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Old 03-23-2021, 06:47 PM
DamagedCase DamagedCase is offline
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 7

Originally Posted by RTK View Post
I have them both ways, personally I prefer them unrestored. It makes me think of them still in the stadium, who was first person to sit in it and who was the last. One aspect to consider is the paint on older seats tends to flake off easily, it could be lead based paint, a potential hazard for little kids and pets. Either way, they're a great addition to a collection, they always draw attention.
I’m leaning towards the unrestored for the same reasons. Just kind of cool to see and tell the story about them in the future.
I was also concerned about lead, so I bought a respirator to take them apart. I started restoring the plastic seats parts because they’re just gross.

I really appreciate all the helpful info everyone has provided.
Here’s what I have so far. Using a straight edge to scrape off the oxidation layer, followed by incremental grit sandpaper and eventually will buff with a wheel.

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