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Old 12-13-2023, 07:04 AM
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James M.
Join Date: Jul 2019
Location: New York
Posts: 1,544

I've always liked collecting, regardless of what it was. I'm a bit on the younger end of regular posters on the forum but I can break down what I collected. Baseball and Pokemon cards were the two primary focus from a very young age. The latter was whatever was shiny, the former were cards my father handed down to me, or the occasional pack of cards that I was given.

A lot of stories of collecting were exchanged as well. My Father told me many times, about the cards he collected, and how he always looked forward to putting the cards of star players, on his bicycle. The amount of Mantle's he went through was a staggering amount, as he loved the Mick. Something that was eventually passed down to me.

I really appreciated any and all cards, even the novelty "vintage" ones. I remember receiving a set of 1933 Goudey Reprint Cards one year for Christmas because I was always interested in the "Big Three" of Ruth, Foxx and Gehrig. 9 year old me, didn't care that they were reprints, I just thought they were cool. I was collecting for enjoyment.

I still think I collect for enjoyment, I just understand the financial ramifications nowadays. I still appreciate the random commons of vintage players, such my 1952 Topps Johnny Mize, Just as I appreciate my t206 Eddie Collins. I have noticed the more I learn about players from our past through various forms of media, the more I want to own some of their cards.

I'm not sure if many on this forum are familiar with the game Out of the Park Baseball, but the premise is you can pick a team from any point in history and play out a sort of fictional retelling of baseball. During the many hours I sunk into the game, I found myself growing attached to a pitcher, Tex Carlton. In real life, Carlton was serviceable and had some solid seasons for the Cardinals in the 1930's. In the game, however? Carlton was a world beater! He won 350+ games for the New York Yankees, in this fictional historic universe. It made me want to own a card of him! Which I purchased.

I'm rambling a bit at this point but I think this much is clear, I'm still collecting for the enjoyment. Reprints, and random vintage commons and all!
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