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Old 07-18-2018, 10:15 AM
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Runscott Runscott is offline
Belltown Vintage
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Leon, that's a good method. When someone posts a photo and mentions a big name player, the first thing I do is look for someone in the photo who resembles that person - before looking at who the owner thinks is the person. In the case of the last pic he posted I didn't even pick the correct Jackson candidate.

Lots of nice photos.

Originally Posted by Leon View Post
To me, who isn't a photo expert but looks at a ton of them, almost all of these men aren't even remotely close to who they are supposed to be resembling. My main test is simply by looking at the 2 people in question. The quicker my brain says, nope, the more likely it isn't whom it is thought it could be. On these none of them really needed a second glance....

btw, the Ty Cobb possibility is a bit comical. I mean it could be Ty's second cousin but its not close to being Ty. Almost no resemblance whatsoever to me. Maybe I am being to critical of the pics but just pointing out what I see in them.
$co++ Forre$+
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