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MooseDog 04-06-2021 04:54 PM

Got Pfizer #1 on Apr 4, no side effects, not even a sore arm and have not turned into a zombie nor felt compelled to build a shrine to Bill Gates.

Some say it's the 2nd one that causes some issues, will report back after my 2nd dose on Apr 24.

FWIW I work at a place that had a very severe outbreak in Nov/Dec. As of March 80% of all who work there have been vaccinated (and there are solid procedures in place), they test all the time, and there hasn't been a single positive since Dec 26.

quinnsryche 04-06-2021 06:33 PM

One down, one to go!

bobbyw8469 04-06-2021 06:52 PM

One down, one to go for me as well.

Kevin 04-06-2021 07:26 PM

J&J on Thursday

71buc 04-06-2021 10:50 PM

My entire family and extended family have received both Pfizer vaccine shots.

vintagewhitesox 04-07-2021 10:02 AM

got both Moderna rounds. Im basically Iron Man now.

obcbobd 04-07-2021 10:15 AM


bnorth 04-07-2021 10:59 AM

Got mine yesterday(Moderna 1st) and definitely had a very sore shoulder yesterday and can still feel it today. I had heard from other diabetics that it spiked their blood sugar. It spiked mine for about 2 hours, nothing massive but enough to make me light headed.

TUM301 04-08-2021 10:55 AM

Got both of mine in March, and as Frank Thomas says "trust me she`ll like it too" !

clydepepper 04-08-2021 12:17 PM

I got the two Moderma vaccinations - last one in mid-March...had a sore arm after the first one...absolutely fine after the second one.

Using RDNA has enable scientists to develop good vaccines at a much quicker rate.

You will ALWAYS hear more about the folks that have side-affects - a neighbor of mine had what she termed 'a bad reaction' to the J&J - but there are a LOT more that worked just as smoothly as mine did.

Our Train Wreck Society always brings more attention to the negative. This is why it is so difficult to stay positive.

Herd Immunity, hopefully, will get us past this virus...just as it did polio and many other deadly diseases.

For those of you who insist on not getting vaccinated, good may not get it, but, I hear those ventilators are no 'walk in the park'.

bnorth 04-08-2021 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by clydepepper (Post 2090884)
I got the two Moderma vaccinations - last one in mid-March...had a sore arm after the first one...absolutely fine after the second one.

Using RDNA has enable scientists to develop good vaccines at a much quicker rate.

You will ALWAYS hear more about the folks that have side-affects - a neighbor of mine had what she termed 'a bad reaction' to the J&J - but there are a LOT more that worked just as smoothly as mine did.

Our Train Wreck Society always brings more attention to the negative. This is why it is so difficult to stay positive.

Herd Immunity, hopefully, will get us past this virus...just as it did polio and many other deadly diseases.

For those of you who insist on not getting vaccinated, good may not get it, but, I hear those ventilators are no 'walk in the park'.

I thought complaining about anything health related was your duty after 50.:D:D:D

pawpawdiv9 04-08-2021 01:19 PM

i took a different approach, as it was hard to get a 1st appointmnet, as so many slots were taken for the 2nd....
so i went to Kroger...and ask to put me on list if people works!
My brother & I both did this..will get our 2nd Moderna shot on the 19th & 20th this month.
Btw. we did get soreness in the arm, where the pig was poked.

D. Bergin 04-08-2021 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by pawpawdiv9 (Post 2090897)
i took a different approach, as it was hard to get a 1st appointmnet, as so many slots were taken for the 2nd....
so i went to Kroger...and ask to put me on list if people works!
My brother & I both did this..will get our 2nd Moderna shot on the 19th & 20th this month.
Btw. we did get soreness in the arm, where the pig was poked.

Yeah, my parents were actually having a hard time getting appointments when their age group came up. My dad was filling all the on line forms and waiting for something local to pop up and they kept on getting pushed down the queue. He'd call pharmacy's that said they had openings on-line and they'd tell him all the doses were booked.

When my wife and I's age group came up, we got a heads up from a friend in the medical field to call the health department directly, in one of the larger towns near us. I got appointments right away for both my parents, my wife and myself. My daughter got her appointment right away the same way when her age group came up, and she's going in tomorrow for her 1st shot.

Aquarian Sports Cards 04-08-2021 04:25 PM

Just got my first shot scheduled for tomorrow. Wife was lucky, being a teacher she got J&J a while back.

mikemb 04-09-2021 12:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Got the one shot J&J vaccine this morning. No issues so far.


Aquarian Sports Cards 04-10-2021 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Aquarian Sports Cards (Post 2090950)
Just got my first shot scheduled for tomorrow. Wife was lucky, being a teacher she got J&J a while back.

Was pleasantly surprised to get the J&J yesterday instead of the first of two shots.

carlsonjok 04-11-2021 03:42 PM

I get my second shot on Wednesday. The clinic was actually arranged by the owner of the office building I work in. Turns out all this work from home stuff is bad for commercial real estate.

cannonballsun 04-13-2021 02:08 PM

I got my second Moderna shot on March 19th. No issues, some minor tiredness. I'm very glad to have gotten my two shots.

D. Bergin 04-13-2021 02:34 PM

Got the 2nd Pfizer shot along with my wife and dad, yesterday morning.

Feeling pretty good so far. Just a little fatigued with a little bit of a sore arm. Everybody else in the party, somewhat similar.

My daughter got the 1st Moderna shot last week. She seemed to have a little bit more of a reaction then the rest of us did, which tracks with the theory that younger people have stronger immune systems, therefore they will be fighting the vaccine harder, and possibly causing more side affects.

Directly 04-14-2021 06:50 AM

Covid-19 & Flu Shot
My doctor says a Covid-19 vaccine may be required every year like a flu shot. They both have the ability to mutant. So possibly get ready to pull up your sleeve every year for both vaccines? Time will tell?

vintagetoppsguy 04-14-2021 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Directly (Post 2092744)
My doctor says a Covid-19 vaccine may be required every year like a flu shot. They both have the ability to mutant. So possibly get ready to pull up your sleeve every year for both vaccines? Time will tell?

I've heard the same thing...and maybe even as often as every six months.

No thanks! I'll take my chances.

gawaintheknight 04-15-2021 09:50 AM

I've done them both. Sore arm, nothing more. If my choice is between trusting doctors or trusting Tucker Carlson, that's a real easy choice.

Huysmans 04-15-2021 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by gawaintheknight (Post 2093195)
I've done them both. Sore arm, nothing more. If my choice is between trusting doctors or trusting Tucker Carlson, that's a real easy choice.

It could be MUCH worse than Tucker Carlson.... for instance, you could be foolish enough to believe literally ANYTHING CNN "claims".

packs 04-15-2021 11:34 AM

doug.goodman 04-15-2021 11:36 AM

I got shot #1 last week

the 'stache 04-17-2021 11:48 AM

I got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine two weeks ago this coming Monday. Six hours after the injection, I started getting a minor headache, followed by some mild nausea. Eight hours post injection, I tried to go to bed, as I just wasn't feeling all that great, and I started shivering violently. I put on my winter sleepwear, turned my electric mattress warmer up to two, piled on three blankets, and I just couldn't stop shivering. After two and a half hours, I just passed out, as the muscle relaxer I take before bed finally knocked me out.

The next day, I felt terrible, mostly muscle soreness from the shaking, on top of my usual back pain. I've been through far worse.

I'd get it again in a heartbeat.

D. Bergin 04-17-2021 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by the 'stache (Post 2093860)
I got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine two weeks ago this coming Monday. Six hours after the injection, I started getting a minor headache, followed by some mild nausea. Eight hours post injection, I tried to go to bed, as I just wasn't feeling all that great, and I started shivering violently. I put on my winter sleepwear, turned my electric mattress warmer up to two, piled on three blankets, and I just couldn't stop shivering. After two and a half hours, I just passed out, as the muscle relaxer I take before bed finally knocked me out.

The next day, I felt terrible, mostly muscle soreness from the shaking, on top of my usual back pain. I've been through far worse.

I'd get it again in a heartbeat.

Several people we've talked to who got the J&J shot have gotten knocked back down a bit.

Some Moderna people we know have also experienced some difficulties, but not quite as much as the J&J people.

Pfizer has been pretty much a walk in the park for myself, and most others I know who got it.

Of course all this is anecdotal and means absolutely nothing, LOL. True long term efficacy is a completely different argument, and we won't have any real answers to that until months, or even years down the road.

Glad I got the Pfizer, but would have taken any one of them if it came down to it, when I showed up on the day of the shot.

GasHouseGang 04-20-2021 02:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I did and so did he.

BCauley 04-20-2021 03:49 PM

Got the first Pfizer shot March 15th. Arm felt cold about half an hour later and a couple of hours after the shot got some moderate chills so took a hot shower for 20 minutes and was good.

Second shot was April 5th and was good all day. Woke up at 4 AM the next morning with my teeth chattering I was so cold. Then got really hot, then back to really cold. That went on for about 3 hours and I was good to go after that.

Apparently have to get a 3rd now sometime in the next 6-12 months.

the 'stache 04-20-2021 09:31 PM

Yes, this is a relatively new development. They're saying that we all will need a booster shot sometime within the next year, or so. I'm good with that. With all the variants going around, best to be proactive than take a chance.

pawpawdiv9 04-21-2021 07:46 AM

got my 2nd moderna shot (@Krogers)
It all knotted up still.

58pinson 04-21-2021 08:00 AM

Got the J&J shot on April 1. Clear sailing, in fact I felt a kind of strange low level euphoria for about 48 hours.

Just hope that all these vaccines live up to their advertised efficacy rates.

D. Bergin 04-21-2021 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by 58pinson (Post 2095143)
Got the J&J shot on April 1. Clear sailing, in fact I felt a kind of strange low level euphoria for about 48 hours.

Just hope that all these vaccines live up to their advertised efficacy rates.

LOL, I was hungry as hell after both my Pfizer shots.

3rd day after my 2nd shot, I was telling my wife I felt better then I had in years. All my aches and pains and general malaise of normal life was gone. Of course by the 5th day I was feeling all my old man complaints again. :o

MooseDog 04-26-2021 07:33 AM

Got 2nd Pfizer this weekend. Zero side effects, as with the first.

Directly 04-26-2021 09:58 PM

Just not enough data, hopefully people wont transformation into a FLY type creature--I plan to wait for more scientific data.

bobbyw8469 04-27-2021 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by MooseDog (Post 2096743)
Got 2nd Pfizer this weekend. Zero side effects, as with the first.

I felt fine in the beginning. Then I felt strangely lethargic. Got really tired. The first one had the same effect plus headaches. All fine now.

Aquarian Sports Cards 04-27-2021 06:41 AM

J&J and if it wasn't for incredibly minor arm pain the next day I'd wonder if she actually stuck the needle in my arm.

irv 04-27-2021 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Directly (Post 2097009)
Just not enough data, hopefully people wont transformation into a FLY type creature--I plan to wait for more scientific data.

Same, and I also think the other side of the story isn't talked about often enough nor do we ever hear from the doctors and other medical staff who have different opinions.
If I didn't know any better, I'd think they were being purposely silenced.

So far, 5,800 fully vaccinated people have caught COVID-19 anyway in U.S., CDC says.
About 5,800 people who have been vaccinated against coronavirus have become infected anyway, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tells CNN.

Some became seriously ill and 74 people died, the CDC said. It said 396 -- 7% -- of those who got infected after they were vaccinated required hospitalization.

D. Bergin 04-27-2021 09:36 AM

This is Monday's numbers. Which, along with Tuesday, are traditionally the lowest numbers of the week, because of weekend record keeping. Sneaking suspicion tells me this is at least 99% of people who haven't been fully vaccinated yet.

That's just conjecture though. ;)

D. Bergin 04-27-2021 09:47 AM

Here's a sobering graph from a few months ago when very few, if anybody had been vaccinated yet and at least half the country wasn't taking this the slightest bit seriously, even if they had known, or known of people who had been taken by this.

I'm sorry, but there's not really "two sides to the story".

packs 04-27-2021 10:03 AM

Approximately 95 million people in the US have been vaccinated. The vaccine is known not to be 100% effective and I'm not sure there is a vaccine that is. Should be some expectation that it will not work for every last person who receives it. I wouldn't expect that to be a deterrent.

Huysmans 04-27-2021 10:33 AM

So many touting what's best for everyone....
try this, just worry about YOU, and let OTHERS decide what's best for THEM.

A complicated concept for some regulars on here apparently....

vintagetoppsguy 04-27-2021 12:43 PM

I don't understand the issue some have with those who choose not to get vaccinated. Perhaps they've never heard of the Tuskegee Experiment?

Peter_Spaeth 04-27-2021 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 2097169)
I don't understand the issue some have with those who choose not to get vaccinated. Perhaps they've never heard of the Tuskegee Experiment?

Speaking neutrally, I think the issue is that we've been told that people who refuse to be vaccinated -- if there are enough of them -- could prevent the achievement of so-called herd immunity. In other words, framed this way, an individual's choice affects more than the individual.

tschock 04-27-2021 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 2097182)
Speaking neutrally, I think the issue is that we've been told that people who refuse to be vaccinated -- if there are enough of them -- could prevent the achievement of so-called herd immunity. In other words, framed this way, an individual's choice affects more than the individual.

I doubt it would prevent the achievement of herd immunity, since this could be obtained in theory by everyone contracting the virus and becoming immune that way. But it could impact the way and time that herd immunity occurs. Specifically it could slow the spread and allow for more variations of the virus if it happens over a longer period of time (or not). Similar to the 'game of life', where either overconcentration or underpopulation could wipe out an organism. No masks/quarantining could end this much quicker with a faster but with a devastating spread. Slowing the spread could keep it around much longer but with less devastation (again, or not). The real problem is trying to determine the right balance to reduce or isolate the spread.

We don't have enough people presenting all sides in a neutral way, so your point is well appreciated.

Republicaninmass 04-27-2021 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by tschock (Post 2097196)
Similar to the 'game of life', where either overconcentration or underpopulation could wipe out an organism. No masks/quarantining could end this much quicker with a faster but with a devastating spread. Slowing the spread could keep it around much longer but with less devastation (again, or not). The real problem is trying to determine the right balance to reduce or isolate the spread.

I tend to agree. When the idea of "flattening the curve" came out, the one possible graph showed more deaths, but over a longer period of time to ease the burden on hospitals. So although it would have been devasting right away, it seems like it would less overall.

D. Bergin 04-27-2021 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Republicaninmass (Post 2097202)
I tend to agree. When the idea of "flattening the curve" came out, the one possible graph showed more deaths, but over a longer period of time to ease the burden on hospitals. So although it would have been devasting right away, it seems like it would less overall.

That "one possible graph" was for a scenario in which a vaccine is not available and millions upon millions die in this country alone over the next couple of years.

Herd-immunity through everybody getting the actual Covid virus, instead of just getting a vaccine that has an even moderate efficacy rate, is Anti-vaxxer madness.

Peter_Spaeth 04-27-2021 02:29 PM

The intersection of individual freedom and public health is inevitably going to be a battleground and perhaps more than ever before we're seeing that now.

MooseDog 04-27-2021 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy (Post 2097169)
I don't understand the issue some have with those who choose not to get vaccinated. Perhaps they've never heard of the Tuskegee Experiment?

Ever known anyone who contracted polio or smallpox lately?

vintagetoppsguy 04-27-2021 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by MooseDog (Post 2097239)
Ever known anyone who contracted polio or smallpox lately?

Anybody die of the polio or smallpox vaccines lately?

Anyone die of the Covid vaccine lately?

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