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Old 02-09-2023, 09:04 AM
BillyCoxDodgers3B BillyCoxDodgers3B is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by SAllen2556 View Post
I don't know how you autograph collectors do it. Operation Bullpen scared me completely away from collecting autographs. Unless you get them in person or maybe through the mail, I just don't know how you can ever really be 100% sure that what you own is genuine. That notion just messes with my OCD too much!
I think autograph collectors who don't deal much in unsigned cards feel the same way about cards. How can you be 100% certain that something isn't trimmed, recolored or otherwise altered? Card collectors have their own problems to worry about.

Nobody can be 100% certain about anything, unless they pulled the card from the pack or saw the autograph signed themselves.

It's completely understandable that anybody without a lifetime of knowledge behind them would feel trepidation in starting out in either side of the hobby. In fact, a lot of people could have saved themselves a lot of money by not jumping into this hobby blindly, their experience being far outweighed by either overeager passion or avarice.

Edited to add: That Operation Bullpen forged material is child's play compared to skilled forgeries. It's become quite easy for many people to identify it over the passage of 20+ years. If that stuff scares or confuses anyone, then yes, time to go back to the drawing board to determine if:

A) you can learn more
B) even possess the aptitude to learn more, and/or
C) need to either stick to safer aspects of this hobby or simply find another hobby.

Also, option B is not intended to come across as condescending nor is it directed at anyone in particular. It's certainly better for people to be honest with themselves about it, though. If this hobby interests you and you're starting from square one, set yourself a timeframe, whatever that may be. If you don't feel you've made significant headway with your knowledge at the end of that time, then definitely reassess if this is the right hobby for you. I've seen many people involved with autographs for decades who somehow can't buy even the most rudimentary of clues when it comes to detecting forgeries. While this is confounding enough, even more strange to me is their continued devotion to something they will never seem to comprehend. We all have our own skill sets.

Last edited by BillyCoxDodgers3B; 02-09-2023 at 09:51 AM.
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