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Jay Wolt 12-22-2012 01:05 PM

Graig, that's amazing!
So much content to absorb & admire.
Can't wait to see what you have in store for the new year.

horzverti 12-22-2012 08:28 PM

I think I just awoke from a daydream. I was scrolling down this thread...and then I saw the Lou Gehrig Day piece. I'm not sure how long I was lost in the detail of it. My eyes kept returning to the reflections on the trophies. I had to keep reminding myself that I was viewing a painting. Absolutely stunning Graig! I'd like to see the setting into which this one will be placed.

GKreindler 12-23-2012 02:37 PM

Thanks so much Jay - I hope whatever's in store is a good thing!!

Curt, that's incredibly nice of you to say. Thank you so much! I'm wondering where the Gehrig is gonna be hung myself. It actually wasn't a commission or anything, as my agent wanted it done on spec. No matter where it hangs, I just hope that in the end, it looks the way it should. Which I guess is really up to me. Right now, I won't lie, I just want the thing out of my apartment - it's beyond huge!!


sdkammeyer 12-23-2012 02:55 PM

You are living proof that there is a "Higher Power". You have such an amazing gift.

Truly stunning.

GKreindler 12-23-2012 03:53 PM

Whoa, Steve. Thank you. For serious.

whitehse 12-23-2012 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by GKreindler (Post 1065882)
Thanks so much Jay - I hope whatever's in store is a good thing!!

Curt, that's incredibly nice of you to say. Thank you so much! I'm wondering where the Gehrig is gonna be hung myself. It actually wasn't a commission or anything, as my agent wanted it done on spec. No matter where it hangs, I just hope that in the end, it looks the way it should. Which I guess is really up to me. Right now, I won't lie, I just want the thing out of my apartment - it's beyond huge!!


If you need to get rid of it I would be more than happy to provide it a good home. :)

Your work is beyond belief!!

Runscott 12-24-2012 12:01 PM

Graig, I think you are actually getting better (which I thought would be impossible). A lot of the paintings you see of vintage players, just don't quite capture the 'person'. That photo of Ruth shows the same magic that guys like Conlon and Burke possessed - you don't see it often in painters.

GKreindler 12-25-2012 11:20 AM

Thanks a lot, Andrew. If I can't get rid of it, I'll send it right over! :)

Scott, I really appreciate that sentiment. With every single painting, I really do try to make it better than the last. Most times, I don't know how and even then, it can be intangible stuff. But it really is one of the most important things in the world to me when it comes to my work. So, if you think that I've gotten better over the years, for serious, thank you for saying so.


Lordstan 12-25-2012 01:13 PM

It's been a while since we spoke, but you have been one busy beaver!

I like the Ruth, but am blown away by the Young and the Gehrig retirement day paintings.

I must echo Scott, in that you are getting better. I don't know how or why specifically, but you just crank out one masterpiece after another. It has been, and will continue to be, my honor to know you and to watch your evolution and growth.

Just WOW!

Have great holidays and a fantastic new year.

bryanshaw 01-02-2013 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by sdkammeyer (Post 1065888)
You are living proof that there is a "Higher Power". You have such an amazing gift.

Truly stunning.

Well said Steve :)

Graig, these are amazing! Very Very impressive.

MVSNYC 01-02-2013 07:09 PM

Graig- truly amazing work, so much depth & emotion captured.

Question- why do you have such "mixed emotions" about your work hitting the auction block? to me, it's an amazing nod to your talent, and very thrilling to see during your lifetime...most artists don't see their work go to auction while their alive. enjoy it, embrace it, savor it.


GKreindler 01-03-2013 01:55 PM

Hey guys,

Thanks so much for the wonderful compliments - I truly appreciate all of them.

Mark, I think the Young is something special, and not necessarily because of how it's painted, but man, those eyes. The photographer really captured something special. But either way, I'm thrilled that you think I've gotten better. That's really what I strive for the most!

Michael, the mixed emotions really stem from the fact that an auction can kind of be a free-for-all. Which I guess is also why I like buying items from them - you can get some really wonderful deals on unique items from time to time. Believe me, the fact that the price of the DiMaggio painting was what it was absolutely THRILLED me. But, had it sold for much less, I definitely would have been a little upset. Even if that meant that someone got a good deal on something they might not have been able to get otherwise. In the end, I just don't want those auction numbers to negatively effect the retail prices that my agent charges. And I know it's the secondary market and all, so it probably shouldn't, but for some reason I feel like it might matter in the end. And believe me, I cringed while writing those last sentences - I sound like an @$$ caring about what prices of these things should be. But, I guess since it's my livelihood, it's something that deserves to be addressed.

And then on the other side of the coin, if the realized prices are higher than retail, then other clients might want to put their paintings up for auction too, in the hopes that they can make more money. Of course, they're VERY much in the right to do so. If they had purchased the painting, they're certainly allowed to sell it if/when they want/need to. I have to be at peace with the fact that the paintings can be looked at as an investment, if not something to enjoy.

Honestly, I know it sounds kind of weird, but maybe I'm just sad to see my work in an auction because it makes me think the original owner didn't want it anymore - maybe he/she just didn't enjoy it as much as before? And again, that's totally cool, I know it can happen. But I guess since each painting is kind of like a child to me, I can really get sensitive. And, I'm also terribly neurotic (I'm trying my best to embody every stereotype of my fellow Jews).

But regardless, I should stop complaining. I'm really honored that people like what I do enough to actually want to buy it. Especially since a painting is never something that somebody NEEDS. The fact that someone can enjoy my work and want to spend time with it is really all I can ask for.

Sorry if this response is all over the place, or sounds even remotely mean spirited.


Forever Young 01-03-2013 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by GKreindler (Post 1069143)
(I'm trying my best to embody every stereotype of my fellow Jews).

I just spit coca-cola all over my desk. Thanks a lot.

howard38 01-03-2013 06:57 PM


GKreindler 01-03-2013 08:06 PM

Mannn, now I want some matzoh ball soup. Oh wait, I always do.

thecatspajamas 01-04-2013 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by GKreindler (Post 1069143)
And believe me, I cringed while writing those last sentences - I sound like an @$$ caring about what prices of these things should be. But, I guess since it's my livelihood, it's something that deserves to be addressed.

I don't think there's anything wrong at all with caring how much others value your work. You put a lot into each painting, so it's only natural. Just think of the inevitable auctions of your work like the "performance evaluations" so many others have to face in their regular jobs. Nobody likes them, but it feels good when you come through with all top marks, especially when it validates your efforts and may even justify a pay raise.

And if you don't get all top marks, well screw 'em, they clearly don't know what they're talking about!! :p

koufax1fan 02-08-2013 08:10 PM

Koufax Artwork
Great artwork ! You have a real gift. Do you happen to have any Sandy Koufax pieces for sale? Thanks, Phil

GKreindler 02-08-2013 09:34 PM

Thanks so much, Phil!

I do have this Koufax from '65 that's currently at my photographer's:

My photo isn't great, but hopefully it gives you an idea. It is still available if you're interested.



Scott Garner 02-09-2013 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by GKreindler (Post 1085700)
Thanks so much, Phil!

I do have this Koufax from '65 that's currently at my photographer's:

My photo isn't great, but hopefully it gives you an idea. It is still available if you're interested.



Wow, Graig! Your new Sandy is amazing!
He just pops off the canvas and it really catches him in a great somber moment.
Love the Dodger blue!

JollyElm 02-09-2013 02:09 PM

That Koufax is amazing for so many reasons, but to me what stands out is the composition. It is such an unusual 'pose' for a baseball player portrait and, once again, your efforts in that regard really breathe life into the subject. Awesome!!!

Jay Wolt 02-09-2013 10:24 PM

Graig, that Koufax is sweet. Great job!

GKreindler 02-10-2013 12:09 PM

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your kind words everyone! It really was a pretty nice moment to capture of Sandy - he comes across as being a bit introspective here. But, I think a lot of the credit needs to go to the photographer - he's the one who really nailed it!! I guess the subject rocks pretty hard, too.


GKreindler 02-12-2013 03:47 PM

Hey all,

So, the past few months have been pretty hard. I've been very busy with work (which I'm incredibly thankful for), and I've also been very busy with upcoming wedding stuff (which I'm also incredibly thankful for). I feel like my head's been getting knocked back and forth like a ping pong, and quite frankly, I really hope that the quality of my work hasn't suffered as a result.

As it stands, the paintings I'm about to show have been worked on, tweaked, worked on again, sanded down, tweaked, and finally worked on again. It's been quite an arduous journey, and after I dropped them off at my photographers last week, I breathed a sigh of relief - I just needed to get these things out of my sight.

So, my guys got these scans back to me today, and I'm still in the process of color correcting everything. They're not quite perfect, but I still wanted to share them. For whatever reason, Photobucket seems to be screwing with the colors and contrast more than it should, but hopefully they give ya a good idea.
Sandy Koufax, 1965, 9" x 12"
Paul Waner, 1942, 9" x 12"
Christy Mathewson, 1909, 9" x 12"
Babe Ruth, 1919, 16" x 20"
Babe Ruth, 1932, 36" x 53"
Lou Gehrig, July 4, 1939, 48" x 84"

That last Gehrig painting was probably the most insane thing I've ever worked on, and certainly as of now, the largest. I think my hair's gone quite gray because of it.

Comments and critiques are ALWAYS appreciated, even if they're bad and smelly!!

Hope everyone's keeping warm.


aquarius31 02-12-2013 04:44 PM

Graig, I will state the obvious and say that your paintings are absolutely amazing! I have viewed this thread several times and get excited each time I see your new works...spectacular! I have always preferred larger works of art such as these ones although I don't have any of my own other than some great 19th century prints and woodcuts.

Out of curiosity, have you done any paintings of 19th century players or teams? I have a great one in mind when I have the funds ;) Good luck with wedding planning!

quinnsryche 02-12-2013 05:05 PM

Graig, I have stated before and will again, you are an AMAZING artist! The realism you bring to the human form ranks just this side of Rembrandt himself. I know that's a pretty lofty statement but I truly believe it to be so. Both artists display a immeasurable talent for bringing a deep richness of humanity to your subject. Almost photographic in quality, yet still grasping an artistic flair that a photo is not capable of. Absolutely beautiful and breathtaking with every example. We are all the better for being able to enjoy your work. Bravo!
Hope that's not too gushy!:D

murphusa 02-14-2013 03:53 PM

the Cobb in this months Legendary Auction is great! wish I had it to get it

Forever Young 02-14-2013 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by murphusa (Post 1088641)
the Cobb in this months Legendary Auction is great! wish I had it to get it

I just got my catalogue today.. so cool. I wish I had that coin too. I am lucky to have what I have. Your work is simply the best. The Cobb is just beautiful Graig.. truly the class of the catalogue. You're the man.

Jaybird 02-14-2013 07:10 PM

Incredible work. I'm just taken by the images and need a few minutes to scan and ruminate on each one. That's what art is about for me, just taking the time and appreciating the nuances. Wow. Thanks for posting. Incredible sadness in Waner's eyes.

Kawika 02-15-2013 12:11 AM

Had the pleasure of meeting Graig in Baltimore at the National last summer. He is a cool young dude. If I had his skills I'd be painting naked chicks, just saying, but let us be grateful that Graig is devoted to honoring our beloved National Game. Having hung out with the artist, and being able to call him a friend, adds an immeasurable provenance to the artwork which graces my Fortress of Solitude. I am lucky as Hell. He'll get all kine bashful and self-effacing when you compliment him thusly but someday, mark my words, Cooperstown will honor the lad.

dgo71 02-15-2013 12:22 AM

Breathtaking. I can't find the words to properly convey how amazing these works are. As an art major who now works in the world of retail distribution (for good reason!), I have such an appreciation for those who have honed their skills to level you have. Kreindler-Steele has a nice ring to it if you'd like to revive the series!

Scott Garner 02-15-2013 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by Kawika (Post 1088867)
Had the pleasure of meeting Graig in Baltimore at the National last summer. He is a cool young dude. If I had his skills I'd be painting naked chicks, just saying, but let us be grateful that Graig is devoted to honoring our beloved National Game. Having hung out with the artist, and being able to call him a friend, adds an immeasurable provenance to the artwork which graces my Fortress of Solitude. I am lucky as Hell. He'll get all kine bashful and self-effacing when you compliment him thusly but someday, mark my words, Cooperstown will honor the lad.

+1 I couldn't agree more, David! ;)

GKreindler 02-15-2013 09:58 AM

Guys, you're all being too kind. Thank you. :o

I'm really thrilled that so many of you have enjoyed this thread and always take time to comment and push me in good directions. I know I've said it before, and it certainly might sound corny, but whatever success I've had the past couple of years is directly because of you good folks. I honestly pinch myself every morning and thank the stars that I'm able to actually do this for a living - something I really love. And the fact that people like it as much as they do really warms my heart.

Regarding the Legendary auction, well, I'm definitely interested to see what the results are. Just like the DiMaggio painting in SCP, this one really surprised me. It's just really weird to see my stuff up for grabs like that. I didn't know until last night that I was on the cover. Wowzas. I just don't even know what to say.

In the end, I just hope that the seller still loved the painting and maybe had to get rid of it for other reasons. I know it's a bit silly, but when this stuff finds its way to the secondary market, I get a little upset because I start thinking that the client just fell out of love with the thing (or maybe never was IN love). But, that's all just me being neurotic.

Meeting David and Scott were some of my favorite parts of that weekend. I really was honored to spend so much time with Kawika, who as you all know, couldn't be a nicer fella. And the same goes for Scott, though I wish I could have spent more time with him. The National is just so much fun in general as a social event - it's honestly one of the highlights of my year. Going with good friends and just soaking in the passion that we all share, well, they're few things that are more enjoyable to me. Provided that I can make it, I'm VERY much looking forward to Chicago!!


Scott Garner 02-15-2013 10:41 AM

I'll definitely be at the Chicago National, Graig.
I will make it a point to hang out with you this year and get caught up. ;)

whitehse 02-15-2013 11:56 AM

I too will be at the National this year as it is practically in my back yard. I am hoping you make it Graig as I would like the pleasure of meeting my favorite artist!

GKreindler 02-15-2013 12:14 PM


GKreindler 02-15-2013 02:56 PM

Oh, and George, I'm sorry - I totally forgot to answer your question!

I've only done a small handful of 19th century players, and a lot of them actually appear with their teams from the early 20th. Of that group, I do have a finished George Van Haltren, a finished Cy Young, a half-finished Ed Delahanty, and a bunch of others drawn out and ready to go, including: Bobby Wallace, Jesse Burkett, Sam Crawford, and Bobby Lowe. They're might be a few others too, but I can't quite think of them at the moment.

Here are scans of the two finished guys:

If we're talkin' about players that were strictly 19th century, I only have one completed, and that's of Radbourn:

But I also have some in-progress ones of Louis Sockalexis, JM Ward, Mike Kelly, Deacon White and Cap Anson.

Hopefully I'll be able to finish some of them soon...yikes.

Who did you have in mind specifically? Or is that a secret?


aquarius31 02-16-2013 02:38 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by GKreindler (Post 1089155)
Who did you have in mind specifically? Or is that a secret?

Very very nice Graig!! I don't ever recall seeing the Cy Young painting. Ever since picking up a few very difficult woodcuts of James Creighton I've thought about how wonderful it would be to have a painting of him. I believe that there are only 2 actual photos of him with one pose being the entire 1860 Brooklyn Excelsiors team for which the woodcut was created.

GKreindler 02-16-2013 07:51 PM

Thanks a lot, George!

Creighton would most certainly be an awesome challenge to undertake. I mean, sometimes one can get pretty lucky with those 19th century guys and their studio portraits, but as I'm sure you can imagine, the further back you go, the less and less easy it becomes. But, that's also part of the fun!!



Runscott 03-01-2013 07:46 PM

What an absolutely gorgeous painting - I was out of the running before it started, but I hope you got what you were looking for (I have no feel for prices on this sort of thing):

GKreindler 03-02-2013 11:04 AM

Hey Scott,

Thanks for the well-wishes. I'm still really torn about how I feel with the results of this auction. The piece was put up by one of our clients, and in his particular case, wasn't something that we necessarily encouraged. Like I mentioned a few months ago too, it just seems really weird to me when I see my paintings up for auction in any format.

However, I hope that in the end, whoever bought it loves it once it's in hand!


RCMcKenzie 03-03-2013 12:05 AM

The Cobb batting painting is a great painting, but once you are talking about 20,000 for a painting you are bringing in artists like Paul Serusier and Emile Bernard.

GKreindler 03-03-2013 09:40 AM

Well, I guess I'm not French, after all. :o

RCMcKenzie 03-04-2013 09:24 AM

The French

You make a very good point about the French, as they would be unlikely to make these great baseball paintings. I still believe the buyer of the Cobb painting got a great deal for a 40 x 60 painting. I know I would want it hanging in my office.



tuckr1 03-04-2013 11:23 AM

You ever paint football?? Huge bears fan and I am almost half way home on 1935 Chicle set, would be very cool to see a painting of cards from this set??

I probably couldn't afford an original but would love to have a print, or a signed scribble rough draft of the nagurski!!!!

Thanks Tucker

GKreindler 03-04-2013 05:36 PM

Thanks a lot, Rob!

Tucker, I do paint football, indeed. I haven't done anything from too far back, though. There have been these two:
Eli Manning, February 3, 2008, 24" x 30"
David Tyree, February 3, 2008, 24" x 30"

I also have one more from the triptych to do, which'll hopefully be tackled sometime in the next month or so.

But I'm certainly open to doing the older stuff!! And though I appreciate the interest, I don't do any reproductions at this time - it would have to be an original gangsta.


Matthew H 03-04-2013 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by RCMcKenzie (Post 1097595)
The Cobb batting painting is a great painting, but once you are talking about 20,000 for a painting you are bringing in artists like Paul Serusier and Emile Bernard.

Really? For 20k?

Kawika 03-05-2013 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by RCMcKenzie (Post 1097595)
The Cobb batting painting is a great painting, but once you are talking about 20,000 for a painting you are bringing in artists like Paul Serusier and Emile Bernard.

Never heard of those guys. Who did they play for? I'm sticking with Kreindler.




GKreindler 03-05-2013 10:09 AM

David, your check's in the mail. :p


baseballart 03-05-2013 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by GKreindler (Post 1098810)
David, your check's in the mail. :p



David now only accepts "cheques" :)

byrone 03-05-2013 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by baseballart (Post 1098922)

David now only accepts "cheques" :)

Right now he's probably sitting on his favourite chesterfield, putting on a colourful toque, looking for a looney so he can get a flavoured double-double and a meagre beaver tail :)

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