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David Atkatz 09-01-2013 06:23 PM

Come on, Chris--stop asking the same questions over and over.


You win!

Sean1125 09-01-2013 06:25 PM

Travis would make a good politician. I've asked for his help before but after this last post never again. You just literally took a side step, went in a circle and back again and still didn't answer the main question posed.

thetruthisoutthere 09-01-2013 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1178915)
he always takes threads that dont pertain to him they pertain to psa, jsa, heritage or authentication mistakes, and he makes them into something else. meanwhile i have encouraged him to start any original thread he wants if he has a beef with someone, evidently he took that advice and the beef he has is with my wife, a wonderful, great, nice person who never did anything to him. i am impressed.

That was nice of you, Travis, to encourage me to start any original thread I want here on Net54 where freedom of expression is encouraged and never censored....

It's sad to see that the same cannot be said for "AutographPlanet (A Gated Community)."

frankbmd 09-01-2013 06:42 PM

For the love of Pete, I cannot find this autograph planet on any of my solar charts. Is it close to one of the better known planets? Any help would be Nice.

Forever Young 09-01-2013 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Runscott (Post 1178873)
That does it. Me and fhe dog are gonna go get drunk. Thanks a lot Travis.


shelly 09-01-2013 07:00 PM

Chris, it is all over. No more. Everyone has given there best and you know he won't or cant answer the question. No rules saying he has to make you a member.
I do know that anyone who has a banner on that site can be talked about and boycotted by anyone who wants to. You can also write to any sponsor they have and tell them why they should not support them.
This is the way to get to them. Money not words. Just a thought.

Runscott 09-01-2013 07:16 PM

This has really been very entertaining. I don't know Travis other than his internet persona which does not behave at all like any real human being that I have ever met. But this is a good clue for all of us. The internet Travis is a perfect example of why we shouldn't get too serious about internet discussion forums. Take what you can from them, make some REAL friends every now and then, and HAVE FUN. Travis undoubtedly provides entertainment for most of us. That's a good thing, right?

As an aside, I really did walk over to a bar and begin drinking during this discussion, and as I became semi-buzzed, it became even more fun to read this thread....but I could be lying. And Travis could be an alternate handle for someone on the board who is trying to have fun with us. Perhaps there really is no Travis Roste, and his handle and website were created by one of the moderators here in order to generate hits?

Travis, I declare you to be nonexistent.

shelly 09-01-2013 07:43 PM

Scott, don't blame the thread for drinking at the bar. It should be the oppisite.:D

thetruthisoutthere 09-01-2013 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by shelly (Post 1178951)
Chris, it is all over. No more. Everyone has tried and you know he won't or cant answer the question. No rules saying he has to make you a member.
I do know that anyone who has a banner on that site can be talked about and boycotted by anyone who wants to. You can also write to any sponsor they have and tell them why they should not support them.
This is the way to get to them. Money not words. Just a thought.

Shelly, it was over awhile ago.

Speaking of rules, what if, and I mean what if, Leon decided to ban Travis Roste from Net54? Would it cause a big stir over at "The Planet?"

Would Travis cry "Foul?"

Would Travis and his buddy (Mueller) start their own "Planet" thread on "Why Was Travis Roste Banned From Net54?"

What if.....

shelly 09-01-2013 08:02 PM

Nothing is going to change. Hit them where it hurts. It cost money to run a blog. Every time you read it or send someone to that site is money in Mullers pocket.
You will not or ever be a part of that site.
It is what it is Chris.
Travis is not only a coward but he tried to use his wife to make us feel guilty. He is really scum.:mad::mad::mad:

thetruthisoutthere 09-01-2013 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by shelly (Post 1178987)
Travis is not only a coward but he tried to use his wife to make us feel guilty. He is really scum.:mad::mad::mad:

For Travis to put his wife in that position is most reprehensible.

But then again, maybe she (Nora Roste) was the one who rejected my membership over at AutographPlanet.

shelly 09-01-2013 08:11 PM

Chris enough.:mad:

Big Dave 09-01-2013 09:18 PM

It's a sickness Shelly, and quite contagious at times.

the 'stache 09-02-2013 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by Wymers Auction (Post 1178860)
Why do you seem so determined to stop this I just heated up the popcorn.

Same here, James. Shoot.


Originally Posted by frankbmd (Post 1178937)
For the love of Pete, I cannot find this autograph planet on any of my solar charts. Is it close to one of the better known planets? Any help would be Nice.

Frank, I think our charts are a little old. Maybe it was Pluto.

Baseball Fan 09-02-2013 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Runscott (Post 1178960)
And Travis could be an alternate handle for someone on the board who is trying to have fun with us. Perhaps there really is no Travis Roste, and his handle and website were created by one of the moderators here in order to generate hits?

Forgive a person like me who doesn't know any of these players but has followed this stuff on the board. I was going to ask if anyone has ever met this Travis guy, or could he actually be a made up figure just having fun with people on the board?

Because not having a dog in the race, it's clear the Travis poster can't really be serious with what he says or the things he does.

If he is a real person, and the way he conducts himself on the board is real and not shtick, it just makes me really uncomfortable. But that's why I believe this is all a joke.

Fuddjcal 09-02-2013 11:51 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1178772)
Mueller and Koschal arent dragging my wife into it but others are just because they dont like mueller and koschal so anybody who is a friend with todd mueller, which a lot of people are, are the target of having their relatives dragged into a controvery or dustup in which that relative, wife or friend has nothing to do with it, because that's the way they punish a friend of Todd Mueller, by trying to get to Mueller by trashing, dragging anyone associated wtih him through the mud. And the kicker is they don't even know Todd Mueller, never talked to him, never met him in person, and don't know him at all. But since Mr. Mueller doesn't play the TPA guessing and stickering game, then everyones friends and relatives are fair game to try to make some type of esoteric point about what? nothing. They just got nothing else better to do.

No Big dumb and stupid, he argues for 5 pages on why this Mantle is real and it's solid Born again Providence.

When Godd Mueller states publicly that he made a mistake by arguing with me about the authenticity of this garbage in April of 2011, maybe I'll let up? For now He is a jerk off and so are you for being tied into his stupid games AND Dragging your wife into it, IMHO

Fuddjcal 09-02-2013 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by barrysloate (Post 1178833)
Travis- I never post on these type of threads but I have to say to you: please answer the man's question. Chris asked you why he was not allowed to register, you have talked about every subject imaginable including sexism- where did that come from?- but you still haven't answered his question. You accuse others of deflecting but you are the absolute master of deflection. Please answer the man's question. You are posting here so just take a moment of your time and explain to Chris why he isn't allowed on your site. Thank you.

Barry, It came from his tiny little pea sized brain...he's a one tracked mind imbecile, Plain a simple..." A Pimple on the ***hole of Progress",

shelly 09-02-2013 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1178844)
Chris, just leave her alone please, for all that is good and decent. She came from Philippines, living in a stick hut/dirt floor and no electricity and a shortage of food. Does she need this?

Did she know that you wrote the dribble about her. If she did I hope she cut off anything left that is hanging.
I am sorry guys, I just read it for the first time. This is a person with out any conscience. Even if it where true why would anyone use it as an excuse. Wow I really do find him disgusting.:(
Chris why would anyone one want to be associated with those people. I would take it as a badge of honor to be turned down by them
Sorry ,Big Dave said I was through but that really got to me.

barrysloate 09-02-2013 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Fuddjcal (Post 1179275)
Barry, It came from his tiny little pea sized brain...he's a one tracked mind imbecile, Plain a simple..." A Pimple on the ***hole of Progress",

I wouldn't be quite as caustic as you Chuck, as I don't really know Travis at all. But I could not believe the way he twisted this thread, accusing people of attacking his wife, when the strongest statement anybody made was, Does she own the website. Absolutely no way anybody attacked her. Obviously, he is not interested in explaining why he can post with no restrictions on Net54, but those he doesn't like cannot post on his site. At the very least, that is unfair.

D.P.Johnson 09-02-2013 01:00 PM

Hmmm....this person "Nora" went from living in a stick hut in the Philappines to being the owner of an online autograph website???

Wow. And, people wonder why I don't collect autographs...

thetruthisoutthere 09-02-2013 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by travrosty (Post 1178844)
Chris, just leave her alone please, for all that is good and decent. She came from Philippines, living in a stick hut/dirt floor and no electricity and a shortage of food. Does she need this?

If, as Travis writes, his wife isn't aware of this website, then thank goodness for him; not that he deserves it.

dbdb 09-02-2013 02:16 PM

like a sewing circle
I have no idea why williams would be denied access., I'd have let him join and if it gets out of hand then there are measures one can take plain and simple.

@Chuck - do leave out your comments regarding casting aspersions on subjects and insight you have no insight on especially regarding DB.

Incidently, Travis has recently saved/thwarted thousands of dollars from being foolishly spent on forgeries... What have many of you done lately?

Big Dave 09-02-2013 02:25 PM

Oh boy...more fuel for this dying fire.

Leon 09-02-2013 02:36 PM

I have asked dbdb to put his name out here, per the rules, but I am sure most folks will know the initials well enough....the thrust of the rule is for there not to be anonymity in certain instances.

Deertick 09-02-2013 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by dbdb (Post 1179326)
I have no idea why williams would be denied access., I'd have let him join and if it gets out of hand then there are measures one can take plain and simple.

@Chuck - do leave out your comments regarding casting aspersions on subjects and insight you have no insight on especially regarding DB.

Incidently, Travis has recently saved/thwarted thousands of dollars from being foolishly spent on forgeries... What have many of you done lately?

Hi DB!
Are you talking about Travis's own eBay / PSA conspiracy thread in which you guys PROVED to him that PSA doesn't get preferential treatment in regards to the EMR program? The one where he wrote that "others" were lurking and pulling the auctions to make him look bad? :eek: You know, the thread with the faulty premise (Nothing by PSA EVER gets removed), eventually leading to turning a blind eye and denying the truth (You guys did it, yet he still holds that belief)?

BTW, from what I could tell, Travis did nothing but point out a problem and rail against it. Just as he has done here many times. He DID nothing. Just as he has done here many times.

thetruthisoutthere 09-02-2013 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by dbdb (Post 1179326)
I have no idea why williams would be denied access.,

DB, could it be because Mueller is "in-charge" of "The Planet" and not the Roste Family?

DB, if I am not mistaken, is a present member of "The Planet."

By the way, DB, how would you feel, if, because you are a member of "The Planet," if the owner of Net54, rejected your membership here?

How would you respond to that, DB?

Thank you.

sago 09-02-2013 03:34 PM

For those of us that don't know, what does DB stand for, aside from the obvious invective?

David Atkatz 09-02-2013 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by thetruthisoutthere (Post 1179343)
DB, could it be because Mueller is "in-charge" of "The Planet" and not the Roste Family?

DB, if I am not mistaken, is a present member of "The Planet."

By the way, DB, how would you feel, if, because you are a member of "The Planet," if the owner of Net54, rejected your membership here?

How would you respond to that, DB?

Thank you.

Gee. Can you call "DB" by name a few more times?

thetruthisoutthere 09-02-2013 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by sago (Post 1179365)
For those of us that don't know, what does DB stand for, aside from the obvious invective?

A few of us know who "DB" is.

David Atkatz 09-02-2013 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by thetruthisoutthere (Post 1179373)
A few of us know who "DB" is.

I guess Travis isn't the only one who won't answer a direct question.

Leon 09-02-2013 03:51 PM

DB is Den.nis Bis.hop.

thetruthisoutthere 09-02-2013 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Leon (Post 1179377)
DB is Den.nis Bis.hop.


thetruthisoutthere 09-02-2013 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by David Atkatz (Post 1179376)
I guess Travis isn't the only one who won't answer a direct question.

Why, David, because I wanted to give "DB" the opportunity to release his name here?


Exhibitman 09-02-2013 03:55 PM

Doctor Bellows?

thetruthisoutthere 09-02-2013 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Exhibitman (Post 1179382)


"I Dream Of Jeannie."

Great show from the 1960's.

Poor Dr. Bellows. Driven crazy by "Tony Nelson."

David Atkatz 09-02-2013 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by thetruthisoutthere (Post 1179381)
Why, David, because I wanted to give "DB" the opportunity to release his name here?


Yes, seriously. You could have answered sago's question by saying what you just said--"I'd rather DB posts his own name," or something to that effect. Instead, you resorted to your usual answer when asked a direct question. "I know, but I ain't telling."

shelly 09-02-2013 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by dbdb (Post 1179326)
I have no idea why williams would be denied access., I'd have let him join and if it gets out of hand then there are measures one can take plain and simple.

@Chuck - do leave out your comments regarding casting aspersions on subjects and insight you have no insight on especially regarding DB.

Incidently, Travis has recently saved/thwarted thousands of dollars from being foolishly spent on forgeries... What have many of you done lately?

Can you please inform us where and when he saved thousand of dollars being spent on forged material:confused:

Runscott 09-02-2013 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by dbdb (Post 1179326)
Incidently, Travis has recently saved/thwarted thousands of dollars from being foolishly spent on forgeries... What have many of you done lately?

You were the only member of the planet that I thought might have had some value, but that was apparently just wishful thinking.

first, if Travis helped out a few fools, that was a lucky by-product of his hate campaign. Your second sentence above is just plain stupid. And the 'sewing circle' comment is obviously a projection.

Deertick 09-02-2013 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Runscott (Post 1179425)
You were the only member of the planet that I thought might have had some value, but that was apparently just wishful thinking.

first, if Travis helped out a few fools, that was a lucky by-product of his hate campaign. Your second sentence above is just plain stupid. And the 'sewing circle' comment is obviously a projection.

Be easy Scott. I'm sure that Db was told to come on here and defend Travis. just as Travis is told to come on here and go over the talking points of PN and TM. And I don't care how fools are helped, luck or otherwise. Travis did start the thread as a diatribe, but some member(s) actually took action and had a bunch of stuff removed from eBay. I am sure that they will get tired of the shrillness of his message.

If'n you ain't for'm, you agin'm

Rich Klein 09-02-2013 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Leon (Post 1178858)
LMAO.....I live in a .....well, you get it..


This is just as appropriate and good for the older crowd

Big Six 09-02-2013 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by slidekellyslide (Post 1178852)
There's still McCarthyism...he hasn't mentioned that one yet. And that's his favorite ism.

I would appreciate it if you wouldn't drag my family in to this quagmire, Dan. Thanks...;)

thetruthisoutthere 09-02-2013 07:17 PM

DB is the kind of guy who will actually start a thread on this topic (The Planet rejecting my membership registration), but unfortunately the person "in-charge" will squash it.

shelly 09-02-2013 07:17 PM

Just like Travis. Ask a question and :D

GrayGhost 09-02-2013 07:23 PM

I scanned this thread and Im like. WT Heck is going on? WHY DOESN"T SOMEONE JUST TELL CHRIS WHY HE WAS REJECTED and this crap could end?

D.P.Johnson 09-02-2013 07:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)

thetruthisoutthere 09-02-2013 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by GrayGhost (Post 1179514)
I scanned this thread and Im like. WT Heck is going on? WHY DOESN"T SOMEONE JUST TELL CHRIS WHY HE WAS REJECTED and this crap could end?

Scott, the truth is I will never get an answer.

Here's why.

If Travis writes that he rejected my membership, it's going to make him look really bad based on the fact that Travis (like everyone else here) is allowed to express themselves freely without fear of censorship or being banned.

If Travis writes that Mueller was the one who rejected my membership, then that will prove that Mueller is the one who is really "in-charge" of "The Planet."

If Travis writes that the owner (Nora Roste) of "The Planet" rejected my membership, then Travis would be lying, based on the fact that Travis commented that Mrs. Roste is not aware of this website (Net54) and doesn't know me from a hole in the wall.

So there ya go.......Done.

slidekellyslide 09-02-2013 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Big Six (Post 1179488)
I would appreciate it if you wouldn't drag my family in to this quagmire, Dan. Thanks...;)

Lots of people write LOL without actually laughing out loud...this really did make me LOL. :D

dbdb 09-03-2013 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by thetruthisoutthere (Post 1179539)
Scott, the truth is I will never get an answer.

Here's why.

If Travis writes that he rejected my membership, it's going to make him look really bad based on the fact that Travis (like everyone else here) is allowed to express themselves freely without fear of censorship or being banned.

So much speculation. Of course it's Nora & Travis site imo. He is more moderator oriented I suspect. Is mueller involved beyone advertising? I havent seen any instance of it. For others who I don't know but have made some digs at me here is what I have told others, "deliver it to my face inperson" and we will see where it goes.

as I said Williams I would have let you in but I don't run the place. it is what it is. if you have a beef with mueller, jump on a plane and fly out to colorado and take care of it.

thetruthisoutthere 09-03-2013 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by dbdb (Post 1179706)
So much speculation. Of course it's Nora & Travis site imo. He is more moderator oriented I suspect. Is mueller involved beyone advertising? I havent seen any instance of it. For others who I don't know but have made some digs at me here is what I have told others, "deliver it to my face inperson" and we will see where it goes.

as I said Williams I would have let you in but I don't run the place. it is what it is. if you have a beef with mueller, jump on a plane and fly out to colorado and take care of it.

That's right, DB, "so much speculation."

I believe I have a right to know "who" denied my membership over at "The Planet" and "why."

How would Travis feel, if out-of-the-blue, Leon decided to ban him? At least over here on Net54, and correct me if I'm wrong, only Leon and Dan can ban or suspend members.

Would Travis start a thread on "why is was banned from Net54" on The Planet? Would he make a major issue out of it? Damn right he would!!!

D.P.Johnson 09-03-2013 05:20 AM

Chris ~ You're obviously never going to get a resonse, but you know who did it, so just move on. If you still want to be a member there for some reason, just sign up with a fake name through a proxy server or have a friend sign up for you and then use their account or whatever...

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