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Old 09-30-2005, 12:20 AM
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Default Best way to Scan

Posted By: Julie Vognar

About 4 months old, and I'm used to it. Likes stuff in a corner (and upside-down OF COURSE!). You can choose the amount of contrast, size, resolution, color--but once you've scanned something--it hates to be changed! Even moved to a different folder or category--starts getting all liney and stuff. You really have to start again from scratch if you want a changed scan...

It scans equally well naked things, things in Mylar or holdered things. I taped the inside of a black notebook cover to the inside of the top to give everything a black background.

On the whole, I recommend it highly--between 100 and 150 dollars.

Of course, every new scanner is the scanner from hell till you get used to it....

If I had one complaint, it would be that it tends to hide some faults--creases, wrinkles. But does not hide specks, blobs, something that got on the scanning surface by mistake, etc.

This T3 Speaker, for instance-well, you can see it's off center (very rare in T3s), and the color is faithful to the glorious color of the card. But the card has 3-4 fairly heavy creases in it--one runs down from the top through the shoulder behind his head! Others also invade the picture. I should try making a great big scan, and see if they're visable then--also might show the great, idiosyncratic surface of a T3...

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