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Old 03-15-2008, 10:16 AM
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Default Dealing with board members on the B/S/T

Posted By: leon

Each situation is different. Board members should generally follow through with deals on the BST. If someone backs out of a deal it should be the exception rather than the rule. If anything goes on where someone is actually defrauded then I want to know about it. The other moderators, or myself, can't force anyone to do anything but we can ban folks for big issues (very rare). I always put on my manager cap in these situations. If it's a one time issue and no one is out anything....then no big deal. Sometimes when these things are made known, and the person is outed, then others come forward and the problem is found to be greater than an isolated instance. IF someone says they are sending money and there is no follow up to say they would prefer to not do the deal...then that is wrong and that is unethical in my opinion. They should communcate their reversed decision. As passionate collectors I can see someone saying they will do something and then have sellers remorse and not want to do it. I have done that before as I am a collector more than anything and have changed my mind before. I always try to communicate quickly and effectively though. regards

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