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Old 11-20-2015, 10:41 AM
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Ben Fisher
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 136

Originally Posted by steve B View Post
Last I checked Beckett already has a forum, one that's about as content light as the magazine. And all the advertising stuff others have mentioned is already being done on their website, aside from offering "us" a special deal.

CU has a forum, and emails and whatever else. I signed up for the card emails and get the coin ones. although I do sort of like the coin articles. Their boards aren't all that great, some content, but mostly "OMG WHY OH WHY ISN'T THIS CREASED CARD AT LEAST A 7?!?!?!" and stuff like that. (yes, an exaggeration, but not by much)

SGC has a board. It's not bad, but doesn't see much traffic.

Did GAI have one? Or is it coming Monday?

Having a message board that's relatively on-target, civil, and which has content and enough active members is vary hard. I'm on probably 4 of them and lurk on another. Two of those have really lost a bunch of traffic the last couple years. One because the guy running it sort of moved on to something else. The other because most of the experienced people who knew a LOT moved elsewhere mostly because the new guy wouldn't listen to the advice they asked for.

I don't think any of them actually make any profit. The one I lurk on might help the business of the guy who runs it, maybe.

Steve Birmingham
Hi Steve,

I'm guessing this will be deleted, but many former net54'ers from the early days re congregated on the Full Count forum years ago:

Traffic has petered out over the years but maybe it's time for a renaissance?

Last edited by fisherboy7; 11-20-2015 at 10:42 AM.