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Old 01-31-2015, 07:51 AM
arc2q arc2q is offline
And.rew C0rs0
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Alexandria, Virginia
Posts: 324

I really appreciate this discussion. A lot of great comments which is rare when discussing this topic that most treat as sophomoric. It is a complex topic but because Lynch does not explain his position the public dismisses the legitimacy of it. He has a serious personal offense to how he was treated by members of the media at some point (we presume). If this is how he feels he should and is standing up for what he believes. We are often so quick to criticize people for not conforming because it makes us uncomfortable or defies our norms. If this is how he feels he is right to stand up for himself. Would it be easier if he could - just once - fully articulate why he doesn't want speak? Sure, but that is not what he chooses to do. He doesn't owe us or the media anything. This notion that it is "in his contract" might be true but he is saying he does not agree with that and is standing up for himself because he can. I respect that.

The NFL is a cruel league in many ways. Most of these players (Lynch aside) will never become rich regardless of public perception. They are subject to a merciless system that can put them out of work on a moments notice with no recourse. The idea that they are even obligated by the language of their contracts is even fallacious as the team's frequently renege on contracts and cut the players with no compensation. Many players train year after year and attend months of training camps and barely get paid when they don't make a roster. Not that I have a lot of sympathy; they're playing a game after all. But I fail to understand the sacrosanct nature of the media clause of their contracts.

Last edited by arc2q; 01-31-2015 at 07:55 AM.
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