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bnorth 02-10-2018 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by JollyElm (Post 1746352)
Apparently you care greatly, because you keep it going.
See, I, like 99.9% of people on this site, simply skip past everything you post. But for some reason you decided to include me in your laughable garbage this time, so here I am. It's up to you to end it for good, so stop quoting me and we can both go our separate ways, yes?

You could just block him so you don't have to see any of his posts. I did it for a while but reading his posts are like watching a train wreck, just too hard not to do it even though you know no good will come from it.:D

JollyElm 02-10-2018 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by bnorth (Post 1746910)
You could just block him so you don't have to see any of his posts. I did it for a while but reading his posts are like watching a train wreck, just too hard not to do it even though you know no good will come from it.:D

Hey Ben.
Thanks, I popped him into my block list a couple of days ago. Don't think I'll reverse it, because my tolerance for pathetic little children like him is zero. What a laughable tool!!!!

1952boyntoncollector 02-11-2018 02:13 PM

JollyElm why you care bro, stay calm and be safe.

I dont know about everyone else but when people stop communicating about something or dont want to revisit the past, the person thats the one running away usually is the one with something to hide.

A bunch of skits on SNL when you put your hands on your hears and say ' i dont hear anything you are saying' people doing that are little children and laughable, not much patience for that....

i guess its much worse to talk about defense in a post if someone is mentioning offense...thats pathetic to do that!.....what a sin.. ill have to live with that..

1952boyntoncollector 02-11-2018 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by bnorth (Post 1746910)
You could just block him so you don't have to see any of his posts. I did it for a while but reading his posts are like watching a train wreck, just too hard not to do it even though you know no good will come from it.:D

and so much good comes from your posts......been awhile since your last negative post about me, i havent brought you up at all in a negative way and we both have commented to each others posts in a nice way over the past year or so but hey why not start this all over again.... lets be negative again, since you wish to start this ..

maybe when i see you talk about a batter, ill talk about a pitcher, that would set jollyem off with a rant at least..not sure about you...

ALR-bishop 02-11-2018 04:55 PM

This is a little like if a tree falls in the forrest and no one is around, does it make a noise :)

clydepepper 02-11-2018 05:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by steve B (Post 1746215)
How does a bit of sportsmanship devolve into personal attacks and a debate about whose defense sucked less and when ..... Of right, almost forgot where I was.:rolleyes:

Eff yez all, the pats got jobbed by the refs who were obviously paid off by Goodell. Go punch a horse. :D

Okay..."Mongo only pawn in game of life."

Attachment 305154

1952boyntoncollector 02-12-2018 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by ALR-bishop (Post 1747248)
This is a little like if a tree falls in the forrest and no one is around, does it make a noise :)

only to the little critters that the tree fell on top off:cool:

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