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David Atkatz 08-05-2012 05:41 PM

How can anyone defend me, you idiot? It can only be proven that someone did receive a letter.

Why don't you get in touch with Prisco's lawer, and ask him? I'll tell you why. You don't want to know the answer. It would deny you the only thing you ever accuse me of!

thetruthisoutthere 08-05-2012 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by David Atkatz (Post 1022659)
How can anyone defend me, you idiot? It can only be proven that someone did receive a letter.

Why don't you get in touch with Prisco's lawer, and ask him? I'll tell you why. You don't want to know the answer. It would deny you the only thing you ever accuse me of!

Mr. Atkatz, ever hear of attorney-client privilege?

Do you think Prisco's attorney would actually tell me if SHE wrote a letter for her client?

Who is the idiot?

Apparently someone who never heard of attorney-client privilege.

David Atkatz 08-05-2012 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by thetruthisoutthere (Post 1022672)
Who is the idiot?

Still you, I'm afraid.

Whether or not she wrote a letter has nothing at all to do with attorney-client privilege. In fact she does not even have to disclose for whom a letter was written. (If, in fact, a letter ever was written.)

And, FYI, any letter written to a third party is not subject to attorney-client privilege. Only communications between an attorney and her client are.

Hence the name.

keithsky 08-05-2012 07:37 PM

David and Chris, Why don't you guys get each others email and fight about whatever it is on there between the two of you and quit dragging everyone down with your bickering. My God move on.

shelly 08-05-2012 10:18 PM

He did what many of you know. He lied cheated and defrauded people That comment was to other people saying he would get 7 years in prison I still do not think that what he did will get him that long of sentence that is why I said the above comment.
I don't need Richard, Chris or anyone else to defend me. I at least no what I did and what it meant to people that I really care about.. I just find it so difficult to think that you have no idea what a nasty vindictive person you are. I have no idea who made you so bitter but it is truly a shame, I know there are attorneys on here not one of them asked to be addressed as Esquire. My wife had a PhD she never asked to be called Doctor. I think that your students felt the same way that is why they had no respect for you professor .I feel it is really time for you to get a check up from a real Doctor. I know there is something truly wrong with you. You can call me a felon again and again there is not one person on this board that does not know that. You on the other hand will never be called anything but a complete and perfect ass.

David Atkatz 08-06-2012 12:09 AM

FYI, Shelly, I have never asked to be called "Doctor." My name is David, and I'm perfectly content for all to call me by my name.

But, if some moron here decides, for purely sarcastic purposes, to address me by title, rather than by name, then I prefer he use the correct title.

I worked hard enough to obtain it.

And Shelly, judging my students feelings for me by reading the postings of half-a-dozen--out of the literally thousands I have taught over my career--is simply asinine.

As far as my being a "complete and perfect ass," well, anything worth doing...

shelly 08-06-2012 08:54 AM

David, once again you fudge the truth. There are a dozen comments about you on the rate your professors website, not six as you say. I am sure you know there are a dozen but I guess half a dozen and a dozen are the same thing to you. 9 out of 12 rate you as a poor teacher and the comments are as negative as anyone can get. "Worst teacher since kindergarten" is just a sample of what the students say. Some students actually hated you. And the majority of teachers at your school only got 6 or 7 comments, so the number of comments you received is high for your school. And your overall score is 1.8 out of 4, as low a score as I saw for your school. You are rated at the bottom of the barrel.
You can now go find another felon in your failed attempts to lift your shattered ego. The "call me Dr Atkatz" is getting old.
Your communication with this felon is done.
Your response to this post will not be answered by me.
And yes, you are so complete and perfect an ass, we agree on that.
And one more thing about the Prisco lawyer letter. You are correct about attorney client privilege not covering the letter. But do you really think that Prisco's lawyer would answer Chris? What hallucination did you dream that up in? I can picture her helping Chris out, yeah, right, not in this lifetime.

Bob Lemke 08-06-2012 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by earlywynnfan (Post 1022601)
Hey, Bob, have you ever heard of Ken Sulik?? Nobody else has either. But many, many people have heard of you. You have a blog and have (or at least had) a column regularly published in "The Voice of the Hobby." I'm sure you've gotten years of pleasure and probably some decent financial renumeration from this hobby. Yet when it comes time to make a stand, point out the bad, help out the newbies, you pass the buck!

Who should the responsibility fall on??


I did my time as "hobby crime fighter" when I was editor and publisher, and even a bit later in a special series circa 2003 about counterfeit 1963 Bazookas, '52 Wheaties, etc., being sold on TV and by Sol Creamer and that "Paoutdoorman" (or some such) guy around Harrisburg.

Through the 1980s and early 1990s, I banned dozens of advertisers at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars of ad revenue.

I had the support of the hobby publishing giants who founded Krause Publications, and access to personnel and monetary resources.

Today I am retired, i.e., without such resources or the inclination to "clean up" the hobby. I don't keep up with hobby "dirt," other than reading about it on this and similar forums. I cannot speak intelligently about current crooks and crookedness. That is not how I choose to spend my time in retirement.

I don't owe "the hobby" anything.

Even Batman retired.

mr2686 08-06-2012 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Lemke (Post 1022860)
Even Batman retired.

Yes, but he kept his eye on Catwoman!;)

slidekellyslide 08-06-2012 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Lemke (Post 1022860)
I did my time as "hobby crime fighter" when I was editor and publisher, and even a bit later in a special series circa 2003 about counterfeit 1963 Bazookas, '52 Wheaties, etc., being sold on TV and by Sol Creamer and that "Paoutdoorman" (or some such) guy around Harrisburg.

Through the 1980s and early 1990s, I banned dozens of advertisers at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars of ad revenue.

I had the support of the hobby publishing giants who founded Krause Publications, and access to personnel and monetary resources.

Today I am retired, i.e., without such resources or the inclination to "clean up" the hobby. I don't keep up with hobby "dirt," other than reading about it on this and similar forums. I cannot speak intelligently about current crooks and crookedness. That is not how I choose to spend my time in retirement.

I don't owe "the hobby" anything.

Even Batman retired.

Well stated Bob. I'm not sure why the attacks continue on here after you've answered every single question numerous times.

Big Dave 08-06-2012 10:45 AM

+ 10

David Atkatz 08-06-2012 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by slidekellyslide (Post 1022892)
Well stated Bob. I'm not sure why the attacks continue on here after you've answered every single question numerous times.

Why? How else can Chris and Dick--and now Shelly--protect the hobby?

David Atkatz 08-06-2012 11:13 AM

Shelly, do a bit of research. Learn a bit about the concept of "self-selection," especially as it pertains to the accuracy of surveys.

packs 08-06-2012 02:18 PM

Sit the next few out man. This is getting to be too much.

sports-rings 08-06-2012 06:39 PM


Even Batman retired.
Bob, I've seen batman. I've admired those in the hobby who fought the fight and continue to do so. Sir, you're no batman.

shelly 08-06-2012 07:29 PM

Through the 1980s and early 1990s, I banned dozens of advertisers at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars of ad revenue.
Bob, can you name some of the people that you said you banned? I think that Robin and the rest of Gotham City would love to know. Correction made.

Mr. Zipper 08-06-2012 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by shelly (Post 1023122)
Through the 1980s and early 1990s, I banned dozens of advertisers at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars of ad revenue.
Bob, can you name some of the people that you said you banned? I think that Robin and the rest of Metropolis would love to know.

Not to nitpick, but that would be Gotham City, not Metropolis.


Bob Lemke 08-07-2012 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by shelly (Post 1023122)
Through the 1980s and early 1990s, I banned dozens of advertisers at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars of ad revenue.
Bob, can you name some of the people that you said you banned? I think that Robin and the rest of Gotham City would love to know. Correction made.

On the advice of counsel back then, we (almost) never announced when we banned an advertiser . . . he simply disappeared from our pages.

At the risk of getting somebody's name wrong 20 years later, or confusing two similar names, and in the absence of access to the "official list," I'm not going to attempt to do so now.

RichardSimon 08-07-2012 08:52 AM

I am not going to dispute your contention about banning advertisers but I certainly remember the same bad guys advertising for years and years. I would sometimes scream at the ad page because the stuff was so revolting.
And I don't mean just CC.

jgmp123 08-07-2012 09:31 AM

I posted this in another forum, but thought this may be a good place for it as well, I received a response back from Tom and it sounds like hands are tied up over at SCD...I think that a contact in the Advertising/Sales dept would be best fit to answer the questions many want answered...I have reached out to Tom for a contact in the advertising department......

Thanks for your patience James,
As you might imagine, I heard plenty at the National Convention regarding CSC and its negative impact on SCD. I don't want them running, period, but alas my word is not the be-all, end all for the magazine when it comes to advertising. All of the CSC comments I am handing over all feedback to my ad manager and publisher to insist they are are not featured again. Thank you for your time.

Tom Bartsch

jgmp123 08-07-2012 09:37 AM

has anyone reached out to Steve Madson?

Response from Tom:

Couldn't agree more James. Feel free to contact the following:

Steve Madson, ad rep:

Scott Tappa, publisher:


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