"If the Mastro Anson ball was in Coaches Corner and it did not have PSA or JSA but was the same ball Mastro sold, would anyone have bid?" -- Without provenance and/or a LOA from a respected authority, I don't believe the ball would have sold well in ANY auction, much less one with a questionable reputation.<br /><br />"If the Coaches Corner ball was in Mastro and had PSA and JSA but was the same ball Coaches Corner sold, would it have pulled the same number?" -- Assuming there was nothing about the ball that violated the "raise red flags from visual inspection test" (e.g., a 19th century jersey that looks like it just came off Modell's shelf), then yes, if it had comparable provenance/LOA to the other Anson ball Mastro sold and was in comparable condition, I believe it would have fetched a similar number to the price Mastro realized for that other ball.

Archive 02-07-2008 09:11 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Bob</b><p>The value is based primarily on the trust of those issuing the baseball. It's not about "what the signature" looks like anymore, but where does it come from and who authenticated the ball. IMO. Mastro "claims" that this is the only known baseball, but how are we to know that this is in fact an honest accessment to the quantity of balls out there? The fact that it was Mastro and that JSA and/or PSA/DNA says it's good, automatically puts in the minds of the general public that it is in fact good which is a naive system of thought, but the only one we have. <br /><br />That SAME ball from Mastro in CCSA would bring typical CCSA numbers simply based on reputation. After all, CCSA has a revolving door of rarities, thirteen times a year that sell for pennies on the dollar. There are so many collecting players out there with big bucks looking to buy and sell rarities and Coach's even last month, had cut signatures of John Clarkson, Buck Ewing, Oscar Charleston, Josh Gibson and why are great dealers like Kevin Keating staying away from these when they could easily get 10x-12x of what the final price Coach price was? Why doesn't Mastro (or the consignors) buy up the Coach inventory every month and put it in their auctions? <br /><br />People pay these prices because they want to truly believe that they are getting a bargain. It's the same reason people pay $5,000 for a T206 Wagner. <br /><br />I noted this before and the true villain here is Sports Collectors Digest and it's wonderful to see the hobby turn their back on what was once prominent and respectful voice. <br /><br />Bob<br /><br />I went back to the CCSA site to check something out and their new auction is up already. Among<br />the highlights: Josh Gibson signed pants (I think the last pair sold for under $200), 1939 Induction Baseball, Albert Einstein autographed baseball (they have sold a few of these in the past), Ed Cicotte signed bat, Jimmy Collins signed baseball, Chief Bender signed bat...

Archive 02-07-2008 09:36 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>And why are great dealers like Kevin Keating, Jim Stinson, Richard Simon (hope nobody minds that I added my name to the great dealers list <img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14> ),Rich Albersheim, Ron Gordon, Bill Corcoran and Phil Marx staying away from these when they could easily get 10x-12x of what the final price Coach price was? <br />I would love to see CC come on this thread and answer some of these questions.<br />--<br><br>I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

Archive 02-07-2008 09:47 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Dan</b><p>A few posts above, Corey had asked if people were willing to spend 1/10 hoping for a leap of faith. I would like to respond as a person who actually bought some items. I think it is actually a lack of information. I first stumbled across their auctions when I received a monthly flyer in the mail. Not being an autograph buyer, I just assumed that if they had a COA that were genuine. Luckily I found this forum and learned that this is not case. But that knowledge came a year to late and about $1,000 worth of bogus items. I learned an expensive but valuable lesson. I would also like to comment on Stat Authentic. I actually emailed both individuals (Ted Taylor and Jeff Stevens, they both claimed that the items were authentic in their "opinion". That is how they get around things, they state that it is their opinion that the items are authentic. The one gentleman (the one that used to work at the Babe Ruth Museum) was very nice and was willing to try and help. He even was willing to look at the items I had purchased without COA's and check them for me. The other gemntleman was angry (not at me) but at everyone that bad mouthed CC or Stat and even talked about filing libel suits. Obviously will never happen. Just thought I would give you some insite on why some people may be buying items. They just may not know.

Archive 02-07-2008 10:34 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>shelly jaffe</b><p>I can tell one thing about CC. When they have an item from Psa,Jsa and other top authenticators the item goes for more than three times the amount than a similar item authenticated by Morales or STAT. I do hope Morales and STAT have the balls to come on this site and tell us just how they authenticate there items.

Archive 02-07-2008 10:41 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>DD</b><p>Why don't we pitch in and place a full page ad in SCD touting the knowledge of this board? We don't even need to mention specific issues. People will be curious enough to check it out, and can read some of the threads for themselves.<br /><br />Maybe there is room on the home page for a small counter box for important threads that a new visitor could click on, such as this thread.<br /><br />It would be a small investment if we each kicked in 3 or 5 or 10 dollars each. The ad copy wouldn't take that long to write, and Leon could have final approval, assuming that he would want to do this at all (hi Leon). Nothing specific would need to be mentioned, just the general topics of discussion, free to join, monthly contests and prizes, already has major auction houses that contribute not just with ads, but with participation in the threads as well.<br /><br />If SCD rejected the ad, we know where they stand.<br /><br />If they accept it,, and just a few people came over and read about STAT, opinions on grading companies, etc., it could be enough to change the way some things are done. <br /><br />At the very least, maybe some of the new blood could add to the knowledge of this board, or maybe it will bring a collection of the woodwork. Who knows? At least it is a tangible action, with a low investment, that could produce some results.<br /><br />A lot of if's, but the outcome could tell us where the true collector really stands in this hobby/business, for a minimal investment. <br /><br /> <br /><br /><br /><br />

Archive 02-07-2008 10:47 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>leon</b><p>It's always been my belief that the truth is a valid defense against a libel suit. That might be the reason we don't see responses from the associated parties and also the reason I doubt there would be a lawsuit, in my opinion.......regards

Archive 02-07-2008 10:52 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Mark</b><p>I agree with Dan, that the majority of Coach's Corner Bidders are just uneducated and don't know a real autograph from a fake. They see these items featured in a major publication, and make the assumption that they must be authentic. They are "trusting souls" and simply believe what they WANT to believe. It is hard to envision so many people still falling into this category, but many just don't devote the time to educate themselves.<br /><br />But I believe there are 3 other contingents of bidders as well... <br /><br />A nominal percentage of these bidders probably think they are getting a "steal" and that they are turned on to this rather "obscure" auction house in which they can get much better deals than through the giant, overly publized Mastros, Lelands and REAs of the world. There is an assumption of exclusivity and a "greed factor" among this group.<br /><br />Collectors new to the hobby are more likely to bid in a CC Auction. They have not yet figured out that STAT is a sham. I have heard many stories from seasoned collectors, and how they got burned early in their collecting "careers". I think most of us have had similar learning experiences early-on.<br /><br />Finally, I know there are some who are purchasing these, knowing they are bad, and with the intention of re-selling them. These people have ways to peddle these pieces, and get big money in return. I recently took a trip to Las Vegas, and saw dozens of bogus pieces in a "Field of Dreams" type store on the strip. These autographs were nearly identical to the CC offerings, and were selling at HUGE prices. These may have even originated from Coach's Corner.... not even close to appearing authentic.<br /><br /><br />

Archive 02-07-2008 11:28 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Corey R. Shanus</b><p>Mark/Dan<br /> <br />What you say does make sense -- that the majority of purchasers are simply uneducated collectors who are unduly influenced by CC's advertising in a major hobby publication. These people I suppose believe no reputable major hobby publication would accept advertising from known unscrupulous auction houses. And that coupled with the LOAs lead them to believe not so much that they are getting a bargain but in fact that the selling prices reflect fair market value.<br /><br />So then a critical component to the "success" of CC's business model is (besides the LOAs) SCD advertising.

Archive 02-07-2008 11:54 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>My guess is that at this point there will not be responses from the mentioned companies. If I were in their shoes, I wouldn't respond myself. They probably read this and think "This is obviously not my target market on net54" If they were in a forum of 50/50 supporters and non-supporters, I would guess a response would be necessary to keep the 50% of their clients. With a 0% client base here, not a chance. Maybe if they plead their case hard enough they would win over one, two bidders??? Doubtful. Same reason SCP didn't respond when called out on the panorama. Same reason Bushing didn't respond during the Joe D. streak bat. Same reason Memory Lane Inc. didn't respond many times. I could go on and on. All of the just named dealers probably are a little too smart to not pick their battles wisely.

Archive 02-07-2008 11:59 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Mark</b><p>Corey...<br /><br />That's absolutely correct! The SCD component is a huge part of this. The fact that prospective bidders see these pieces in what they believe to be a reputable publication serves to "validate" these items.<br /><br />There have been many previous threads (some on the Memorabilia side) suggesting that SCD drop Coach's Corner like a bad habit. SCD must really be in quandary, as Coach's Corner is their biggest advertiser. Coach's Corner and Mr. Mint generate most of the revenue that currently keeps SCD afloat. Pretty pathetic, and certainly not an enviable position to be in...

Archive 02-07-2008 12:07 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Dan Bretta</b><p>For the record Dave Bushing did respond to the Joe D Streak Bat controversy.

Archive 02-07-2008 01:49 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>"It's always been my belief that the truth is a valid defense against a libel suit. That might be the reason we don't see responses from the associated parties and also the reason I doubt there would be a lawsuit, in my opinion.......regards"<br /><br />Leon mentioned a lawsuit in his post on this thread.<br />A lawsuit would open up all parties involved in the discovery process. All information about their business practices would be open to scrutiny.<br />Think they want to do that?? <img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14><img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14>.<br /><br /> <br><br>I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

Archive 02-07-2008 04:21 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Mike</b><p>What would you do if you bought an item from CC and STAT authenicated it ? I did this with a Beatles album signed by all four ? It also had 2 other LOA. First, are all their items fakes? What percentage, and what is this based on ?<br /><br />Should I :<br /> 1) Send back to Coaches and have them put up for auction again and get some money back on the deal ? Cover some loses. 2) Send to another service to see if it is real ( PSA, etc) ? Who would you send it to for the best expert "opinion" ? This would cost another few hundred dollars. 3) Keep it ,learn my lesson and impress my friends thinking it is real. I really need to know what to do with this item. Thanks Mike ( long time card collector, auto novice)and never again unless in person !

Archive 02-07-2008 04:29 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>Great question Mike. I would like to hear board opinion if they sell any real autos or are all fake? If the Beatles album is certed by STAT, there is no chance PSA will cert it. Doesn't matter if its real or not. I have never heard of PSA certing a STAT item. I could be wrong but never seen or heard of this happening.

Archive 02-07-2008 04:29 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>shelly jaffe</b><p>I can tell you right now. If you have had it more than 28 days they will refuse to take it back. I will also tell you if has been authenticated by STAT you can bet its not good. I am interested in who the other coa's are from. Don't waste your money getting them fully authenticated.If you want to do it on the cheap put the item up on Ebay and then get a quick opinion from psa for eight dollars.

Archive 02-07-2008 04:39 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Larry</b><p>Mike-<br /><br />I bought a signed Beatles album from Forever L*****S, an e bay autograph dealer lady that used Morales and Frangiapiani for forensic expertise when I was green about rock and roll autographs, they had over 1000+ feedback, all positives.<br /><br />Every album I bought was deemed fake by Larry Rosenbloom, UACC, PSA/DNA and James Spence, since not one of these guys knew each other graded the item, all said they looked like forgeries, and all said they were fakes. I also sent it to Mastro who consulted Frank C., NJ, a well known autograph expert regarding Beatles memorabilia and he deemed it fake also. <br /><br />The chances of getting a REAL signed rare album from Coaches Corner with a "forensic expert COA endorsement" by C Morales or D. Frangiapanni is very small. You can send the item to Mastro auctions, if it is real, they can get you thousands for it, otherwise they will return it. It cost me a thousand dollars to get 4 different people, all "experts" and all said it was fake. Signed rock and roll memorabilia is 90% FAKE since most groups were too busy or stoned in the 60's and 70's to sign these items and there are so many coming out of California that look good but are not.

Archive 02-07-2008 05:32 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>..</b><p>...

Archive 02-07-2008 05:53 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>DJ</b><p>There are currently six complete signed Beatles items in CCSA's latest auction with one partial. <br /><br />Richard and Jodi. How many Josh Gibson autographs have you sold, seen or believe to exist?<br /><br />They have one every month...cuts, balls, bats, pants. I can't remember outside of the signed photo that was discovered and sold for $75K and a recent document, any other auction houses EVER selling one. <br /><br />DJ<br /><br />Oh, in regards to "back to card speak", Coach's Corner has a 9.5 graded PRO Ty Cobb T206 with the following description:<br /><br />The PSA online guide shows NONE graded higher than an 8, and their price guide says the value is $45,000+ for one graded a Mint 9, and this beauty is GRADED HIGHER. My estimate on value is $100,000 or more, as this MUST be the HIGHEST GRADED card known to exist.<br /><br /><a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow"></a><br />

Archive 02-07-2008 06:01 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>DJ<br />mastro sold a team ball with gibson. I was the consignor. It was new to the industry. A find in New York. Mid grade signatures. Sold right at 18,000 before the vig. I may be off a grand, it was 2-3 years ago.

Archive 02-07-2008 07:47 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>shelly jaffe</b><p>Here is my favorite STAT piece for the evening.<a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow"></a><br />STAT please respond.

Archive 02-07-2008 08:21 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Dan Bretta</b><p>Heroes of the Hobby!!!<br /><br /><a href="" target="_new"></a><br /><br />When will Stew P. Dasso be making an appearance on that list?

Archive 02-07-2008 08:29 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Paul</b><p>If Coach's Corner actually believed their own Anson ball (or Chesbro ball, etc.) was authentic, they would be fools not to buy it outright for twice the auction price and consign it to Mastro. They know exactly what they are doing.

Archive 02-07-2008 08:55 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>DJ</b><p>John,<br /><br />I remember a multi-signed ball for auction about that time. Was it single signed? I'm having trouble remembering this item and way too lazy to go throw a tower of catalogs. <br /><br />Why is that your favorite Shel? Those are a dime a dozen. <br /><br />DJ<br /><br /> <br /><br />

Archive 02-07-2008 09:05 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>shelly jaffe</b><p>DJ, the reason I picked this one is that everyone can look at it and know just how bad it is. This is one of the worst forgeries I have ever seen. I just want STAT or Morales and CC to come on here and defend the garbage that they sell and authenticate. This one is so bad and the nice thing is that most of the players are alive and can testify to the fact the ball is garbage.

Archive 02-08-2008 05:21 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>The grand total of the legitimate Josh Gibson autographs I have seen/sold is zero. <br />How lucky can one seller be to have a constant supply of them?? <img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14>.<br />Guess those private signing items from 1946 are finally starting to show up in the market <img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14>.<br />--<br><br>I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

Archive 02-08-2008 06:56 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>DJ-it was not a single. It was a team ball. Original owner all these years. <br /><br />Richard-You have never seen a real Gibson single or Gibson in any form?

Archive 02-08-2008 07:24 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Scott Mt. Joy</b><p>Ok so I have read thru this thread and being an autograph novice, the one thing that hits me is why has the FBI or anyone else not done anything? It seems like it would be pretty easy to prove these auctions are fake so why has it not happened?

Archive 02-08-2008 08:26 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>shelly jaffe</b><p>By employing two Companies that don't know what there doing. SCD told CC that to advertise in there paper they must have certain items authenticated. CC corner will say to the FBI look I went out of our way to have these pieces authenticated as per SCD. The authenticators will tell the FBI it only our opinion and nothing but nothing can be done. Donald Farngiapni authenticated over 5 thousand items none of them where authentic.The FBI could do nothing because it was his opinion.

Archive 02-08-2008 08:31 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Corey R. Shanus</b><p>REA in 2006 sold an autographed Josh Gibson postcard.

Archive 02-08-2008 08:35 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>jay wolt</b><p>Shelly - it seems that SCD, Coaches Corner & STAT all have<br />a bye based on your scenerio. So if all still thrive in <br />business it will slowly kill the autograph market.<br />Its becoming a joke in this industry.

Archive 02-08-2008 08:49 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>shelly jaffe</b><p>That is why I started this thread, in hopes that they would have the balls to come on here and defend their skills. This is a total scam and SCD knows it. Rocky quit the sports side of Krause just for that reason.

Archive 02-08-2008 10:01 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Corey R. Shanus</b><p>This all seems a little too cozy to me -- the notion that Coaches Corner can shield themselves from criminal or civil actions by saying they are relying on LOAs from an authentication service. Certainly from the civil perspective, it seems to me that if they have marquee items that are so rare that as a practical matter they never come up for sale (outside CC auctions) routinely selling for five to ten cents on the dollar, that they are being put on notice that the market doesn't believe the signatures are genuine, thereby imposing a duty on CC to get a second opinion from a reputable authority. If they do not or if they do and the opinion comes in that the signatures are bogus, and CC sells then anyway then I would think they would be very vulnerable to an action for fraud. Yes they will play the stupidity defense -- "how were we to know, we only relied on the LOA" -- but I think the law would impute fraudulent intent under the reasonable person standard. A criminal action would be more difficult because here the stupidity defense can come into play, but even with that I think it possible they might have a hard time persuading a trier of fact that they are really that stupid.

Archive 02-08-2008 10:54 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>leon</b><p>I am not above helping if I can...Maybe we we need to see what a 1 page ad would cost in SCD? Could be interesting. If I ever were to collect autographs they would be on official documents only or with impeccable provenance that didn't require a leap of faith the size of the Grand regards (I would also add this thread to our archives if need be)....regards

Archive 02-08-2008 11:22 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>shelly jaffe</b><p>Leon, I will bet you a dime to a dollar that SCD would turn down the add.

Archive 02-08-2008 11:24 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Jodi Birkholm</b><p>I have actually held three truly legitimate Gibsons in my hands, and know of a small handful of others. Two were Puerto Rican League contracts, one was the postcard photo which has been sold by both REA and Mastro over the last few years. There is something really special about being that close to an in-demand autograph of such rarity. Charleston is actually tougher than Gibson--I think he's undervalued, even though prices are high.

Archive 02-08-2008 11:25 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Dan Bretta</b><p>If nothing can be done to CC or SCD for perpetuating this scam then surely something can be done to the person forging these signatures. Forgery is a crime. Finding CC's supply line is the key to putting an end to it. That shouldn't be too hard. Just ask CC where they're getting all this stuff.

Archive 02-08-2008 12:24 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Mike</b><p>I think CC gets a lot of their stuff from previous winning bids. My opinion ! The winner finds out it may be fake or no one else will say it's real and so the item is sent back to be auctioned again. The original winner probably didn't get a refund, but sending it back to be consigned you can cover some of your losses.

Archive 02-08-2008 03:23 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>Richard,<br /><br />Were you saying you've never seen a real Gibson single or Gibson in any form?<br /><br />Regards,<br /><br />John<br />

Archive 02-08-2008 03:54 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>John - I made my answer pretty clear. There are very few Gibsons in the hobby and I don't recall ever having one in my hands.<br />I am not CC.<br /><br />Richard<br />--<br /><br />I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

Archive 02-08-2008 03:56 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>shelly jaffe</b><p>Mike, I am sure that might be true with some of the items but I have seen the same forger doing the same people over and over again one different items. It looks like there are two people that are doing the forgery. I have asked Richard as well as three other people I trust. They feel the same way as I do, that this is the work of two people and maybe a third on certain items.

Archive 02-08-2008 05:47 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>Richard,<br /><br />The reason I asked was that I owned a Gibson signature that was certed when the PSA/DNA team was working (You, Spence, Stinson, others) I had a high comfort level knowing the "team" had certed it. When you said you had never seen a real on, I was puzzled, a little worried about that one.

Archive 02-08-2008 06:54 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>John - the initial PSA team consisted of four people - Jim Spence, Jim Stinson, Ron Gordon and myself. Initially all four of us went out to PSA offices in California on a monthly basis and examined submissions. <br />Then PSA decided to have three of us come to California every month and rotated us into a three man working team.<br />It is possible that a Gibson was examined by the team when I was rotated out and was not there.<br />It is possible that I did see it when I was there but I just don't remember it. Sorry to have worried you.<br /><br />--<br><br>I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

Archive 02-09-2008 05:19 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>Richard-,<br />Of all the authentication companies that have come and gone, I think the PSA/DNA "team" was the best. Its hard to have 4 experts not get it right. Any chance that concept will come around again?

Archive 02-09-2008 05:54 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>I would doubt it very much. We worked very well together, we enjoyed the work and I felt we did a great job. But the logistics made things difficult and scheduling and flying four guys in from all different parts of the country made it difficult.<br />If you can come up with 2/3 other guys from the Northeast and find a company to start this up, I am in.<br />--<br><br>I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

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