Thread: Post national
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Old 08-01-2017, 08:58 AM
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rainier2004 rainier2004 is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Spartan Country, MI
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There is some massive stereotyping in this thread, if every card was priced higher than what others thinks its worth then there would be no sales and I saw tons of cash going back and forth.

Quality sells and the National creates a perfect venue for that when you can see the quality in your hand. I saw Chris's table, didn't buy a thing from him but I'm willing to bet the only things priced high were those items that deserved to be. Just b/c you didn't buy anything doesn't make "everything" overpriced...he just didn't have any PCs I wanted.

Yes there was tons of overpriced cards there, but there were also quality buys as well. Everyone needs to ease up on this, people can sell their stuff for whatever they want and you don't have to buy it. Capitalism will take care of a lot of things.
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