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Old 03-05-2017, 06:39 AM
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Originally Posted by KendallCat View Post
Reading through the thread again and disappointed at some of the attitudes expressed within. First and foremost this is a hobby for fun, and some are fortunate to have made a few $$ from it. The conversation was which card wiukr you rather have a green Cobb or a Mantle rookie which then turned into a "Mantle is overrated" and "where were his RBI's" diatribe along with "when the boomers die they will come crashing down in price."

If that happens the rest of the card market will fall with it - high tide raises all boats and low tide lowers them. Not to mention the standard being applied already shows the Mantle is a better card in this comparison. You are having a PSA 6 Cobb compete with a PSA 3 Mantle to make the argument - if you have to use a grade that is half of the Cobb to make it an even comparison what does that tell you right there.

At the end of the day Cobb, Ruth, Mantle... are all great players and have great cards. Don't know what turning this into an episode of the View is going to accomplish outside of making the thread rival a PWCC part 3 thread in terms of hits and pages in length.
If 10 years ago, if the question was asked about the Sporting News Ruth or Gehrig Exhibit, the same argument would have applied. Mantle is worth more in the same grade. However, those cards have been better investments.

We have seen several top post war cards take big drops in price. Has that killed the market? The Mantle market is being driven by investors. What happens when they sell? There is a bubble in that market. 52 Mantles in the lower grades have also dropped recently. They will be the ones hurt most if the bubble bursts. The 52 Mantle will always be the most valuable post war card, but that doesn't mean there aren't better cards to invest in.
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