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Old 04-03-2018, 08:49 PM
murphy8276 murphy8276 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 176

Originally Posted by Meenman View Post
This isn't my first rodeo. This is my business. I've been selling on eBay for a long time. Some of these cards that I have sold were in the top 10 of graded cards. I have the record of selling a boy scout item for on eBay for 18000.00. I've sold cards before coins stamps glass pottery artwork gold silver rugs jewelry bicycles, ect. On and off ebay. I am not a specialist on cards but I'm not a fool. I don't have the passion like some of you have. But I can understand it by the prices I'm getting from ungraded cards. I did my homework before I sold one card. Graded or ungraded. I chose ungraded. I think I represent myself well.I understand what you are saying about grading and auction. I made the choice for me and my situation. No regrets. And I still have the blank back Paige.TIt will be graded.The reason that I have an eBay business is for item like these. I cam compete with anyone. And I don't really trust auction houses. I've had many bad experiences with them. I'm not sitting hete in ignorant bliss. Far from it.
Even though a few of your statements will be misunderstood by some of the forum members as a possible "story", I personally believe you and my bidding has proven that. I will take back the ignorance is bliss comment and just try to level with you since you do agree your normal market is not in cards.

Simply put, if you think it is a better choice to grade the Paige to maximize value, you have already given yourself advice for the majority of the cards. Especially if you have more of the same to follow. I cannot be more straight forward. GL

Last edited by murphy8276; 04-03-2018 at 08:50 PM.
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