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Old 08-13-2015, 04:06 PM
ls7plus ls7plus is offline
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Originally Posted by obcbobd View Post
He'd won two straight MVPs in Pittsburgh and led the league in OPS three straight years and was considered perhaps the best defensive LF ever. He was quite a bit more than OK.

Also, I thought the allegations are that he used steroids after the 1998 season.
My information is that he began using after 1998 also. He was the only hitter I ever saw who made major league pitching look like slow-pitch softball--one broadcaster recently commented that he could never remember Barry even swinging and missing at a pitch! Too bad he was such an incredible jerk, though--he was the very last guy who could even hope to get away with using. I still don't know how to mentally compartmentalize these guys: Bonds, McGwire, Sosa, etc.--they were the very best of their era, with tons of guys doing the same thing--do you put them in the HOF???

What I'd like to see done will never happen: polygraph testing re whether or not they used PED's, which would be a prerequisite for getting on the HOF ballot. PED use would neither disqualify them from the ballot or admission, but if voted in, they would go in with the appropriate asterisk/notation on their plaques.

Just my two cents,


Last edited by ls7plus; 08-13-2015 at 04:07 PM.
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