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Archive 02-19-2008 04:33 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>shelly jaffe</b><p>I did not say it was all from one person. I only asked your opinion on the two items. The single mantle and the five hundred hr poster. I can see the other two are from different people. I am asking you if the those two items I mentioned are from you know who. If they are then you know there not authentic.

Archive 02-19-2008 04:35 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>Shelly,<br /><br />I agree with you on those two items. I am not sure the 500 hr is from him, his are usually better

Archive 02-19-2008 04:36 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>Old World Series baseballs are one of the favorite tricks of the forgers.<br />1978, 1979 and 1994 WS baseballs are easily obtained. Throw a Thurman Munson autograph on a 1978 WS ball and a forger has made his day.<br />DD - Mr Morales did say he would be back here when he got his information from GWU and he expected it by mid week.<br />--

Archive 02-19-2008 04:47 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Bob</b><p> <br />Knowing nothing of the Beatles, I did a little research. The exact price (for one), with the buyer's commission, was $115,228.82. Bidding began at $25,000. The copy of "Meet The Beatles," the band's first U.S. release on Capitol Records, was put up for sale by Harrison's sister, Louise. Another complete Beatles album signed on the cover, was snapped up for £21,600 (about $45K) at the Rock 'n' Roll and Film Memorabilia event in London.<br /> <br />Recently in RR Auctions, an album signed by McCartney and Ringo sold for $4.933 and a copy of "Cheers" signed by Paul McCartney sold for $6,811. A photo signed by the four sold for $13K and $17K respectively over the last two months. A Beatles Album authenticated by STAT in the last Coach's Corner sold for $763. Coach's Corner currently has 8 complete or 3/4 signed items in their auctions. I was told by a friend that Beatles signed albums are very uncommon and they vary from $35-40K on up. <br /><br />Bob<br />

Archive 02-19-2008 04:54 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Rich Klein</b><p>Since if I read the inference correctly he has passed, can someone fill me in on the details. I'm just curious as to when, etc. No, we never did any business but I do remember him -- and it's always good to get final conclusions.<br /><br />Regards<br />Rich<br />

Archive 02-19-2008 05:35 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>John - The pictures that I have posted for Shelly, do you believe they are authentic or not? You easily pointed out non authentic items in Bill's catalog earlier. I certainly agree with you on those and have told that to Bill. I am curious as to your opinion on the items up here now, the baseballs and the photos.<br />--<br><br>I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

Archive 02-19-2008 05:43 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Alan</b><p>WOW. 450+ posts. Should I read them all ? What am I missing ?

Archive 02-19-2008 05:45 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>Richard,<br />Bills were obvious from the quality of the photos. If you look at the Williams Dimaggio and Mantle photo Bill had, not speaking of the autographs, just the quality of the photo, they were of poor clarity and quality. No show promoter or dealer would have paid Ted, Joe and the Mick all that money only to have them sign a poor quality, washed out photo. Poor quality and clarity of photos is a big clue on the source we discussed. The photos you posted appear to have exceptional clarity. That throws me off to be honest and poses more questions for me about the source. Would I buy the product? No. I also have never seen the source we discussed use cachet and first day covers. I based my decision on Bill's items more from the poor photo quality than the appearance of the signatures. Not only are the photos poor from the source we discussed but his baseballs I have seen all have blemishes and stains. These balls look mint. Maybe he's changing his game plan.<br /><br />Would I buy a Mantle 94 World Series baseball that he only had a year to sign? No. Would I buy a Double Fantasy Lennon album that he had three weeks to sign? No. Would I buy a Ruth ball that wasn't produced until 1948? No.

Archive 02-19-2008 06:03 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>Richard,<br /><br />The Joe D. and Ted ball, in my opinion, did not come from the source we have discussed. The Williams balls from the source never have the top of the the "a" closed. The Williams on the Joe and Ted ball do have the "a" closed. The Joe D. is different than from the source we discussed. Are those you posted from the source in question?

Archive 02-19-2008 06:05 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>DD</b><p>I believe it was between 5-10 years ago. I can't remember when I found out. It was from someone that lived in Ron's old neighborhood, so I consider the source reliable.

Archive 02-19-2008 06:22 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>shelly jaffe</b><p>John - thanks for agreeing with me on the two pieces that are from the "guy" we all know so well.<br />The others came from other forgers, I am sure of that.<br />The 500 HR envelope is one of the worst forgeries i have ever seen. dont you at least agree with that?<br />As far as the 94 WS ball, this is what we used to call the famous shake and bake ball, meaning that there are extreme tremors in the capital M's, something Mickey never did, so many tremors it looked like Mantle signed them during an earthquake. <br />Marino could do it without the shake, that is what made him so good. <br />Awaiting your comment.<br /> <br />Shelly<br /><br /><br /><br />

Archive 02-19-2008 06:31 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>John - what I have posted, at Shelly's request, is all from Solis' site. I still don't understand your response. Let me make myself clear, would you buy any of those items? <br />--<br><br>I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

Archive 02-19-2008 06:32 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>Shelly,<br /><br />I can't agree that it's the worst forgery I have seen. There was a guy in New York, Billy Costa, doing 500 HR stuff in the 90's that my daughter could have done a better job on. Billy was mentioned in the Bullpen reports. He died before being charged. For the second time, I would not buy the item. One thing about the Mantle's from the source was that he didn't shake either on the M's. At least not on the stuff I saw. Keep in mind, I haven't had any dealings since 2003 on that inventory. I'll see if I can dig out some of that old inventory. I still have a few balls and photos in my files. I'll be interested to compare against these.

Archive 02-19-2008 06:35 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>Richard-You must not be reading my posts. From 5 posts up:<br /><br />"Would I buy the product? No"

Archive 02-19-2008 06:40 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>Shelly,<br /><br />Can you post Marino exemplars? I have always heard his Mantles were so good. From what I have seen labeled as a Marino forgery, they look pathetic to me. Do you have some scans from Marino? Mantle specifically.<br /><br /><br />

Archive 02-19-2008 07:14 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>I just had a chance to view the website of the person everyone refers to as "rich". While there are some items on there I wouldn't personally buy, he does have some nice, authentic items there. His basketball inventory and boxing stuff looks good to me, especially he Manning helmet is dead on also. I haven't had the chance to view everything and am no authenticator but he does appear to have some great items in light of what has been discussed here. I'm sure I'll get beat up on here by saying this, oh well, everyone has an opinion.

Archive 02-19-2008 07:19 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Bill Panagopulos</b><p>This is all getting very tired, very rapidly, so it's time to take the bull by the b -a l - l - s - :<br /><br />Mr. Morales: Your website states, verbatim:<br /><br />QUOTE<br /><br />"An Open Challenge<br /><br />As noted herein, I will meet anyone in a public forum to review and assess my work efforts. Since private communications are often cherry picked to bolster a point of view, at times misdirecting the facts, it is my position that any meetings and communications be conduct in the open. If anyone desires to contact me concerning an open forum, please do not hesitate to call, email or otherwise contact me at anytime".<br /><br />UNQUOTE<br /><br /><br />Mr. Morales, I hereby challenge you to appear, before a group of your peers in the autograph authentication trade and the international press, to:<br /><br />a.) Discuss your "forensic" methods of authentication, and your education and qualifications, using exemplars or otherwise;<br /><br />b.) Describe in detail other criteria you used to authenticate the thousands of various autographs for which you have issued certificates;<br /><br />c.) explain your relationships, if any, with the various consignors, auction houses, galleries, etc. for whom you authenticate, and;<br /><br />d.) assess your work efforts, ie: how have your authentications been received in the autograph market, as a whole.<br /><br />If you wish to limit the discussion to your "work efforts" alone, I would expect your peers would still meet with you, depending on the agenda. <br /><br />I will pay your airfare and hotel room expenses for your attendance at such a forum in the New York area, for a meeting within the next 60 days. As stated above, I expect you would be asked to respond to inquiries from your peers, that is, knowledgeable, recognized dealers of the same material which you have authenticated. Should the location not be convenient for you, I'm sure we can arrange a meeting in Falls Church. Mr. Shelly Jaffe has already graciously agreed to attend, as has Mr. Frank Caiazzo. <br /><br />I assume that this email will reach you, since I do not have your emali address. If anyone posting to this site can confirm delivery to Mr. Morales, I would be much obliged.<br /><br />B. Panagopulos <br /><br />PS Shall I assume that your silence in response to this message means you decline my offer?

Archive 02-19-2008 07:37 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Bill Panagopulos</b><p>Sidetrack...Sidetrack...Sidetrack.<br /><br /><br />John...You seem like a nice guy, someone concerned about the hobby, but you are missing the point. Nobody gives a damn about the one-off fake hitting the;'s the hundreds of Mantle/DiMaggio/McCartney/Ruth/Hitler/Washington/Mother Teresa/Bobby Jones/Kevin Kostner/Britney Spears/Thomas Jefferson, etc. etc. etc. fakes hitting the market. <br /><br />In the grand scheme of things, who gives a rat's arse about ONE bad signature?

Archive 02-19-2008 07:42 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>you've lost me Bill. I think everyone is concerned about any forgery being sold whether its one or one thousand bad pieces. <br />"You seem like a nice guy" On most days, I'm not <img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14>

Archive 02-19-2008 07:44 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Bill Panagopulos</b><p>Meanwhile, forgive my rant, John. Too much negativity on this site, and it's made me jaded. <br /><br />Anyway, still awaiting Mr. Morales' response to me "taking up the gauntlet". If he refuses to accept my offer, well, that should pretty well put the matter to rest.<br /><br />Mr. Morales - Did you read this?<br /><br />

Archive 02-19-2008 07:51 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>shelly jaffe</b><p>John - this is just beating around the bush. Lets not get into a pissing match.<br />You correctly stated that Bill had bad stuff. Richard Simon and I agreed with you.<br />Is the first day cover a forgery? This is a yes or no question.<br />Do you believe that all the items I had Richard put up for me are authentic or not. Yes or no. No stories, no beating around the bush, just yes or no.<br />Marino's exemplars are available through the FBI, using the Freedom of Information Act.<br />FYI - Shake and bake Mantle's were done by one guy and supplied by "you know who".<br />"You know who" supplied B&J , Howard's, Madison Sports and others the following items that appeared on Shop At Home , Sky Miles, American Express and other venues. The major venue was Shop At Home.<br />The following items were offered weekly: Koufax, Mantle-Williams balls on the ss, 500 HR balls, Mays balls, Mantle balls, Williams balls, Dimaggio balls and many other items that were all forged. <br />When Operation Bullpen went down, the FBI was aware of this. Shop At Home never offered refunds to anyone. Mike Lopez sold football team signed helmets to Shop At Home. The FBI knew this and Lopez even went back to Shop At Home after his plea bargain and admitted to them, he sold them forged goods. They did nothing about it.<br /> <br /> <br />Shelly<br /> <br />ps. I just saw your latest post. Give me a break. Didn't you see Solis walking around with Frangipani at the National in Atlantic City with "you know who" ( Don't you see all the Mantle, Dimaggio, Williams stuff that is fake? I have not asked about his real stuff. Good for him that he is selling real stuff. He is loaded with crap. I still cannot pin you down on the nine items I have posted. I will put up any amount of cash you would like to cover a bet that this is bad stuff. We can bring in Greer, Catal, Dom Dimaggio and players to talk about any of these autographs. I am tired of your constant shuffling of words. This thread is not about you. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Archive 02-19-2008 07:52 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Bill Panagopulos</b><p>And PS John:<br /><br />Send me a really good scan of your Beatles album. I'd be happy to get you another opinion.<br /><br />In comradeship,<br />Bill

Archive 02-19-2008 07:55 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Mike</b><p>We need a few of us to go to the following in Chicago in April. It's the Premier Collectible Conference and Exhibition. Has round table discussions on Graded Cards, Authentication , Autographs, etc. Go to : and click : Schedule

Archive 02-19-2008 08:06 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Bill Panagopulos</b><p>If you've been ripped-off, some of the places you need to go are :<br /><br />Federal Attorney for the Southern District of New York<br />Attorney General of the State of Pennsylvania<br />Attorney General of the State of Florida<br />Attorney General of the State of California<br />Federal Bureau of Investigation<br />United States Postal Service Postal Inspectors<br /><br />There's more...let me think for a day or two...<br /><br /><br /><br /> <br /><br />

Archive 02-19-2008 08:09 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>Shelly-Are you slow or just stupid? Seriously. How clear can I make it? You have been answered now three times. I would not buy those items. Translation: I do not like them. <br /><br />P.S. I wouldn't know Rich if he walked in my front door. I didn't see Don F. there in Atlantic City either. I was there thursday only. I took the train in from NYC where I was living that summer and left the same day..

Archive 02-19-2008 08:18 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Bill Panagopulos</b><p>John and Shelly,<br /><br />Afraid both you guys are pickled. This site is about FORENSIC EXAMINERS, not Abe Schlobotnic you met back in '62.<br /><br />Get back on task.

Archive 02-19-2008 08:22 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>DD</b><p>I think at this point it's about forensic examiners, forgers, and anything else related that will get this issue some attention from an authoritative source, be it the police, feds, or publishers. Once one of these, or others, gets on board, the problem will continue.<br /><br />At this point, we're a bunch of mostly anonymous people (to each other) trying to get something done. Do what you need to and tell whom you can.<br /><br />I e-mailed the publisher of Autograph Collector's magazine. I invited him to read this and contribute, or do a story, or even a mention somewhere.

Archive 02-19-2008 08:28 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Bill Panagopulos</b><p>No dice, DD - they never, ever, print anything negative. Bad news is bad for the hobby...<br /><br />Try Undertakers Weekly, or Embalmer's Digest. Seems more fitting for what we see here...

Archive 02-19-2008 08:34 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>DD</b><p>How about a grass roots movement, internet style? Anyone with a hobby related website that can have a link to this thread, how about it? I don't know if it would be a mutual link kind of thing (and I certainly can't and won't speak for the moderators of this forum), but more informational on this specific topic. We need to reach the Coaches Corner and mall store customers that are buying this kind of junk. I know at least 2 of you have an autograph related web site.

Archive 02-19-2008 08:40 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Bill Panagopulos</b><p>With all due respect, John, that dog won't hunt. You can't afford what it will take to outspend the forgers.<br /><br />A determined effort by dealers and auctioneers to prosecute and jail forgers, and sue other parties in civil court, will produce far more in less time than any PR effort could hope to do in a decade.; <br /><br /><br />

Archive 02-19-2008 08:41 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>shelly jaffe</b><p>I guess that I must be slow and stupid. I thought you where friends with Rich. The reason I thought that is, that he is the man behind the authenticating of you know who's garbage.<br />Bill you are correct on to better and bigger things . Looking forward to Morales telling us just how wonderful he is.

Archive 02-19-2008 08:48 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Bill Panagopulos</b><p>Yer right, Shelly me boyo! On to bigger and (hopeully) better things<br /><br />I have emailed Mr. Morales my challenge (as seen above). I'll spend the the dough just to settlle the issue. He is welcome to accept it, decline it, or modify it. I'll be very accommodating. <br /><br />Let's move on.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

Archive 02-19-2008 09:36 PM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Pscolgrafs</b><p>Well, I asked last night for our friend: to e-mail me and I had not checked my e-mail until today. I felt since others have shared his amusing rants, I may as well too. Especially since Bill and Shelly are putting me to sleep here. <br /><br />This was sent on the 14th:<br /><br />Based on your anonymous posts, I'd say that if brains were water, yours couldn't fill an ant's ass. Talk about overkill. Get your head out and get a life !!!!!!<br /><br />My response: CALLING ME ANONYMOUS? Dude, look at your ass!<br /><br />I was then sent an e-mail on the 17th, where this coward spoke ill about certain autograph sellers, one posting here now. Do you want me to print this up? I will be more than happy to put it on the Forum if you like. Just say the word. <br /><br />I haven't said anything out of the ordinary, but posted a bunch of prices and asked a few questions. 2/485 posts. But keep the insults coming. They amuse me. Do you have a myspace page? <br /><br />Bill, Mr. Morales said that the college was closed on Monday and that he would come back here after the holiday.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

Archive 02-20-2008 06:10 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>J. McMurry</b><p> I just have one more question on the signed beatles album covers. I can see a US cover signed in 64/65 going for a premium $40-75k, but what about a reissue white album signed by all four at different times from 1970-80? Does the 12 in existence thing include those types of albums or just the ones signed as a group in the 60's? Just curious.

Archive 02-20-2008 08:03 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Chuck</b><p>None of you here know me. I lurk here alot. I think I have posted only once in the past year and maybe 5 times over the past 6 or so years. I am 44, disabled and, financially poor. I haven't collected for some time. I like to come here and watch the workings.The way you guys treat and respect each other has been a breath of fresh air in a time where folks seem to expect to be ripped off and dishonesty is almost considered "business as usual". If I were to begin collecting again, I wouldn't hesitate to deal with just about any regular member here. <br /><br />I've been reading this post since it started. I'm seeing men that are angry, men that want justice and some that seem to be in a "Big Dick" contest. Then there are those that are absolutely full of fear. The men that have believed that they would someday cash in on their collections to retire or send their kid to college. I would probably be in that category had I been able to maintain a collection instead of paying for multiple back surgeries over the years.<br /><br />I know that I would be beside myself and where I come from,legal action just wouldn't be enough. Watching and waiting each day to see if my life is literally not worth the paper it's written on.<br />The thought of facing my loved ones and having to tell them that their dreams will not be realized.<br />Day in and out , thinking about the P.O.S. that literally stole not only my money but, my joy as well.<br /><br />I think that I would have to take the few bucks I have left and take a bus to look up this forensic authority and have a good old fashioned Southern Splainin Session and then just whip his ass until I got tired or I needed another back surgery. And after I get out of jail, I'd have to whip his ass again just because.<br /><br />Fortunately for me and these jizz for ethics so called "men", I don't have any of their work to return to them anally.To you guys who are really scared right now, You and your families are in my prayers.<br /> Thanks for your time<br /><br /><br />P.S. To the paper hangers...Think there might be others out there that think like me? It must be hard to get anywhere when you spend most of your time looking behind you!<br />

Archive 02-20-2008 08:58 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>For a long period of time, he was the major forger. His work was easily identifiable.<br />This took place quite a while ago -<br />I had set up a table at the White Plains show and a young couple came to my table with an envelope. They pulled a large amount of "rare" cuts out of the envelope.<br />After looking at what they had, it was easy to determine that everything was bogus, and that it was all the work of Ron Dross. The couple looked at each other and tears came to their eyes. These autographs were going to finance their wedding. They asked me if I was sure and I said yes, but if you want to, check with so and so, and I pointed them to another dealer in the room who knew his stuff. Same result. I saw the couple leaving the room with their shoulders hunched over and their hopes crushed.<br />--<br><br>I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

Archive 02-20-2008 09:26 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>DD</b><p>Rich,<br />There is nothing funny about that story. When I mentioned my story about Ron, it was in the days before he flooded the market with his crap. We all start out innocent and make choices. Ron was a good show promoter. Along with his partner Andy, they would fill up the Golden Gate in Brooklyn, and would have tons of players, including HOF'ers, signing autos. He had a good future ahead of him before he decided to make his living illegally. He is now paying the ultimate price for his misdeeds.

Archive 02-20-2008 09:45 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Richard S. Simon</b><p>DD- when I said amusing and Ron Dross I was referring to the story about the wrestler he had as a guest who did not show up at his show. It was written as an amusing story.<br />The title on my post was meant to show that Ron Dross WAS NOT amusing.<br />It was a very lamentable story.<br />--<br /><br />I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.<br />Unknown author <br />--<br />We made a promise. We swore we'd always remember.<br />No retreat baby, no surrender.<br />The Boss

Archive 02-20-2008 09:49 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>DD</b><p>Rich,<br />I totally got that. What I was saying is that even though I wrote the comment about the wrestler, that Ron was a different person then. There is no excuse for anyone getting involved in forgeries. If you can't make an honest living in this country, and are intelligent, then you have bigger moral issues at hand.

Archive 02-20-2008 09:58 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Eric</b><p>Stories like that absolutely crush me. Thinking you are investing towards something, and then you find that out.<br /><br />I used to collect autographs myself. For about 7 years to be exact. My goal was to build up a collection that my grandkids would one day enjoy, if I ever had any. I quit collecting about a year and a half ago, and I will never look back. I'm so disgusted by the hobby, and never want anything to do with it again. This is partly my fault as I jumped into it as a novice and didn't do thorough research.<br /><br />Those that I knew were real I sold off, and I didn't care that I sold at a loss (these had COA's from JSA, PSA/DNA, GAI, etc...the trusted names). I just wanted to get rid of them.<br /><br />Now what I have left is a collection of mostly bogus autos. Those that I question, or that I know are bogus, I just want to burn. 2 ruth cuts, one "authenticated" by someone mentioned here. A Mel Ott cut w/display "authenticated" by AAU, Jimmie Foxx, Mickey Mantle, Ted Williams, etc.<br /><br />The hobby is definitely loosing collectors everyday, and for reasons like this.<br /><br />Someone previously mentioned Signature Dreams out of PA. Most of the pieces they sell are accompanied by Morales COAs, probably upwards of 90%. They have a disclaimer when you buy from them. They will not accept returns based on the findings of "third party authenticators" like PSA/DNA, JSA, GAI, etc. You have to get another opinion from a court qualified, board certified forensics document examiner. And not only that, but you have to OK your choice by them first. I had an autograph that failed by PSA and JSA, and brought this to their attention. Then I asked if I could use Simon, and they said no way. I never could find someone for a second opinion. So I had to eat it. Not that it matters now (because I'm done), but I will never do business with them again.<br />

Archive 02-20-2008 10:12 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Chuck Tapia</b><p>My exact sentiments Eric. I quit for 10 years collecting because of this same stuff that we are discussing now. I recently had a home office I decided to decorate because I am not giving the Dodgers my season Ticket money this year or ever again so I thought this would be fun.<br /><br />Well, after a fake mantle here, a fake Dimaggio there, a fake Williams everywhere, I managed to settle in and do OK....I think. My friend says I was crazy for drawing all over a gem mint dimaggio that I thought was fake.<br /><br />I'm just about done now, but I appreciate everything the players here on the board are doing to try and clean the hobby up. I admire Shelly and doing his best to stand up for good instead of evil. I think he might have found his conscious in jail and that's agood thing. For now, I take my office full of fakes and have some batting practice with the Mantle Ball and draw mustaches on the known fake pictures that line my office wall. Keep up the fight.

Archive 02-20-2008 10:16 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>JimB</b><p>I have not read any of this thread. Just thought I would assist in the approach to 500.<br />JimB

Archive 02-20-2008 10:20 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Bruce Babcock</b><p>Jim, my very thought. What is the net54 record for "Most Posts Per Single Thread?"

Archive 02-20-2008 10:27 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>DD</b><p>Not to understate anything discussed in this forum over the years, but this has to be one of the most significant threads to appear. We have a collective opportunity to make some headway in the fight against forgeries. I recommend anyone on here, lurker or contributor, to read this thread, spread the word, and maybe we can achieve some results.<br /><br />What the opportunity is, and when it arises, will relate to how much we push and prod.

Archive 02-20-2008 11:03 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>J. McMurry</b><p>Current SCD arrived today. Out of 76 numbered pages, 23 are about CC auctions. So roughly 30% of the magazine is dedicated to the CCA gang.

Archive 02-20-2008 11:04 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Bill Panagopulos</b><p>I see that we have more "satified customers". Great. People plunking down their hard-earned cash to buy bogus stuff with even more worthless certificates attached to them.<br /><br />Luckily, the destruction of the baseball and rock and roll trade has not yet spread to our world of historic documents. The right paper, ink, watermarks, etc. are tough to duplicate. But they're trying and it won't be long...bogus endorsements on the backs of checks, "cut" signatures, clever "additions" made to old documents, etc. <br /><br />Prosecuting the forgers and knowing sellers of fakes is the only way to go. All of you who believe you have been fleeced should consider pursuing legal remedy. If and when these forensic examiners are discredited, you will have recourse to get your money back. <br /><br />What a damned shame that people have invested in this junk and will eventually find out that their money went down the toilet. Hopefully, triple damages might be awarded. <br /><br />

Archive 02-20-2008 11:07 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Pscolgrafs</b><p>Mr. Rogers,<br /><br />Do you know who Randy Smyly and/or Bruce Colbert are?<br /><br />AOL dude, I erased your initial post as was advised by a lawyer friend who said it may be construed as lible. Plus, last I knew, I wasn't placed on this earth to be your messenger boy. <br /><br />edited: to correct spelling

Archive 02-20-2008 11:07 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>barrysloate</b><p>I believe this is a new Net54 record, and I am the 497th poster. We are moments away from joining the 500 club.

Archive 02-20-2008 11:10 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>Bill Panagopulos</b><p>Shelly, <br /><br />The only person who deserves the 500th post more than you is...Mr. Morales.<br /><br />Yoo-hoo! Where are you?

Archive 02-20-2008 11:12 AM

Open letter to STAT and Christopher Morales
Posted By: <b>john</b><p>almost there

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