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Old 08-17-2016, 03:25 PM
ls7plus ls7plus is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Southfield, Michigan
Posts: 1,765

Just acquired a PSA poor to fair 1917 Boston Store Sam Crawford, with wear, creasing and staining--does that qualify? On a more serious note, we had a wonderful American Staffordshire Terrier, Coffee, which we had to put to sleep six years ago, just a couple months shy of her 15th birthday (not bad longevity for an eighty pound dog!). She was the most wonderful dog--when my wife was working late night after night just after she had ascended to the presidency/CEO-ship of her company, Coffee would hear her car arrive and park in the driveway, and immediately erupt into sheer joy--"Mom's home;" Mom's home!" She had a propensity for getting into the garbage even thought she knew that was a no-no, and we used to punish her by putting her into the big doggy cage in the basement for an hour. After awhile, she would get into the garbage anyway when we were away, and as soon as we came home, she would sheepishly go downstairs on her own and put herself into the cage! What a conscience! Truly a riot!
The day she died was my 40th high school reunion, and although I had tickets, I just could not go--would have broken down into tears at any moment. Just sat on the porch sipping a black russian. They are truly family--thanks to all that have shared photos!

We now have 4 rescue cats (cats are easier) varying in age from 2 to 9, which we love dearly and they offer the same love and affection in return. One feral cat I brought home just over two years ago when he was only about 8 weeks old will go down into the family room while I am watching baseball on the big, high def screen and crawl up onto my chest or stomach, put his paws up on my upper chest in a pumping motion of affection, and lick my neck and chin. He is my baseball buddy, my little boy, but the others are similarly affectionate, giving back love for love received.

The wife is prone to saying, "We have too many cats," to which I will reply, "Yes, dear, we are truly blessed with cats." They ARE truly family!

Best to all the animal lovers out there--you are truly the best of people,


Last edited by ls7plus; 08-17-2016 at 03:30 PM.
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