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Old 09-23-2004, 01:42 AM
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Default So What’s Your Story?

Posted By: Joe P.

Hey Gilbert Maines -- NYC 1952
I started picking up 1941 Playballs when I was ten in 1941.
Bought them at a candy store near my school PS 86 at 96th St. and Lex. Ave
Flipped them with the other kids until we wiped each other out.
Never worried about ruining them on bike spokes, our parents were still
dealing with the depression, and none of us owned bikes.
I also remember the got'em and need'em trades.
In 1952, I was with the Marines in Korea and my mind was on flipping my
way out of there.
Where did you play your stoop ball and stickball?

Hey Matt Goebel -- Like Gilbert Maines and the others on this thread, your
story is also extremely interesting.
What grabbed me most of all, was your interest in the Negro Leagues, and
the Cuban League, a League that did not draw a line.
My interest for the Cuban League is due to my father, a Cuban that during
the '20's and '30's worked at a place called "Simone's" located on Lenox Ave
between 115th and 116th St.
Cuban athletes, both ballplayers and boxers would congregate there.
I have a beautiful cabinet personalized to my father by Kid Chocolate, the
former boxing champ.
Legend has it, and I can't call my mother and father liars.
Each of them have given me their version of the truth of the event.
As I understand it, I must have been about one and one half, or two years old.
Adolfo Luque and some other ballplayers were present at Simone's and I was presented to him.
Like any ballplayer worth his salt, he picked me up.
He picked me up by holding me under each armpit so that I could face him.

According to my father, he raised me just a little bit higher, and being that
he was a pitcher, he tossed me up and caught me.

My assumptive side of the story is that it was probably the first whoopie thrill
of my life.

Everyone there, as I understand it, had a pretty good belly laugh.
Everyone that is, except my Puerto Rican mother.
Even in her later years she was still PO'd at my father and his friends.
I on the other hand, don't remember a damn thing, I guess they didn't leave
much of an impression.
Why didn't they have digitals in 1932-33?
May they all RIP.

Hey Pcelli60,
Where in Queens was that Drug store located?

Hey James Feagin,
Are you still located in Frederick MD?
I take in a few of the Potomac Cannons games when they play the Key's.

After living a little life, I restarted collecting from scratch back in 1982, but
that's another story.

Right now I gotta find my meds.
I feel a T207 attack comin on.

Joe P.

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