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Old 06-27-2018, 02:12 PM
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sterlingfox sterlingfox is offline
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I don't have his physical address, but I do have his (maxcollector69) full name and email address.

I'd happily provide this to anyone who is interested.

Originally Posted by BobC View Post
You never know, happen to have a friend that is an attorney who would be willing to write a letter to the original seller? You've got this seller's address, send it certified and see what comes of it. He may still ignore you and you probably won't do anything going forward but, for a small expense for postage and a favor from an attorney you know, you can maybe get the satisfaction of giving him a few sleepless nights, or even the comforting thought that some of that money he screwed you out of went to an attorney he had to go see to check out the letter you sent him. You never know! Good luck, and I do feel for you that got screwed. Shouldn't have happened.

And if you don't have an attorney friend you can ask, there's enough attorneys on Net54. Maybe one of them would be willing to do this if for no other reason than to maybe give this guy enough of a scare so he never pulls that kind of stunt again on anyone else.

Last edited by sterlingfox; 06-27-2018 at 02:19 PM.
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