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What is Net54baseball? |
Net54baseball was established to discuss Pre-WWII Baseball cards, in 2001. It has evolved and diversified with technology and innovation into one of the most frequented Vintage Sports Collectible venues on the internet. Discussions surround the vintage baseball card; vintage sports cards and sports memorabilia hobbies. We hope you enjoy your stay, and if we can ever be of help, please contact the moderator at leon@net54baseball.com. Kind regards |
Email Privacy Policy |
Net54baseball Email Privacy Policy – Only Registered members will receive occasional emails as part of our marketing campaign for our customers. The emails will pertain to the field of Sports Collectibles. Email addresses in the Net54baseball database are never sold, remarketed, or given out for any reason other than the group emails being sent. Emails may be opted out of at any time. If there are any questions concerning the emails, or this policy, please email the moderator at, leon@net54baseball.com. |
Things you may post about: |
General discussions should evolve around vintage baseball cards, other vintage sports cards and vintage sports memorabilia. This can include particular discussions surrounding characteristics of vintage cards and memorabilia, company’s policies, auction houses, eBay, Grand Slam Bids, and a multitude of other sports hobby related activities. Topics should be started and discussed in their proper areas. For example, vintage baseball memorabilia has its own forum, the “memorabilia forum”, and discussions of those items should generally be in that venue. Posts offering to Buy, Sell or Trade anything should generally be in the Buy/Sell/Trade areas. There is an “off topic” section and most conversations not of a vintage sports nature should be discussed in those forums. There is also vintage, post WWII forums for baseball and other sports cards. |
Things you may not post: |
Personal information including but not limited to: Phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, etc… should not be posted, unless given permission by the person whose information you are posting. Personal emails and/or correspondence should not be posted on the board, except with approval from the moderator and only under extraordinary circumstances. Bickering between members is expected. The moderators will not interfere unless it becomes too callous, in their discretion. Personal attacks are not allowed while keeping the aforementioned in mind. Politics and religion are not to be discussed. Members should not "hijack" threads of other members, as this does a disservice to those interested in that particular subject matter. It is especially discourteous to the original poster (OP) of that thread.
Members should not use the forum ONLY to complain about a particular situation, or situations, while never adding anything positive to the community. This practice is frowned upon and is likely to be publicly pointed out by the moderator. Infractions, or banishment, may be given for this type of activity. Moderators will use their judgment in these cases and may make exceptions to this rule, as they deem appropriate. Posting of auctions, events or shows, on the front page, must be approved by the moderator first. They will be moved to the BST section for auctions and shows, otherwise. Trolls are not tolerated and will be banned. The moderator of this board exercises his tyrannical powers very infrequently because of the respect that contributors generally show one another. You may disagree with another poster's opinions, but please keep the insults to a minimum. The board moderator has the authority, in his sole discretion, to ban anyone whom he deems detrimental to the welfare of the board. This is a private chat board and membership is not guaranteed. The goal of the board’s management, with respect to discipline, will continue to be “0 involvements” in board matters, concerning banning, locking threads etc. We always prefer situations work themselves out. Any lawsuits arising on the board, concerning the moderator, must be filed in Collin County, TX. Moderators have protection under Federal Statute 230 of the Communication Decency Act of 1996, and are not liable for what other board members say. Derogatory or pornographic material may not be posted on the site. **Since there are an unlimited amount of unforeseeable issues that can arise on the board, the moderator may make any decision he feels is in the best interest of Net54baseball, regardless of any written or oral rules. |
Who can post and can you remain anonymous or private? |
Everyone has "read" access to the site and you don’t have to be registered to be able to view the main forum. Certain, very popular parts of the forum are only available to registered members. We encourage everyone to register. Membership is free and easy. All members must supply a correct USER ID, First and Last Name and Current Day Time phone number to the moderator in order to be a registered member. There are no exceptions to this rule. Once you send your contact info email back to the moderator and don’t get a response within 48 hour business, please send an email for help to, leonl@flash.net. Many times a spam folder will catch good information and halt the process.
Anonymous, where this board is concerned, implies that you are not known to the moderator or anyone else. That is not permitted on Net54baseball. However, you may remain private on the board; otherwise, as long your post is not argumentative, controversial, confrontational, accusatorial etc.…For example you can discuss attributes of cards, sets or memorabilia and stay private. You can not say someone is an imbecile, hard to deal with, gave poor service etc…and remain private on the board. In addition to that if your opinion is that you dislike someone, hate them, can’t stand or don’t like anything about them, and you want to tell the world about it on Net54baseball, then your full name will need to be in your post. The moderator may put the posters name on the board or delete their posts, at his sole discretion, when this rule is not adhered to. Heated debates will require first and last names to be known, and made public, on the board. Contact information will be given out for legal reasons or under extraordinary circumstances at the discretion of the moderator. We welcome new members very frequently, as long as they come with the forum purpose in mind, which is to; collect, buy, sell and trade vintage baseball cards, sports memorabilia and other sports cards, with people who share their same passion. There are no age requirements on the board however you must be 18 years of age to participate in the Buy, Sell, Trade areas, or have a parent or legal guardian contact the moderator for approval first. Registered members may also receive periodic, infrequent, industry related emails. You may opt out of these by emailing your request to the moderator. |
Buy/Sell/Trade Areas |
Posts offering to buy, sell, or trade items should be made in the appropriate Buy/Sell/Trade index. This includes posts for items appearing in on-line auctions such as eBay, Grand Slam Bids and auction houses etc... Buy/Sell/Trade threads in the wrong categories, or forums, will be moved or deleted. There should be no interference by 3rd parties within the Buy/Sell/Trade areas. Third parties are those not involved in a transaction. This includes, but is not limited to, posting current or historical cost information, commenting negatively on the offer or item, or anything that interferes with the listing in a negative way. Only persons involved in the transaction should post in the thread, however benign or favorable comments are generally permitted by third parties. If you don't know the difference between them, then please don't post. One exception is to expose fraudulent activity. It may always be posted in any thread, anywhere on the board, but you better have your ducks in a row and your name by your post when you report these misdeeds. “Caveat Emptor- Buyer Beware” to all members. Each member uses the board at their own risk. Net54baseball does not monitor, and is not responsible for, transactions. Our sole recourse, in a punitive manner is suspension or banishment from the board. The Uniform Commercial Code of Law of the United States applies. We will work with authority’s when/if the need arises. Please request references from your trading partners when they are not well known or you don’t know them. Whenever someone resists giving a reference, upon request, please contact the moderator as that is, many times, a red flag.
Once any transaction is completed in the Buy/Sell/Trade areas, or over with, that transaction shouldn’t be deleted. Specific pricing, or confidential information may be removed but the other information should stay. Items should be consolidated in the BST area, into one thread, when appropriate. In other words don’t list more than a few similar items in single threads, in the same BST area, at once. IF you do this, they will most likely be deleted and asked to be posted again in a consolidated fashion. You should not bump a BST thread to the top very often (every 3-4 days at most) as it is discourteous to other posters. |
How does Net 54's Infraction System work? |
The infraction system is designed to reward poor behavior with appropriate retribution. The moderators prefer not to use this system and an informal warning will usually be given before an infraction is. Infractions may be given for violating well-known forum rules such as the use of inappropriate language, spamming, personal attacks, discussing politics, religion or generally speaking, posting or behaving inappropriately on the board.
When 1-2 infraction points have been reached, and are current, the member risks banishment or suspension, depending on the offense(s). This system is necessary to continue to keep order for our growing membership. |