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Snapolit1 07-27-2020 06:00 PM

Another adult who thinks kids playing little league is the most important thing in the universe. A few in my family. As if you have any freakin idea if some kid in the leagues' 80 year old grand mother died from something she got at a family reunion from someone who got it from her grandson who got it at a little league game.


Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe (Post 2003388)
I've been coaching little league kids since end of May ZERO problems.

In Illinois Sunday 1 Covid death - a 90 year old man. No offense but 90!!!! Please.

Shut the world down, because someone dies from a disease.


Play ball!

Shut everything down until every person on Earth is safe. What a joke!

Oh no a few healthy 20 years olds tested Positive oh no Shut the season down. Everyone back to their basements.


Shoeless Moe 07-27-2020 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Snapolit1 (Post 2003411)
Another adult who thinks kids playing little league is the most important thing in the universe. A few in my family. As if you have any freakin idea if some kid in the leagues' 80 year old grand mother died from something she got at a family reunion from someone who got it from her grandson who got it at a little league game.

It's important kids play, it's important kids go to school.
Do u even have kids mouth?

Shoeless Moe 07-27-2020 06:43 PM

Each and every parent has thanked me and continues to thank me for getting their kids out and playing. None were forced to play. None however refused. Each one I asked said YES.

Grandma needs to stay home.

There are ways to beat this if you are smart, masks, social distance.

Over 2 months ZERO issues.

As for MLBs same thing, do it right and you will be fine. And they are young. They're fine. Keep playing and for those of you who don't like it, don't watch.

I'm in Chicago and lucky to have very good radio announcers, listen to the game on the radio if you don't like the visual of it. Just like the old days!!

You old sticks in the mud need to learn to adapt to a problem and make the best of a bad situation......or continue to moan like old ladies.

Can't wait for the playoffs!!!!!

Shoeless Moe 07-27-2020 06:48 PM

Or make it like the Hunger Games

F-ing out go the MARLINS.

or bring up their B team.

Anybody who thinks any of these 4 sports are going to go smoothly were mistaken. Issues will arise. Have a Plan B. Plan C. Adapt.

Don't throw in the towel at the first instance of adversity.

tschock 07-27-2020 07:16 PM

This is similar to the Koufax thread, but that is just human nature in general. There is no way to convince someone, using facts and logic, that something they believe might be wrong. Especially when compounded with a healthy and constant dose of fear pandering outside of any proper context.

steve B 07-27-2020 07:53 PM

Lucky you

Massachusetts is running around 2-300 new cases a day, and 10-20 deaths. We were about half that a month ago.

The people I know in the medical field also say that just because you don't die doesn't mean you aren't messed up, sometimes permanently.

By all means though, keep on not taking it seriously.


Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe (Post 2003388)
I've been coaching little league kids since end of May ZERO problems.

In Illinois Sunday 1 Covid death - a 90 year old man. No offense but 90!!!! Please.

Shut the world down, because someone dies from a disease.


Play ball!

Shut everything down until every person on Earth is safe. What a joke!

Oh no a few healthy 20 years olds tested Positive oh no Shut the season down. Everyone back to their basements.


Shoeless Moe 07-27-2020 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by steve B (Post 2003449)
Lucky you

Massachusetts is running around 2-300 new cases a day, and 10-20 deaths. We were about half that a month ago.

The people I know in the medical field also say that just because you don't die doesn't mean you aren't messed up, sometimes permanently.

By all means though, keep on not taking it seriously.

How am I not taking it seriously? I wear a mask, social distance, etc. What else do you need me to do that will make YOU happy? Stay in the house and not come out for a year or 2? Yah not gonna happen.

Republicaninmass 07-27-2020 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe (Post 2003457)
How am I not taking it seriously? I wear a mask, social distance, etc. What else do you need me to do that will make YOU happy? Stay in the house and not come out for a year or 2? Yah not gonna happen.

Yes so people.that have lived, traveled, worked, and maybe some whom haven't made healthy life decisions, can prevent children from being educated, traveling, and one day retiring.

Cliff Bowman 07-27-2020 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe (Post 2003457)
What else do you need me to do that will make YOU happy? Stay in the house and not come out for a year or 2? Yah not gonna happen.

Only through November 3, if things go their way that night then 90% of this will disappear overnight.

Shoeless Moe 07-27-2020 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Cliff Bowman (Post 2003467)
Only through November 3, if things go their way that night then 90% of this will disappear overnight.

ahahaahahhaahahahaaha!!!!! The truth.

Poor CNN. Be careful what you wish for (CNN). They have no idea their ratings are going to sink like a stone if Trump loses. They will have nothing to talk about.

Fox too, if Trump is gone both will take a beating......both their ratings have surged this past year and the past four years because of him. Like him or not that's a fact.

At least Fox has the babes to tune back into. CNN by February, people will be like was it CMM or CN&N what was that station?

RCMcKenzie 07-27-2020 09:25 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I'm starting to think that there's an outside chance that it's not going away, like influenza. We will have to adapt. Robert

I'm really enjoying the baseball. It's kind of heroic.

Shoeless Moe 07-28-2020 06:03 AM

Exactly! Adapt.

Change is extremely difficult for old people and a little challenging for any age people.

You all need to pick up a book and read about the 1918 Virus that lasted 2 years. Eerily similar. No one took it serious, it spread, they shut it down, it came back in waves. Baseball continued the whole time.

And don't forget unlike today's FLU that preys on the old, the weak, the obese and those with conditions, in addition to the FLU back in 1918-20 (that killed healthy people mind you), they also were fighting a World War. And you guys want to cancel baseball because 7 Marlins got sick. Good god!

History repeats itself, not to a "T", but pretty damn close.

Ruth had influenza......recovered.

SAllen2556 07-28-2020 06:07 AM

I have no idea what the right thing to do is about all this, but I have noticed something that really gives me pause: I really believe there are many, many people who WANT this to be the new normal - by "this" I mean working at home, virtual school, limited socializing, etc.

And that makes me nervous. You cannot teach elementary school kids via a computer. You cannot learn proper social skills via a computer. You cannot grow a company via a computer.

There has to be an end date to all this. We were told to stay home to flatten the curve. The curve flattened and now the goal posts are constantly being moved back. What if this is like the chicken pox in that it's always around?

1952boyntoncollector 07-28-2020 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by SAllen2556 (Post 2003523)
I have no idea what the right thing to do is about all this, but I have noticed something that really gives me pause: I really believe there are many, many people who WANT this to be the new normal - by "this" I mean working at home, virtual school, limited socializing, etc.

And that makes me nervous. You cannot teach elementary school kids via a computer. You cannot learn proper social skills via a computer. You cannot grow a company via a computer.

There has to be an end date to all this. We were told to stay home to flatten the curve. The curve flattened and now the goal posts are constantly being moved back. What if this is like the chicken pox in that it's always around?

We live in a quick fix society, take a pill or shot and its over for whatever problem we want. Going to be new normal for some time, the virus mutates as well. Theres a reason One flu shot doesnt solve everything.

We drive cars yet people die every day doing it. However its worth the risk. As we learn more about Covid we are learning about the very low risks and new medications not vacinnes will also reduce the symptons and death rates.....

if a business want to open or a sport and its makes business sense, let them try.. who are we to tell someone that is trying to make an honest living not to try

people are educated as to what they want to buy........there will be sports outbreaks next year as well you will see, however wont be the same panic as yesterday..

again as i said yesterday, that will be considered the low point......and all this discussion of canceling the season after day 3 will be silly...

1952boyntoncollector 07-28-2020 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by steve B (Post 2003449)
Lucky you

Massachusetts is running around 2-300 new cases a day, and 10-20 deaths. We were about half that a month ago.

The people I know in the medical field also say that just because you don't die doesn't mean you aren't messed up, sometimes permanently.

By all means though, keep on not taking it seriously.

My friend that works in a hospital says that if they find Covid 19 in a patient, they get up front money from the federal govt to pay, so if the patient comes in from a car accident, they test for covid and if positive they get the money and it counts towards the covid statistics even if the person dies from traumatic injuries from the car accident

the stats are skewed...yes one is too many but we cant prevent all death in everything....the increase in murders of under 35 year olds from this year to last as already exceeded the number of under 35 deaths to covid... i really think CNN and Fox etc should keep a toll of deaths from other causes they exceed last years numbers when they put up the covid deaths to keep everything in prospective

D. Bergin 07-28-2020 10:31 AM

Alright, I'm going to say this once, and then I'm going to go away. I'm not debating about freedom, or "right to work", or anti-vaccination nonsense, or any of the misguided nonsense going on in this thread or the other one in the Watercooler section.

For those who think this is a worldwide conspiracy against "The Grand Orange Poobah", you can kindly "Go F.... Yourselves".

I think it's really cute people are still comparing this to the flu. If you wanted to play that game back in February, when you could claim to be misguided by the Chinese or whoever the f***...........fine............if you are still doing it, you're the reason why we're devolving into a 3rd world country and the rest of the world is laughing at us, or concerned we're going to be a permanent hot spot they can never do business with again.

I have a sister who's stationed at an Air Force base in South Korea. She's seeing how they've handled it, and how we're handling it over here, and we're a literal laughing stock..........which I'm sure many in this country are obliviously proud of.

Firstly, my uncle contracted Covid back in March. Early 60's, strong as an ox, still golfs, swims and plays rec league basketball regularly. Hospitalized for three weeks. No ventilator, but was put in an oxygenated room, Covid still wrecked through his system, got sepsis of the liver, and 5 months later he still hasn't really completely recovered. He's had the flu before, this isn't the flu.

Lastly, my wife lost both of her parents to Covid, in a 3 week span between April and May. They were not on their deathbeds already when it took them. The flu takes people in 1st World Countires who are already (for the most part) on their deathbeds, Covid puts them there. They were not living in a nursing home. They were not in hospice. They were not convalescing. They were in their early to mid 70's at the time. They were exposed by somebody who had it and didn't know they had it, during a trip to the hospital for an unrelated issue.

My mother-in-law received a dose of Trump's "miracle drug", had a major cardiac event hours later, and died. Then her body was actually misplaced in a refrigerated truck because of the Covid backlog at the hospital and unable to be found for several days.

My father-in-law spent 3 weeks fighting on a ventilator before he passed. Much of it in agony and unable to communicate properly when he was awake. The medical bills that the family saw for the pair of them after they passed, that was submitted to the insurance companies, approached $1 Million bucks. If you think the pittance the government gives to hospitals for Covid cases, are grotesquely skewing the statistics in Covids don't know how hospitals work. Anecdotal bullsh*t does not skew statistics that badly.

The only person who could visit them while they were sick, was my sister-in-law, who just happened to be a medical professional at the hospital they were being treated at. My wife (a former medical professional herself), was sewing triple filtered masks for her sister and the hospital she was working for, as they couldn't restock in supplies fast enough at the time.

The dual memorial service for her parents was about 20 minutes long, in a cemetery, with less then 20 people in attendance and spread out over the grounds. Unbelievably, I still saw idiots show up to a goddamn Covid funeral without masks on. But hey, "Freedom".........amirite?

My wife was unable to tie up any emotional loose ends she had with her parents, before they passed.

CNN didn't tell me this, the portion of "the media", that involves fact checkers and non-opinion pieces that a lot of this country seems to hate, didn't tell me this, Dr. Anthony Fauci didn't tell me this.

I lived this with my wife, and she still lives with it today. She has to deal with supposed friends asking her about "underlying conditions" her parents had. She has to deal with the underlying rage that builds up when she sees store clerks without masks on in close proximity to other people, or even worse, people who enter a store she is in with a mask, to get past the front gates, and then proudly rip off their mask, the second they get past that first line of defense, and then sneer at her, like she's some "sheep", for keeping her mask on.

If you think these are "Acceptable Casualties" and consequences of this virus, on behalf of my wife I will happily say "F**k You!".

Sincerely, Me.


P.S. Not looking for condolences or sympathy.....just for people to open their eyes. If Leon wants to disappear this entire thread and the other one, I'm all for it. I see enough of this sh*t everywhere else already.

timn1 07-28-2020 10:47 AM

1981 ... yuck
And tHat season was a complete sh*Is how. Not sure it supports the point you seemed to be making.


Originally Posted by 1952boyntoncollector (Post 2003368)
So what if its not a normal season

You know in 1981 the the top 2 NL teams with the overall best record in the entire league didnt make the playoffs. teams played a different number of games for the season as well

"They had the best overall record in all of baseball. That was the Cincinnati Reds, who went 66-42 overall but did not make the playoffs. The St. Louis Cardinals, by the way, had the second-best overall record in the NL — 59-43 — and didn’t make the playoffs either. The Orioles had the same number of overall wins as the Yankees but had two fewer losses due to an uneven number of games played, yet they stayed home in October too. The Tigers had one more win than both of them"

Also there was a team in the 1970s that missed the playoffs by 1/2 game and played one less game then the team in front of them..

timn1 07-28-2020 10:56 AM

So sorry to hear about this, Dave.

Seems to me that the sheep are the ones among us who can’t deal with scientific facts because they are too inconvenient, so they get all their news from Twitter.

Leon, this thread probably should go too, or at least be locked.


Originally Posted by D. Bergin (Post 2003591)
Alright, I'm going to say this once, and then I'm going to go away. I'm not debating about freedom, or "right to work", or anti-vaccination nonsense, or any of the misguided nonsense going on in this thread or the other one in the Watercooler section.

For those who think this is a worldwide conspiracy against "The Grand Orange Poobah", you can kindly "Go F.... Yourselves".

I think it's really cute people are still comparing this to the flu. If you wanted to play that game back in February, when you could claim to be misguided by the Chinese or whoever the f***...........fine............if you are still doing it, you're the reason why we're devolving into a 3rd world country and the rest of the world is laughing at us, or concerned we're going to be a permanent hot spot they can never do business with again.

I have a sister who's stationed at an Air Force base in South Korea. She's seeing how they've handled it, and how we're handling it over here, and we're a literal laughing stock..........which I'm sure many in this country are obliviously proud of.

Firstly, my uncle contracted Covid back in March. Early 60's, strong as an ox, still golfs, swims and plays rec league basketball regularly. Hospitalized for three weeks. No ventilator, but was put in an oxygenated room, Covid still wrecked through his system, got sepsis of the liver, and 5 months later he still hasn't really completely recovered. He's had the flu before, this isn't the flu.

Lastly, my wife lost both of her parents to Covid, in a 3 week span between April and May. They were not on their deathbeds already when it took them. The flu takes people in 1st World Countires who are already (for the most part) on their deathbeds, Covid puts them there. They were not living in a nursing home. They were not in hospice. They were not convalescing. They were in their early to mid 70's at the time. They were exposed by somebody who had it and didn't know they had it, during a trip to the hospital for an unrelated issue.

My mother-in-law received a dose of Trump's "miracle drug", had a major cardiac event hours later, and died. Then her body was actually misplaced in a refrigerated truck because of the Covid backlog at the hospital and unable to be found for several days.

My father-in-law spent 3 weeks fighting on a ventilator before he passed. Much of it in agony and unable to communicate properly when he was awake. The medical bills that the family saw for the pair of them after they passed, that was submitted to the insurance companies, approached $1 Million bucks. If you think the pittance the government gives to hospitals for Covid cases, are grotesquely skewing the statistics in Covids don't know how hospitals work. Anecdotal bullsh*t does not skew statistics that badly.

The only person who could visit them while they were sick, was my sister-in-law, who just happened to be a medical professional at the hospital they were being treated at. My wife (a former medical professional herself), was sewing triple filtered masks for her sister and the hospital she was working for, as they couldn't restock in supplies fast enough at the time.

The dual memorial service for her parents was about 20 minutes long, in a cemetery, with less then 20 people in attendance and spread out over the grounds. Unbelievably, I still saw idiots show up to a goddamn Covid funeral without masks on. But hey, "Freedom".........amirite?

My wife was unable to tie up any emotional loose ends she had with her parents, before they passed.

CNN didn't tell me this, the portion of "the media", that involves fact checkers and non-opinion pieces that a lot of this country seems to hate, didn't tell me this, Dr. Anthony Fauci didn't tell me this.

I lived this with my wife, and she still lives with it today. She has to deal with supposed friends asking her about "underlying conditions" her parents had. She has to deal with the underlying rage that builds up when she sees store clerks without masks on in close proximity to other people, or even worse, people who enter a store she is in with a mask, to get past the front gates, and then proudly rip off their mask, the second they get past that first line of defense, and then sneer at her, like she's some "sheep", for keeping her mask on.

If you think these are "Acceptable Casualties" and consequences of this virus, on behalf of my wife I will happily say "F**k You!".

Sincerely, Me.


P.S. Not looking for condolences or sympathy.....just for people to open their eyes. If Leon wants to disappear this entire thread and the other one, I'm all for it. I see enough of this sh*t everywhere else already.

tschock 07-28-2020 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by timn1 (Post 2003601)
Seems to me that the sheep are the ones among us who can’t deal with scientific facts because they are too inconvenient, so they get all their news from Twitter.

There have been quite a few salient points made here and other places regarding the response to the virus. There have also been some off the wall stuff (from various views) that doesn't add anything as well. I would suggest the hyperbole above would be among the latter.

For the record, there are quite a few "scientific facts" that aren't very scientific nor facts as presented to the public, starting with the usage of masks and face coverings. People do not use them as they are meant to be used. Are people disposing the paper masks once they take them off? Are they washing their cloth masks daily? Do they touch their face at any point once they have put the mask on?

The bottom line is the most effective way to stop the transmission of the virus is the same for most corona type virus. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly and don't touch your face.

As to social distancing. Why is it 6 feet in the US and 1 meter in basically the rest of the world? There are also studies that show lock downs aren't effective in preventing the spread. There are many more examples for those that really care, though those that are firm in their beliefs will remain so regardless.

There are many of us that don't follow twitter, don't get our news off of facespace, don't listen to the talking heads, and don't read the newspapers. But we do our own research and critical thinking because we don't automatically trust everything being spoon fed to us, regardless of point of view.

Corporal Lance Boil 07-28-2020 12:12 PM

One of the things that I think is different about how we are experiencing this is our "instant gratification" society where we need answers and solutions to everything, immediately. I don't think we're going to have them anytime soon.

Last week I was talking to an Infectious Disease doctor, who is currently advising his governor and their re-opening Taskforce. He was adamant that schools should re-open in the fall and quoting numbers about transmission rates from children to adults. It's not my area of expertise, so I listened and learned.

I think that we are dealing with a very difficult task of weighing public health versus economic impact versus what we are now realizing is a very significant psychologic impact. All 3 have to be considered.

oldjudge 07-28-2020 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by 1952boyntoncollector (Post 2003360)
so do many other groups of people but at least in baseball they are getting tests almost daily and have a bunch of money tied into keeping people least a lot better than the other groups of people that would be on the similar flights as them or people using public transportation.

the risks are very low.....shutting down things can also be deemed against the public good and the public good can be argued to being better served as not shutting things down.....its not all in a vacuum.

They allow group social protesting right..thats considered much bigger than the pandemic (according to health experts on CNN at least) ..too me if there are other things more important than the pandemic than dont really need to get into the public good argument about some ballplayers..

Jake-I would probably agree with you if players were required to wear face coverings during the game (at all times). It would set a good example for people watching the games that they should do it too thereby serving as an additional public good (beyond entertainment).

buymycards 07-28-2020 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by tschock (Post 2003277)
Finally, a ray of sanity. Just curious though. Where is "around here"?

I have 4 grandsons playing little league. Some of the kids wear masks, others don't. Some of the spectators wear masks, some don't. One of the kids team was postponed for 2 weeks because a family member tested positive. People seem to be social distancing, for the most part. When the season started, the bleachers were off limits and the kids couldn't use the dugouts, but now that has changed. The home plate umpire calls the balls and strikes from behind the pitcher to limit his exposure to a bunch of kids.

I live in a rural area of Wisconsin, and most people are not taking the virus seriously.

1952boyntoncollector 07-28-2020 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by oldjudge (Post 2003634)
Jake-I would probably agree with you if players were required to wear face coverings during the game (at all times). It would set a good example for people watching the games that they should do it too thereby serving as an additional public good (beyond entertainment).

Interesting to note ZERO Phillies tested positive for the virus, assume umpires as well thus far even though on the field with marlins for several hours and pre and post game stuff, if something comes out later i stand corrected..

1952boyntoncollector 07-28-2020 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by timn1 (Post 2003597)
And tHat season was a complete sh*Is how. Not sure it supports the point you seemed to be making.

well you still see trophies and ribbons and pennants riding high from that season....doesnt seem like people really sad it was played..

Den*nis O*Brien 07-28-2020 01:46 PM

I Completely Agree With....
If you think these are "Acceptable Casualties" and consequences of this virus, on behalf of my wife I will happily say "F**k You!".

Sincerely, Me.

...The observations and sentiments that Dave has shared with us. He stated that he is not soliciting "Condolences & Sympathy" but his moving testimony is witness to the national horror that we are all faced with whether in touch with reality or oblivious to it. To those oblivious ones I urge them to have another drink of the orange Kool Aid and go out and lick a public hand rail or door knob since they are so very confidant in their certainly couldn't hurt. Even though unsolicited, my heart goes out to Dave and his family for this probably unnecessary tragedy. I think Dave's suggestion regarding the locking of this thread is a sound one. Leon....let's not give the gap tooth goobers a platform to spread ignorance. I will add that this is the very first "Pissing Match" that I have entered on this board and "The Old Board".
Sincerely, Dennis O'Brien

P.S. Not looking for condolences or sympathy.....just for people to open their eyes. If Leon wants to disappear this entire thread and the other one, I'm all for it. I see enough of this sh*t everywhere else already.[/QUOTE]

BRoberts 07-28-2020 01:51 PM

People post their opinion and then ask that the thread be locked. :confused:

Den*nis O*Brien 07-28-2020 01:59 PM

I Couldn't Agree More...

Originally Posted by buymycards (Post 2003637)
I have 4 grandsons playing little league. Some of the kids wear masks, others don't. Some of the spectators wear masks, some don't. One of the kids team was postponed for 2 weeks because a family member tested positive. People seem to be social distancing, for the most part. When the season started, the bleachers were off limits and the kids couldn't use the dugouts, but now that has changed. The home plate umpire calls the balls and strikes from behind the pitcher to limit his exposure to a bunch of kids.

I live in a rural area of Wisconsin, and most people are not taking the virus seriously.

.....In rural Northern Wisconsin the "Culture War" is in full bloom. Wearing a mask is inviting scornful looks. But confederate flags fly freely from pick up trucks. A local grocery store, the only one in a small community, has never had the essential workers wear masks or installed plexi glass shields at check out. We had a check out worker ask us last week "Where do you buy masks?" Talking to someone taking the virus seriously is Rare.

1952boyntoncollector 07-28-2020 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by BRoberts (Post 2003658)
People post their opinion and then ask that the thread be locked. :confused:

right, they say their side is right and now lock thread.....

bdk1976 07-28-2020 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by 36GoudeyMan (Post 2003285)
This is not about freedom to work; its about freedom from involuntary exposure to a potential lethal pathogen.

Maybe I'm missing something - can you fill me in on how exactly players are being involuntarily exposed to this 'potentially' lethal pathogen? Last time I checked players can - and are - opting out of playing. Sounds like the very definition of voluntary to me.

How many of the infected Marlins (or any other MLB players) are going to die as a direct result of this 'horrific' outbreak? My prediction: zero.

If we were discussing a nursing home - where the majority of fatalities in my home state (58%) have occurred - you might have a point. Otherwise I would suggest running for office as your nonsensical hyperbole is a nice fit for that shameful occupation!

Shoeless Moe 07-28-2020 03:11 PM

What if a player who opts out dies in a car accident and they otherwise would have been alive had they played?

No one will avoid the hand of death. And while you can post a tremendously sad Covid story. I'm sure there are 150,000 sad Covid stories. Of course there are nearly 5000 sad 9/11 stories. Millions of sad War death stories, sad cancer death stories, sad car accident stories.

Bottom line not a lot of good death stories.

Thread is about playing ball......and they damn well SHOULD!!!!

Shoeless Moe 07-28-2020 03:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I think a more important matter then all this Covid talk is what the hell is this?

Zero alcohol?

timn1 07-28-2020 04:36 PM

Here’s a scientific fact for you

Florida reports new daily record of coronavirus deaths
The Florida Department of Health reported 186 new deaths due to COVID-19 on Tuesday.

Read in CBS News:

Shared from Apple News

Ps. Taylor, I’m not saying you or many others who might have a range of opinions on issues are foolish sheep and only get their “news” from Trump’s tweets. But all too many people have convinced themselves that he can do no wrong and a lot of them seem willing to endanger others in order to make their point, regardless of anything that reputable medical science might have to say. Like the people refusing to wear masks in private businesses, claiming it’s their right.


Originally Posted by tschock (Post 2003619)
There have been quite a few salient points made here and other places regarding the response to the virus. There have also been some off the wall stuff (from various views) that doesn't add anything as well. I would suggest the hyperbole above would be among the latter.

For the record, there are quite a few "scientific facts" that aren't very scientific nor facts as presented to the public, starting with the usage of masks and face coverings. People do not use them as they are meant to be used. Are people disposing the paper masks once they take them off? Are they washing their cloth masks daily? Do they touch their face at any point once they have put the mask on?

The bottom line is the most effective way to stop the transmission of the virus is the same for most corona type virus. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly and don't touch your face.

As to social distancing. Why is it 6 feet in the US and 1 meter in basically the rest of the world? There are also studies that show lock downs aren't effective in preventing the spread. There are many more examples for those that really care, though those that are firm in their beliefs will remain so regardless.

There are many of us that don't follow twitter, don't get our news off of facespace, don't listen to the talking heads, and don't read the newspapers. But we do our own research and critical thinking because we don't automatically trust everything being spoon fed to us, regardless of point of view.

jayshum 07-28-2020 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by buymycards (Post 2003637)
I live in a rural area of Wisconsin, and most people are not taking the virus seriously.

Large parts of the country that are now seeing significant increases in cases are places that also weren't initially taking the virus very seriously. Somehow other countries were able to get things under control by having a nationwide strategy that relied on the best scientific evidence available at the time. It's unfortunate that the same thing couldn't happen in the US.

a761506 07-28-2020 05:56 PM

We are all responsible for our own actions (and small children) and that's it, controlling the actions of others is not possible. It is a personal decision for each of us as to how we wish to approach the virus and determine our personal level of risk. Very similar concept to investing strategy... take the highest risk with the possibility of losing your life savings or take the safest route- only accumulate whatever you earn and never the possibility of losing principal. Never will a time come where everyone is on the same page.

Baseball players who are playing currently all made the decision to accept a higher level of risk so they could play and get paid. I respect their decisions, just as I do the ones who opted out.

For every player who is infected, there are 10 more willing to step in and take their place.

There are billions of dollars in contracts at stake, so MLB isn't going to close up shop unless they reach a point the league absolutely cannot sustain. I don't see it. As a fan, I like to watch sports, so I hope they play every sport, college and pro. Hope is all I have in the matter.

And, the perception of a 60 game season being somehow tainted seems absurd... it would seem like uncontrolled jealousy to attempt to diminish someone else's hard-earned accomplishments by insisting there should be an asterisk or footnote, but whatever team wins the WS will have legitimately beat another MLB club to win after nearly a month of grueling playoffs, and I'm guessing the fans of that team will certainly not be talking about asterisks.

nolemmings 07-28-2020 06:26 PM

I would be very surprised if they get through another month. If they somehow tap-dance their way around the various flare-ups, and cancel games just 2 or 3 at a time like they're trying now with the Marlins, they will still end up with most teams and maybe all not even getting to 60 games.

1880nonsports 07-28-2020 06:27 PM

ignorance arrogance and conspiracy theories
never mind I guess. I deleted what I really wanted to say. When you're dead you don't know it. It only bothers other people. It's the same when you're stupid. I see quite a few posts suggestive of the condition.....

Shoeless Moe 07-28-2020 07:56 PM

Just got back from baseball practice/scrimmage game. Kids had a blast! Parents had a blast.

Oddly this is one of the most fun summers EVER!!!! I hope others are enjoying all the extra time with their kids.

Never have I had so much time with my kids.


About to have my choice of ALL 4 sports at once on TV, playoffs after playoffs after playoffs!!!!!

Now if only Budweiser would come out with a good beer, not a ZERO alcohol, c'mon Budweiser you're better then that.

steve B 07-28-2020 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Shoeless Moe (Post 2003680)
I think a more important matter then all this Covid talk is what the hell is this?

Zero alcohol?

And zero sugar if the ads aren't lying. Why anyone would want the taste of lousy beer without the alcohol is a mystery.

vintagetoppsguy 07-28-2020 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by D. Bergin (Post 2003591)
My mother-in-law received a dose of Trump's "miracle drug"...

The "miracle drug" has been proven to be effective by many doctors that have come out publicly claiming to have great results with their patients. The latest one, Dr. Stella Immanuel, claims to have treated over 350 patients, many with underlying conditions, and hasn't lost one patient. But social media keeps shutting these doctors down. That's not a conspiracy theory, it's a fact. So why? These doctors have no motivation for sharing their results. Does it work on everybody? Probably not, but what drug does? Are there side effects? Sure, but what drug doesn't have possible side effects? And unfortunately heart problems are one. But if I'm diagnosed with the disease, you can bet I'm taking the "miracle drug" for a fast recovery.

earlywynnfan 07-28-2020 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 2003776)
The "miracle drug" has been proven to be effective by many doctors that have come out publicly claiming to have great results with their patients. The latest one, Dr. Stella Immanuel, claims to have treated over 350 patients, many with underlying conditions, and hasn't lost one patient. But social media keeps shutting these doctors down. That's not a conspiracy theory, it's a fact. So why? These doctors have no motivation for sharing their results. Does it work on everybody? Probably not, but what drug does? Are there side effects? Sure, but what drug doesn't have possible side effects? And unfortunately heart problems are one. But if I'm diagnosed with the disease, you can bet I'm taking the "miracle drug" for a fast recovery.

Have you by chance read what else Dr. Stella has discussed? You know, the aliens and such? Would you take what Dr. Stella is selling without any proof of her claims? Do you believe Dr. Stella when she says masks are useless?

steve B 07-28-2020 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by 1952boyntoncollector (Post 2003540)
My friend that works in a hospital says that if they find Covid 19 in a patient, they get up front money from the federal govt to pay, so if the patient comes in from a car accident, they test for covid and if positive they get the money and it counts towards the covid statistics even if the person dies from traumatic injuries from the car accident

the stats are skewed...yes one is too many but we cant prevent all death in everything....the increase in murders of under 35 year olds from this year to last as already exceeded the number of under 35 deaths to covid... i really think CNN and Fox etc should keep a toll of deaths from other causes they exceed last years numbers when they put up the covid deaths to keep everything in prospective

The guy who runs the funeral home says he sees lots of cases where people "survive" but die a month or two later from damage it did to other organs.

If someone is younger, they may have lung damage that may not heal, heart problems, cognitive impairment, Chronic fatigue, Blood clots.
Most of these are also known side effects of other coronaviruses, like the version that causes SARS.

Big surprise that letting people out of prison raises all sorts of crimes. Who could have imagine that.....

timn1 07-28-2020 09:44 PM

Holy crack!
Now there’s an authority for all you guys who think world class expertise (like Tony Fauci) is hogwash.


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2003778)
Have you by chance read what else Dr. Stella has discussed? You know, the aliens and such? Would you take what Dr. Stella is selling without any proof of her claims? Do you believe Dr. Stella when she says masks are useless?

vintagetoppsguy 07-28-2020 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2003778)
Have you by chance read what else Dr. Stella has discussed? You know, the aliens and such? Would you take what Dr. Stella is selling without any proof of her claims? Do you believe Dr. Stella when she says masks are useless?

I don't care what else she's discussed. How is that relevant to this discussion? Or are you just trying to derail my point?

What about the Henry Ford Health article?

What about the congresswoman?

Do you want more articles?

The "miracle drug" has proven to be effective whether you want to believe it or not. The truth is still the truth, even if no one believes it. A lie is still a lie, even if everyone believes it.

earlywynnfan 07-28-2020 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 2003781)
I don't care what else she's discussed. How is that relevant to this discussion? Or are you just trying to derail my point?

What about the Henry Ford Health article?

What about the congresswoman?

Do you want more articles?

The "miracle drug" has proven to be effective whether you want to believe it or not. The truth is still the truth, even if no one believes it. A lie is still a lie, even if everyone believes it.

Hey, you brought her up as someone whose expertise we should listen to, both by quoting her and showing her video. If the fact that in many other aspects of her career she may be approaching quackery doesn't bother you, fine.

As for hydroxychloroquine, heck, I wish it were the cure. I'm sure it can help many, as is. But it appears that it isn't for everybody. (And don't worry, I can find my own articles, but thanks!)

And just to lighten the mood, let's not forget these geniuses:

vintagetoppsguy 07-28-2020 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2003785)
Hey, you brought her up as someone whose expertise we should listen to, both by quoting her and showing her video. If the fact that in many other aspects of her career she may be approaching quackery doesn't bother you, fine.

As for hydroxychloroquine, heck, I wish it were the cure. I'm sure it can help many, as is. But it appears that it isn't for everybody. (And don't worry, I can find my own articles, but thanks!)

And just to lighten the mood, let's not forget these geniuses:

We can both go back and forth linking articles trying to prove our point. Here's some more:

But what's the point? Are your articles and sources more reliable than mine? Nope!

If I get the Virus, I'm going to use the "miracle drug" that thousands of other doctors in the US are prescribing and having success with. But that's just me. I make my own healthcare choices. You can make the healthcare choices that you believe are right for you.

Tabe 07-28-2020 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2003785)
And just to lighten the mood, let's not forget these geniuses:

That case was almost certainly murder.

Tabe 07-28-2020 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 2003785)
Hey, you brought her up as someone whose expertise we should listen to, both by quoting her and showing her video. If the fact that in many other aspects of her career she may be approaching quackery doesn't bother you, fine.

Listen if you can't trust somebody who believes you get genital cysts from dreaming about sleeping with demons, who CAN you trust?

vintagetoppsguy 07-28-2020 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Tabe (Post 2003797)
Listen if you can't trust somebody who believes you get genital cysts from dreaming about sleeping with demons, who CAN you trust?

Here's an article from a doctor that has treated 699 Coronavirus patients with the "miracle drug," all with 100% effectiveness. The article is 4 months old, so I'm sure the numbers are much larger now.

Hey, maybe you can try to discredit this doctor too as it's obvious you don't have anything useful to add.

ajjohnsonsoxfan 07-29-2020 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by Tabe (Post 2003797)
Listen if you can't trust somebody who believes you get genital cysts from dreaming about sleeping with demons, who CAN you trust?

Buhahaha! classic

Republicaninmass 07-29-2020 03:50 AM

Funny, people can argue until they are blue in the face, but still cant manage, or take the time, to differentiate between a cure vs a treatment vs a vaccine.

Coming in November there will be a novel "rhino" virus that will be much more contagious than Swine flu.

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