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Old 08-14-2016, 03:51 PM
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rob.ert int.rieri
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Originally Posted by steve B View Post
Yes, I think there's room for another grading service.

Just not one that operates the same way as any of the big three currently operate.

I have a feeling that if the right sort of grading company starts up, and has the right funding and the right setup it's possible none of the current top 3 will be operating unless they change in some major ways.

I've seen a couple things recently that have convinced me that all of the current group really aren't doing much of a good job.

Slower, more reliable, and yes, that implies more expensive.

Steve B

I don't know if I agree that another grading company could be successful much less supplant PSA and even SGC. I would think that a high percentage of high dollar/high grade cards have already been graded by either psa or sgc. If I had a large quantity of say t206 graded 6 or higher what would be my motivation to have them regraded by another company regardless of their reputation? That regrade might result in lower grades and therefore lesser value. Now might a new company emerge that can garner a portion of newer card submissions, sure, there are a plethora of post 1976 card issues that haven't yet been encased but I think they would have a tough time grabbing any market share in the pre-1977 category. If PSA or SGC went bankrupt that would be another story.
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