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Old 10-20-2008, 09:46 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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Default Retire (stop collecting) or Work ( continue collecting) Dilemma

Posted By: Marty

I am 57 this year. I had worked for my last company from 1990 to July of this year. I was given a new position two years ago and I did not like what I was doing. I had been building up my card business for a while and made plans to quit. I had a financial planner look at my retirement. Living modestly and having some income from cards for the next 8 years, I have more than a 99% chance of never running out of money. My wife retired 2 years ago with medical benifits and I was able to get on her plan. She takes care of my grand son, so I see him every day.
I would not have retired to do nothing. My typical day when I first stopped going to work was get up and see my grandson, go into my office to work on my inventory and web site, play with my grandson some and have lunch with him, go back into the office, go yo the gym, eat dinner, watch some TV, go back into the office and stop about 11PM.
My sales are up because I am working more at it, but my timing with the stock market was unforseen. I have not felt like I should have stayed with than company yet. If I need a steady income, I will find somewhere else to work.

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